Feb 24, 2018

Disclosure News Italy | Aggiornato il 24 February, 2018 | ~ QAnon Update ~ | Blogger: Check out #BrowardCountySheriff and Hillary ... Please remember, that it was FOUR 👮👮👮👮 of the (broward co.) sheriff's deputy officers at the school shooting in Florida, who never went in ... [Do you believe in coincidences? Q] ... |

QAnon Update February 24 By Interstellar. Source 8Chan. Updated 07:40 UTC

Feb 23 2018 16:52:00 Anonymous ID: 47ea38 472314

Feb 23 2018 17:03:47 Q !UW.yye1fxo ID: 2055aa 472426

You have more than you know.
This is why we are here.
Great job, Patriot.
Watch the speech.
We are talking to you.
Proofs only meant for you.

Feb 23 2018 23:39:25 Q !UW.yye1fxo ID: abc8a6 475441

#BrowardCountySheriff and Hillary

Do you believe in coincidences?

Feb 24 2018 00:29:00 Q !UW.yye1fxo ID: abc8a6 475991

WHY school shootings?
What is more precious than our children?
Emotional pull.
Distraction event.
Gun grab event.
D security.
WHY would locals go along w/ such a sick organized event?
[THEY must control local police / school / county officials / etc to work].
Federal aid + donations.
These people are SICK.
http:// www.courant.com/news/connecticut/hc-sandy-hook-shooting-two-years-later-20141214-story.html
Follow the money.
It’s always about the money.

READ MORE: https://www.disclosurenews.it/en/qanon-update-february-24/

The Common Sense Show | Feb 24, 2018 | Merkel Has Done More Damage to Germany Than Hitler-Her Days Are Numbered! | .. Merkel’s Immigration Policies Scare the People of the United States. Angela Merkel has made a mockery of orderly immigration into Germany. Germany has one of the highest crime rates, post-Merkel immigration, in the modern world. No, it is not that immigration is undesirable, immigration becomes problematic when it is disorderly, chaotic and there is a failure to screen immigrants for criminal and/or terrorist backgrounds .. | Blogger: Of course you need to use your own spiritual gift of discernment ... |

She’s done more damage to Germany than Hitler. Her globalist policies have created a massive transfer of wealth from the German middle class to the immgrant socil programs  that are overruning Germany. Finally, the German people are saying “Enough is Enough”. The Germans are protesting and beginning to deman a change in leadership.
READ MORE: http://www.thecommonsenseshow.com/merkel-has-done-more-damage-to-germany-than-hitler-germans-demanding-changes/

RT - Russia Today | Feb 24, 2018 | 'Moment of humility’: 21 Red Cross workers sacked or resigned over paying for sex | Blogger: PS: Gud vide hvordan det går med Guzzi-Helle's sex og menneskehandel (Moderne slaveri, sexhandel og udnyttelse)? Helle Thorning-Schmidt er blevet Politianmeldt af Advokat Klaus Ewald. Har tidligere toppolitikere stadig 'diplomatisk immunitet', når de stopper i deres virke? Hun må da for søren vide, at sex-trafficking er et globalt problem, særligt i Europa på grund af de åbne grænser. Og at NGO'erne, er et perfekt skalkeskjul ... ".. comment from one of Benjamin Fulford reports, David Wilcock mentioned: ("Roth Schild = Red Shield = Red Cross") = 🤔☝️ .." -- for me that' means 'Modern slavery, trafficking and exploitation = Begging bowl barons = SCHR = SCHR Principals: Helle Thorning-Schmidt, Save the Children International, Mark Goldring, Oxfam GB, Chair of SCHR Rudelmar Bueno de Faria, ACT Alliance Wolfgang Jamann, CARE International Michel Roy, Caritas Internationalis Yves Daccord, International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) Elhadj As Sy, International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies (IFRC) Maria Immonen, Lutheran World Federation (LWF), Kevin Jenkins, World Vision International ... |

A flag flies at the top of the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) headquarters in Geneva, Switzerland. © Fabrice Coffrini / AFP
READ MORE: https://www.rt.com/news/419739-red-cross-pay-sex

