Feb 7, 2021

🔭🌪️🥶 ~ (Oh Wow! Geoengineering do really exist - DAAAAHH!!) EXTREME WEATHER EVENTS INBOUND (Mike Morales) ~ | Blogger: [👉THE REAL REASON WHY WE HAVE SO-CALLED 'CLIMATE CHANGE' AKA CLIMATE-ENGINEERING ~ SOTW👈] ... {PS: at around the 58 minute maker, more pictures and prof} ... (SoTW) Stratospheric Aerosol Injections, Aerosols on Atmospheric Chemistry, Atmospheric Spraying, Chemtrails. Weather Manipulation, Cloud Seeding, Solar Radiation Modification (SRM), HAARP, Bunker Fuel, Dirty Clouds, Geophysical Warfare by Climate Control -- call it what you want... PS: Third (chemtrailed) picture below of the sky and sun is taken at a parking lot near Fort McDowell, Arizona where I went to a UFO Congress in 2018 (As I told you 3 people died at that conference but that's another story)... You can click and check out the (german-english) link as well, if you like... |

🙏 ~ 💝 (Græd aldrig ulv! Skønmalerier eller Skræmmebilleder?) Dagens Spirituelle Motivationscitater eller Livets Sandheder (SoTW DK) ~ 💕 | Blogger: [🌟COVIDFILMEN 2020 - HISTORIEN OM HVORDAN TALL OG ORD LAMMET EN HEL VERDEN ~ fred.johs🌟]... |

🙏 ~ 💝 (This is special!) Todays Inspirational Spiritual Quotes & Videos (SoTW) ~ 💕 | Blogger: [🌟THE VOLUNTEERS - Telepathic Version🌟] ... This video below, reminds me at SoTW how much I miss my beloved (biological) daughter after she left me and my family, without a word, 10 years ago, soon to have her 23 year old birthday in September. No explanation, no remorse, no heart, but it broke my heart and her aunt, the kids and grandparents and nobody understood her choice, except, that her mom hated my guts, since I left her, 22 years ago and wanted revenge, ever since... SoTW intend to PROTECT "innocence", in every sense of the word... In regards to women, men, children, animals, nature and alike.. And we don't have to obey or own anybody!... I believe, EVERYTHING, is a life lesson and challenge... Do we plan birth and choose DNA blueprint and parents? Yes sir!.. The Universal plan may be that the natural child stays with the natural mother or father, but it's not carved in stone... |

💌🧸👊 ~ (I Wish I Wish I Wish) JUDY BYINGTON:... SPECIAL RESTORED REPUBLIC VIA A GCR REPORT AS OF SAT. 6 FEB. 2021 (TheRumorMill + DC) ~ | Blogger: Please be open-minded and use your own spiritual discernment reading this stuff and anything coming out from Verdensalt.dk... With all due respect, I have nothing invested like Simon Parkes and others, to bring Trump back 4 more years or America restored to a republic, but it doesn't mean, he (and others) is not right about (administrator) China Joe and (president) Donald J. Trump etc. etc... We all want to protect our children, get our freedom back, avoid our constitutional rights be taken away and dissolve the hole CV-19 hoax... To live free and in peace, again with Jesus, God / Source and our country... |


JUDY BYIMGTON: Special Restored Republic via a GCR Report as of Sat. 6 Feb. 2021


Compiled by Judy Byington, MSW, LCSW, Therapist ret, Journalist, Author, “Twenty Two Faces: inside the extraordinary life of Jenny Hill and her twenty two multiple personalities.”

Divide They Try, Fail They Will, for Where We Go One, We Go All to Support POTUS, Follow Q and Trust Plan

I Miss Trump Video: https://youtu.be/BIQAbOR-Ldo

“I’ll be back by Monday”…Donald J. Trump

“Our journey is just beginning, for the best is yet to come. You’ll love how this movie ends – a rebirth of our nation.” … Donald J. Trump

Judy Note: “I’ll be back by Monday,” Donald Trump said as he gathered his closest advisors to Mar a Largo this weekend.

Charlie Ward: “As of last Sun. 31 Jan. the fiat SWIFT system was no more and as of Mon. 1 Feb. the Quantum Financial System was in place. Tier 4B notification to set redemption/ exchange appointments was imminent.”

Breaking News: This week US Special Op forces recovered bodies, body parts and surviving children from tunnels deep beneath the White House. With the US functioning under Martial Law, B*iden and 464 elected government officials were said arrested early Mon. 1 Feb. Since the Mainstream Media refused to air official announcements of such, the US Military would soon take over all American media outlets.

Juan O Savin (JFK Jr.): “This illusion was all going down in a few hours, but the fight will go on for some time.”

