Aug 2, 2024

😎🥳😵 ('Trans' Demi Moore's Movie "The Substance") Today's Crazy Vid, Quotes & Memes ~ Aug 2, 2024 ~ |

SoTW - Two covers, two culture shifts - tiktok discover demi-moore-trans


SoTW - ICONS2021/178860
SoTW - Official_MrPool/775

😎🥳🤪 (Fredags-Fjollerier) Det desillusioneret wacko-wokeisme: Fra formand til forkvinde til forperson til kønsneutrale trafiklys til trans-portable toiletter til samkønnet ægteskab til 72 køn(t) er det ikke ~ 2. August 2024 ~ |

Hellere en kvinde med en 'revne' end en åben 'gylp' og babyolie i lommen - som man siger. Bryd tabuet og tavsheden - søster...

... Vi tror, vi er så frigjorte, læg først din egen farveblindhed væk, før du dømmer. Har dog aldrig selv helt forstået, Drags, Fags og Transpersoner ... 

Udgivet den 2. august 2024 af Verdensalt

I dag må man ikke længere sige Neger-boller, Eskimo-is selvom vi higer efter og skraldgriner når Ørkenens Sønner Slikmutter går på lærred med sin store kunstige (jader). I min High School tid i USA kaldte vi hinanden alle mulige mærkelig ting (for sjovt). Faktisk var min bedste venner sorte fra min amerikanske Football Team og 400-meterløb - det var ikke småting, de kaldte sig selv for (og om hinanden). 

Kønsskifte er noget, man gør i Thailand (og Lolland) som en 'normalitet' og Illuminati-ordenens Hollyweird. Vidste du, at Malou Reymann oplevede selv som 11-årig sin egen far forvandle sig til kvinden Helene? Nej du, savner de gode gamle dage, hvor en spade kaldes for en spade og en født drengebarn, ikke blev til en transkønnet kvinde eller "intetkøn" grundet kønsmisforståelse eller kønsinkongruens (transkønnethed). Hvor en fri fugl var fri, og hvor man mente, hva' man sagde.    

For min skyld må de gøre præcist hvad de vil. Det 'perfekte' er nu det nye 'normale' selvom DDR’s transkøn-indoktrinering af børn og unge gennem de senere år er et forrykt Askepot-eventyr — Her er det Askepot, der skal hugge en hæl og klippe en tå. Hvis hun får amputeret sunde og raske organer, bliver hun nemlig sit “sande selv”.

Den heteroseksuelle majoritet har skabt en idé om, at bøsser er accepterede i Danmark, og at vi bare skal være glade for ikke at leve i homofjendtlige lande som Rusland. Faktisk kan jeg sagens gennemskue Ruslands "rene linje" og måde at betragte den vestlige verden på -'Pædofili er nu 'ny norm' i Vesten,' siger Putin. 

Én af min bedste venner er bøsse, men vil ikke lægge skjul på, at jeg er modvillig for nye bekendtskaber, grundet flere homoseksuelle personer i mit liv, som alle, har forsøgt at trække bukserne af mig (bogstaveligt talt). Det er ikke et traume, men når man er ung (også ældre) og blevet "røvrendt" af medmennesker, som man 'blindt' stoler på og åbner sit 'hjerte' over for, gør det ondt... |

SoTW FAA - - fysisk avis delt af min mor (link umuligt at finde online)

SoTW - skør oversættelse - i min optik er dette billede = Spirit-Cooking

SoTW - Janni Ree i Det Vi Taler Om
SoTW -
SoTW - Avis frikendt for at kalde 9/11-skeptiker Niels Harrit ’tosse’

🎪🗼🤮 (Freaky Friday Freakshow) Poop Olympic Vomiting, Rain, Storm and Lightning and Transgender Olympic Boxing Outrage (Day 4 of Olympic Games) ~ Aug 2, 2024 ~ |



😴💭💤 (Precognitive Dreams?) Last night woke up with a prophetic dream about advising president Trump - or was it the other way round? I'd dreamed of myself going to see my future self - reflect discussions, wishes, or fears about what is expected to happen ~ Aug 2, 2024 ~ |

Published on 2. August 2024 by Verdensalt

😴 Woke up early this morning after a longer talk to Trump in person. He mentioned me by full name - endorsing me in one of his speeches. Not the first time. Sometime dreaming about having longer talks with Trump, sometimes with Putin, we're always laughing, last night, about the future - we don't know what lies ahead.

