Feb 22, 2023
🙏 ~ 💝 (Bob Lazar: Area 51 & Flying Saucers - FULL DOCUMENTARY) Todays Inspirational Spiritual Quotes & Videos ~ Feb 22, 2023 (SoTW; Now, that's funny honey -- a member of Biden’s team fell down the stairs of Air Force One after the plane’s arrival in Warsaw, Poland. Now Biden falls up the stairs of Air Force One departing, again) ~ |
🔗💥💘 ('There is a Chinese saying “The best way to avoid evil is to make energetic progress in the good”.') Nicky Hamid: Breaking the Habits of Duality Focused Living (GAOG) ~ Feb 22, 2023 ~ |
It is just like you, as you knew yourself, and the old world of duality has “lost its grip”. Everyone is trying to cling on to what was “known” but there is no energy to support the old ways any longer.
Life as we knew it is ‘Falling apart”. Nothing works, everything that was, appears flimsy, unsubstantial, empty and ‘gutless’.
So in fact it is all changing and you are being required to take conscious charge of yourself and your life. To make a total commitment to live at another frequency of Being (the “5th dimension and higher , if you will) in order to cocreate with Nova Earth an entirely new way of living and being HUman.
You are here so you obvious chose, at a Soul level, to make the consciousness shift. And you have a choice. To do it the easy way or the hard way.
Any resistance causes you “suffering”. Letting go, waking up, watching and allowing brings peace and joy and magic.
And what do you have to do?
📰🍿❌ (Daddy's not angry just disappointed) DC: Restored Republic via a GCR ~ Feb 22, 2023 ~ |
Editor's Note: Supreme Court denies the Brunson Petition, again and where the heck is Trump and the so-called White/Gray Hats and Galactic Light Forces a.k.a. Off-worlders? How many ppl of our beloved earthlings have to die in wars, being vaxxed, disasters and treason?😟... Sometimes I wonder why I'm here! Sick and tired of this cat-and-mouse game of a "shitshow" by "the powers that be". Anywho, today is a very powerful day because of the 222 of huge energy portal activation. We could easily shift onto a timeline with a balanced relationship, and more peace, harmony and balance within your life, if we wish for it. Or, we could also battle with our unbalanced relationship, conflict, dissonance, fear and insecurity. I still have high (hopes) wishes for HUmanity but it's taken to long for Planetary Liberation. Trump and all the truthers says April, April April. We just have wait and see... |
Restored Republic via a GCR Report as of February 22, 2023
Compiled Wed. 22 Feb. 2023 12:01am EST by Judy Byington, MSW, LCSW, Therapist ret, Journalist, Author: “Twenty Two Faces: inside the extraordinary life of Jenny Hill and her twenty-two multiple personalities”
Ohio May Be Evacuated
Supreme Court Denies the Brunson Petition, Again
The Brunson Petition asserted Biden, Harris, Pence and 154 members of Congress broke their Oath of Office to uphold the Constitution and committed Acts of Treason by not investigating hundreds of allegations of foreign interference and voter fraud in the 2020 Election.
The Petition also asserted that if the Supreme Court Judges were alerted to Acts of Treason, as they were by filing of the Petition, and if they didn’t do anything about it, then those Supreme Court members, too, could be considered part of that Treason and would be subject to penalty. www.CedarHillsCitizens.org
The Brunson Petition is the ultimate setup to take down Congress, the Biden Administration and the Supreme Court itself.
👁️⃤𓂀🍆🤏(Alt har en pris... Det findes altid en ydre og indre fjende) Hvor langt tid skal vi finde os i frimurer-systemet som satans-lille-hjælper og narcissisterne og psykopaterne, som nøje udvælger bevidst deres offer ud fra deres medfølende og empatiske personlighed, med deres flyvende skyggeaber som hjernevasker vores børn og unge? Eller svage og psykisk sårbare, a.k.a. Stockholmsyndromet's Fields-skyderi, i generationer? ~ 22. Feb 2023 ~ |
#RememberTheirNames - SymbolismWillBeTheirDownfall...
Editor's Note: Er du din egen værste fjende eller bedste ven? Lever du i frygt og eget ego-spin? Stop med at være din egen værste fjende og sabotere dine drømme! Vi er alle hvad vi har lært, skal vi unlearne, og det kræver måske, at 'smarten up, og evt. træde ud af partnerskaber, arbejdspladser, foreninger eller organisationer, som er Service-til-Selv og ikke Service-til-Andre. Børn eller voksne, er hvad de har lært, set og hørt, med øjerne og ørerne samt de spirituelle 7 sanser. Hvad nu hvis alting IKKE er så sort og hvidt, men der findes gråtoner, dem finder du ikke hos de 5 autoriteter; forældre, lægen, skolelæreren, præsten og samfundets politikere og Deres dikterede levevilkår (deres håndlangere - medierne, den fjerde statsmagt) Hvorfor? Fordi, du ER hvad du har LÆRT! Er alt løgn og latin alle budskaber og kampagner fra Sandhedsbevægelsen? Nej, der er altid en snært af sandhed, men manipuleret, med. Man kan jo tvinge hesten til truget, men man kan ikke tvinge den til at drikke. Vågn så op, derude. Det er ikke kun min kamp, men hele menneskehedens kamp, at være oplyst og at leve resten af ens liv autentisk og modigt. Stop med at tilbyde satan din sjælefred - solgt til stanglakrids (Check billeder og memes efter READ MORE)... |
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Udlandet er også begejstrede: Dejligt nyt fra Carmen Curlers | BILLED-BLADET (billedbladet.dk) All seeing eye signs (people) (whale.to) |
Sofie Linde igen misbrugt på falske reklamer: - Jeg er ved at blive sindssyg | SE og HØR (seoghoer.dk) |
Geggo kommer med stor nyhed: Ny karriere (msn.com) |
⚔️🦹🔮 (War Time: WWIII Scare Event Incoming!?!) BEYOND RAVENS - QUICK DRAW TUESDAY ~ Feb 22, 2023 (SoTW; Was 'Phil Godlewski 2.0' giving key note or takeaways from Trumps speech, he didn't say? (My Fellow Americans ... ) and 'the Announcement that wasn't'?) ~ |
The Announcement that wasn't - February 15th, 2023 (rumble.com)