Jun 6, 2020

🙏 ~ 💝 Todays Inspirational Spiritual Quotes & Videos (SoTW) ~ 💕 | Blogger: [🌟Stay Here - Let Love Guide You - Light Language Healing🌟] ... PS: Can't believe nobody else besides myself and some few goofy bunch of light workers, are listening in and watching to RatnaDewi Jewel's youtube channel. It's really amazing. She is such a beautiful soul.. |

👁️ ~ Hemmelige ritualer afsløret: Nu reagerer frimurerne (E.B.) ~ | Blogger: [🤘Danish Newspaper Has Gain Access To Thousands of Records From Insiders of The Danish Order of Freemasons (The Grand Lodge of Denmark). The Grandmaster is DEADLY Silent, So Are His Subjects🙆‍♂️] ... Lars Rohde, Martin Rossen and Frederik, Crown Prince of Denmark - most powerful men in the Danish business community and politics, perhaps part of Danish Order of Freemasons?... It is often dubbed as one of the world’s most secret societies - the world of Freemasonry. From covert handshakes to Masonic rituals, mystery surrounds the organisation which has connections to the Danish Royal Family, Politicians and Military Ranks... Danish Order of Freemasons is a Christian lodge with about 9,000 members. The lodge has existed for more than 270 years and has had several Danish kings and princes among its members. I.O.O.F - The Odd Fellow Order joins The Independent Order of Odd Fellows. It has 96,000 members in Europe, with the Nordic countries accounting for 87,000. In Denmark, the membership is at the bottom of 12,000 (before 14,000). The order has been in Denmark for 140 years... |

(DK )Logens ledelse afviser fortsat at sige noget om de omfattende ritualer, som Ekstra Bladet netop har afsløret

(ENG) Danish Order of Freemasons management continues to refuse to say anything about the extensive rituals that danish tabloid newspaper, Ekstra Bladet, has just revealed



🧑‍⚕️✅ ~ Dr. Kaufman: Hippocratic Hypocrisy (The Movie) ~ | Blogger: [👉Down the Rabbit Hole Of Western Poisonous Medicine and Big Pharma Cartel👈] ... |

Source (Andrew Kaufman)

🍓⚡🌜 ~ (Holy Crap! Evolutionary Leap) While You Were Sleeping: The Strawberry Moon Eclipse Passed On June 5, 2020. Large Reptilian Eye Major Lightning Strike On Washington Monument Criminal Cabal DC . Sky Turns Dark in Beijing as Chinese Deep State CCP Regime Convenes for Annual Political Meeting. Denmark Pink / Red of Light 💗 ~ |



A tall red rainbow caught an early morning hour in Nordborg on Als (island) - Denmark .
Photo: Ulla Paulsen / private Viewer picture - TV2 Weather

⛆ ~ 💗 Worlds Beyond the Veil 432Hz 💕 (TruthEarthOrg) ~ | Blogger: [🔭Myth vs Truth : Existence of A 'Veil', Web, Matrix, Net, (whatever). A Scalar Magnetic Fence Controlled by Advanced Technology On Far side of the Moon Bases (Hollow Artificial Satellite) & Energy Saturn Rings Preventing Positive Extra-Terrestrial Contact, Isolating Humanity🧲] ... {The Saturn Matrix and the Reincarnation Death Trap. Are we imprisoned in a grid around Earth❓How to escape❓} ... FIRST of all, it's V-E-R-Y hard for all of us to imagine, there's a group (on a higher level) who are defined as The Orion/Draconian/Reptilian Empire (The Chimera group / Yaldabaoth, Lord of the Archons), who came to earth in humanoid physical bodies 26,000 years ago and quarantined the planet (i mean, C'MON) ... Acc. to Cobra: "THE Veil = “a electromagnetic frequency fence on the lower astral and especially on the etheric plane” ... I think it's Simon Parkes & Alfred Lambremont Webre who has explained their own interpretation how The Saturn & Moon Matrix is a Mind Control Platform for Earth... David Icke, has also made a video about the 'spider' (force which is not human) called "Who Built The Matrix?" (lower level of our controllers)... 🤔Oh just to be clear - verdensalt truly believe the existence of a 3-D Matrix of illusion (i've call it) that limits our true capacity as humans; reorganizing the 97% "junk" DNA from a 2-strand double helix to a 12-strand helix, blocking the nurturing of the Etheric Body (release these negative emotions from your memory cells) and hindering the Tachyonic particles reaching Earth, assisting humans in ascension, health, healing, restoration, and overall well being etc. etc... |

