Apr 6, 2018

Verdensalt.dk | 6. April 2018 | ~ Dialog med mit Højere Selv - Hvad fortæller mit Højere Selv om forudsigelser som påvirker os globalt ~ | April, og Maj 2018 | Blogger: [Vildspor udlagt af Den Mørke Stat - Syndebuk - Kun sandheden står tilbage] .. Det er svært at spå om fremtiden i lyset af Trump og Kina's nerve handelskrig, kommende økonomisk recession eller RV samt den nye 9/11, som højst sandsynligt USA og Storbritannien står bag sammen med flere andre magter, men peger på Rusland i sagen om forgiftning af tidligere spion(er). For mig, ligner det mere og mere en Colin Powells Curveball der løj om masseødelæggelsesvåben i Irak. Og ganske rigtigt, så fortæller mit højere selv, at April måned, får vi sandheden at vide og hele sandheden og hvem som 'faktisk' står bag og det er ikke, Rusland. Maj måned byder på, at Trump triumfere med endnu flere åbenbaringer, der kommer til, at påvirke os globalt ... Lad os se om mit højere selv, for ret ... og så kan vi jo se om alle dem som råber af skriger lungerne fulde af raseri om Peter Schmeichel indtræden i det russiske rige, bare fordi han laver stilfærdige russisk venligt bilprogram på en kanal som ikke er de tro følgesvende af propagandist lejesvende fra vesten - den der ler sidst, ler bedst ... |

Udgivet den 6. April 2018 af Verdensalt
Højere selv er et begreb forbundet med flere trossystemer, men dens grundlæggende forudsætning beskriver et evigt, almægtig, bevidst og intelligent væsen, der er ens virkelige selv. Blavatsky formelt definerede det højere selv som "Atma den uadskillelige stråle af universet og en selv.... https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Higher_self
Dit Højere Selv er dig. Dit Højere Selv er den virkelige dig, din samlede sjæle-bevidsthed. Den del af DIG der lever her på Jorden er blot en projektion af bevidsthed i dit Højere Selv. Dit Højere Selv er den mere komplette del af dig, den ene, der ikke bliver frustreret over sløret, der trækkes ned over os, når vi inkarnerer, der får os til at glemme, hvor vi kom fra. Det højere selv er den ene del i din besiddelse af din åndelige kontrakt, den plan du har lavet for dig selv, før du inkarnerede. Dit Højere Selv besidder den guddommelige plan, selve brugsanvisningen over dit livs plan, i sin hule hånd.
Dit Højere Selv er som en tilbagetrukket bevidsthed, der tilbyder sin visdom og anvisninger om, hvor flasken peger hen. Sommetider kan disse retninger tage lang tid at komme igennem ind til dit underbevidsthed. Men der er måder at få adgang til visdom og dit Højere Selv direkte ved at omgå ens underbevidsthed.

Din Højere Selv er ikke "derude" i æteren omkring dig. Dit Højere Selv er dig, din bevidsthed, i din krop.

Det er kun dig, der sætter gang i hjulene og oplever, det du kom her for at lære, før du blev inkarneret, igen og igen. Det er dig, der har dine egne følelser, som reaktion på dine tanker, der skaber din virkelighed. Det er dig, der sætter det op som en mekanisme og kan bruge dem som en 
"spiritual" feedback om, hvor du er på vej hen, i dit liv.
Fik lidt hjælp fra min holistiske læge til, at spørge ind til større begivenheder som påvirker os globalt. Og nej, jeg er ikke Nostradamus, men lytter og stoler på mine intuitioner, hvad mine skytsengle og Højere Selv fortæller mig.  