Avisen | 24. Feb 2018 | Blogger: "Hvem hører de udsattes råb om hjælp?" | .. Når politikerne på Christiansborg svigter de mest udsatte og syge danskere, sender de håbet om et bedre liv i hænderne på folket.. ""FORTÆLLINGERNE VAR"" barske. Så barske, at voksne mænd og kvinder græd, mens de læste historier op om syge og skadede danskeres kamp mod systemet – en kamp mod ydmygelse, umyndiggørelse og meningsløshed. Oplæserne var kendte kunstnere. Politikere. Fagforenings- formænd. Sociale aktivister. Mennesker, der for en stund gav deres stemme til nogle af dem, der har forsøgt at råbe efter hjælp i mange år, men som aldrig rigtig er blevet hørt. Projektet hed ”24 timer for de reformramte”, og det var en maratonoplæsning af reformramte danskeres oplevelser med det danske beskæftigelses- system .. Det hele blev livestreamet på Facebook og Youtube, som den mest sete streaming i Danmark og flere gange på top fem i Europa. Beretningerne var fyldt med kamp og smerte. Danskere, som flest, der fx havde arbejdet et halvt liv og pludselig var blevet ramt af sygdom eller skade og efter 22 uger var blevet til et nummer i systemet. Landsmænd- og kvinder i deres livs krise, parkeret i endeløse resurseforløb og jobtræninger, som gjorde alt for at blive raske og komme videre. Som ikke ønskede at ligge nogen til last...(..).. |

LÆS VIDERE: https://www.avisen.dk/hvem-hoerer-de-udsattes-raab-om-hjaelp_486988.aspx

ETH \\ CNN | Feb 24, 2018 | InfoWars’ main YouTube channel is two strikes away from being banned | Blogger: Both CNN & The Young Turks - in bed with The Deep State ... |

InfoWars, a far-right media organization run by Alex Jones and known for peddling unfounded conspiracy theories, is on thin ice with YouTube after it posted a video that portrayed the survivors of the Parkland school shooting as actors. The Alex Jones Channel, Infowar’s biggest YouTube account, received one strike for that video, a source with knowledge of the account told CNN. YouTube’s community guidelines say if an account receives three strikes in three months,

the account is terminated. That video focused on David Hogg, a strong voice among survivors of the mass shooting at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School. The attention has given him a powerful platform — but it has also made him the subject of demonstrably false conspiracy theories that claim he is so simply too skilled as public speakers not to be a paid actor. On Wednesday, YouTube removed the video from InfoWars’ page for violating its policies on harassment and bullying. The video was titled, “David Hogg Can’t Remember His Lines In TV Interview.” READ MORE



Parkland Crisis Actor Conspiracy Theory DEBUNKED

The Rumor Mill News Reading Room | Feb 24, 2018 | Stew Webb Almost Killed! Obama, Bush Illegitimate Says Court! VIDEO/AUDIO | Blogger: Stew Webb is a Federal Whistleblower who was assaulted, threaten in multiple ways since the 90'sh by the Bush/Obama/Clinton/Israeli hit squads ... |

Stew Webb Federal Whistleblower-Activist of 29 years has been a guest on over 3,000 Radio and TV Programs since September 18, 1991 and was responsible for the Congressional Investigations and hearings that lead to the Appointment of Independent Prosecutor Arlin Adams for in the 1989 HUD Hearings, the Silverado Savings and Loan Hearings, the Denver International Airport Frauds hearings, the MDC Holdings, Inc. NYSE Illegal Political Campaign Money Laundering Colorado’s biggest case aka Keating 5 hearings to name a few. Stew was held as a Political Prisoner from 1992-1993 to silence his exposure by Leonard Millman his former in law with illegal charges of threatening harassing telephone calls charges were dismissed with prejudice. Leonard Millman, George HW Bush, George W Bush, Jeb Bush, Neil Bush, Bill and Hillary Clinton, Larry Mizel, Phil Winn, Norman Brownstein, John McCain and Mitt Romney to name a few are all partners in what is known as the Bush-Millman-Clinton Organized Crime Syndicate. Leonard Millman is a member of the "Illuminati Council of 13"

Posted by Glenn Canady on February 23, 2018

source: http://www.rumormillnews.com/cgi-bin/forum.cgi?read=94252

Intel Report - Tom Heneghan, Stew Webb (2-23-18) from Truth Warriors on Vimeo. https://vimeo.com/257210906


Stew Webb was tackled by police in his own driveway and arrested on Monday! They roughed him up, hurt his back and neck which have been broken before in intentional assassination attempts via car crashes . They then kept in jail for two days for disorderly conduct. They refused to let him have any of his high blood pressure medication while he was locked up so he could have had a heart attack! Stew thinks killing him was their goal.

