Jul 16, 2020
🌬️🚴♂️🌻 ~ Følg Verdensalt på Sommertogt: Margueritrutens sceniske ruter i det Sjællandske landskab og Seværdigheder på MTB / Racer 2020 ~ | Blogger: [👉Seneste: Lystrup Skov, bakkeformet Uggeløse skov og Buresøskovene👈] ... Er man ægte mountainbiker, kaster man sig hovedløs over cykelstyret, og gennempløjer singletracks, på de blå MTB spor i de danske statsskove (eller skovstierne)... Hvis vejret tillader det, suser jeg også afsted på raceren, men alting er bare så nemt på en mountainbike, fordi den kan køre overalt... Tryk på "Follow me"... En nostalgisk tur forbi det gamle rigmands møllehus i Frederikssund, hvor min mormor og hendes mange søskende boede engang, forbi Lindenborg, Roskilde, hvor mine fætre stadigvæk bor. Flyvestation Værløse, soldatertiden, engang mest topsikret arbejdsplads, nu skueplads for vilde planter og seksdagesløb rundt om F-16 landingsbanen, for cykelentusiaster... Rørvig, hvor mine farmor og farfar både havde sommerhus og helårshus og alle de vidunderlige barndomsminder - Rørvig Strand ved Telegrafvej og Kabelhuset: En af de bedste og mest børnevenlig sandstrande på Sjælland. Hov Vig (skal opleves) er et enestående fugle- og vildtreservat med udstrakte vådområder, rørskov og enge.. Der findes mange oplevelser og steder, som er helt unikke for Danmark; de mange historiske slotte, nogle af verdens ældste forlystelsesparker, museer med moderne kunst såvel som artefakter fra Middelalderen, Michelin-restauranter... og naturen - I skovens dybe stille ro - Ahh.... ro, fred, fuglefløjt og heste og køer der gumler, med alle de smukke store rovfugle, der har lange brede vingefang som gør turen, fuldendt... Skov, grønne områder og anden natur har en positiv effekt på humøret, er afstressende og godt for helbredet. Det skaber trivsel og giver fornyet energi... What’s not to like 💕... |
🌍'Verdensalt' means - 'Salt Of The World'🌍
Former PM / Coordinator / Network / Technology
Specialist - Banking
YOU are the salt of the world. WE are the salt of the world. WE live on Mother Gaia/Earth, but our base of operations should also include, the Cosmos. The universe seen as a well-ordered whole - a endless cosmos... Eternal, infinite and living, a conscious cosmos....
verdensalt.dk is a nonprofit blog, no ads, no advertising and marketing, non governmental organization and no funding of any kind. It's meant as a Portal. Using symbolism, video or photos to create a good atmosphere. Do my own research, speak my mind, good friends giving me intel some times. I'm dyslexic, blogger spellcheck functions are working, even so, errors will appear. Important of all, ABSOLUTELY FEARLESS.
TRUTH is ONLY what you perceive in YOUR OWN SPACE. The person sitting NEXT to YOU, might have a different OPINION and should NOT be FORCED upon. EVERYONE have FREE WILL and having their own SPIRITUAL AWAKENING EXPERIENCE. In other WORDS, STICK to the INNER TRUTH from your HIGHER SELF, that will always LEAD YOU STRAIGHT home.
Please Donate to support my blog.
If You Feel So Guided Or It Resonate With You.
Much love & Light.
