Oct 10, 2018

DR Nyheder | 10. Okt 2018 | ~ PET-mistanke om sprængstof var en forbi'er - sag må opgives ~ | .. Københavns Politi løfter sløret for PET's aktion i Tingbjerg i august. Sigtelser mod fire personer opgives .. | Blogger: [🐑Wake Up Sheeple. Atomangreb, Obama, Iranere eller Putin🐏] ... Puha! tænker du nok! 😌... Os andre stopper op og kaster en klud efter de lattervækkende Teletubbies og Teletossen... 🙄... DER FINDES IKKE TERROR I DANMARK.. Skal jeg gentage det!?.. Det hele er en cirkusforestilling, et hoax eller falsk flag, for at få politikerne til lommerne, så efterretningsvæsenet så som PET, PST, CIA, MI6, Mossad, GCHQ og andre kan skabe så meget mulig frygt i mennesker, at George Orwell universet overlever og Agenda21/2030, bliver en realitet... Hvor var du, da hele sjælland blev lukket ned!? PET holder sagen forseglet som altid, vi finder aldrig ud, hvad den virkelige grund var.. Grundet nogle bestemte personer tilknyttet en politisk gruppe af eksil-iranere i Danmark, som påstås af Danmarks Radio!?... HVAD SKER DER!... Altså en gruppe kaldet ASMLA, hvor fransk politi fik afværget at de havde kaldt angrebet på en militærparade, der dræbte omkring 25 personer, for "et legitimt mål".... DET HELE ER FUP OG FIDUS... Som også Kirsten Birgit siger, der er INGEN som ønsker at sætte Danmark på den anden ende, for at redde 25 iraneres liv, som desuden er et hademål, fordi, alle hader fremmede... |

READ MORE: https://www.dr.dk/nyheder/indland/pet-mistanke-om-spraengstof-var-en-forbier-sag-ma-opgives

aplanetruth.info | Oct 10, 2018 | ~ ⚠️ Redo~ It Has Begun! STATE Orders Child To Be Vaccinated Over Parent Refusal ~ | Blogger: UNBELIEVABLE - or is it really? Coming soon to your town in US, EU and Denmark... 💉☠️😵... PS: Let us manifest and decree, declare; the first order of business, is to invite the collective consciousness to disprove or reject ANY daily shorts of vaccines, which is useless, toxic and dangerous for any physical- and etheric human body and brain. Let's commandeer the greedy, evil and human depopulating Rockefeller's medical-industrial complex, from limited consioness company to co-operative or spiritual social enterprise, in which, benefits the humanity and not destroying it... So be it, and so it is!... 👼🙏 |

ETH \\ The New York Times \\ The White House | Oct 10, 2018 | ~ Hurricane Michael Expected to Be Near Category 4 at Landfall ~ | .. Hurricane Michael strengthened into a Category 3 storm on Tuesday, packing 120 mile-per-hour winds and on a path to make landfall in the Florida Panhandle as the most powerful hurricane to strike the mainland United States so far this year. The worst is still to come as the storm draws closer to the coastline and becomes better organized: Forecasters expect it to strengthen overnight and be near Category 4 strength when it blows ashore. Governors in at least three states have declared emergencies, and the local authorities are urging people to evacuate or to fortify their homes ahead of the storm .. |

READ MORE: https://endtimeheadlines.org/2018/10/hurricane-michael-expected-to-be-near-category-4-at-landfall/


A message from President Trump on Hurricane Michael

With Hurricane Michael quickly approaching landfall, President Trump has a clear message for people living in or near the Florida Panhandle region: The federal government is prepared to help in any way possible. “FEMA is ready.”
Today, the President approved an emergency declaration for the state of Florida, giving first responders the support needed to keep people safe. The President’s authorization specifically allows FEMA to mobilize equipment and other resources to help lessen the impact of the storm. 
FEMA expects sea levels to rise as the storm makes landfall, and it urges all Floridians to take the potential storm surge and other safety threats seriously. “The window of time to prepare is quickly closing for those in the path of Hurricane Michael. According to NOAA NWS National Hurricane Center, tropical storm conditions will start tonight,” FEMA shared on Facebook today.

