May 29, 2021

👼 ~ 💓 ('We say again that “You are all One” sharing your individual choices so that all learn from each other') A Message from my Higher Self (Tree Of The Golden Light) 💕 ~ |

Channeled by Mike Quinsey

28th May 2021. Mike Quinsey.

Matters are now moving on very quickly and at last the end is in sight of all the problems associated with the coming of Covid19. It is a situation that was allowed to take place, and used to give you more time to think carefully about changes to your way of life. Much has been learned from the lockdown, and there is no doubt that it is obvious that many aspects of your way of life will have to be changed for good.

We see it as part of your experience that has caused you to take a deep breath and consider how you could make your experiences more appropriate and uplifting. You will make the decisions with our prompting although as we have told you many times, the final choice will be yours in accordance with the freewill given to you. We see the potential for you and wise decisions will ensure you have chosen correctly.

Although it will not necessarily seem to you that you are passing through one of the most important periods in your lives, you should be aware that you are setting out a plan for your future. For certain it will be full of promise and take you quite quickly into a new phase of your lives where the “promised land” is yours to create.

💉⚔️⛔ ~ ('This is barbarism') Hal Turner Radio Show - Italy Facing CIVIL WAR as Prime Minister ORDERS Vaccines to be Mandatory for all (HAL + Gazzettaufficiale + Alexis Bugnolo) ~ | Blogger: [🤜'Those who refuse, will be DENIED all medical assistance, in all hospitals and clinics, public and private.'🤛] ... Jeez, sounds more and more like freemasonic Corona-"test" country Denmark, other countries or Austria for that matter - just talked to a person, who's living there, amazing people (humanity) are not resisting, but we have also been "programmed" for thousands of years. Even Thailand, do not expect tourism back to normal before 2026... It only took one day, today, in Lebanon, to vaccine over 10,000 people and I, said the dog, are on vacation in a country, with almost zero foreigners, that's what it feels like. People are looking at me, like i'm a ghost... Brazilians on the street to demand president of a federal court in 200 cities, outraged by President Jair Bolsonaro's corona handling... AAAND, The Duke and Duchess of Cambridge, got her vaccination, that is, placebo or saltwater while (fake) swedish distress call, asking for assistance with corona intensive care units in Sweden, while Danish units are closing down... it's impossible to make this up... |

In violation of every term of the Italian Constitution, the Charter of Human Rights of the European Nations, of the UN Charter for Human Rights, and every medical, scientific and religious moral norm, the Sanitary Dictatorship has approved the conversion into law of the Administrative Decree of Mario Draghi’s Government.

The terms of this Dictatorial Decree oblige every resident of Italy to take the Vaxx, regardless of any position of religion or conscience.

Those who refuse, will be DENIED all medical assistance, in all hospitals and clinics, public and private.

🙈🙉🙊 ~ (It finally happened SoTW is no longer crazy) Dansk forsker vækker opsigt i hele verden: 'De har genetisk manipuleret coronavirusser' (BT LIVE) ~ | Blogger: Den globalistiske drøm om total kontrol er tættere end nogensinde: Vil det lykkes?... Globalisterne bliver bekymrede, og det burde de også være. Alt falder ikke på plads så hurtigt og let som de havde håbet på. De forestillede sig uden tvivl et scenarie, hvor deres genetisk manipuleret corona Wuhan-virus skabte massefrygt, der banende vejen for dem at komme frelsende ind bevæbnet med en farlig bio-kemisk injektion, der vil blive solgt som et mirakelserum, til at slå virussen, ihjel. Humanitærismen blev solgt til os af en af ​​verdens mest ondskabsfulde mænd, Bill Gates (samt Dr. Fauci og Professor Klaus Schwab). Dette er den samme mand, der har talt åbent om behovet for at affolke verden, og som har investeret kraftigt i mRNA-genterapier i årevis. Han har også investeret i digitale ID-systemer, der kan flettes med de digitale sundhedspas, der nu tvinges på mennesker som et universalmiddel for at vende tilbage til deres gamle normale liv. Sidste års "konspirationsteorier" rapporteres nu i de almindelige medier som faktiske, herunder Dr. Anthony Fauci's rolle i at støtte gain-of-function forskning ved Wuhan Institute of Virology i Wuhan, Kina... Det hele startede ikke her.... Efter at nationalsocialisterne blev valgt til embedet i 1931, begyndte de at vedtage love og arbejde med store virksomheder for at mikrostyre hele det tyske samfund. IBM oprettede Hulkort-systemet, (Death's Calculator) der hjalp med at holde styr på jøder, sigøjnere, homoseksuelle og andre, der blev anset for at være "farlige" til Tysklands større bedste. Hvordan adskiller det sig fra nutidens digitale pas, som IBM også har haft en hånd med, at udvikle?... Det vestlige samfund har aldrig været immun overfor totalitære påvirkninger, og vi må hellere ikke tro, at vi er over sådanne indigniteter. De globalistiske rovfugle venter altid ovenfra parat på vingerne og en mulighed for, at udnytte en krise og udvide deres kontrol over os, lidt ad gangen.... Terrorangrebene den 11. september gav påskud for mange nye regeringsindtrængen, og nu bruges COVID til at gøre endnu større fremskridt i retning af diktatur.... |

22.34 ( 29-5-2021 - BT LIVE)

Dansk forsker vækker opsigt i hele verden: 'De har genetisk manipuleret coronavirusser'

Det har i den grad givet genlyd verden over, at danske Rasmus Nielsen sammen med 17 andre prominente forskere har anfægtet konklusionen om, at coronapandemien ikke kan skyldes en laboratoriefejl.

Professor ved University of California Rasmus Nielsen har sammen med sine kolleger fremtvunget den nyvakte opmærksom på muligheden for, at pandemien kan skyldes en menneskelig fejl.

- Vi ved nu, at de (på Wuhan Institute of Virology, red.) har genetisk manipuleret coronavirusser, der er beslægtede med covid-19, og de har ladet dem formere sig på menneskeceller for at teste, hvilke af de genmanipulerede coronavirusser der mest sandsynligt kan inficere mennesker,« siger han til B.T

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Dansk forsker vækker opsigt i hele verden: 'De har genetisk manipuleret coronavirusser’

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