🗣️✊💞 ~ (MIB: We've Had Enough) Hundreds march through Copenhagen to protest Covid-19 lockdown & plans for vaccination passports (VIDEO) (RT.com) ~ | Blogger: Is Michael Jackson's legacy ruined? What are we going to do and think of Michael Jackson? What should we believe after the documentary 'Leaving Neverland', which, has showed us, in the most crushing details, how he was a "child sexual predator"!? Or, do we have enough evidence, that Hollywood illuminati entertainment did in fact, throw, Agent M, under the bus, so someone else, or sealed indictments of 220,000, the REAL nasty sexual predators, could go free?. We know that Hypersexualization of the Disney generation, has done magic work, subliminal sexualizing content aimed at young children from Hollywood, TV shows, Movies, and the pedophile fashion industry. This entertainment industry is populated with sexual predators, pedophiles and worse, often at the highest levels... Please remember; where focus goes, energy flows... Don't shoot the messenger... Verdensalt is just checking out the lay of the land... NOBODY knows the truth, more than Michael Jackson, who cannot defend himself... It's literally a perfect time, to divide the world, with negative energy, which is scooped up, by dark entities... Let MJ and MIB live to Tell a Tall Tale... PS: SoTW was lucky enough to catch the show "Michael Jackson ONE by Cirque du Soleil" in Las Vegas -- best show ever! And a Whitney Houston concert -- nothing beats that...Two of our best music performers at all times died under mysterious circumstances... |

People opposing the Danish government’s response to the Covid-19 pandemic marched through the capital in a fresh protest on Saturday. Unlike some previous events, this week’s gathering remained peaceful and prompted no arrests. 

The protest was organized by the ‘Men in Black’ group, who are unhappy with Denmark’s partial lockdown and the looming rollout of a digital system which will track vaccinations and issue certificates confirming people’s inoculation status. The passports are to be used for international travel and potentially to give access to public venues in Denmark itself. [READ MORE]... |  


"There's nothing that can't be done
If we raise our voice as one
They've gotta hear it from me
They've gotta hear it from you
They've gotta hear it from us
We can't take it
We've already had enough

~ Michael Jackson

⚠️🏅⭐ ~ (ON EVERYONE'S LIPS) Mike Lindell's Absolute Proof video is deeply disturbing. How could this have happened in America? (CTRNOnline) ~ | Blogger: PS: "Mike’s informants give a step-by-step explanation of how the 2020 election was stolen, right down to graphics which illustrate where each incursion came from – China, Iran, Italy, etc. He talks to the analysts who found the fraud in the 2018 election and watched as the 2020 election unfolded. He talks to military intelligence people about the extent of CCP intrusion into American life. Etc. I know it’s two hours. What can I say? It’s two hours very well spent." ~ Steve from GoldenAgeOfGaia.com.... |

👨‍💻🦴⚰️ ~ ('Something sinister is afoot') Will you allow Big Pharma to install its ‘computer operating system’ into your body? (LeoHohmann.com) ~ | Blogger: [🤜Investigative reporting on globalism, Christianity, Islam, Judaism and where politics, culture and religion intersect🤛] ... Excerpts: 📑"These media shills work in concert with government bureaucrats like Dr. Fauci, who is now saying the “key to achieving herd immunity lies in vaccinating children,” reports Yahoo News. Get that? They want to deliver an experimental mRNA vaccine into the bodies of your children. That’s despite the fact that children are the least vulnerable to death or serious illness from the Wuhan virus. I suspect there may be other, more nefarious reasons for targeting children which have something to do with the genetically modified coding markers embedded in the vaccine, but let’s leave that for another day. Why is the media so energized in making sure you get injected with an experimental biological agent that is said to be a vaccine but does not behave like any previous vaccine and offers none of the protections of previous vaccines? Why was this vaccine allowed to be brought to market without going through the normal stages of testing for safety and efficacy? Why the rush when we already have effective treatments in the form of antimicrobials like hydroxychloroquine and Ivermectin?"📑... |


When corporate media outlets start beating their collective drums for a single, one-size-fits-all medical treatment, let the alarm bells ring. Something sinister is afoot.

And right now, all of the most notoriously elitist media companies in America are shilling for you, dear reader, to get the shot.

They say it will protect you against the Wuhan virus, renamed COVID-19 as to remove from our memories the place from which it originated. That would be a bio-weapons lab run by the Chinese Communist Party in Wuhan, China.

Take for example the headline and lead-in to this article from The Atlantic: “The Second COVID-19 Shot Is a Rude Awakening for Immune Cells: Side effects are just a sign that protection is kicking in as it should.”

In another article, The Atlantic makes the case for government mandating every American to get vaccinated.

These media shills work in concert with government bureaucrats like Dr. Fauci, who is now saying the “key to achieving herd immunity lies in vaccinating children,” reports Yahoo News.

