Mar 20, 2024

🙏 ~ 💝 (Trillions of stars, millions of other galaxies and mirror world parallel universes) Today's Inspirational Spiritual Quotes & Videos ~ Mar 20, 2024 ~ |

Editor's Note: Louis, Danish Holistic ND: Louis says; all planets have a COPY of themselves. Humans have a COPY of themselves in the Universe. Earth has a COPY of itself that is 10 to the Power of 80 miles away (100000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000) in the universe. It was displaced in Illustreret Videnskab Magasin in the 1980's says Louis. But, Earth is so far out in the Universe that it becomes galaxies. There are no THOUGHTS that can be lost. All THOUGHTS will manifest at some time somewhere. So the THOUGHTS like you do not live out in this life, will be realized elsewhere in the Universe... |
SoTW - compilation - Aerospace and defense companies
SoTW - Huge discussion- but i don't believe it's a real photo of a TR-3B Triangle UFO...

👁️⃤𓂀😱🔀😇 (Move Along, Nothing to See Here) Vi er alle hvad vi har lært. Skal vi unlearne og det kræver sandelig sin mand (kvinde) skal vi gennem The Dark Night Of The Soul. Det er en slags guddommelig prik på skulderen der sætter en lavine af hændelser i gang. Og du bliver aldrig nogensinde den samme igen. Du kommer til at se og lytte med helt nye øjne og ører ~ 20. Marts 2024 ~ |

"En kineser spiser et forkølet bæltedyrs røvhulshul, og så har vi balladen" sagde Kirsten Birgit da Corona-bedraget var på sit højeste tilbage i 2020. Og 4 år efter er de 91% frygtsomme vaksine-folk (normies, muggles og de sovende får) ikke vågnet af Tornerosesøvnen (endnu). For tænk hvis de tog fejl (skam og skyld)...

Editor's Note: Lamestream Medierne med de 50.000 danske masons og kendisser, vil kæmpe til sidste mand, før en guddommeligt Solar-Flash-Event vil vende op og ned, på Deres 'junk-dna, der skaber mere lys i krop, sind og sjæl. Det spirituelle og globalt paradigmeskift, hvor bindingerne til det gamle opløses, kommer. Alting, har dog sin pris. 

En spirituel opvågning er som at dø og blive født igen. Det er et kvantespring i personlig udvikling på sjæleplan, hvor du intensivt skræller en masse ego-lag af, og siger farvel til store dele af alt, hvad du tror, du ved. Uden opvågning og bevidsthed ind i virkeligheden, så kan vi virkelig ingenting, andet end at køre i ring. Både i dette liv og ind i næste og alle foregående inkarnationer. 

The dark night of the soul, kan vel beskrives som en tilstand, med tab af mening og identitet i det liv, man lever, i et sådant omfang at der kan opstå forvirring, uro, angst, uvished, apati, tristhed, tomhed med mere. Hvis bevidstheds-sindet forsøger at tænke sig ud af det, forværrer det bare, tilstanden. Dertil kommer fysiske symptomer af forskellig slags. Processen er så dybdegående, at man aldrig kan gå tilbage til det liv, man havde, førhen... |

SoTW - Hun stak hånden ned i sine underbukser. 

SoTW - Pape klar med et beredskabsministerium
Hvem træder til, når kriserne rammer?
Polsk minister: Vestlige soldater i Ukraine er offentlig hemmelighed

💲💱🌐 (“bits” vs. Q-bits) Poof Said for March 17, 2024 ~ Mar 20, 2024 ~ |

DJ sits in for Poof this week:


What a GCR would actually look like

For the sake of argument, let’s say a GCR has occurred. What would that look like? Taking into consideration all the elements the ongoing narratives have spewed for years, are implemented. QFS is operational, asset holders, both currencies and bonds, have been notified with instructions on how to proceed and funds are being distributed. How would the funds actually move through the financial system? How will you be notified? What would actually happen to economies and the world, when it occurs?

Traditional computers use “bits”. A bit (binary digit) is the smallest unit of data that a computer can process and store. A “bit” is always in one of two states, (like an on/off light switch). The “state” is represented by a single binary value, usually a 0 or 1. The “state” might also be represented by yes/no , on/off or true/false. Quantum computers use “qubits” (quantum bits), which can exist as 0 , 1, or both at the same time , allowing unlimited data, that lies between the 0 and the 1, to process and store. Meaning information moves a lot faster than traditional computing.