Stew was merely taking out his garbage and the cops were waiting for him! He was never arraigned on charges in front of a judge. They searched his house also without a warrant which is highly illegal so Stew is going to be pursuing legal action against the police and the city for violating his rights.

Tom Heneghan also goes over the latest intel out there regarding the wanta funds, fake news and other topics. Tom is concerned US Treasury Steven Mnuchin is trying to pull off a huge robbery in trillions of dollars of Wanta funds right under the nose of President Trump! We will have to see how this all shakes out soon.

Tom got a call from Leo Wanta today with huge news on court findings finding that the Presidencies of G.W. Bush and Barack Obama were Illegitimate! He talks about this and much more in this briefing.


BB | 24. Feb 2018 | Riskær tvunget til at brænde tonsvis af cannabis af i Uruguay: »Hør her: Det er real life. Det er real life« | .. »Man kan ikke bare gå ud og lave seks ton cannabis og sætte sig ned og ryge en joint i vejkanten.« Klaus Riskær Pedersen er i gang med et nyt erhvervseventyr i Uruguay. Cannabisproduktion er svært – også selv om der er masser af sol, vand og billig arbejdskraft som på Klaus Riskær Pedersens 400 hektar store plantage Nube Serena i Uruguay mange tusind kilometer fra Danmark. Her er den 62-årige erhvervsmand i gang med nye projekter efter at have startet virksomheder på samlebånd gennem knap 40 år og afsonet flere fængselsdomme .. | Blogger: (Den danske Stat vil ALDRIG tillade cannabis 🚫 fra Riskærs sydamerikanske eventyr, i Danmark - han er Public Enemy No. 1) .. Klaus Riskær Pedersen er nok en af de mest kendte bedrageridømte danskere i nyere tid. Manden er kendt langt omkring for sin succes som iværksætter, og for at være en dygtig forretningsmand. Samtidig havde han i en årrække også en karriere som politiker for Venstre i Europa- parlamentet. Klaus Riskær Pedersen blev erklæret personligt konkurs, og sammen med selskabernes ledelser blev han tiltalt i 1995 for groft mandatsvig, bedrageri og skyldnersvig i både Danmark og Frankrig. I Københavns Byret blev han i 1998 idømt 2 års betinget fængsel, og i 2000 blev den straf skærpet af Østre Landsret til 2½ års betinget fængsel. Samtidig gav den franske retssag en bøde på 150.000 € og tre års betinget fængsel i 2003. Denne straf blev givet for skyldnersvig på 1,4 milliarder kroner i det franske ejendomsselskab CIF, hvor Riskær havde været hovedaktionær og bestyrelsesformand. Siden kender vi Cybercity-sagen, som han også har siddet spærret inde for... |

 I sin jagt på nye erhvervseventyr har Klaus Riskær Pedersen nu kastet sig over cannabisproduktion i Uruguay. Privatfoto
LÆS VIDERE: https://www.business.dk/medico/riskaer-tvunget-til-at-braende-tonsvis-af-cannabis-af-i-uruguay-hoer-her-det

ZeroHedge | Feb 23, 2018 | "What Just Hit Us?" - Bay Area Rattled By Unusual Quake Swarm, Trains Delayed | .. Following "strained" magma chamber concerns at Yellowstone, Bay Area residents have grown increasingly concerned this week as a swarm of well over 50 earthquakes has struck in recent days .. |

Following "strained" magma chamber concerns at Yellowstone, Bay Area residents have grown increasingly concerned this week as a swarm of well over 50 earthquakes has struck in recent days...

Culminating in at least 32 quakes in the last 24 hours as large as magnitude 3.6 which struck the East Bay town of Danville around 3pmET today.

"It's been nuts. It wakes us up every night. We have a little dog, sleeps on the bed with us, and he freaks out all the time," said Danville resident Christian Sommer.

Bay Area Rapid Transit (BART) trains were impacted by the quakes with trains delayed.