🧙‍♂️ ~ 💗 Kolloidalt sølv i Nano-format - Vidundermiddel eller Hokus-Pokus Snydemedicin? - Svaret er meget overraskende (SoTW) 💕 ~ | Blogger: [⚠️Min holistiske naturlæge med 50 års erfaring er gået i gang med produktionen af Kolloid Sølv, efter Dr. Magnus Heunicke's elefantastiske Baron von Münchhausen løgnehistorier om en Evolutionskage samt Redningsfeber🤛] ... {Kan sølvet slå Coronavirusen ihjel? Svaret er højst sandsynlig - JA!} ... Ionosil kolloid sølv (blandt flere mærker), der kan dræbe bakterier, svampe, borreliose, virus og encellede protozoer typen amøber og Plasmodium (malaria), Mononukleose, ADIS, paravirus hos hunde og kræftceller. IONOSIL (en ud af mange producenter) er et produkt der er klassificeret som et vanddesinfektionsprodukt med styrken 10 ppm, (kan laves lang stærkere) hvilket svarer til 100 mikrogram sølv per 10 ml produkt. Hvem vil ikke eje et prisbillig naturligt produkt med antibakterielle, antimikrobielle, antifungale, antiviralle, parasit- og kræftdræbende egenskaber? Listen er ane lang...Noget som det danske medicinal-industrielle kompleks aldrig nogensinde vil anerkende. Helt uden recept, uden bivirkninger, uden godkendelse af Sundheds- styrelsen (SST) eller din læge, men det redder liv, tro mig... Noget som svenskere har brugt i 20 år og som går under betegnelsen "naturlig penicillin"... 💑... |

Udgivet første gang den 9. Maj 2015 af Verdensalt

I Lucky Luke tegneserier eller western-film, 1800-tallet guldalder, optræder der altid 'charlatan-medicin-sælgere' som lokker med de intetanende befolkning med Snake Oil, vidundermiddel-medicin kan kurere alt lige fra hovedpine til gigt og lammelse. Blot virker vidundermidlet først 48 timer efter indtagelse af medicinen, og så er sælgeren over alle bjerge. Dog, fandtes der produkter som indianerne og kineserne benyttede sig af, som virkelig var helbredende. 

 I dag kan vi raffinere og fremstille produkter på organisk eller økologisk vis som rent faktisk virker. (Naturligvis uden om lægevidenskabens klare lys eller medicinalindustrien accept). Vidundermiddel som er hotte i vores tid, er Cannabis OlieKokosolie og Natron (bikarbonat) og som sagt Kolloid Sølv.

Radio24syv's 'Bæltestedet' med Jan Elhøj & Simon Jul kom faktisk lidt ind på emnet angående Sølv:  https://www.facebook.com/Baeltestedet/photos/p.1766428726916907/1766428726916907/?type=1&theater men det blev som sædvane gjort til en joke, fordi mennesker blev farvet blå ved indtagelse.

Lidt forhistorie

Sølv blev anvendt op igennem middelalderen. Man brugte det til behandling af åbne sår på slagmarken i krigstider, og indiske ayurvediske læger anvender sølv den dag i dag. Før køleskabet blev almindeligt, brugte man at have en sølvmønt eller noget sølvtøj til at ligge i mælken og vandtønden, for at holde indholdet frisk. De første indvandrere til USA og Canada i 1800 tallet brugte sølv, og mange kan berette om, at deres bedsteforældre plejede at placere en sølvdollar i mælken, så den kunne holde sig frisk i stuetemperatur. 1924 blev den første elektro- kolloidale sølv fremstillet og det viste sig at være meget mere virksomt end de medikamenter, som havde været tilgængelige hidtil, og det blev dengang regnet for at være højt avanceret teknologi. I flere hundrede år havde den kendtes metode, hvorpå man kunne fremstille sølv til brug for mennesker, været at male sølvet til et fint pulver, enten manuelt eller kemisk.

Udtrykket "blåt blod" stammer fra en antagelse om, at royale måtte have sølv i blodet; for de spiste udelukkende med sølvbestik og af sølvskåle. - De indtog faktisk grove sølvpartikler, og det gjorde deres hud misfarvet. Så sent som i 1930'erne blev der anvendt sølvnitrat til at dryppe de nyfødte børns øjne med. Det skulle forebygge blindhed hos barnet, hvis moderen havde fået en kønssygdom. Dette bliver stadig praktiseret i mange lande.

🧪 ~ 💗 Full video now released: How to make your own colloidal silver using silver coins, step by step 💕 ~ |

Mike Adams
Sorry about the delay on this, but it's finally here: The full step-by-step instructional video on how to make colloidal silver our of U.S. Mint silver coins.

