Well we made it through May and it was a tough month. Did you find out anything about what holds you back in your life? Did you learn anything about your limitations, fears, and who your real friends are? Did you get a surprisingly negative response from someone when you did something you thought they would appreciate or like? If May was chaotic it is because dis-integration of our 3D reality creates chaos, which is required so we can see the different aspects of our reality and how they lack congruence, flow and harmony. Once we see the dis-harmony we can assess what is required to allow congruence to enter our lives. June’s theme is ‘human, meet divine’ and what we dis-integrated in May can be put together in new ways that express our divinity in our humanity to create congruence, harmony, flow, and allow us to become 360 as a fully integrated blend of divine human.
All of our old systems are under review now and we have the opportunity (if we choose it) to unite with our divinity which is a function of embodying our 360 degree wholeness, not holiness. This is an opportunity to get out of healing cycles and into the wholeness of our energy. We aren’t used to this though, our focus has been on healing and fixing what we think is broken. At some point we need to assess the repairs we have made and practice seeing ourselves as whole. Then we move into the next step, which is congruence.
June is traditionally the marriage month but consider what marriage means, not the wedding ceremony, but the unity which marriage represents. Move your thinking about marriage from two people who love each other and want to unite into a couple to your relationship with your divine self. Both aspects, human and divine, are required for wholeness and one is not greater than the other. Just as a car is useless without gasoline or a key, our humanity works best when it is intentionally and consciously combined with our divinity. This is the theme for June.
And we need to expand that theme of unity and marriage a little more because while we tend to think of unity and connection with others, we forget that our first relationship is with ourselves. It is our natural tendency to put our efforts towards uniting with others and creating harmony and flow with them but that effort has to begin with us. We cannot become a fulfilled 360 degree human when most of our effort, time and energy is spent trying to get along with others, to make them happy, and to get their validation and approval. Our unity effort must be focused on unifying our own energy field, bringing our scattered aspects back to our center, to heal our soul wounds and to integrate our own divine trinity of body, mind, emotions, and spirit.