Get that? They want to deliver an experimental mRNA vaccine into the bodies of your children. That’s despite the fact that children are the least vulnerable to death or serious illness from the Wuhan virus.

I suspect there may be other, more nefarious reasons for targeting children which have something to do with the genetically modified coding markers embedded in the vaccine, but let’s leave that for another day.

Why is the media so energized in making sure you get injected with an experimental biological agent that is said to be a vaccine but does not behave like any previous vaccine and offers none of the protections of previous vaccines? Why was this vaccine allowed to be brought to market without going through the normal stages of testing for safety and efficacy?

Why the rush when we already have effective treatments in the form of antimicrobials like hydroxychloroquine and Ivermectin?

These are questions any honest press would be asking right now. But instead they feed us the propaganda from the Bill Gates-funded CDC and WHO and their partners in Big Pharma.

As an antidote to this propaganda, watch the interview Alex Newman conducted in January with Dr. Lee Merritt, an orthopedic surgeon for 27 years, including 10 years as a spinal surgeon for the U.S. military and past president of the American Association of Physicians and Surgeons.[READ MORE]... | 

💏🖤🤑 ~ (Black Lives Mæætter) Hallelujah Bimbo Sisters: Mette-Fletch er tilbage med 120.409.254 Konge-Kroner og redder alle coronakrisens børn med CV-vacciner og under sloganet ’Lille land, stort hjerte” (SoTW) ~ | Blogger: [🆘Så skal vi til det igen. Danskerne sidder lystig med mobiltelefonens MobilePay parat med flankeret af topunderholdning og kendte danskere. Tv-værter (børnetv), radiostjerner (teenager-radio) samt alkoliserede filmstjerner📱] ... {🤔Hvor er tv-indsamling til fordel for hjemløse, flygtninge, ensomme og udsatte familier i Corona-Danmark❓} ... DR's 'mind' kontrolleret pengemaskine som på tiende år, har indsamlet over 1 milliard kroner, det er - tusind millioner, som ingen ved hvor er... For 15. gang i træk samler DR, (senere TV2) og en række nødhjælpsorganisationer, humanitære organisationer ind til verdens mest udsatte lande. Det skulle istedet for omdøbes til; 'Lille land, SORT hjerte” - penge lige ned i elitens sorte hul i jorden.. ☝️Jeg har nævnt det utallige gange før, det er en svær pille at sluge, men indsamlingsshows går hovedsageligt til regninger, løninger, arrangørerne bag showet, teleudbyderne, administration, krigsherrer af diktatorer og andre som skummer fløden, som multinationale selskaber. Danske virksomheder smider heller ikke penge efter projektet uden at få noget tilbage via gratis reklameplads, alt velgørenhed giver skattefradrag. Det medicinske industrielle kompleks får også store summer via Kræftens Bekæmpelse. Det er helt klart den største malkemaskine i historien, for vores 'establishment', som styrer verden, men danskere, er hjernevasket, især børn og unge, som presser forældre, til at deltage, aktivt... |

Forord: Vi ønsker ALLE at hjælpe verdens fattige til at få bedre levevilkår. Tag bare et land som Afrika, hvor de fleste danskere aldrig har sat sin fod. Vi aner i princippet ikke en fløjtende fis om udviklingslandene, end det vi bliver stopfordret med af selv samme nyhedskanaler, som også driver diverse indsamlingsshows. Tænk lige over det! Måske er vi bare en lille smule for blåøjet og naive og blevet forledt til at tro, at vores medlidenhed og godhed kan hjælpe Afrika, fordi kontinentet mangler kapacitet til at hjælpe sig selv. Men realiteten er en anden. For selvom rigtig mange mennesker i Afrika er fattige, er kontinentet et af de rigeste i verden, når det kommer til naturressourcer. Tal fra et nyligt studie foretaget af 12 britiske og afrikanske udviklingsorganisationer viser, at imens Afrika hvert år modtager i omegnen af 198 milliarder kroner i udviklingsbistand, overføres der mere end seks gange så meget, eller hvad der svarer til 1.200 milliarder kroner, fra de afrikanske lande til multinationale selskaber og lande i den rige del af verden. Disse penge forsvinder ud af Afrika primært som konsekvens af en blanding af vestlige virksomheders skatteunddragelse og ulovlige udplyndring af naturressourcer, multinationale selskabers profitjagt og udgifter forbundet med klimaforandringer forårsaget af den rige del af verden...

Udgivet første gang den 20. Februar 2016 af Verdensalt

Indsamlinger til udviklingslandene og de fattige børn i den tredje verden "Afrika, Asien, Syrien" - TV-shows og internationale donarkonferencer - hvor er tv-indsamling til fordel for hjemløse, ensomme og udsatte familier i Danmark?