It's super easy and very inexpensive. Hundreds of uses. Lifesaving information in this video. Plus, we've tested the resulting solution via ICP-MS in the lab and we have a full breakdown of the final elemental composition: Silver, zinc, iron, etc.

👼 ~ 💗 KRYON 4 Channelings: "Life Imaging - Chance, Health, Culture & Creator 2020 💕 ~ | Blogger: TIP: You could jump to the yellow markers where Kryon begins in each video... Kyron: "THIS is the 1st PANDEMIC of your society and it will IMPACT the IMAGE of lifes for millions. I will tell you this and you know it; you have been frightening so much, by something that will go AWAY and something that is TEMPORARY, there will be THOSE, who simply won't come out of their house, or wear a MASK, for the rest of their LIFES - you think i'm joking? You will find out! ~ Kryon"... |

👼 ~ 💓 A Message from my Higher Self (TreeOfTheGoldenLight) 💕 ~ | Blogger: [👉Excerpts: We have often referred to the way you have been held back, and now is the time for time saving and life saving ideas to be passed onto you. Much depends on how quickly the Illuminati and their supporters can be brought to justice to answer for their crimes against the people. At this time much is happening in this respect and once they are out of the way there will be no stopping the introduction of many new innovations that will make life so much easier for you.. "👈] ...|

Channeled by Mike Quinsey

5th June 2020

Realise that regardless of what you do upon Earth, it cannot affect the progress of the changes that are proceeding well as seen from Mother Earth’s point of view.

How mankind is reacting to them will determine how easily they take place and the only way is to flow with them and be prepared so that you are not taken by surprise.

Governments have a habit of waiting until changes are forced upon them, and by then find it difficult to handle them. It is apparent that there is a sense of urgency connected with the changes and it is becoming evident that your way of life has to change, otherwise you will find yourselves forced to take action, as they impinge on your normal way of life.

You have been given many indicators as to what you need to do and it does mean that big business cannot carry on as it has in the past. You cannot expect to continue evolving whilst you cling onto the old ways that are slowly proving to be inadequate for the tasks that face you.

🔱 ~ 💗 Magenta Pixie ~ Calling All Lightworkers! (GAOG) 💕 ~ | Blogger: [👉"TRUE EQUALITY COMES FROM LOVE and UNITY and COMPASSION" ~ Magenta Pixie👈] ... |

Calling all Lightworkers, Wayshowers, Truthseekers and awake and aware individuals.

⚖️ ~ 💗 (Sacha Stone) Corona Emergency Hearing 6: Andrew Wakefield & Dr. Sherri Tenpenny (International Tribunal for Natural Justice) 💕 ~ | Blogger: [👉Was March pe-symptomatic COVID 19 an economic warfare tool? What will the Cabal do when second planned wave and next phase hits the Globe of Event 201, a high-level pandemic exercise on October 18, 2019? ~ SoTW👈] ... |

Source (ITNJ)

🤪🎩🧨 ~ BILL GATES JUST CALLED US STUPID.... ~ | Blogger: [👉The Bill Gates Virus Numbers Game: Everyone Is Lying👈] ... |



Source (A Call For An Uprising)

👑🦠🏴‍☠️ ~ Korona-virus, is something rotten going on, Gro Harlem Brundtland? (Nyhetsspeilet Norway) ~ | 36 minutes reading time | Blogger: [👉Excerpts: "Who was Dr. Gro Harlem Brundtland? She appeared to be 'everyones' Mother of our country. I was surprised to find that Dr. Gro Harlem Brundtland played a central role in the history of the coronavirus pandemic. But it was only when President Magufuli of Tanzania's did his press conference, that did the trick; after hearing his story, I didn't need any more confirmations. Isn't science a path to knowledge? Isn't that why most of us are interested in research? Did W.H.O. planning its own pandemic?" ~ Sven-Inge Johansen👈] ... |

Source (nyhetsspeilet)

Nyhetsspeilet.no er et Norsk online magasin skrevet af folket til folket. De offentliggøre oplysninger om nye paradigmer og rapportere om aktuelle emner fra nye vinkler, samt om emner som andre populariseret. Desuden sætter Nyhetsspeilet.no aktuelle emner i et bredere perspektiv end normalt. Tidsskriftsartikler beskæftiger sig med tre væsentlige hovedemner: Samfundet, Bevidsthed, Kosmos, Sundhed og Økonomi -https://no.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nyhetsspeilet

******Following article is in Norwegian - use google translate on the top of my blog entry*****

Korona-virus, is something rotten going on, Gro Harlem Brundtland?