😞 Once again - SoTW - stand alone (a loser). I've felt that before and yesterday, after a family gathering, where my nieces and nephew ignored me. Or when I sometimes chat with my truther-friends - many times I stand alone. Same goes for my standpoint of view in regards to Obama and Trump. Denmark is full of Trump and Putin haters - they do not understand the overall picture - it's like the Israeli kids have learned to hate Palestinians. Danish people have learned to hate "outsiders or strangers" - people wearing the 'wrong' colours for your skin tone.

❓ Matthew Ward seems to endorse the now deceased Barack Obama (played by a AI Clone). Was he really Earth's "saviour"?

🤭 But yes, Trump may be laughable, but he's also do not (seem) taking orders from The Deep State, and negative military might, as other presidents has in the past. 

👉 Trump may be laughable, supporting bitcoins (no matter what Dave from X22 says is soon goldbacked). Supporting Israel (the zionists scum of the earth) and Trump questions Harris' race in NABJ interview (she is from india - not a black woman). Trump also questions the US that has reached a plea deal with alleged 9/11 mastermind Khalid Sheikh Mohammedbacl (9/11 was an inside job)

💕( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)📖 (Matthew’s Message via Suzy Ward) 'Ending that darkness on Earth requires God’s emissaries—White Hats, if you will, along with extraterrestrial special forces and intense light beamed from worlds afar—to eliminate the atrocious global empire.' ~ Aug 2, 2024 ~ |

Channeled by Suzy Ward
© 2024 matthewbooks

Editor's NoteThis is about channeled information on reincarnation, karma, extraterrestrials, spirituality & metaphysics from Matthew Ward through his mother Suzanne. It's so exciting how Matthew's messages resonates with me and many others. Catch the moment of truth and level of explanation easing to expand our understanding in our low density or world of 3D matrix of illusion. Similar to our Galactic channeled Sheldan Nidle messages and deceased Montague Keen (both Sheldan and Montague has stopped given us updates)


 Acceleration speeding up; 12 DNA strands: incremental activation of dormant strands, individual basis, profound changes and capabilities; telepathic communication: how it works, possible beginnings, guidance; Barack Obama; Donald Trump

Suzy Ward - Channeling Matthew Ward - August 1, 2024

With loving greetings from all souls at this station, this is Matthew. Even the acceleration mode is speeding up and that is increasing the sense of confusion and chaos, so let us begin on a note of absolute stability: In the continuum Earth’s people are joyful, healthy and prospering in a peaceful world, and in this moment of linear time, the light forces are overpowering pockets of darkness.

The power of love is spreading throughout your world, dear ones, and all you need to do is BE—be grateful, confident, optimistic and fearless! And, do please remember to breathe rhythmically.

“What will we be able to do when all 12 of our DNA strands are functioning? Do you know when that will happen?” It won’t be that the entire population suddenly has phenomenal new abilities because everyone’s 12 DNA strands are functioning.

Reactivation of the ten dormant strands will come in stages to individuals when two conditions are present: crystalline cellular structure, which contains cosmic knowledge, and absolute knowingness that all souls have the innate capacity to perform what now are considered miracles or magic. If, for example, you unquestioningly believe you can walk through a brick wall because you know it is energy vibrating at a specific frequency and you can adjust your frequency to the wall’s, you can indeed saunter or dash or leap through it. With less than absolute knowingness and trust, the perception of “solid” will let you smack headlong into the wall.