Økonomisk Ugebrev | 6. April 2018 | ~ Kursgraf: Synes du det ligner starten på 1987-nedtur? ~ | ..(BREAKING: Dow falls 650 points as trade fears rattle investors:) - “RISING BOND YIELDS. FULL EMPLOYMENT. FED TIGHTENING. TRADE FRICTIONS. WEAK DOLLAR. RISING TWIN DEFICITS, SPURRED BY TAX REFORM. SOUND FAMILIAR? IT SHOULD. THIS WAS 1987. START REBALANCING.” .. |

Fra Zerohedge:

While Gluskin Sheff’s David Rosenberg has noted the macro/fundamental similarities between today’s tumultuous markets and those of 1987…

markets observer Art Cashin sees more ominous signals in the market’s price machinations.

As CNBC reports, Cashin said this year’s market volatility reminds him of the 1987 stock market crash.

The echoes are growing louder…

“It’s been a bumpy road,” Cashin concluded… with more to come we suspect.

Radio24syv - Den Korte Radioavis / Weekendavis | 6. April 2018 | ~ Danskerne er dødtrætte af overfladiske, hurtige discount nyheder. De vil have dybde og længde. Jo dybere, jo bedre. Den journalistiske nyheds-trawler Kirsten Birgit Schiøtz Kretz Hørsholm og hendes nyhedsredaktør Rasmus Bruun sejler mod nyhedsstrømmen og støvsuger havbunden for de dybeste nyheder ~ | Blogger: [📺 Keld og Hilda Heick og privatpersonens Kissers kongelige brocher konspirere via 'KISSERFONDEN': - Vennetjenester, Nepotisme og Magtmisbrug - 📻] ... - Folkets ikke-mediedarling, Kristian Thulesen DAHL's gode ven, Jørgen Ejbøl, er rasende på Radio24Syv, fordi JP/Politikens Hus blev forbigået af regeringens håndlanger og tidligere Radio24Syv & Berlingske Media medarbejder, Suzanne Moll.. Hun var leder af Moll-kommissionen og lavede rammebetingelserne for udliciteringen af FM-båndet, der senere blev til Radio24syv i 2010, med begge ben i begge lejre.. Efter reporteren, Kristoffer Eriksens dækning af sagen om Ejbøl's anklage om magtmisbrug, bliv der først krig på tanden. Speaker-Allan foreslår, at radio24syv kan udflytte til 'Villa Villa Allan', men Thulesen DAHL's aller bedsteste ven, Jørgen Ejbøl har en plan. Ejbøl Egon Olsens geniale plan går ud på, at digitalisere en Plug & Play flytning af Radio24Syv's nye Medievirkelighed via JP/Politikens Hus nye Domicil på Aarhus Havn, hvor der lige præcist er plads til 67 procent af resten af medarbejderne, nu hvor studehandelen er i JP/Politikens Hus og dermed, får sendetilladelsen til den jyske landsdækkende, licensfinansieret radio er et privilegium (Iflg. Ditte Okman's lyttertal, stammer hovedparten alligevel fra Jylland) ... PS: Tidligere direktør for programproduktionen i DR, Mette Bock, der i 2006 blev kåret som landets bedste kvindelige erhvervsleder, og for nuværende kulturminister, kostede Syddanske Medier i omegnen af 26 mio. kroner (og generede ikke en eneste krone i overskud på 5 år), bl.a. på grund af et mislykkede forsøg på at udgive telefonbøger.. Mette Bock har desuden stået bag distributionsselskabet Dansk Avisomdeling, som Syddanske Medier ejer i samarbejde med JP/Politikens Hus. Et selskab der giver dundrende underskud.. ”Hun efterlod Syddanske Medier i dyb økonomisk krise, og det undrer mig, at der ikke er nogen, der kigger på, hvad der skete hernede,” siger tillidsmand på Syddanske Medier, Steffen Lilmoes (Berlingske Business) ... |

FB opslag: - Mette Bock er havnet i en ærgerlig situation:Hun har placeret pokalen fra ‘Quizzen med Signe Molde’ lige midt i baggrunden i et interview- Før programmet er blevet sendt. Velkommen til den nye medievirkelighed!