Daily Mail Online | Feb 23, 2018 | TWELVE companies cut ties with the NRA after the Florida massacre: Calls to boycott the gun lobby increase as businesses who gave incentives to members distance themselves | Blogger: YES SIR! ... 🛑✋⏹️🔫 ... I'm not sure why Trump tweets support for NRA - but backs raising gun possession age to 21? and why do Trump support and protect the most evil leader (Benjamin Netanyahu) of the world - Israel? (US plan to open embassy in Jerusalem in May)... |

Exodus: A growing number of US companies are distancing themselves from the National Rifle Association in the wake of the latest school massacre in Florida

READ MORE: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-5427481/Wall-Street-player-gun-investments-seeks-dialogue.html

Verdensalt | Archive | Feb 24, 2018 | ~ The most spiritually touching and inspiring flicks in 2015 close to tapping the universal truth? or just fantasy? ~ | Blogger: “I find your lack of faith disturbing” - "When I left you I was but the learner. Now I am the master." (The Dark Lord - Famous Darth Vader)" ... Sooo ... Where Do We Find The Truth? If you can handle the truth and truly believe in your own spiritual self-mastery!!! Easy Peasy Lemon Squeezy - in movies of course! 🎦 🎥 (too many choices) ... Take 'The X-Files series' (Season 10, Season 11). TRY to really listen to the 2-5 minute opening monologue/introduction of x-files episode 1 in each season from 2016/2018 and you will discover the TRUTH ... Avenger movies (next generation super soldiers & SSP wars) ... 2017 - Valerian and the City of a Thousand Planets (some say the movie and Spiritual Life depicts the REAL universe) ... 2010 - 'Green Zone'. "Green Zone" produced the 'American War' in a way that almost NONE has dared to do in a Hollywood studio ever: Its message was that Iraq's fabulous "weapons of mass destruction "did not exist and that neocons in the (deep state or real state) administration made up the lie and were ready to kill to cover their deception ... 2017 'Geostorm' - Hollywood introduction of 'weaponized weather' and geoengineering, dumbing-down the population ... 2014 - "Interstellar," Co-created with Sananda and One ... 2016 - Independence Day Resurgence, depicts elements of Alien Disclosure ... Iron Sky: The Coming Race (Nazis on the moon) ... Spontaneous sci-fi controllers like Gene Roddenberry (Star Trek), Ray Bradbury (Fahrenheit 451), Kubrick and Arthur C. Clarke ('2001: A Space Odyssey), Robert Wise's 1951 science fiction film classic ('The Day the Earth Stood Still') - still fanfic ... Lastly a important movie called "They Live" - Truth Sunglasses (1988)... |

Published Sept 12, 2015 by Verdensalt

I'm such a romantic soul.....There are so many movies out there that 'kinda' defies Hollywood/Illuminati's trend of most overbaked Clichés - psychological subliminal messages and censorship, to say at least... Romantic movies, though, still have a happy ending story.... however, that's what we really want, right? Besides the romantic storyline, everyone who knows Hawaii (City Of Light - Hana, Hanae, means Heavenly Joy)  understand the significance of spiritual sacred place... like the mystic earth's energy was sacred ... Mount Shasta, CAas well as Sedona, AZ...... like the flick 'Aloha'  

Anyways... from the very beginning of Aloha, Hawaii is painted as a magical, spiritual place. Tracy's son, Mitchell, repeatedly brings up the Hawaiian legend of Lono (characterized in the movie as a playful god) and Pele (a goddess of fire), and how their interplay leads to birth and rebirth. Mitchell believes that Brian may be Lono—a force who'll upend all their lives and put everyone on a new path (for better or worse).

Ng, who constantly brings up the fact that she's one-quarter Hawaiian, talks about the spirits of the land. When a window blows open, disturbing a military party, she credits the action to "Hawaiian leprechauns," who are said to come in with the wind. Driving at night, she and Brian come across the "Night Marchers," thought to be ghosts of ancient warriors. Ng tells Brian to stop and look down, because looking at the spirits (if you're not Hawaiian) means death. She and others talk about the sacredness of the earth, the sky and the bones of ancestors.

While on the island, Brian must facilitate a sacred ceremony, wherein a new graveyard can be consecrated under the eyes of local gods … but of course he himself doesn't believe in these island spirits. "Tell me you don't believe that the sky has the answer to every question," he says to Ng, and insists the Night Marchers were a reenactment of some sort. "I salute your elaborate system of denial, sir," Ng says.... I really love this movie.....link

Next is Interstellar.. My first reaction was VAUW! Should probably watch it a few times to catch the core of the symbolism and the many layers of meaning....My headline is captured from a conclusion on the film by Ben Kendrick from Screenrant. 

Movie by Christopher Nolan's titled 'Inception' evokes deep traces of symbolism, mystery and future aspects of multi-dimensional partial worlds..... 

