Sep 3, 2018

Benjamin Fulford FULL Transcript & FULL Video | Sept 4, 2018 | ~ “Good side” of Rothschild family says Trump will stage financial reset ~ | ※Weekly geo-political news and analysis | Blogger: Excerpts from the full report:... However, the financial dimension of the cabal takedown involves “a…... 🔵gold-backed dollar and arrests next week,” says former (there is never really a “former”) CIA agent and Marine Intelligence officer Robert David Steele. Separate CIA sources linked to the Rothschilds add, “We are already in a global currency meltdown. It cannot be stopped. The financial reset is imminent. Watch what happens to the price of gold and silver. This all takes place before December 2018. Trump has a very big part to play. He is closely linked to the good side of the Rothschild clan. (Nat is in play again).” Meanwhile, the dark side of the financial force is also busy, the source says, noting, “The Indonesian rupiah is being crushed against the USD. This is the result of Jokowi’s government’s majority takeover of PT Freeport [the gigantic gold mine] at Papua, New Guinea. The Khazarian Zionist holdouts in the City of London are destroying currencies in the countries that will not bow down to their demands. Brazil, Argentina, Venezuela, Turkey, and Indonesia are the first to be hit.” The Khazarians are pulling money out of all these countries because they are desperate for gold now that the Swiss are being forced to return the BIS gold deposits back to their rightful owners,” White Dragon Society (WDS) sources say. This may be why British Intelligence sources, who cut off all contact with ... [READ & LISTEN TO MORE] ... |

Hvem er så denne Benjamin Fulford? Benjamin Fulford (Født 1961) er journalist, forfatter af canadisk afstamning, der bor i Japan. Han taler 4 sprog, herunder japansk. Han arbejdede i Japan som en korrespondent for Knight Ridder, DenInternationale Financing Review, Nihon Keizai Shimbun engelsk udgave, og South China Morning Post, før hans dage på Forbes Magazine, hvor han var den asiatiske kontorchef fra 1998 til 2005. Hans efterforskningsmæssige rapporter forfulgte skandaler i den japanske regering og erhvervslivet. Efter at have forladt Forbes skrev han en række bøger i japansk hvoraf nogle blev bedste sælgere, og begyndte at offentliggøre på internettet. Han overgik til japansk statsborgerskab i 2007. Han fik en vis popularitet på internettet, efter at han gennemførte et interview med den sky David Rockefeller i november 2007.

Til tider, kommentere David Wilcock på Fulford's blog. Virkelig spændende nyhedsstof, en vinkel, som bliver mere valid eftersom de begge har informanter og indgange til den virkelige agenda, uden censur, der aldrig når ud i de officielle medier.

“Good side” of Rothschild family says Trump will stage financial reset

Udgivet af Benjamin den 3. September 2018 

The deadlock has ended in the undeclared U.S. civil war that lasted all summer, and the good guys have already begun a series of stunning moves against the cabal, including shooting down their secret satellites, multiple sources confirm. Also, a complete reset of the global financial system has already begun, assert CIA sources connected to the self-described “good side” of the Rothschild family. And this is just a prelude to what promises to be a very eventful month of September, the sources agree.

The satellite shoot-down was first reported by the mysterious blogger “Q” and has been independently confirmed by three separate sources.
“On August 30, CIA satellites and supercomputers were taken down and likely seized by [U.S. President Donald] Trump’s new space force, and GCHQ [British Intelligence] was removed from the NSA database to also render cabal elements in the UK, Australia, Canada, New Zealand, Japan, France, Germany, and Israel deaf and blind,” 
 ~ Pentagon sources explained.

A CIA source in Asia who was involved in setting up the secret satellite network that was taken down last week issued the following warning to colleagues:
 “We are in potential danger. I hope your vehicles have fuel and you have emergency food and water on hand. There’s no telling who did this or why… and now that some of our satellites are down, God only knows what may be coming at us.”

Meanwhile, a third source says Nathaniel Rothschild’s faction was involved in the shoot-down, saying,
“Nat is back in play. He is with us. We are dismantling the Nazi/Antarctica global grid of communications. This includes several orbiting satellites, one of which has already been eliminated.”

The communications takedown is a prelude to both a military and financial offensive against the cabal, Pentagon and CIA sources agree. For reasons of operational security, the Pentagon sources cannot say much about the military action other than “a U.S. military offensive is under way to terminate the defenseless and disoriented cabal.”