SPACE | Apr 5, 2018 | ~ 'Luxury Space Hotel' to Launch in 2021 ~ | .. Well-heeled space tourists will have a new orbital destination four years from now, if one company's plans come to fruition. That startup, called Orion Span, aims to loft its "Aurora Station" in late 2021 and begin accommodating guests in 2022 .. | Blogger: [Puff the Magic Dragon and Psychedelic Drugs - Seeing Pink Elephants and Fake Satellites and Nasa CGI Planets] ... Quantum teleportation. Secret off-world programs such as Mars, the Moon and elsewhere in Outer Space, is easy to cover up ... Hold the horses - how will NASA pull it off in real-time?? ... MIC-SSP (Secret Space Programs with NASA and other countries & alien civilisations) has a restricted space. There's NO doubt, in my mind. Two secret NRO cloaked space stations in LEO. The presence of Solar Warden space fleet (and other dark fleets). North pole Inner Earth entrance to Agartha. UFO's traveling in and out Earths athomehere, all the time. Black Knight satellites and other weaponized satellites with plasma/scalar weaponry. Perhaps there's more visible planets and stars close to Earth, we've not been told about. Maybe the Earth's Moon is closer than you think... On top of that, a Etheric Archon Grid exist around Earth (backbone is a network of etheric hyperdimensional black hole wormholes which contain billions upon billions of reptilian and amoeba-like entities). Here we also have the A.I. Yaldabaoth entity Lord Of The Archons ... How will NASA hide all this from the wealthiest public traveling to space.. hum? (if you believe in these sort of things) ... |

Artist's illustration of Orion Span's planned orbiting hotel, Aurora Station.Credit: Orion Span

READ  MORE: https://www.space.com/40207-space-hotel-launch-2021-aurora-station.html?utm_source=notification

jp.dk | 31. Marts 2018 | ~ Kvinde blev erklæret død ved en fejl - nu kæmper hun for at genaktivere sine data ~ | .. Hos Sydvestjysk Sygehus beklager man fejlen .. | Blogger: (In English:) O-M-G! ... R.I.P.. ??? Bang Bang You're Dead. No I'm Not - Yes You Are! 😯🤕🧟‍♀️ ... [when a person is declared dead, it takes seconds to replace a living person as "non-existence" through an electronic reporting system that initiates a form of chain reaction from IT system to IT system.] ... - In order wordings, if a patient or citizen in Denmark has been declared DEAD by a doctor, pushing a WRONG button in a computer system at a local Hospital, your CPR number (Civil Registration System. A CPR number is a personal identification ID), will immediately be dissolved, and you're now declared a DEAD person, to every single central administration systems that include: banks, housing, pension, eboks (secure electronic mailbox used to receive digital mail the State), NemID (common log-in solution for Danish Internet banks, government websites and some other private companies), driving license, sundhedskort (Your yellow Health Insurance Card), insurance companies, post office, passport -- EVERYTHING... And the danish politicians gets on TV and newspapers with dirty hands, trying to wash them clean again WITH NO ANSWERS OR SOLUTIONS... A pneumonia was found to be fatal for 69-year-old Kirsten Kristensen from Varde - on paper. She was declared dead, and since then, her life has gradually been deleted and she's trying to get her life back, in slow motion... |

Det er en omfattende proces at skulle "genoplive" sig selv digitalt. Foto: Jens Dresling/Polfoto
LÆS VIDERE: https://jyllands-posten.dk/indland/ECE10474533/kvinde-blev-erklaeret-doed-ved-en-fejl-nu-kaemper-hun-for-at-genaktivere-sine-data/

