Aug 29, 2018

Lisa Haven | Aug 29, 2018 | ~ BANG!! DOD Admits They’re Able to Control Earthquakes, Volcanoes, Climate And... ~ | Blogger: ⚠️DISCLAIMER: Lisa Haven is like Alex Jones, and others, very popular within the alternative conspiracy communities, but for, a little bit crazy end-of-the-world bizarre.. However, this time, she's spot-on... HAARP - ring a bell? 🔔 (weather modification programs, to say at least) ... |

Here's the link that goes with the video:


A normal weekday in Northern part of Zealand of Denmark a few days ago - end of August, 2018 before sunset:

RT | Aug 29, 2018 | ~ WATCH Theresa May avoid ‘Nelson Mandela terrorist’ question in awkward interview ~ | .. Theresa May repeatedly refused to deny that she believed the Nobel Peace Prize-winning former South African leader Nelson Mandela was “a terrorist” during a tense televised interview. Speaking to Channel Four’s Michael Crick during her visit to South Africa, May was asked repeatedly to outline her historical position on African National Congress (ANC) leader Mandela, refusing each time to do so .. |


Det Røde Felt | 29. Aug 2018 | ~ Ny skandale i Skat (1) ~ | Blogger: Pudsigt indslag fra en kendis lytter, Kuglestøderen og skatteudvalgets næstformand: Joachim B, som ville mene, at den ny skandalekomplot, der bliver pustet op af Lars Trier Mogensen, blot er lille del af regnskabet, lavet på gamle skattesager, som der arbejdes på (og bliver vasket rene). Det er jo ikke en stor konspiration, i linje med, at Israel stod bag 9/11, eller noget andet gak, siger altså, Joachim B... Lars Trier Mogensen, siger, hvis det var på daginstitutionsområdet eller militæret brugte løs af milliarder, som de ikke kunne redegøre for, ville det koste hoveder, men når det handler om at penge ikke kommer i kassen (statskassen, drive restancer hjem o.s.v.) så virker det som om der næsten er en sådan, "døsig tålmodighed". Og så skal jeg lige love for, at Skatteordfører, Louise Schack Elholm, gik i selvsving og blev rasende og pludrede løs om, at man ikke kan tørre noget af på (den næste statsminister kandidat), Kristian (omvendte Brubaker) Jensen, men skal gå efter Holger K. Nielsen (for det må man ikke sige, til en tro støtte til venstre-ledet Khazarian mafia)... Rune Lund Finans- og skatteordfører for Enhedslisten, peger naturligvis på Kristian Jensen og så fremdeles... Lyt videre og prøv Kildeskatte-spillet og se hvor du ender... |

Robotter, kunstig intelligens og en accelereret teknologisk forandring er ved at sparke benene væk under arbejderklassen. Men absurd nok har venstrefløjen forsømt at forhold til sig til tidens største opbrud. Sådan lyder opråbet i en ny debatbog, ‘Oprør for fremtiden – manifest for frihed og fællesskab midt i en tech-tid’, som er skrevet af regionsrådsmedlem Peter Westermann og SF’s finans- og it-ordfører Lisbeth Bech Poulsen. De vil vinde kontrollen over teknologien tilbage og frisætte almindelige lønmodtagere med kortere arbejdstid. Dernæst handler det om det forestående valg i Sverige: Hør lektor og ph.d. Göran Adamson, som er aktuel med bogen ‘De gode viljers land’. Han er stærkt kritisk over for den dyrkelse af multikulturalisme, som dominerer på den svenske venstrefløj, og han mener er med til at undergrave enhver fornuft, frihed og lighed. Og som kan koste venstrefløjen valgsejren. | 29. Aug 2018 | ~ Overlæge: Piger får også glæde af drenges hpv-vaccination ~ | .. Kræftens Bekæmpelse tror, at et tilbud til 12-årige drenge om hpv-vaccine vil effektivisere kampen mod kræft .. |