If I had to put into words 'Interstellar', it would probably be trying to show the world in a post-apocalyptic condition where lack of food forces people from Earth into space, i.e. a state of the earth's impending doom. There is still a focus on the human drama about family the father of Matthew McConaughey figure who must leave her children to save the world, he believes. In return, Nolan here screwed seriously the visual buttons and displays both our planet and the universe around it in a grandiose overwhelming aesthetics. However, it seems that Nolan is out in more classical, epic storytelling than Alfonso Cuaron (Gravity) was with his existentialist space history... read more (danish).......

The Esoteric and Extraterrestrial Meaning of Jupiter Ascending.... 

On the surface, the Wachowskis‘ new sci-fi epic is action-pacted, Jovian fun, however Jupiter Ascending paints a very dark, more Saturnian portrait of the Universe we inhabit. But is there a positive message obscured by all the darkness? Yes, and it relates to The Law of One

The film is enjoying mixed reviews and less than stellar box office receipts. The art direction is stunning. The effects are dizzying. The script is sufficiently Matrix-esque. Yet something truly original is what’s missing from this formula. From Star Trek, Star Wars, Stargate, to The Fifth Element and Dune, we’ve visited this Universe before. Yet continuing in the trend of recent blockbusters coming out of Hollywood, there’s something subtly darker about this piece of adrenaline-fueled, science fiction fluff. 

Mainstream film critics (as well as your average sleeping filmgoer) will eagerly concede that this convoluted, hyperactive, yet thoroughly entertaining space opera presents a timely message about our consumption-based society and the income disparity between the one percent and everyone else – the other 99% – a message that is given vapid lip service by politicians and media alike, yet still goes unaddressed. But is there a deeper message beneath the shiny veneer of this mostly forgettable science-fiction epic? 

This is a film by the Wachowski siblings after all, the pair who brought us such profoundly influential and esoteric films as The Matrix Trilogy and V For Vendetta. The Matrix films are almost universally credited for creating a modern mythology of our awakening (The Matrix Trilogy Decoded). V For Vendetta has been adopted as a cultural emblem of the hacker collective Anonymous and the restless 99%. (related post featuring V For Vendetta

Does Jupiter Ascending offer up any such groundbreaking message? Does the film’s title hold any hidden meaning? .... read more

Thanks for reading on my blog..

Namaste :-)  

Verdensalt | Arkivskabet | 24. Februar 2018 | Danmark overgår snart fra traditionelle analoge (ikke digital) vand- og elmålersystemer til Smart-Grid-intelligent eller Smart-meters - Kan du sige nej tak og er det farligt? |

Udgivet første gang den 12. April 2015 af Verdensalt

Fjernaflæste målere til aflæsning af el blev i 2013 (Bek. nr 1358) gjort pligtig for alle landets husstande.Fjernaflæste målere er velkendte fra udlandet, hvor de er blevet forbundet med store helbredsskader på grund af mikrobølgestråling. Det internationale begreb for fjernaflæste målere er smartmeters. Fjernaflæsning af målere kan foregå via kablede løsninger, men de fleste bruger mikrobølgebaseret kommunikation.Fjernaflæste målere kan bruges til forbrugsafregning af både gas, vand, el og fjernvarme. Visse fjernaflæste målere har også mulighed for - via yderligere mikrobølgekommunikation - at kommunikere med forbrugsapparater i hjemmet.

Den tvungne opsætning af fjernaflæste målere rummer flere problemforhold:

>> Mikrobølgestrålingen er kategoriseret af WHO/IARC som et 2B carcinogen (kræftfremkaldende).
>> Der er registreret mange øvrige helbredsskader som følge af mikrobølgestrålingen.
>> De fjernaflæste målere rummer betydelig og meget vidtgående overvågningskapacitet.

Alle ovenstående sagsforhold findes detaljeret dokumenteret (med omfattende referencemateriale) på de følgende sider. Formålet med disse sider er således at præsentere viden og forskningsresultater inden for området.