Som altid smider jeg nogen boldte op i luften. Giver bud på min og andres alternative forestillinger hvordan verden ville fremstå i lyset af konspirationsteorier eller sandheder, fremhæver egen opfattelse af det parallelle univers som vi lever i –eller rettere hvad jeg kalder vildledelse og manipulation. Tekst og sprog er i store træk mine egen, referencer til artikler afspejler ikke nødvendigvis min egen holdning, men er vinkler som kan nuancere emnet fra eksperter, andre links er fra oplyste individer eller organisationer fra nettets mangfoldige univers. 
Der var masser af tunge raslebøsser i taskerne, når godhjertet mennesker stiller op gang på gang hver søndag, som indsamlerne ved Kræftens Bekæmpelse eller når massen af hjælpeorganisationer råber om hjælp. Økonomien - er det mest stillede spørgsmål hos Røde kors som påstolere, at for hver 100 kr. der doneres, går 30 kr. til katastrofer og nødhjælp. Jeg kan ikke modargumenter, lyder rigtigt nok!? Om hvorvidt Røde Kors a/s - Privatiseret humanisme, som staten vil have den - eller andre hjælpeorganisationer har inddraget muligheden for korruption, snyd og bedrag inden hjælpen faktisk når ud til de nødstedte, er en anden snak. Her har vi jo udfordringen, ikke sandt? Lad os lige stoppe op et øjeblik og resonere over essensen i et problem: Kan vi uden tvivl, blive overbevist om, at uanset hvor mange penge vi smider efter landsindsamlinger, private nødhjælpsorganisationer eller humanitære formål i udlandet, vide, at det gør en forskel? Svaret er nej. Men, når vi ser billeder, fortællinger samt nyheder fra hotspots om sult og underernæring blandt børn i de tredje lande, sker der en kemisk reaktion hos os mennesker. Først og fremmest en skyldfølelse, vi gør ikke nok for omverden. Forarget over det overhoved kan finde sted, i vores trygge andedam af overdådig, vestlig rigdom - så handler vi. Vi så det mht. danskere der rejste til Lesbos for at hjælpe flygtninge.
Hr. og Fru Jensen kan slet ikke begribe de aftaler og hemmelighedskræmmeri hele denne branche er styret under. Alle kan huske showet og shitstormen omkring Melodi grand prix i 2014 der kostede 334 millioner kroner og efter massivt pres, udleverede DR hemmelige kontrakter.

Men hvem har indkodet det selvevaluerende destrueringsprogram i vores hjerner? Hvordan kan vi redde andre, når vi ikke engang kan redde os selv uden afhængigheden af det danske sociale sikkerhedsnet? Start med at hjælpe vores hjemløse, ensomme og udsatte familier, asylcentre og flygtninge i Danmark! 

Vi kunne starte med mediebranchen og de som tjener på disse underholdningsshows. Det viser sig nu at en It-fejl hos TDC opkrævede en million for meget i sms-donationer der fik ud over 3.301 kunder, som i sidste weekend donerede til indsamlingsshowet via sms. MEGA Pindeligt! 

Uden tøven, poster vi penge via ind via SMS og internettet hjemmefra via Indsamlingsshows som er omgivet af god energi. Vores elskede statsminister, den lille  svindler Løkke, sidder og tager imod kald fra borgere og virksomhederne får masser af reklameplads via reklamestriben på skærmen. Kendisser og TV-værter med tåre i øjnene, moser os igennem et tæt pakket program, som primært består af underholdningsindslag og intimiderende indslag for, at få flest mulig penge indkasseret. Efter showet går vi alle i seng og føler, vi har gjort en forskel. Der er dog ingen som ANER hvor pengene ender henne... 

Det er ingen hemmelighed, flere Shitstorm har ramt TV 2 og DR'I er snart værre end de IS-banditter' var en af kommentarne, tilbage i september 2015. Danmarks Indsamlingen (Når mor kalder) i 2014 blev der samlet 87 millioner ind, men 15,5 af disse gik til at dække indsamlingens udgifter. Det fremgår dog ikke af den pressemeddelelse, som DR sendte ud efter showet. Bertel Haarder om indsamlingsshowHolder øje med DR. 

Fik et flashback til min ynglings film "Fletch Lives" hvor Farnsworth Ministries church snyder  menigheden, bliver stopfodret med informationer omkring folks synder og helbreder derefter. Hvorfor smider vi penge efter 'shows' som 'føder' medicinalindustriens (farmaceutiske industri's håndslangere ligesom Kræftens Bekæmpelse) forskning via lægemidler, som igen levere os kræftmedicin som er det rene gift for vores kroppe?