LÆS VIDERE: | Archive | TV2 FNYS | March 16, 2016 - Aug 29, 2018 | ~ Astronauts rumkapsel lander på teknisk museum ~ | (In English:) The Space capsule that blasted into space and then dropped in water with Denmark's first ESA astronaut, is exhibited at Danish Museum of Science and Technology in Helsingoer (Helsingør - City in Denmark) .. | Blogger: [🤫After THIS You WILL Question EVERYTHING! Hidden NASA Messages In CINEMA!🎦] ... 🌌☄️👨‍🚀 I'm going to be veeeery unpopular, but a conspiracy which started in the danish tabloid press of 2016 article, states: 'Andreas Mogensen, has never been in the interplanetary space'.. What happens just 20 seconds inside the movie of a thunderstorm that Andreas Mogensen has been videotaping for DTU (Technical University of Denmark)? Christian and a couple of youtube debaters wonder. A video of a thunderstorm from space... In the THOR experiment of the IRISS Mission Andreas Mogensen captures lightning, blue jets and sprites from the International Space Station, reveals, according to a user on the Internet that called himself, 'UNI VERSAL', writes, that he has noticed an object in the bottom left corner of the video picture (yellowish tripod or scaffolding) that does not look 'particularly heavenly'.. Andreas Mogensen refuses the claim, that the video has been taken inside a studio (of course) .. According to NASA's (Never A Straight Answer) Information Summaries - Astronaut Fact Book: 'As of 2013, 29 of the 330 (8.8%) NASA astronauts have had 0 flights. Removing the 2009 rookies, 20 of 321 (6.2%) have had 0 flights. Incidentally, none of these 20 are still astronauts. 11 of 312 (3.5%) that survived long enough to have a chance never flew.' ... You be the judge .. |

Andreas Mogensen under sin mission i 2015. Foto: Stephane Corvaja / Scanpix Denmark


StrangerThanFiction | Feb 25, 2018 | ~ After THIS You WILL Question EVERY- THING! Hidden NASA Messages In CINEMA! (2018) ~ | .. The GREATEST Movier EVER MADE By Stanley Kubrick! The BIGGEST FRAUD/HOAX /DECEPTION In Human History! Undeniable PROOF That Apollo 11 NEVER Landed On The MOON! NASA NEVER Went To SPACE! The Space Station Doesn`t EXIST! It Changed ALL! Must Watch! .. | Blogger: WHOA! Some aggressive astronauts and NASA people, to say the least. has meet some of these guys, but never challenged them. Hmmm..... really makes you think 👨‍🚀🚀 ... |


Video starter konspirationsteori: 'Andreas Mogensen har aldrig været i rummet' - 

19. Marts 2016

Blogger: Det allerførste jeg spekulere i var..Fakta eller Fiktion? Eftersom danskere de himlede op af begejstring, da Andreas Mogensen blev den første dansker i rummet, da han 2. september fløj op til den internationale rumstation ISS. Gider ikke skrive for og imod den konspirationsteori om Andreas Mogensen, fordi mange mennesker bliver meget dybt berørte og slet ikke aner, at der findes bedrag på så højt et niveau ..Set med amerikanske øjne, så er NASA fuldstændigt utilregnelige, det som kommer ud i ælteren til offentlighedens søgelys, er i MEGET skarpt kontrast med, hvad NASA holder hemmeligt og hvad de faktisk formår og besidder af know-now siden den industrielle revolution, faktisk sidenNazisters storhedstid, samt Roswell hændelsen (1941) som var startskuddet for Secret Space Programmet (SSP) 
Jeg har personligt mødt flere tidligere ansatte fra det amerikanske og danske militær, blandt en veninde, hvis far, rankede som Master Sergeant på Patrick Air Force Base østlige testområde, senere via kontroltårnet. Han er nu pensioneret, men havde top clearance, søsatte stort set samtlige missioner af Apollo-programmet, der omfattede både bemandede og ubemandede rummissioner, fløjet af NASA mellem 1961 og 1975.. Jeg har personligt mødt både Alex Collier, James Gilliland og mange andre som har været en del af 'military-industrial-complex', whistleblowere, som nu er en del af ufo-bevægelsen og vælger, at offentliggøre deres observationer og dermed i mange tilfælde også blevet latterliggjort, forfulgt, umyndiggjort og det der er værre...Søg på min blog omkring SSP og breakaway civilizations og du vil blive væltet omkuld, over hvad NASA og de andre tophemmelige faktioner, faktisk er i stand til.. Blandt andet med overlegen militært armada af flåde, der tilsyneladende både kontrollere vores solsystem, interagere med andre civilisationer, baser både på månens nordside og Mars m.m. Jeg er udmærket godt klar over, skal ikke gøre lynkarriere som en kendt whisleblower, udenfor FIAT-pengesystemmet (ligesom Mads Palsvig eks.vis) fordi jeg breder mig så vidt og omfangsrigt med konspirationer, UFO bevægelsen og det metafysiske element, men jeg har lært, man skal stole på sin mavefornemmelse og intuition og dermed siger jeg nok også, hvad jeg nu engang har på hjertet :-)