Baggrunden for oprettelsen af denne side kan læses i den tilgrundliggende rapport, som kan downloades her:Fjernaflæste elmålere - Virkninger og Konsekvenser
Kilde: http://www.stopsmartmeter.dk/ 

Ifølge Netenergi.dk; I de kommende år omstilles elforbruget og elproduktionen i Danmark markant. Elproduktionen vil i stigende grad komme fra vedvarende energikilder, samtidig vil forbrugerne skifte deres oliefyr ud med elektriske varmepumper og erstatte deres benzinbiler med elbiler. Derfor skal elsystemet udbygges, men hvordan gøres det mest effektivt? Systemet, der er baseret på informations- og kommunikationsteknologi, har til hensigt at gøre produktionen og distributionen af el mere effektiv, pålidelig, økonomisk rentabel og ikke mindst bæredygtig. Udviklingen af smart grid'en skaber en række spændende perspektiver for både energiselskaberne og forbrugerne. En smart grid er et elsystem hvor produktion, transport og forbrug af el kobles intelligent sammen. Systemet, der er baseret på informations- og kommunikationsteknologi, har til hensigt at gøre produktionen og distributionen af el mere effektiv, pålidelig, økonomisk rentabel og ikke mindst bæredygtig. Udviklingen af smart grid'en skaber en række spændende perspektiver for både energiselskaberne og forbrugerne. Sagt på en anden måde, inden udgangen af 2020, skal alle have fjernaflæste målere i Deres bolig iflg. Klima- og energiminister Rasmus Helveg Petersen, Martin Lidegaard (også Lars Chr. Lilleholt ?) 
"Starter med en virkelighedsnær historie et sted ude i provinsen, hvor jeg bor. Uanset hvilken smart-meters vi snakker om, er det samme problematik (kommer tilbage til). 
Omkring August måned 2014, kom der en installatør fra det lokale vandværk og bankede på min dør for at skifte fra den gamle mekaniske måler til trådløse- ultralyds-vedligeholdsfrie-hydrometer. Smart skal det være. Uden at blinke med øjnene, gik han igang med installationen. Mod bedre vidende, eftersom jeg i forvejen havde en verserende sag kørende med vandværket om forkert aflæsning, mente jeg det VAR det bedste valg for os forbrugere, så vi en gang for alle, kunne med millimeters nøjagtighed, få aflæst forbruget. 
Min tvist med vandværket var, jeg havde aflæst tallene forkert ( iflg. vandværket) én gang og dermed stod jeg med et alt for stort forbrug end jeg selv havde forventet (50-70m3). Dertil nægtede vandværket, at tilfredsstille min nysgerrighed og udlevere min gamle mekaniske måler, til forfølgelse og analysere via Teknologisk Institut (fuld lovligt indenfor 3 måneder).
Kommunen fik ind til sidst banket mig på plads, med, at mene, jeg bare skulle se op betale min regning og komme videre med mit liv. Så man kan sige, eneste ting jeg kan sige omkring udskiftning af mekaniske til trådløse, er så kan man også få bevis for, at det jeg aflæser og vandværket dataindsamler fra centralt hold er ens. (måske) Tilliden mellem borger og myndighed er i hvert fald anderledes stillet når vi snakker omkring smart-meters"!?
Radio24syv.dk og aflyttet, Aflyttet uge 15, 2015: "Smart Elmåler, der spionerer? Vi fortsætter historien om elinstallatør Jørgen Steffensen, der nu har måttet overgive sig til sit elselskab efter trusler om Kongens Foged" - Hør hele podcasten fra Aflyttet uge 14, 2015 :"Inden 2020 skal alle danskere have nye, intelligente elmålere, der kan fjernaflæses og sende data tilbage til værket".

Tvang i Danmarkmen hvad med vores nabolande?

Hvad skal du endeligt forholde dig til mht. smart-meters :  Fra dokumenterede (og undertrykte) sundhedsrisici, uberettigede krænkelse af privatlivets fred og sikkerhedsspørgsmål til tab af suverænitet og kontrol over vores ejendom i vores eget hjem og meget højere regninger, Smart Grid giver langt flere problemer, end den foregiver, at løse. I virkeligheden kan intelligente målere bruges som en pengemaskine - nemlig hvordan profitsøgende virksomheder kan fortsætte med at tjene penge på yderligere aspekter af vores liv. I England og  Holland er man i stand til at sige fra til intelligente målereHolland går skridtet videre med, at vedtaget en lovgivning og i henhold til menneskerettighedskonventionen, hvor man har et valgI Sverige kan man også sige fra, især dem som lider af IHS (frekvenssignaler som skader)Dvs. Intelligente målere er ikke obligatoriske - de er lovligt berettiget til at afvise, uanset begrundelse. Vil du vide mere - http://www.iemfa.org
"Mekanisme for trådløst strålinger er med til, at forårsage sygdomme og dit DNA nedbrydes og patologisk skyldes nitrogenoxid forstyrrelser. Det er sådanne, trådløse enheder fungere. Det forårsager enorme oxidativt stress, endothelcelle dysfunktion og nitrogenoxid udtynding "~ Dr. Stephen Sinatra

FAQ - med en naturlig forpligtende kritisk tilgang til smart- meters.