Niels Harrit \\ Richard Dolan | 10. Okt 2018 | ~ ”Det Syvende Tårn – en skæbnesvanger historie fra nutiden” ~ | .. v/ Niels Harrit, lic.scient., pens. lektor, Københavns Universitet .. |

Hermed tillader jeg mig at gøre opmærksom på et foredrag, betitlet 

”Det Syvende Tårn – en skæbnesvanger historie fra nutiden”

v/ Niels Harrit, lic.scient., pens. lektor, Københavns Universitet 

Onsdag d. 17. oktober, 19.30 – ca. 22.15 
Østerbrohuset, Århusgade 103, 2100 Kbh. Ø. 

Entré kr. 50,- stud/pens kr. 20,-


I de fleste menneskers bevidsthed var World Trade Center (WTC) to gigantiske tårne, der styrtede i grus, efter at de hver blev ramt af et jetfly den 11. september, 2001. Færre mennesker ved, at centeret i virkeligheden bestod af syv bygninger omkring et torv. Den syvende af disse bygninger var halvt så høj som tvillingetårnene, men ragede trods alt næsten 200 m op med sine 47 etager og dækkede et grundareal lidt mindre end en fodboldbane.

Endnu færre mennesker ved, at denne bygning styrtede sammen sent på eftermiddagen, syv timer efter tårnenes kollaps. Bygning 7 blev ikke ramt af noget fly.

Foredraget handler alene om de tekniske og fysiske omstændigheder ved denne begivenhed, der må betegnes som den mest uventede og uforklarlige sammenstyrtning i moderne arkitekturs historie.

I første del gøres bl.a. rede for den officielle forklaring på sammenstyrtningen, som den er fremsat i en rapport fra National Institute of Standards and Technology, september, 2008. Denne holdes op imod nogle enkle observationer og Newtons love.

I anden del præsenteres en revideret hypotese, som understøttes af teknisk dokumentation – incl. de nyeste opdagelser.

Der er tid til diskussion.


9/11: What 17 Years of Lies Have Done to Us (Richard Dolan Intelligent Disclosure)

Işığa Çağrı \\ Oase der Sinne | Oct 10, 2018 | ~ Core Crystal deactivated. Lines go dark. New core activation in progress ~ | ~ ☼ Temple Of Silence ☼ music by Deuter ♪♫♪ ~ | Blogger: Spiritual Angelic Music ... Wauv 🙏 |

Galactic Heart | Oct 10, 2018 | ~ Update on Sheldan's Health ~ | Blogger: As you may or might not have heard, no update from PAO/Sheldan Nidle - for the Spiritual Hierarchy and the Galactic Federation...🕯️💜😟 |

Greetings from Galactic Heart . . . 

As many of you have heard, our beloved Sheldan went into the hospital around 4:30 am Saturday morning. It appeared he suffered a stroke, however, all tests cannot find evidence of a stroke or seizure. The doctors say it is a mystery. I can't help but wonder if it is DEW weapon related. It was exactly one year ago that he went into the hospital the first time.

There have been many miracles for us during the past few days. Amazing synchronicities abound. I don't have time to write about them today but Sheldan most likely will come home tomorrow. I will then share about our experience.

He is doing well and we are very grateful for all the Love and healing energies sent our way. Please continue to hold us both in the Light and see us in our full potential Selves. ZaZuMa! From the fullness of our hearts we thank you.

Selamat Ja!

Note: I will resume newsletters tomorrow. We thank you for your loving support.

Donation 11


Destroying the Illusion \\ Anonymous Official | Oct 10, 2018 | ~ Above Majestic 1clip ~ | ~ NONE Of This Makes Sense.. (See This Before it is Deleted 2018-2019) ~ | Blogger: Do you miss seeing and listen to David Wilcock? We are almost certainly NOT alone in the Universe, but you're properly still in doubt? 👽🛸🌌✨... |