Se Christians video-bevis: Mogensens tur i rummet ligner fup 16. marts 2016 


Hvad sker der lige 20 sekunder inde i den film af et tordenvejr Andres Mogensen har taget for DTU? Christian og et par youtube-debattører undrer sig.
En video af et tordenvejr fra rummet afslører ifølge en bruger på nettet, at Andreas Mogensen slet ikke har været i rummet. Det er langt fra første gang, konspiratorikere har fundet mystiske detaljer at hæfte sig ved.

Da Neil Armstrong i 1969 satte sine fødder på Månen som det første menneske nogensinde, var det et stort skridt for menneskeheden. Altså, medmindre man tror, det hele er optaget i et studie ude i ørkenen.

For frem til i dag er der stadig mennesker, der nægter at tro, at mennesket nogensinde har været på Månen.

På samme måde er Andreas Mogensen, der var på mission på Den Internationale Rumstation, ISS, i september sidste år, nu nødt til at forklare sig over for konspirationsteoretikere, der har opdaget noget besynderligt på en af hans optagelser fra rummet.

Videoen er en optagelse af et tordenvejr i Indien set fra ISS, men i kommentartråden skriver brugeren, der kalder sig ‘UNI VERSAL,’ at han har lagt mærke til et objekt nede i venstre hjørne af billedet, der ikke ser »særlig himmelsk ud.«

Andreas Mogensen svarer tilbage på konspirationsteori
read more »

Dr. Michael Salla | Aug 29, 2018 | ~ Insiders Reveal Details of NASA & USAF Secret Space Programs ~ | Blogger: 💭PS: -- From when attended '2018 Conscious Life Expo': -- At Los Angeles Expo's prime event with David Wilcock started out discussing the Law of One - RA material. Suddenly Emery Smith (the ET Autopsy Insider) appeared on the stage (a few meters from me, he's a huuge guy) - and the crowd goes wild. David Wilcock friendship with Emery Smith goes 20 years back, after coming forward, he's hit with massive attack by the Dark Alliance. Emery Smith, the whistleblower formerly known as “Paul”, comes forward to reveal his work inside secret biological facilities deep under the New Mexico desert. You may have seen him in the film Sirius, as he was dissecting the Atacama Humanoid body. At stage he tells us of his induction into secret military testing facilities at Kirtland, AFB in NM where he was tasked with dissecting tissue samples taken from extraterrestrial bodies, hybrid creatures and Secret Bases. Living DNA controlled spaceships. Hallway to many corridors and doorways and like Andrew Basiago revealed, that twice in 1981 he was actually teleported from a CIA facility in California to a secret U. This was common for Emery to be teleported to unknown locations offworld in the 90'ish.... |


Insiders Reveal Details of NASA & USAF Secret Space Programs

Emery Smith, a former U.S. Air Force Surgical Assistant has confirmed that NASA has a manned secret space program in addition to its widely known civilian program, which uses an astronaut corps drawn from USAF personnel. In addition, Smith corroborated other insider testimony about secret space stations approximately 10 times larger than the International Space Station, which are serviced by TR-3B antigravity spacecraft flying out of MacDill Air Force Base in Tampa, Florida and other classified locations.

In the August 21 episode of Cosmic Disclosure with host David Wilcock and another Secret Space Program insider, Corey Goode, Smith discussed his knowledge of the secret NASA program, which is entirely separate to a USAF run program that is supported by the Defense Intelligence Agency, National Security Agency and the National Reconnaissance Office. Smith explained:
There are two sections to NASA. One is what the public sees and another underground Cabal type one, that does really mediocre stuff, as far as getting things into space for these other classified places. So their mission honestly is more on a supply type thing for them because they are kind of like the lower echelon compared to these other ones that Corey is talking about [USAF dominated secret space program]
Goode said that he was aware of USAF personnel trained to be astronauts with the secret NASA program, and encountered NASA personnel on one of the Moon’s secret bases called Lunar Operations Command.