However, the financial dimension of the cabal takedown involves “a…

( Below this line, is paid members only - please respect the author)
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | 3. Sept 2018 | ~ Fisker og bager fra Irak kræver penge af dansk militær ~ | Blogger: [🏴‍☠️False Flag 9/11 Which Let To The False Iraq War. The Gulf War Did Not (Will not, is not really) Take Place - La Guerre du Golfe n'a pas eu lieu💣] ... (The coalition - Multi-National Force – Iraq - military operations of the Iraq War and after US Operation Red Dawn, which led to the capture of the capture of Iraqi president Saddam Hussein) ... In capture operations in 2003 and 2006, conducted by danish (british, US) forces, several cases has been brought up by Iraqis, in particular three iraqis, in which, one of Denmark's two High Courts, has to decide whether they have raised the claim to the Ministry of Defense, to late... (Yet another Iraqi 'black ops' scandal is proceeding in Denmark, trying to force the Danish Ministry of Defense, to take some sought of responsible, in these days) .. First is was Operation Green Desert i 2004, now Operations Foxhound and Darlington (in which the government, most likely, will win) ... A baker, a fisherman and a third party, each asking for (the smallest demand possible, for mistreatment) DKK 50.001, but the Ministry of Defense asks the judges, to reject the claims 🙁 The Iraqi lawyer does not agree at all, about the late claims and compensations from UK, he says to the three country judges, Monday morning. 'The British were responsible for a lengthy detention, whereas Danish soldiers are responsible for """detention and abuse in connection with this"""", according to the lawyer '. One of the two iraqis that has received a (minor) reimbursement from British military has also been reported, that he has received a box of chocolate and an informal 'apology' from Danish soldiers, stated Christian F. Jensen, the lawyer in a document to the court.. |


Of Sound Mind And Body | Sept 3, 2018 | ~ The Best UFO Sightings Of 2018. (July and August) ~ | ⚠️FULL VERSION ⚠️ | Blogger: [Lots of MUFON Cases From Around The World🛸] ... Lyon, France | Glendale, Arizona | Edwards Air Force Base, within the Nevada Test and Training Range, Area51 | California | Southern England, Charlie B | LA, CA | Farmington, Michigan | LaPorte County, Indiana (woooow) | Juan Hernandez, Boat (Mexico? Water related UFO sightings?) | Westbrook, Maine | Plus Bonus Stories ... |

FOX 2 Detroit - cameras capture an alien being? (trolls, fairies, dragons, demons, gnomes, alfs)
More videos from Of Sound Mind And Body: 

Council of Love | Sept 3, 2018 | ~ Council of Love Monday Message ~ | .. DayBreak - 27 and Up - Sept. 3, 2018 .. |

Spirit Broadcast 

DayBreak September 3, 2018 

The Joy of Coffee 

PFC \\ CounterThink | Sept 3, 2018 | ~ VAN TERROR attacks finally explained by CNN (satire) ~ | .. This video is mislabeled. It says “satire” but it is clearly just another day at CNN .. |

VAN TERROR attacks finally explained by CNN (satire).

SpaceShot76 | Sept 3, 2018 | ~ Q anon 9/2/18 Facebook is Lifelog (DARPA) ~ | Blogger: First, YouTuber StreetCap1, passed away... Then, disappearance of Arjien Kamphuis, a Julian Assange's associate cyber security in Norway... Now, Bill Smith News!?... Who's next? 😮 | | Sept 3, 2018 | ~ Another Bioweapon ~ Patent for Chemtrailed Morgellon's Disease ~ | Blogger: Mysteriet om 'morgellons kløe'... 🤐 |