Verdensalt.dk | Archives | ~ United States Department of Justice ~ | Tuesday, September 5, 2017 - April 6, 2018 | **FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE** | .. Novo Nordisk Agrees to Pay $58 Million for Failure to Comply with FDA-Mandated Risk Program.. | Blogger: [Wild revaluation: Novo's value is 2,300,000,000,000 DKK - TV 2 NEWS & CIT Bank] ... ⚕️ Holding Big Pharma accountable!!. That's a joke, right!! 💨 Sometimes pharma companies bend the rules. And increasingly, they're getting caught. How do they solve it? By settlement with the U.S. Attorney's office. A slap on the wrist and Novo Nordisk gets the ""NOD"" from U.S. drug purchaser for new diabetes hope Ozempic diabetes drug and many other evil drugs 💥 Novo Nordisk increased reported operating profit by 8% in the first six months of 2017 and 5% growth in total (DKK 49 billion) 💥 Reported sales were broadly unchanged at DKK 112 billion  Sales of Tresiba® increased by 155% to DKK 3.7 billion (149% in local currencies)  Sales of Victoza® increased by 21% to DKK 11.5 billion (18% in local currencies)  Sales of Saxenda® increased by 98% to DKK 1.2 billion (90% in local currencies)  Sales in North America Operations increased by 5% (2% in local currencies)  Sales in International Operations increased by 4% (5% in local currencies).. In short, Novo Nordisk U.S. Holdings Inc., which is a subsidiary of Novo Nordisk A/S of Denmark, the world's largest producer of insulin, trying to sell Victoza in America, ignoring high risk factors and symptoms, linked to ""dangerous side effects"", including pancreatitis and thyroid cancer 💣 BLACK BOX WARNINGS: Risk of thyroid C-cell tumors 💣In detail, the injectable Type 2 diabetes drug Victoza works by stimulating insulin production. It belongs to a class of drugs called GLP-1 mimetics. Studies link Victoza to pancreatitis, thyroid cancer and pancreatic cancer... Insulin maker Novo Nordisk said its Ozempic diabetes drug had been included on a list of medicines approved for patients covered by U.S. private health schemes, setting the stage for a battle with Eli Lilly's Trulicity... Bernie Sanders blasts Novo Nordisk for price hikes. Sanders contested Novo in the 2016 video, that the prices of some insulins had risen by 450 percent more than inflation over the past 20 years. President Trump stroves into the Oval office and threatened to use the hammer against the high drug prices and accusing and saying, that drugmakers, “are getting away with murder”. (Unfortunately, lobbyists have been convinced that they are Trumpeting Trump by the money monster - Trump's abandoned promise to bring down drug prices but combatting the opioid crisis??). In other words, it's ALWAYS people under the poverty line in the United States who dies, simply because they can not AFFORD Novo's diabetes medicine .... However, the company Novo, is acting like Teflon coating, that provides a very smooth surface and nothing sticks (Novo don't give a rats ass) ... It's about Petrodollars, Bribery and Power in the American system subject to the genetically-engineered political Washington D.C. and the almighty pharmaceutical industry ... |

READ MORE: https://www.justice.gov/opa/pr/novo-nordisk-agrees-pay-58-million-failure-comply-fda-mandated-risk-program


Strangesounds | Apr 5, 2018 | ~ Shallow M5.3 earthquake strikes off the Channel Islands in California – Earthquake is felt across Southern California and reported by more than 10,000 people on USGS ~ | Blogger: you're properly heard by now that geologists have found evidence, Africa is physically splitting into two continents - big crack is evidence that East Africa could be splitting in two ... |

An earthquake with an upgraded magnitude of 5.3 struck 38 miles south west of Ventura in the Channel Islands area about 12:30 p.m. Shaking was felt all along the coast, from the San Luis Obispo area to the north to San Clemente in the south. More than 10,000 people reported feeling the quake on the USGS homepage. The National Weather Service also said there was no tsunami danger as a result of the tremor.....READ MORE

A M5.3 earthquake hit near Ventura in the Channel Islands and off Los Angeles in California on April 5, 2018.