Lisa Transcendence Brown on FB | Aug 29, 2018 | ~ Your Vibrational Energy ~ | .. Do you truly realise.... Your own Ego Energy actually REPELS and closes Universal Portals (Doors) that otherwise would be open for you? Your Vibrational Energy = Universal Vibrational Response .. |

Lisa T Brown & Todd Medina on Soulogy5D - Special Lion's Gate Event 8-8-2018

OOM2 \\ Many other sources | Aug 29, 2018 | ~ The Truth about John McCain: The Life and Death of an American Traitor ~ | ~ Senator John McCain Was Deep State’s Shadow Secretary of State ~ | Blogger: What is a real (war) hero in our modern society? We REALLY lack TRUE superheroes like Captain America ⭐... Do you still believe that Britain's Tony Blair, George W. Bush and Anders 'Fogh Of War' Rasmussen with NATO warmongering generals, are heroic heroes of the World!?... |

Humans Are Free | Aug 29, 2018 | ~ President Obama and His Chief of Staff Rahm Emanuel: Members of Same Chicago Gay Bath House ~ | .. President Obama and his chief of staff Rahm Emanuel are lifetime members of the same gay bath house in uptown Chicago, according to informed sources in Chicago’s gay community, as well as veteran political sources in the city .. | Blogger: [👬Men who have reportedly had sexual relations with Barack Obama: § - Donald Young, TUCC Choir director. § - Larry Sinclair, gay escort. § - Reggie Love, White House presidential assistant and Obama’s “body man”. § - Artur Davis, US Representative from Alabama and gubernatorial candidate. § - Bill Frist, former GOP Senate Majority Leader. § - Deval Patrick, Governor of Massachusetts🏳️‍🌈] ... (""""Former US President Barack Obama denies his visit to Denmark if the details of his contract are published"""")⚠️THIS ARTICLE, from HumansAreFree, has been banned by Google Search Engine ... This can ONLY be found by searching 'duckduckgo'... Just can't stop thinking, what the bloody hell will happen to the sheeples in Denmark, and the rest of the world, when they realise and finally wake up, to the fact, that (Michael - a man) Michelle Obama & Barry Soetoro - so says Barack Obama, is actually GAYS. And, Serena Williams is born a man (no joke). By the way, Hillary Clinton is a lesbian... Some even say, that Obama is a war criminal, butcherer of women and children, but a lying Deep State asset, he is... As always, please use your own spiritual discernment, reading on |

His name really is Barry Soetoro - so says Barack Obama


President Obama and His Chief of Staff Rahm Emanuel: Members of Same Chicago Gay Bath House

The bath house, Man’s Country, caters to older white men and it has been in business for some 30 years and is known as one of uptown Chicago’s “grand old bathhouses.”

WMR was told by sources who are familiar with the bath house that it provides one-year “lifetime” memberships to paying customers and that the club’s computerized files and pre-computer paper files, include membership information for both Obama and Emanuel.

The data is as anonymized as possible for confidentiality purposes. However, sources close to “Man’s Country” believe the U.S. Secret Service has purged the computer and filing cabinet files of the membership data on Obama and Emanuel.

Members of Man’s Country are also issued club identification cards. WMR learned that Obama and Emanuel possessed the ID cards, which were required for entry.

Obama began frequenting Man’s Country in the mid-1990s, during the time he transitioned from a lecturer at the University of Chicago Law School to his election as an Illinois State Senator in 1996.

Emanuel, reportedly joined Man’s Country after he left the Clinton White Hosue and moved back to Chicago in 1998, joining the investment firm of Wasserstein Perella and maintaining his membership during his 2002 campaign for the U.S. 5th District House seat vacated by Rod Blagojevich, who was elected governor.

Man’s Country appears to be a “one stop shopping” center for gay men. The club’s website advertises steam rooms, “fantasy rooms,” bed rooms, male strippers, adult movies, and lockers.

However, Man’s Country was not the only location for Obama’s predatory gay sex activities. The Chicago gay community is aware that Obama often made contacts with younger men at his famous “pick-up basketball” games. It was at these “pick up” matches where Obama first met Emanuel and a young Democratic campaign worker and senior bank vice president named Alexi Giannoulias.