The Truth About Vaccines - TTAV Special Sneak Previews | Sept 3, 2018 | ~ Robert F. Kennedy Jr. Interview ~ | ~ Del Bigtree and Polly Tommey (from Vaxxed) Interview ~ | ~ Sayer Ji & Dr. Judy Mikovits Interview || MMR vaccine ~ | Blogger: [⚕️Kræftvaccinationer, transgender HPV, Influenza hysteriet, polioepidemier, røde hunde, acnevax, mæslinger til overlevelse UDEN vacciner 💉] ... Går ud fra, 'The Truth About Vaccines'-serien, der først gennemhullede ”den farmaceutiske mafia”, er den samme genudsendelse af bestseller miniserien, der løb af stablen første gang i April 2017 (Featured: Ty and Charlene's Story). har set dem alle og de er fortryllende, bevisfremførende og gnistrende veloplagt videocast-serie... Episode 2: (What’s in a Vaccine? Are Vaccines Effective? ... and ... What About Polio?), skal der især lyttes til, hvad den amerikanske Dr. Larry Palevsky, M.D. fortæller os omkring Blod-hjerne-barriere - adskiller hjernevævet fra blodet (videoen er ikke i denne blogpost). Blod-hjerne-barrieren er hjernens effektive forsvarsmur, værn mod giftstoffer. Verdens føderale sundhedsorganisationer påstås, at aluminium, som er bestanddel i vacciner, er det samme som i vores omgivende miljø, det passer ikke. Vacciners stærke aluminiumsalt som adjuvans og andre former for aluminium der tilsættes vacciner, er struktureres på en sådanne måde det passere gennem hjernen. Aluminium binder virus og bakterier og andre lægemidler/kemiske stoffer som den farmaceutisk industri fremstiller, til at passere gennem hjernen sammen med Polysorbate-80 (Monsanto) som emulgatorer der få fedtstof og vand til at hænge. Dermed kan industrien fremstille nano-vaccine teknologier som går direkte i hjernen uden om Blod-hjerne-barrieren og derfor har i dag: - 1 ud af 6 børn som har en nerve udviklingsforstyrrelse - 1 ud af 50 børn med autisme - 1 ud af 10 børn med ADHD - 1 ud af 20 børn under 5 år med anfald... |

Nyhedsbrev fra | cand. jur. & markedsøkonom Lars Bjørknæs | 3. Sept 2018 | ~ Skandaleramt milliardprojekt shop-amok forud for aflyst åbning : Købte polo-trøjer for 126.000 kroner ~ |

Skal man beskrive det milliarddyre aarhusianske letbaneprojekt med fire ord, kunne det være udsættelser, aflysninger, millionlønninger og overforbrug. Det sidste kan du læse om i dag i forbindelse med historien om, at der i dén grad blev indkøbt polotrøjer til den planlagte, men efterfølgende aflyste, åbning af Aarhus Letbane.

Igen i denne uge bliver fokus også sat på det forestående besøg af Barack Obama på Syddansk Universitet i Kolding.

Det sker i første omgang senere i dag med en opfølgning på beretningen om, hvordan Koldings kommunaldirektør sikrede sig en fribillet til en værdi af 17.500 kroner til arrangementet. \\ BT Nyheder | 3. Spet 2018 | ~ Danskerne har talt: Her er Danmarks bedste og dårligste bank ~ | .. Mens Ringkjøbing Landbobanks image er helt i top, må Nordea tage den ærgerlige titel, som Danmarks værste bank .. Ringkjøbing Landbobanks image er helt i top, Nordea og Danske Bank må sande, at omverdenen skæver negativt til dem .. |

🔴BREAKING FOX NEWS | Sept 3, 2018 | ~ At least 10 shot at San Bernardino, Calif., apartment complex; 3 victims reported 'critical' ~ | .. At least 10 people have been shot in an apartment complex in San Bernardino, Calif., with at least three of the victims in “extremely critical” condition, according to reports. Police have set up a large perimeter around the crime scene, according to KTVN-TV in Los Angeles .. |