Q&A: Findes der et andet ord for smart-meter? Nogen gange kaldes det smart-meters, smart elmåler, fjernaflæst elmåler eller electricity meters. Det dækker over det samme. "En elmåler som kan aflæses igennem elnettet eller ved kobberkablerne i nettet, ellers ved radiosignaler (ligesom en mobiltelefon) som kan sende hvad ens forbrug er til et central system".  

Q&A: Er vi som danske forbrugere tvunget til at få installeret Smart meter (Vand & El) i Danmark? Det er vi allerhøjeste grad, ellers mister vi retten til, at få forsyningen leveret og Kongens Foged kommer på besøg, vi har ingen anden alternative energiforsyning i Danmark eller mulighed for at sige NEJ. Det er dig frit for, at vælge andet elselskab i Danmark,  mens selve distributionen af elforsyningen kun kan ske ved det hovedselskab som DONG ENERGI eller NESA som ejer kabelføringen til din dør... Medmindre du selv har egen vindmølle, solcelleenergi, og evt. dieselgenerator.... samme gælder distribution af vand og spildevandet. Medmindre du har en septiktank, samt en regnvandssamler og koger dit vand ...

wakeup-world | Feb 24, 2018 | New Study Links Cellphone Radiation to Heart and Brain Tumors | .. Cellphone Radiation Linked to Brain and Heart Tumors in Male Rats .. |

February 24th, 2018

By Dr. Joseph Mercola

Contributing writer for Wake Up World

Mounting evidence suggests electromagnetic field (EMF) radiation from cellphones can trigger abnormal cell growth and cancer.1,2 As early as 2011, the evidence was strong enough for the International Agency for Research on Cancer, the cancer research arm of the World Health Organization, to declare cellphones a Group 2B “possible carcinogen.”3 Now, two government-funded studies4 bring renewed attention to this link.5,6,7,8

The $25 million research conducted by the National Toxicology Program (NTP) — an interagency research program started by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) in 1978 and now housed at the National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences (NIEHS) — includes two separate studies: one on mice and one on rats. The studies, in which 3,000 animals were exposed to the type of radiation emitted by 2G and 3G cellphones, are said to be the most extensive to date.... [READ MORE]

BREAKING | Dr. Michael Salla Exopolitics.org | Feb 23, 2018 | ~ President Trump Validates QAnon – How Will UFO SSP Disclosure Happen? (VIDEOS) ~ | Blogger: Excerpts: ".. It’s possible that he accidently had the list of five points facing out prior to the start of the meeting, but its highly unusual for an experienced public speaker like Trump to do so. The more plausible explanation is that his action was deliberate. Given the connection QAnon found in Trump’s odd hand placement around the notes, and the coded message released only three hours later, this makes it clearer that Trump’s action was deliberate and not accidental. Consequently, it does appear that Trump was sending a coded message that corroborated the QAnon material, as investigative reporters such as Dr. Jerome Corsi contend .. If Trump was indeed passing on a coded message that both corroborated the February 21 security test, and that he was listening to people following the QAnon material, then some important conclusions can be drawn:.. (..) .. In addition, Corsi has claimed that Trump is very familiar with the cover-up of information concerning UFO’s and Secret Space Programs. It’s therefore very possible that QAnon will be the means by which advanced technologies secretly developed in Unacknowledged Special Access .." |

Unusually, Trump had the notes facing outward toward the cameras, rather than facing towards him which would be normal for any public speaker. This made it easy for the notes to be photographed leading to immediate media speculation about the appropriateness of Trump’s talking points.

Only a few hours after the meeting, at 7:34 pm, EST, QAnon released a coded post referring to five security tests.

The next day, QAnon posted an image showing Trump holding the note, alongside the later coded message. Trump’s hand placement, the five note’s points, appeared to have a connection to QAnon’s coded post.

The message QAnon was transmitting was that Trump had deliberately turned his notes outward facing the camera in order to pass on a coded message.

QAnon was telling his audience that Trump was hearing the voices of the many estimated to number as much as twenty million (Q post 809), who have been following the QAnon material – “I hear you”.