Currently running for Obama’s old U.S. Senate seat now occupied by Roland Burris, Giannoulias successfully ran for Illinois Treasurer in 2006 after being drafted for the run by Chicago’s Democratic machine.

The Blagojevich trial: “Sex, Lies, and Audio tapes” — Fitzgerald’s US Attorney’s Office part of White House cover-up of gay sex in the Second City



Obama aflyser besøg i Kolding, hvis kontrakten bliver kendt

Den tidligere amerikanske præsident Barack Obama aflyser sit besøg i Danmark, hvis detaljerne i hans kontrakt bliver offentliggjort.

Det skriver JydskeVestkysten, som har bedt om aktindsigt i den kontrakt, som den tidligere præsident har lavet med Foreningen Business Kolding.

Obama besøger Syddansk Universitet i Kolding 28. september, og Kolding Kommune støtter besøget med 750.000 kroner.

Derfor har avisen bedt om aktindsigt i sagen for at finde ud af, hvad besøget koster, men kontrakten er fuldstændig mørkelagt.... LÆS MERE

GAOG \\ Arn Allingham (Zingdad), channel for Adamu | Aug 29, 2018 | ~ Adamu: An Open Letter to the Illuminati Bloodline Families ~ | Blogger: 👁️💕👼 -- Excerpts from letter: ".. Greetings, my friends. I am Adamu of the Monadic Entity of the Pleiadian civilisation brought to you through Zingdad. Today I will be addressing the living members of the ancient bloodline families. Those ones who are sometimes called by other names such as the Illuminati, The Powers That Be, the Ruling Elite, the Cabal and a few other, less charitable, terms that I shan’t mention. To be clear: I am not now addressing the rich and powerful who regularly appear in the press. Political leaders, religious leaders and the heads of multinational corporations are not the ones who truly run planetary affairs. These are people who come and go with time. And, when required, they always bow to the far greater power wielded by the ones I now speak of. But be that as it may. The bloodline family members know who they are. And it is they whom I address today, though I do suspect that this open letter will be of great interest to many others besides. It is intended, especially, that Starseeds and Lightbringers take note of this communiqué. So here it begins… an open letter to the members of the ancient bloodline families: ..[..]...". ".. What can I do right now that will open the doors for the rest of humanity to greater awareness and understanding of their situation? What can I do right now to create fewer secrets and more transparency? What can I do right now to give humanity greater choice and self-empowerment? What can I do right now to foster greater peace, harmony, compassion and understanding? What can I do right now to smooth the transition to the new dawning age? How can I increase the quotient of love in the world? How can I decrease the quotient of suffering in the world?... These are the kinds of questions that you should be answering for yourself if you wish to participate in the changes that are afoot. Engaging yourself with this process will cause you to find your energetic heart. It will allow you to know the sweet taste of being loved for who you are, as much as for what you do. You will feel the hand of divine guidance in your heart. And as you do this, so you will also find yourself beginning to be able to forgive yourself for all that you have done in the past. You will find, eventually, that you are able to forgive your whole line of forebears for all that they have done through the ages. And you will be surprised by the capacity others will have to forgive you and your line... [...]..." |

August 28, 2018 By Steve Beckow

Arn Allingham (Zingdad), channel for Adamu

Must read for everyone wanting to know who the Illuminati are, how their empire operated, how things have changed, how they’re losing power, how they’re compensating, and what their future is.

It’s long. Read in sections. But it’s not only brilliant. It also lays out the plan for deconstruction of the “existing” power structure and our role in it in a way I’ve never seen before.

And it makes perfect sense when you remember that Adamu is coming at the subject from a higher level than us. His is a level where love is ever so much stronger than it is in this dense environment. Where he is, nothing is evil, just misdirected energy. Everything is loved.

I consider what Adamu says here to be an exemplar of “committed speaking.” (1) I’m going to leave it up so nobody misses.

Adamu: An Open Letter to the Illuminati Bloodline Families

Greetings, my friends.

I am Adamu of the Monadic Entity of the Pleiadian civilisation brought to you through Zingdad.

Today I will be addressing the living members of the ancient bloodline families. Those ones who are sometimes called by other names such as the Illuminati, The Powers That Be, the Ruling Elite, the Cabal and a few other, less charitable, terms that I shan’t mention.