READ MORE: | Arkivskabet | 3. September 2018 | ~ Hvem står bag verdensalt-bloggen? En spirituel opvågning savant ~ | (In English:) - Who is behind I'm sorry, I cannot always hold your hand around the campfire, singing Kumbaya and getting the joy joy joy down in your medi spiritual beating feminine heart!! I'm a Man with a Capital M, but in sync with both the Masculine and Feminine side 💞..... | Blogger: [👨‍🌾 Jeg er præcist samme alder som vores elskede Kronprins Frederik, Danmarks kommende konge og kan bedst sammenlignes med H.K.H. Dog er jeg en pengeløs formueejer, ukendt "John Doe" og dagdrømmer. Scorede ikke højest inden for både intelligens og kreativitet i skoletiden, men en “spirituel” savant, opvågnet og set et lysglimt, et 'glitch' i den eksisterende 3D Matrix af illusionen 👁️‍🗨️] ... (Og mens vi venter på prinsen, kan seoghor fortælle os fra pålidelige kilder, at den royale familieidyl slår revner, hvor Margrethes yngste søn prins Joachim har kørt totalt solo - den Iskolde Joachim flygter fra familien) ... Hvorfor kan jeg slå Kronprinsen i Triathlon? 🏃 (måske). Fordi jeg er toksin-fri, afstresset og sund spiritual DNA-kodede avatar, som det aftraumatiserede menneske... Min søster, crossfit-jernladyen, har kysset Kronprins-frøen, ved et stævne, noget som hun åbenbart, er stolt af og har en superdejlig familie, som jeg ikke kan leve foruden. Tilbage i 1988 gav Whitney Houston koncert i Valby hallen, og der løb jeg ind i Kronprinsen, fik vist udvekslede et par ord med ham... Min datter forlod sin far, for 7 år tilbage, min blogs daglige udsendelser, hjælper naturligvis ikke på, hun nogensinde, kommer tilbage, men min søster har tre børn, som acceptere og elsker, sin Onkel .. Jeg selv, på verdensalt-kanalen, er ikke en farmer eller bonderøv, som jeg udgiver mig for, snarere en bytosse-konverteretet-til-hillbilly, som har taget flugten, ud på landet, for at undgå Smart-City-5G-helvedet, luftforureningen og tilbage til stilheden og healende energi ved skov, vandet.. Læst eller gennemtrawlede over 100.000 artikler, set ligeså mange videoer, og lander snart på 13.000 blogindlæg... Er hverken ekkokammer og talende papegøje for fantasist-konspirationsteoretikere, har journalist eller forfatter evner, stadigvæk ordblind og farveblind (søgte engang ind i politiet og testede om jeg kunne bliver pilot). Har heller ikke kendskab til HELE sandheden (måske tæt på sandheden) om den nye verdensorden, universet og befrielsen, men fået en fornemmelse, af, der er noget galt og der findes en bevægelse, for at få, menneskeheden, på rette spor, igen... Besidder ikke talegaver som Mads Palsvig, heller ikke øbberbøv-snakkende som Kronprinsen, men jobbet mere end 30 år som IT-specialist i forskellige jobprofiler, i danske Wall Street / GoLDMaN SLaCKS top banker og the Hidden Nazi History of IBM (indtil min hjerne slå revner)... Slår aldrig nyttedyr ihjel, alle dyr, er skabt til at besidde en bestemt nyttelivscyklus på moder jord, ligesom os, mennesker. Det, selvom jeg har en ny svoger(ish) tidl. professionel soldat, der går på jagt og også en kammerat, aktiv jægersoldat, der kendte H.K.H. Kronprins Frederik, med kælenavnet Pingo, og en del af hans hemmeligheder (han er desværre gået under jorden).. Møder ALDRIG nogle danske medkombattanter ude i felten, på de hemmelige militær- og UFO konferencer, i udlandet, det forekommer mig stendødt, for den alm. dansker. Heller ikke til spirituelle arrangementer, undtagen i Danmark, selv.. Har nu fået et par nære danske kilder, og vi snakker da flittigt om hva' fanden er det, der sker, derude... Det handler om, at værne om sit indre univers, for at forstå det ydre, univers... Hvad nu hvis alting IKKE er så sort og hvidt, men der findes gråtoner, dem finder du ikke hos de 5 autoriteter; forældre, lægen, skolelæreren, præsten og samfundets politikere og Deres dikterede levevilkår (og deres håndlangere - den fjerde statsmagt) .. Hvorfor? Fordi, du ER hvad du har LÆRT! (du er også hvad du spiser. Du bliver syg fra dine tanker m.v.).. Indtil du frigiver din traumatiserede tidslomme i (hukommelses- chippen) hjernen, som forbinder din avatar krop (computer kabinettet). Din hjerne, sind, ego (flere forskellige synonymer) er et tidsløst element, så længe du forbliver i din tro på, at andre har skabt DIG og din hjerne ikke SKAL tvinges til, at foretage andre valg og lære af de fejl, andre, har GIVET dig eller fra almindelig, LÆRDOM ... Eksempel: Hvis du ser en LØVE, for FØRSTE gang, går du direkte over og vil klappe den. Der findes INGEN frygt. Når den så af naturlige årsager, bider din HÅND af, næste gang, du bliver konfronteret af den samme eller lignede situation, så ved DU, at løven, kan være farlig og du bakker tilbage. Tredje gang, situationen hænder, går du aldrig i nærheden, af LØVEN, fordi dit bevidste sind, har fortalt eller programmeret din underbevidsthed til, at EN LØVE, er lig med = FARE.. Forstår du? Det princip, gælder ALLE tænkelige situationer, du HAVNER i. Hvis du i et væk, fornægter, stædigheden dræner dig, dit ego beskytter og fastlåser (komfort- zonen), kan du ikke forandre dig og lære NYT. ALT, det du har fået ind med modermælken, SKAL, vendes og erstattes, til du til sidst, er renset, fra tvivl og det resonere med dit sind og hukommelsescellerne, har SMIDT de negative elementer, VÆK... 💭 PS: Metafysiske årsagsforhold (følelsesmæssige årsager til fysiske skavanker) til problemer med lungerne/luftvejene er bl.a. smerte, sorg, angst, krise, tab o.s.v. o.s.v. -- Hvorfor er Kronprins Frederik søndag opereret for en diskus- prolaps på Rigshospitalet!? (Sandsynlig årsag: 'Føler sig selv ikke støttet af livet. Ubeslutsom'. NYT TANKEMØNSTER: 'Livet støtter alle mine tanker; derfor elsker og værdsætter jeg mig selv og alt er godt') ... er et åndehul, til den sulte sjæl, som ønsker, at udvikle sig og afradikalisere sin fastfortømret perfektionistiske Ego, som ellers ville NÆGTE, andet... Velkommen til - Namaste 🙏.. |