NN | Apr 5, 2018 | ~ Body of CDC researcher Timothy Cunningham found in a river near Atlanta… what did he know? Why was he murdered? ~ | Blogger: PS: WHO, ECDC (det europæiske center for sygdomsbekæmpelse) og CDC (det amerikanske center for sygdomsbekæmpelse) kan bedst sammenlignes med Sundhedsstyrelsen i Danmark (øverste sundhedsfaglige myndighed i Danmark og er en styrelse i Sundheds- og Ældreministeriets koncern). CDC skulle efter sigende være så magtfuld et sundhedsorgan, at de udstikker retningslinjer til sundhedsprofessionelle, pharma industrien m.fl. over hele verden, som er med i deres kultlignende farmaceutiske mafia. Heriblandt Danmark, hvis medicinsk-industrielle kompleks er så betændt og korrupt, at de dræber, mennesker, med deres løgne, medicin og falske rapporter. Det er måske svært at forstå, men en kendsgerning. Danmark har sine medicinal-giganter og deres indtjening er i milliarder, deres handelsværdi, i billioner, af kroner.. Om hvorvidt at danske interesser også spiller ind på decideret likvideringer i medicinalbranchen, vides jo af gode grunde ikke, men i USA, så slår man ihjel, for et bedre ord... Én ting vi kan slå helt fast, det er, at hvis man nævner personligheder med navns nævnelse eller finder anledning til, at angive 'nogle' som har anvendt grusomhed og frygt for at korrumpere samfundet i denne branche, så forsvinder man sporløst. Et godt eksempel er 'nagalase-forbindelsen'. Den berømte autismespecialist Dr. James Jeffrey Bradstreet, undersøgte enzymet inden sin død i juli 2015 og bekendtgjorde sine opdagelser offentligt. Siden, er omkring 100 national- og internationale anerkendte holistiske læger slået ihjel. Med andre ord, ”den farmaceutiske mafia”, har re-designet 'kræftforlængelsen' via et enzym/protein, som de kalder 'nagalase', fremstillet af kræftceller og vira, der forårsager immundefektsyndrom og autisme og den har de tilsat alle kræftvacciner - ja HPV, kan også være kompromitteret (så er det sagt) ... Søg selv viden ... |

(Natural News) The body of a CDC researcher named Timothy Cunningham was discovered in the Chattohoochee River near Atlanta today, reports Fox News.

Atlanta police tweeted the following message:
The Fulton County Medical Examiner’s Office has identified the body recovered in the Chattahoochee River in NW Atlanta late Tuesday to be missing CDC employee Timothy Cunningham.
Cunningham has been missing for almost two months, with speculation swirling about whether he had been “silenced” for knowing too much about the criminality and scientific fraud inside the CDC, a government-funded front for the child-killing vaccine industry....READ MORE

Speculation swirls that Cunningham was “taken out” by the CDC to silence him before he could sound the alarm of vaccine damage to black babies


Brancheanalyse: Medicinalindustrien 2017

Den danske medicinalindustri oplever endnu engang fremgang, og det skyldes ikke mindst Novo Nordisk. Lundbeck er dog også med til at trække branchen op.

Simon Parkes Update | Apr 4, 2018 | ~ Furthermore On The Youtube HQ Incident... ~ |

Simon Parkes is a life long experiencer of aliens, shadow people, elementals and ufo's, these include Mantid (Mantis) beings, Draconis Reptilian, Feline, small and tall Grey creatures, Crystalline beings and other creatures that can't be identified. Simon is an elected local politician in Britain and was elected to office AFTER he went public. Simon's biological mother worked for the British Security Service, often called MI5 between 1965 -1979. However while she was managed by British Intelligence she was in fact working "jointly" for the National Security Agency (NSA) of America. Her job was to type out documents that related to crashed ufo craft that had come down all over the Earth's surface and had then been retrieved by American special forces/recovery teams......

Youtube HQ Shooter

..... It begins to look as if the "shooter" at YouTube California is reported to have shot herself

Furthermore On The Youtube HQ Incident...