So money is available and is moving . Reputedly through the QFS. The only ones who actually have quantum computers are the major banks at the top of the food chain. They hold the money to be distributed!. But they have to move the money down the food chain through traditional computers, so the average person can access the funds at their local bank. Converting quantum information into a classical format has its own set of difficulties. Quantum systems are inherently delicate, often struggling with information loss, a problem classical systems generally don’t have.To convert the qubits ( That hold vast amounts of bits) into bits ( that are 1’s and O’s, true/false, yes/no or on/off stored data) each qubit has to transfer the store data (which could be millions of bits) into smaller pieces of data that a legacy system can process, this is where data can quickly become chaotic, limiting memory efficiency or losing the data.

🛸👩‍🚀🌌 (IUFOC - T. L. Keller Lecture Slides - 2018 Archive) SoTW; Semper Supra Solar Warden armada and other Naval & USAF space fleet - I Want to Believe. This embedded copy is hard to find. Enjoy ~ Mar 20, 2024 ~ |

Ufo Congress Final by tim on Scribd

Editor's Note: One of the first lectures at IUFOC, called "Spacecraft Carriers," at the 2018 International UFO Congress. SoTW talked to Mr. Keller, who was a computer systems analyst at NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory (JPL) in Pasadena, California. Unfortunnaly, 3 people died that attended same conference attended. I'm not kidding. One of SoTW US friends, Patrice, was very worried about me on SoTW. She later died in 2019 (R.I.P.). One of the deceased of Patrice's US compadres was her longtime friend, Craig R. Lang. That Alfred Webre said was killed because he's ongoing disclosure investigations etc. etc. ... | 

SoTW:  Link is not working anymore... Check out T. L. Keller info on my blog i got a PDF from him "Spacecraft Carriers –Extraterrestrial or Terrestrial?"
The universe is eternal, infinite and vibrant, a conscious cosmos: Search results for 2018 International UFO Congress died (
SoTW: Star Trek Enterprise first prototype for Solar Warden?? Picture was later deleted... 
404 Not Found | Super Soldier Talk

SoTW: REAL PIC???  - Secret Space Program - SSP - Solar Warden - Massive Air Ships For Evacuation Or Survival Purposes
 | Cosmogenesis - Library of Akbar Ra in Alexandria Thuban

L. Blaine Hammond (not so awaken) 

Dr Ken Johnston - MUFON Symposium 2017
(SoTW - "I got their autograph" and a good talk)

🚸🐰🔞 (It's so disgusting I don't have words to describe it) EVERYTHING YOU’VE NEVER WANTED TO KNOW ABOUT TOM HANKS ~ Mar 20, 2024 ~ |
Tom Hanx' Pedo Friends - Follow the Rabbit) Hollywood Stars Headlining 5 Days of Biden Inaugural Events to Celebrate ‘America United’ (B)

Editor's Note: Female or male, Tom Hanks AKA Tom Hanx AKA Tom HANDKERCHIEF who worships Kali and the death cult, is America's favorite movie star. And head of the OTO (The Ordo Templi Orientis, started by Aleister Crowley) and Tom was in charge of all of Hollywood. Thx to Ice Kates and the twitter channel that exposes it all. I think they've already hanged the real pedo-Tom a long time ago according to RRN... |


Tom was head of the OTO (The Ordo Templi Orientis, started by Aleister Crowley) and Tom was in charge of all of Hollywood.
Meaning everyone answered to Tom and he was the “enforcer”. More on that in a minute. I also mentioned I had a friend who was in the OTO, here in Hollywood, and he told me about some of the sex ritual magick he participated in before he later ran for his life away from the Cult. This is part of the activity Tom was involved in, but to a much, much, greater degree. What Gene said about Tom was that Tom’s last name isn’t Hanks at all, which I also heard years ago. Gene explained, Tom chose the last name “Hanks” because he is part of a group that worships Kali, the Hindu goddess of destruction. Shiva, the same god pictured outside of #CERN’s research facility in Switzerland in her male counterpart in the Hindu religion. Isn’t it interesting that there’s been an article circulating that Tom was to turn on the Large Hadron Collider at CERN back in 2009? TOM HANKS & THE LHC