ETH \\ Accuweather | Sept 3, 2018 | ~ DEVELOPING: Florida and the US Gulf Coast on alert for budding Tropical Storm Gordon ~ |

A storm that is expected to become Tropical Storm Gordon will spread flooding rain and gusty winds from South Florida to the upper Gulf Coast early this week. A tropical wave continues to become better organized and a tropical depression is expected to develop near South Florida by Monday morning.

Regardless of its exact strength, the system will spread heavy rain from the central Bahamas to South Florida into Monday.People hoping to spend Labor Day at the beaches of South Florida will likely need to adjust their plans. “Flights into and out of Miami and Fort Myers area airports could face delays and cancellations on Monday,” AccuWeather Meteorologist Faith Eherts said. Motorists will need to be on the lookout for areas of standing water on the roadways and should slow down on the highways to reduce the risk of hydroplaning. READ MORE

Northerntruthseeker \\ \\ Herbert | Sept 3, 2018 | ~ Genoa Italy Bridge Collapse: Shocking Report States That Experts Were Well Aware Of Problems Years Ago, But Failed To Act Due To Outrageous Maintenance Costs! ~ | Blogger: [🌉9/11 italian inside job? Are they running the 911 hoaxes in preparation for the upcoming Sept 11, 2018!?. On a early stage, has already made the claim, that witnesses reported seeing lightning strike the bridge 'bad column', just before it came down (Laser DEW?). My Austrian friend, Herbert, has a different story to tell from German, Swiss and Italian speaking sources (An explosive expert speak out!) 💡] ... (My thoughts and prayers are with the families of those killed or affected by this bridge collapse... 🕯️💔😔) ... 💭 Herbert: ".. Today I have found something interesting: It seems very likely, that the Genoa Morandi-Brigde-Collapse was a deliberate take-down with explosives. A typical false flag. Be careful, could be a fabricated video (I don't think so), but I guess you are at the watchout anyway. One critical swiss source is "Klagemauer-TV (wailing wall tv)" with the first suspicions (I know this source very well and I trust them) .." ... Mainstream facts: 🚩FACT CHECK: The public shock and fury surrounding one of the biggest infrastructure tragedies in Italian history is about to get worse. Days after a 200 meter section of the Morandi bridge in Genoa collapsed, killing 43 people, it emerged that Italian transport ministry officials were warned of weaknesses in the viaduct and corrosion in the bridge's cables some six months ago ... 🚩FACT CHECK: Revealed: Experts warned two years ago that 50-year-old 'uneven' Genoa bridge should be demolished because no one would pay for its 'exorbitant' maintenance - as Transport Minister says those responsible for 35 deaths 'will have to pay' ... 💭 PS: (in the style of nano-thermite Dr. Niels Harrit kinda Operation Gladio explosion?) -- is highly recommended. Many videos, articles and commentators voices has been translated into many languages. YouTube video embedded, pick subtitles for your language, if you don't understand german... |

One update:  I got an email from a colleague that has read this article and he sent me the following picture that he said is also up at Jim Stone's website at IF this is the picture of that elevated bridge structure of the part of this bridge that collapsed, then anyone with any common sense can see how it would have indeed collapsed... Here is that picture:

Genoa Italy Bridge Collapse: Shocking Report States That Experts Were Well Aware Of Problems Years Ago, But Failed To Act Due To Outrageous Maintenance Costs!