During the meeting itself, available on video, the notes are nowhere to be seen. Trump, only held the notes prior to the meeting’s start. This tells us that these were just talking points for Trump to memorize before the meeting began and were then discarded.

Portal to Ascension | Feb 24, 2018 | Online Webinar - Feb 24th, 2018 12:00 PM - 2:00 PM (PDT) | ~ Michael Schratt: Secret Space Program & Black Budget Evidence, USO's & More ~ |


Michael Schratt (private pilot/military aerospace historian) has lectured across the country on the unique subject of "Mystery Aircraft", and classified propulsion systems buried deep within the military industrial complex. A guest speaker at the “OSHKOSH” AirVenture 2006/2007 event, (world’s largest air show), Michael has developed a number of contacts which have had first hand experience dealing classified “black programs”, including former USAF pilots, retired Naval personnel, and aerospace engineers that have maintained a TOP SECRET SCI security clearance.

Michael currently works as a SolidWorks draftsman in Phoenix AZ. In an effort to expose government fraud, waste and abuse, Michael devotes much of his free time researching aerospace technical documents, conducting interviews, and travelling to multiple University archives. As a concerned citizen, it’s his belief that it is our Constitutional obligation to question authority, and demand an accounting of special access programs that bypass congressional oversight and public scrutiny.

Exposing the “Silver Bullet” technology

Michael Schratt (military aerospace historian) will present a highly illustrated lecture specifically focusing in on making a case for the existence of a “Secret Space Program” which bypasses congressional oversight.

Topics to be included are the following:

  • USO’s (Unidentified Submerged Objects)
  • September 1958 U.S.S. FDR UFO encounter
  • ​​​​​​​military pilot UFO encounters during 1952 “Aurora” test flight schedule
  • ​​​​​​​1982-1989 Hudson Valley Boomerang
  • ​​​​​​1989 Belgium Triangle case
  • ​​​​​​​Massive update on Black Triangles
  • ​​​​​​​The Ben Rich/John Andrews connection
  • ​​​​​​​Military aircraft procurement and your tax-dollars
  • ​​​​​​​The so called “Black Budget”
  • ​​​​​​​Classified Project Code names
  • ​​​​​​​The infamous A-12 Avenger II fiasco
  • ​​​​​​​F-35 cost over-runs, Northrop B-2 Stealth Bomber 
  • Toxic burn pits at Area 51 exposed
  • ​​​​​​​New building expansion at Area 51
  • ​​​​​​​The March 13, 1997 Phoenix lights case
  • ​​​​​​​Legacy of anti-gravity research and the military industrial complex,
  • “Build your own UFO extravaganza”.

Jason A World News | Feb 23, 2018 | ~ The Biggest Cover Up in History! (2018-2019) ~ | Blogger: I've been enjoying his channel, like so many others - it's a little bit end-of-time-pessimistic-religious in nature, but he is offering up some good and current footage from US news outlets and unexplained events around the world... |

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/jasonayoutube/ Website: https://www.jasona.co Jason A PART 1: 2018-2019 major world religions exposed one world
religion government world news

Right Side Broadcasting Network | Feb 24, 2018 | 🚨 🔴First FOUR Officers at School Shooting Never Went In - LIVE BREAKING NEWS COVERAGE | .. The four armed Broward sheriff's deputies who first responded to the Florida shooting never went inside the building where the shooting took place, it was revealed today. When Coral Springs police arrived, they were surprised to find the four Broward deputies outside the building, with their guns drawn. The four deputies included Scot Peterson, who surveillance video shows stood outside the building for four minutes during the shooting instead of going in. We have LIVE BREAKING NEWS COVERAGE of this new development in the Parkland, Florida shooting at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School .. | Blogger: [The Deep State fully exposed 🏴‍☠️] --- NOT ONE 👮 - BUT FOUR 👮👮👮👮OF THE "COWARD" (BROWARD CO.) SHERIFF'S DEPUTY OFFICERS AT SCHOOL SHOOTING, NEVER WENT IN 🚓""" LAW ENFORCEMENT / POLICE IN FULL TACTICAL GEAR"""🚨 PS: Please support RSBN that's being censored and supressed by YouTube (and Google, Web Sheriffs, Cave Trolls) and other great truth speakers like 'Destroying the Illusion/Jordan Sather' ... ""The only people mad at you for speaking the TRUTH are those people who are living a LIE. Keep speaking the TRUTH""... |