To be clear: I am not now addressing the rich and powerful who regularly appear in the press. Political leaders, religious leaders and the heads of multinational corporations are not the ones who truly run planetary affairs. These are people who come and go with time. And, when required, they always bow to the far greater power wielded by the ones I now speak of.

But be that as it may. The bloodline family members know who they are. And it is they whom I address today, though I do suspect that this open letter will be of great interest to many others besides. It is intended, especially, that Starseeds and Lightbringers take note of this communiqué.

So here it begins… an open letter to the members of the ancient bloodline families:

My dear friends,

Beforeitsnews| Aug 29, 2018 | Episode 1649a & 1649b | ~ X22Reports Q: It's Almost Showtime! The Trap Is Set Now Comes The Foreshadowing (Think Mirror) | The Good Guys Prepare The Economic Transition As The US Approaches A Death Cross (Videos) ~ | Blogger: A Must-See ... X22 report: THE ONLY WAY TO END ”TRUMP” IS TO HAVE HIS PRESIDENCY “”ANNUL”” - Many people are convinced or witnessing the beginning of the end of Trump... |

Cohen’s lawyer finally admits that his story was not real.

Trump continues with dropping his breadcrumbs about Clinton, Comey and the rest. This is foreshadowing of what is to come.

The feud between Session and Trump continues to keep all eyes of what is really going on.

The news media continues to call McCain a hero and they lashed out at Trump for not keeping the flag at half staff.

Q is letting us know that it is almost showtime and everything that we are seeing is foreshadowing of what is to come, think mirror.

The push to get the last deep state paid mercenary army is happening right now, once they are removed from Idlib the troops will be coming home.


The US yield curve looks like it is getting ready to invert, it is now the flattest since Aug 2007. According to the Fed there is nothing to worry about.

The US economy is in a death cross and the outlook does not look good.

The BIS reports that if Trump’s policies continue the entire globalist system will come down.

Trump announced a deal with Mexico, NAFTA has been replaced with a new deal. This is phase I and most likely this entire deal will be removed in the next go around.