🌎 ~ 💗 Latest News July 15th 2020 (The Latest Newsletter From ECETI) 💕 ~ |
James Gilliland is a minister, counselor, an internationally known lecturer, best selling author with the books, Reunion with Source, Becoming Gods, and The Ultimate Soul Journey. James appeared in Contact Has Begun, His Story, The History Channel, UFOs then and Now, UFO Hotspots, ABC, Fox News, BBC Danny Dyer Special, Paranormal State, ECETI Ranch a Documentary, and the new movie Thrive have all featured James and ECETI which he is the founder. He has appeared on Coast to Coast, Jeff Rense, and to numerous other radio shows to mention also being the host of, As You Wish Talk Radio, www.bbsradio.com and Contact Has Begun, www.worldpuja.net. He is a facilitator of many Eastern disciplines, a visionary dedicated to the awakening and healing of Humanity and the Earth and teaches higher dimensional realities from experience
🤥🧠💉 ~ Bedrageriet med HPV-vaccinen (dkdox .tv) ~ | Blogger: Tak til Lili for at dele... Staten,der foreslår (kræver) danskere at downloade den smittesporingsapp, der skal opspore (de falske) smittekæder med coronavirus, og som Sundheds- ministeriet lancerede i juni, på telefoner og tablets, har Udenrigsministeriets ansatte, fået forbud mod, fordi, at tænde bluetooth enheden, er et datasikkerhedsproblem... En flok Kæmpe Eskimoer... |
👼 ~ The Arcturian Group Message ~ | Blogger: [💕 Greetings, Light Warriors, Light Workers, Awakening souls!💕] ... Excerpts: "Remember that present times represent a large part of the journey you yourself chose for helping to create a new and better world. You are right where you are supposed to be at this time even if it doesn't seem that way according to three dimensional standards. The silence, the isolation, and the ceasing of that keeps people hypnotized, unaware, and always frantically looking outside of themselves for their good, is serving to awaken many who have never before taken time to look within and honestly examine their and the world's belief system" ~ We are the Arcturian Group... |
Arcturians is a race that comes from the blue planet that circles the red giant Arcturus in Boote constellation. Arcturus circles about 36 light years from our solar system. Arcturians are the most advanced civilization in the galaxy, transcending into the 4th and 5th dimension. Many people know Arcturians as benevolent beings. But what only some people know is the teaching of Arcturians. Shrouded in mystery and lost in the spiritual translations through communication and channeling of Arcturians to humans, a race of beings appears to exist and communicate fundamental laws that govern the existence of peace, love and joy. This basic law allows the Arcturians to push towards higher plans of existence and allow for continued growth in a limited physical universe. Arcturians are believed to come from a circular celestial body that has not been discovered by earthly astronomers.
Channeled messages by Marilyn Raffaele
© 2020 onenessofall
JULY 12, 2020
Dear readers, we bring with our message a great deal of love and respect for we are well aware of how difficult things have become for so many. Remember that present times represent a large part of the journey you yourself chose for helping to create a new and better world. You are right where you are supposed to be at this time even if it doesn't seem that way according to three dimensional standards.
The silence, the isolation, and the ceasing of that keeps people hypnotized, unaware, and always frantically looking outside of themselves for their good, is serving to awaken many who have never before taken time to look within and honestly examine their and the world's belief system.
The basic structure of most three dimensional creations must first dissolve before reappearing in a higher form. This is what the world is now experiencing. The chaos will not last forever because manifested three dimensional concepts have no law to support or hold them in place without the energy of belief in them. As more and more awaken, these old creations will simply no longer have the substance necessary to keep them in place.