Wednesday, August 14-15, 2018

Revealed: Experts warned two years ago that 50-year-old 'uneven' Genoa bridge should be demolished because no one would pay for its 'exorbitant' maintenance - as Transport Minister says those responsible for 35 deaths 'will have to pay'
  • Morandi Bridge in Genoa had needed several rounds of maintenance work 
  • Bridge, built in 1967, collapsed during fierce storm, killing at least 35 people
  • At the time of collapse, it was undergoing work to strengthen foundations
  • Expert warned in 2016 maintenance more expensive than knocking it down
  • Transport Minister Danilo Toninelli vowing those responsible would 'pay up'
Many who have read this blog for years know full well that I have had major concerns about our "infrastructure" right across North America and especially in the United States... There is right now literally tens of thousands of bridges and other major infrastructures that are in dire need of repair, and the vast majority have now fallen into neglect... Every single on of these are basically ticking time bombs and could possibly fail sometime in the near future causing serious casualties and loss of human life....
Now here we go with that major artery bridge collapse in Genoa, Italy where the Morandi Bridge linking two major Italian motorways collapsed yesterday during a peak traffic period, causing the destruction of the bridge itself and the deaths of some 39 people so far..... It has been a major tragedy for Italy, and at the moment the Italian government has called for a major investigation of this disaster.... 
Yes, there will be a LOT of finger pointing for this disaster.... And what I found today, thanks to Web News System website, at, shows that some of the people responsible for the proper maintenance of that bridge were well aware for years now that it was in dire need of repair or replacement! This report shows that this bridge was indeed a "ticking time bomb" and the disaster that we just witnessed the other day was definitely going to occur sooner or later.... Here is that report for all to see for themselves, and I do have my own thoughts and comments to follow:


Tragedy: This graphic shows the part of the Morandi Bridge in Genoa which collapsed on Tuesday morning, 14th of August 2018, killing at least 43 people

Verdensalt's facts from MSM: 👉

Herbert's observations: the Genoa Morandi-Brigde-Collapse was a deliberate take-down with explosives.

(KLA.TV: Was it a warning signal to the EU critical italian Govt? To weakening Italien through EURO, through mass immigration or because they lifted sanctions against Russia? - ask the commentator...)

(Herbert:) Here the links of a critical swiss source "Klagemauer-TV (wailing wall tv)" with the first suspicions (I know this source very well and I trust them.):

More interesting is this analysis of not yet published videos:

and the follow-up to the first video:

It is very suspicious that there are for sure traffic-cameras which show clear pictures of the collapse and they are obviously classified. Most interesting the story of a witness starting at Min. 3:00

🔴BREAKING | RT | Sept 3, 2018 | ~ Julian Assange's associate cyber security expert mysteriously missing in Norway ~ | .. Police in Norway are looking into the disappearance of Arjien Kamphuis, a Dutch citizen with links to WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange. Versions on Twitter have ranged from a hiking incident, to a secret assignment, to a CIA hit. Kamphuis, a cyber security expert and co-author of a handbook for investigative journalists on how to keep themselves and their work safe from government spying, has been missing since August 20th, when he checked out of a hotel in the town of Bodø in northern Norway .. | Blogger: [🕵️Reddit: Former MI6 spy v WikiLeaks editor: Who really deserves 1st Amendment protection?🤺] ...


ZeroHedge | Sept 3, 2018 | ~ As Election Looms, Sweden Is Burning Again Tonight ~ | .. With the highly anticipated Swedish election looming next weekend, and the anti-immigrant Sweden Democrats party having surged in the polls (until the last few days), the timing of tonight's gang riots is only likely to enrage voters even more. Up to 22 cars were torched or damaged across southern Sweden Friday morning, weeks after dozens of cars were set on fire using molotov cocktails .. | Blogger: 🔥🚘🎟️ -- As Zero Hedge indicates, who started the burning of cars and who benefits!!? ... "With public calls growing for tougher policies on crime and immigration, support has risen for the ironically named, Sweden Democrats, a party with neo-Nazi roots that wants to freeze immigration and to hold a referendum on Sweden’s membership of the European Union.." |