The good guys are preparing the economy for the transition


The Trap Is Set, Now Comes The Foreshadowing, Think Mirror

As The US Approaches A Death Cross,The Good Guys Prepare The Economic Transition \\ DW | Aug 29, 2018 | ~ Denmark reconsidering EU defense opt-out after meeting with Macron ~ | .. Denmark's prime minister, Lars Loekke Rasmussen, told France's Macron that he wanted to »increase« defense cooperation with the EU »immediately«. He cited »"changing" trans-Atlantic relations, alluding to US President Trump« | Blogger: [💡En vaskeægte glødepærekonspiration!!. Det er første gang i 36 år, at en fransk præsident besøger Danmark. Hvordan Danske Bank og de gyldne seks "Too Big to Fail" banker overlever, uden mentale men, og hvordan en monster storbank, bestyrer dansk politik, erhvervslivet og investmentbanker, får fortjeneste på danske realkreditinstitutter som agere gebyrgribbe og de 750 millarder store skatteindtjening, som Staten driver ind via borgerne. Hvordan Israel og Kongehuset velsigner. Hvorfor besøgte Macron Krudttønden? Hvad fik Løkke ud af besøget? Tour de France til Danmark og Marcon's godkendelse af et Rothschild, Barack Obama og den Mørke Stat hos de amerikanske demokrater og Israel's igangsat Falsk Flag på Krudttønden?😓] ... 🔫 💣🔥 I am not crazy... I am not a nut job... I don't wear tinfoil hats... QUIT Calling me names... If you think is a cartoon character from looney tunes, that's fine by me 🤪... "The all-seeing eye that understands nothing, but i don't believe in coincidences" ... (How Rothschild Conquered Denmark and NATO: The Central Bank. Goldman Sachs. Investment Banks) ... FACTS: 🚩 -- Rothschild & Nathan-Rothschild-and-famed-quoteSons is the sole financial adviser to the Danish government and here on capital structure and the recapitalisation of 43 Danish money institutions. And no wonder. In 1813, Denmark went bankrupt due to debt to Rothschild – the creditor of all European countries, which were also in financial dire straits during the Napoleonic wars. Nathan Rothschild had hoped to thereby take control of all of Europe´s indebted countries through “Europe´s United States” at the Congress of Vienna. Czar Alexander of Russia prevented it – Rothschild has ever since seen Russia as his arch enemy. Denmark introduced a private (Rothschild) bank in 1818, a precondition to borrow more Rothschild money, – and even today it is impossible to learn who all the shareholders of this money printing machine /indebtedness are.... FACTS:🚩 (Emmanuel Macron – rothschild’s choice for president of france:) -- Emmanuel Macron can be called the most unusual candidate for president of France. He has no real political experience. He has not been elected anywhere before. He is not a member of any of the leading parties and the three years (2006 to 2009) in socialist ranks can be considered a formality; Macron joined them “officially” but did not pay dues and did not attended party events. By profession, Macron is an investment banker specializing in mergers and acquisitions and was successful in his career ... CONSPIRATORIAL FACTS: 🚩(Why is Denmark important for Cabal Banksters ??) -- Here is 3D matrix of illuion of why's: The Danish mortgage finance system has been a mainstay of the economy for literally hundred s of years and has performed well in extremely difficult circumstances. Danish covered bonds backed by mortgage loans are: of high credit quality; very liquid; and among the best & largest investment alternatives to government bonds in the world... Covered bonds backed by mortgage loans totaled nearly €360 billion at the end of 2013, second only to Spain (just over €400 billion) in aggregate amount. The stock of covered bonds is equivalent to 143 percent of GDP, more than four times as large as in any other country. The covered bond market is also nearly four times larger than the Danish government debt market ... CONSPIRATORIAL INDISPUTABLE FACTS: 🚩 (Was All Terrorist Attack False Flag on France?) -- Suspicion is growing in the alternative media that the January 7, 2015 attacks on the Paris headquarters of the satirical magazine Charlie Hebdo did not unfold the way the mainstream media would like us all to believe. Many knowledgeable sources are questioning whether or not France is being targeted by Israel since its lower house last month voted to recognize Palestine, which allowed the occupied state to become part of the International Criminal Court, with the power to hold the Zionist state responsible for genocide ... CONSPIRATORIAL FACTS: 🚩 -- (The FBI Not Only Allowed a Terrorist Attack to Occur, but Encouraged It - Must See Video and Documentation) 🏴‍☠️(May 2015 in Garland, Texas) 🏴‍☠️ -- Before you reject this storyline, this is AIRED from your beloved Mainstream media (MSM) Center of Fox News Network (In-your-face) .. hmmm ... Can you see how easy it was for the FBI to allowed a terrorist attack to occur??.. Keeps me wondering about 2015 Copenhagen shootings (Krudttønden - meaning "The powder keg " - a.k.a. The British Gunpowder Plot of 1605) and how EASY the PET/Danish Secret Service, 'could' do the same thing.. It's a indisputable facts, that The Danish Home Guard (Danish: Hjemmeværnet-HJV), The Danish Police and maybe, PET (Danish National Intelligence and Security Authority), and (Denmark–Israel relations), allowed and conducted a similar drill or terror exercise, just before it happened at Krudttønden, 14–15 February 2015 ... O-M-G!!!!! OHHHHHHHHH 😱😱😱... I just looked this up on wikipedia: DENMARK - ""Swedish artist Lars Vilks is often described as the main target because of his ""drawings of Muhammad""(Omar Abdel Hamid El-Hussein swore fidelity to ISIS leader Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi) ... TEXAS: ""The incident was the jihadist attack on the "“Draw Mohammed” free-speech event in Garland, Texas, in 2015"" (The Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL) claimed responsibility for the attack plot) -- HERE IS THE LINK or DOT-CONNETOR, I'VE BEEN LOOKING FOR YEARS!!!! ... FBI DID A COPYCAT IN TEXAS, 3 MONTH AFTER DENMARK. 👉EXACTLY THE SAME TEMPLATE AS KRUDTTØNDEN👈. HOW US/ISRAEL USE ZIONISM AT THE DANISH GREAT SYNAGOGUE AND LOBBYING IN DANISH PARLIAMENT... just did a 'sloppy' presentation ... You be the judge ... |

Did the FBI allow the 'Draw Muhammad' attack to happen?

Fox News: A security guard injured in the 2015 attack says in lawsuit that he learned months later that an FBI agent had been undercover in the terror cell that carried out the attack. #Tucker