🦸♀️🌞🍺 ~ AllesLandsmoder Mette-Mus: Hersker. Usårlig. Suveræn. Opsigtsvækkende - men hun er 'bare' et menneske, kære venner (SoTW) ~ | Blogger: [🤜Mette F. og Co. præsenterede sin store "coronaplan" for to millioner lamslået og måbende danskere onsdag aften den 11. Marts 2020. Hendes "skyggeregerings" plan viste sig at være så voldsom, at man fornemmede stilheden før stormen, der sænkede sig i de fleste danskeres hjem, mens bilerne lettede fra landingsbanen mod Netto, for at købe toiletpapir og gjorde mit hus, værdiløs🤛] ... {Vi skal alle være mere autentiske - det er det nye sort! At være autentisk betyder i sin enkelthed: ÆGTE} ... Hvis løgnen forsvinder, bryder det "sociale" eksperiment sammen. Det skrækkelige er ikke, at vi lyver, men at vi er blevet så dårlige til det. Det er det sande problem på Borgen, Frimureriet, Eliten og StatsAdelen! Og NEEEEJ! Det er ikke Mette F. som bestemmer og landede det STØRSTE Falske Flag i Danmarkshistorien, det har hun skam "ansatte" til. Det, havde hendes kvindelige forgænger også, Helle Thorning, som udeblev fra brylluppet, men har løgnen tæt på kroppen mht. Terrorangrebene i København 2015, Advokat Klaus Ewald har også anmeldt Helle og Red Barnet til politiet for menneskesmugling og hendes skjul, i skattelylande... Selv, Mette F.'s taleskriver, Anita Furus, tjener 900.000 kroner om året – og blev ansat uden jobopslag - som de mange andre, der skriver løgne, ned på et stykke papir... Clinton gjorde det, Nyrup gjorde det, Auken gjorde det, Schlüter gjorde det, Bush gjorde det, Lars Løkke gjorde det, ja, selv dyrene gør det. De lyver. Vi lyver af nød, af lyst og for simpel vindings skyld. Er en overbevisende løgn ikke bedre end en utroværdig sandhed? Er en nødløgn ikke bedre end en sandhed, der kan misbruges af dem, der vil os ondt? Sådan har det altid været og sådan, vil det altid være!... Hvis man lyver hurtigere, end en hest kan rende, og hvis man lyver åbenlyst, så resignerer vi og slår os til tåls med, at alt nok er løgn. Og hvis alt er løgn, er ingenting løgn, for så er det også løgn, at jeg lyver... Når autenciteten udebliver, så får det store konsekvenser for vores glæde og for vores trivsel. Når glæden udebliver, så handler det rigtig ofte om, at vi går og bilder os selv noget ind. Vi bilder os selv ind, at det her da er godt nok. Vi bilder os selv ind, at vi ikke behøver mere. Vi nøjes... og mener selv, vi trives med løgnen, fordi vi har så dårlig et indre selvværd, at sandheden, må og skal, gøre så fandens ondt og der er ingen grund til, at være ulykkelig... |
🚢🔥☢️ ~ Fears of a Nuclear Catastrophe as Seven Ships Close to Power Plant Engulfed in Flames (euroweeklynews) ~ | Blogger: [🤔VERY STRANGE🏴☠️] ... Has DS in Washington sent their secret mercenary cells to attack Iran starting the financial meltdown when the FAKE Corona and booting Trump out of office has failed?... AND Navy warship USS Bonhomme Richard in San Diego still burning for 4th day, shows difficulty of ship firesn... What is going on?... Remember last June of 2019, when Journalist Benjamin Fulford talk about the Zionist meltdown as Oman tanker stunt fails to manipulate oil futures markets?... Fulford also says US caused Fukushima disaster by detonating nukes on seafloor; names Pope & Prince Charles among 6 top conspirators.. However it all depend on YOU readers to research and look for the TRUTH - it's outthere!... |
👨💻🐰🕳️~ #WayFairGate, Epstein's 'Pimp' Madam Maxwell, Bill Gates & Child Trafficking (SoTW) ~ | Blogger: [👉Yeees!, Yes....He actually said THAT on LIVE TV! #BillGatesExposed #FauciExposed #MicDrop #EpsteinIsland #PedoIsland #WhereAreTheChildren👈] ... {“The universe is change, our life is what our thoughts make it.” Marcus Aurelius} ... Why even bother? Why are SoTW repeatedly posting stuff about this darkness of evil? Because remember verdensalt, people will never fall in love with your energy and the law of attraction states that you will attract into your life–whether wanted or unwanted–whatever you give your energy, focus, and attention to. You are constantly giving off vibrations of energy when you think and feel. These vibrations can be picked up and received by other people.... Yeah, yeah, I know! I have lost friends, my latest 2 "spiritual" girlfriends, my own daughter, my wife, because I have sticked to my authentic self or I was tired of all the BS about me being the MAN, and women prefer Men with Money over looks and Good Character - heard it all!... But I LOVE who I AM! At this time of my life, I have chosen to be OUTSIDE the 3-D Matrix of Simulation and i'm a FREE MAN exposing the LIES and DECEIT!.. And It's' really tough, living alone and away from the 'human social engineering experiments', but someday, I will leave my blog and my thoughts and put my focus to something or somebody else, and I have no remorse of my past? Do you?. Why not? Because i'm a REIKI healer and been to COBRA SCHOOL, attended alternative spiritual courses, conferences, absorbed everything from 2 holistic doctors in 20 years time, etc. etc. and attended a lifelong relationship with my Higher Self, that has exposed my OWN flaws, toxic guilt, ego, traumas, defenses, phobia, and great SHOCK after the AWAKENING!... And I AM willing to risk REJECTION for the sake of TRUTH! There you have it!... |
Ghislaine Maxwell Escape Attempt, Ghislaine Maxwell In Jail & Amazing Polly - Way Fair Questions
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