Prior to the shooting both CEO's of Apple and YouTube had been publicly arguing.
There is a connection here.
Now CEO's in many US technology companies are calling for gun control.

Russia-insider.com \\ Tom Dispatch | Apr 4, 2018 | ~ America's 'War on Terror' Has Cost $5.6 TRILLION! (With a 'T'), and Counting ... ~ | .. Mind boggling stuff - read on ... When it comes to America’s wars, more than 16 years later our generals are victorious. Not, of course, in the distant lands where those conflicts grind on unendingly, but in the one place that matters: Washington, D.C .. | Blogger: [🏴󠁡󠁦󠁷󠁡󠁲󠁿Why America Needs War. War On 'so-called' Terror🎖️] ... Look up 'War profiteering': "The Iron Triangle comes into play here due to war profiting industries who make financial contributions to elected officials, who then distribute taxpayer money towards the military budget, which is spent at the advantage of arms merchants. The military-industrial complex allows for arms-producing corporations to continue to accumulate significant profit"... |

Could there be a more striking sign of that than the elevation of three of those generals to key positions in the Trump administration?

If any of them are going down any time soon, the wars this country has been conducting abroad won’t be responsible, though one retired commander, John Kelly, now White House chief of staff, was wounded only last week fighting a rearguard action against the #MeToo movement.

If anything, recent weeks have offered remarkable evidence of just how victorious this country’s losingest commanders and their colleagues really are in our nation’s capital. In the bipartisan style that these days usually applies only to the U.S. military, Congress has just settled on giving an extra $165 billion to the Pentagon over the next two years as part of a formula for keeping the government open.

As it happens, the 2017 Pentagon budget was already as large as the defense spending of the next seven nations combined. And that was before all those extra tens of billions of dollars ensured that the two-year military budget (for 2018 and 2019) would crest at a total of more than $1.4 trillion.

That’s the sort of money that only goes to winners, not losers. And if this still seems a little strange to you, given that military’s dismal record in actual war-fighting since 9/11, all I can say is: don’t bring it up.

It’s no longer considered polite or proper to complain about our wars and those who fight them or how we fund them, not in an age when every American soldier is a “hero,” which means that what they’re doing from Afghanistan to Yemen,Syria to Somalia, must be heroic indeed.

In a draft-less country, those of us not in or connected to our military are expected to say “thank you” to the warriors and otherwise go about our lives as if their wars (and the mayhem they continue to generate abroad) were not a fact of global life. This is the definition of a demobilized public.

If you happen to be that rarest of all creatures in our country these days – someone in active opposition to those wars – you have a problem. That means Stephanie Savell, who co-runs the Costs of War Project, which regularly provides well-researched and devastating information on the spread of those wars and the money continually being squandered on them, does indeed have a problem. It’s one she understands all too well and describes vividly today. ~ Tom


The Wars No One Notices: Talking to a Demobilized Country

By Stephanie Savell

I’m in my mid-thirties, which means that, after the 9/11 attacks, when this country went to war in Afghanistan and Iraq in what President George W. Bush called the “Global War on Terror,” I was still in college. I remember taking part in a couple of campus antiwar demonstrations and, while working as a waitress in 2003, being upset by customers who ordered “freedom fries,” not “French fries,” to protest France’s opposition to our war in Iraq.

(As it happens, my mother is French, so it felt like a double insult.) For years, like many Americans, that was about all the thought I put into the war on terror. But one career choice led to another and today I’m co-director of the Costs of War Project at Brown University’s Watson Institute for International and Public Affairs.

Now, when I go to dinner parties or take my toddler to play dates and tell my peers what I do for a living, I’ve grown used to the blank stares and vaguely approving comments (“that’s cool”) as we quickly move on to other topics. People do tend to humor me if I begin to speak passionately about the startlingly global reach of this country’s military counterterrorism activities or the massive war debt we’re so thoughtlessly piling up for our children to pay off.