May 2, 2016
SHOCK for the Scientists: Someone has Set up an Invisible Field that Protects Earth (We have heard about quarantine of earth, invisible plasma shield, magnetic field, scalar grid even Earth's defence grid in 'Men in black 3'. This time NASA finally confirms it by soft disclosure) - May 2, 2016
April 30, 2016 · bendedreality
via healthyviral24
This protective field acts as a barrier that protects the Earth from harmful cosmic radiation, while protecting our planet from solar waves go directly toward Earth.
Scientists at MIT have found that there is an invisible field that protects our planet. This mysterious invisible field sounds like something from a science fiction movie.
It prevents harmful cosmic radiation that enters our atmosphere and was first noticed by two NASA spacecraft that are orbiting the Van Allen radiation belt at a height of 11,000 kilometers above the Earth.
This invisible force field blocks the highly radioactive electrons from the highest layer of Earth’s atmosphere. According to information from NASA, these “high energy” electrons are very aggressive and moving through space at close to the speed of light. They are very dangerous because they cannot fry anything with which they come into contact from the satellite to the spacecraft.
To learn more about this field, NASA launched two probes, the so-called Van Allen probes, wishing to research these electrons and to increase the safety of astronauts and equipment to be sent into space.
NASA states that the Earth’s magnetic field attracts these particles toward our planet. However, they cannot approach the planet to less than 10,000 kilometers, thanks to an invisible protective field that had never been detected.
UFO Photo Book + Speaking Events (Citizen Hearing) - May 2, 2016
Our director, Jeremy Kenyon Lockyer Corbell will be featured in an upcoming
photojournalism book called PHENOMENA. This investigative book explores the
modern American UFO myth, as seen through the eyes of believers and witnesses.
As seen on CNN, you can pre-order the book until May 8th HERE.
Benjamin Fulford partial update - May 2, 2016 (※Weekly geo-political news and analysis) ("...AIIB countries decide to stop accepting the US dollar and Asian Secret Society and WDS meeting this week will be a major topic of discussion. Khazarian cabal in the US must either accept the future planning agency and gold deal or else be hit with financial Armageddon. White House was under lock-down April 26 and 27th “as special forces led by [General Joseph] Dunford entered via tunnel to demand resignations" ...)
er så denne Benjamin Fulford? Benjamin Fulford (Født 1961) er
journalist, forfatter af canadisk afstamning, der bor i Japan. Han taler
4 sprog, herunder japansk. Han arbejdede i Japan som en korrespondent
for Knight Ridder, Den Internationale Financing Review, Nihon Keizai Shimbun engelsk udgave, og South China Morning Post, før hans dage på Forbes Magazine,
hvor han var den asiatiske kontorchef fra 1998 til 2005. Hans
efterforskningsmæssige rapporter forfulgte skandaler i den japanske
regering og erhvervslivet. Efter at have forladt Forbes skrev han en
række bøger i japansk hvoraf nogle blev bedste sælgere, og begyndte at
offentliggøre på internettet. Han overgik til japansk statsborgerskab i
2007. Han fik en vis popularitet på internettet, efter at han
gennemførte et interview med den sky David Rockefeller i november 2007.
Til tider, kommentere David Wilcock på Fulford's blog. Virkelig spændende nyhedsstof, en vinkel, som bliver mere valid eftersom de begge har informanter og indgange til den virkelige agenda, uden censur, der aldrig når ud i de officielle medier.
Udgivet af Benjamin den 2. Maj 2016
The gnostic illuminati and the US military have both told the White Dragon Society that Pope Francis must resign because of his friendship with former Argentine dictator Jorge Videla and his involvement in Argentina’s dirty war. The resignation will be the trigger for a series of dramatic changes in how this planet is run, the sources agree. “They will be writing about this thousands of years from now,” predicts gnostic illuminati grandmaster “Alexander Romanov.”
Romanov also said that Khazarian top Mafiosi Heinz (Henry) Kissinger had died and that there was nobody to replace him in the Khazarian power structure. We been told many times in the past that “Kisssinger is dead” only to have him appear in public shortly after we published the information. So, Mr. Kissinger, if you are still alive, please appear somewhere in public to be photographed and filmed. If he really is dead though, this would be a huge breakthrough because Kissinger has been the man behind the 60-year Khazarian mafia hijack of funds meant to be used for the benefit of this planet.
This could also be why veteran career CIA and State Department officials are now handling the gold negotiations with the Dragon family in Asia, WDS sources say. The gold is already available so, the delay comes from the people controlling the dollar printing (or inputting) facility. There are multiple meetings going on about this issue, especially in Washington DC, and these in turn are connected with the talk about having the Pope resign and Kissinger removed from the scene. More meetings on this issue continue this week.
In any case, if you look at the following links you can see very clearly that, as far as the real world is concerned, Khazarian mafia control of the economy is finished. The first is a map showing in red the countries enrolled in the Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank or AIIB. You can see that apart from African nations and the Americas minus Brazil, most of the world is already on board.
The next link shows these countries in terms of purchasing power parity (real) GDP. Again you can see the AIIB countries are overwhelmingly large in the map. The US looks huge too but, people who know the real world know that US GDP is exaggerated by about 50% through financial fluff (numbers in bank computers not connected to reality) and fake statistics so, you need to imagine it half that size.
The final link shows countries that have China as their number one trading partner versus those that have the US as their number one trading partner. Again you can see China has more than double the US in influence on the real world of trade.
What this means is that if the AIIB countries decide to stop accepting the US dollar, then it is game over for the Khazarian cabal in the US.
There will be an Asian Secret Society and WDS meeting this week where.....................
( Below this line, is paid members only - please respect the author)
Til tider, kommentere David Wilcock på Fulford's blog. Virkelig spændende nyhedsstof, en vinkel, som bliver mere valid eftersom de begge har informanter og indgange til den virkelige agenda, uden censur, der aldrig når ud i de officielle medier.
Is it time for Pope Francis to confess to involvement in Argentine dirty war and resign
Udgivet af Benjamin den 2. Maj 2016
The gnostic illuminati and the US military have both told the White Dragon Society that Pope Francis must resign because of his friendship with former Argentine dictator Jorge Videla and his involvement in Argentina’s dirty war. The resignation will be the trigger for a series of dramatic changes in how this planet is run, the sources agree. “They will be writing about this thousands of years from now,” predicts gnostic illuminati grandmaster “Alexander Romanov.”
Romanov also said that Khazarian top Mafiosi Heinz (Henry) Kissinger had died and that there was nobody to replace him in the Khazarian power structure. We been told many times in the past that “Kisssinger is dead” only to have him appear in public shortly after we published the information. So, Mr. Kissinger, if you are still alive, please appear somewhere in public to be photographed and filmed. If he really is dead though, this would be a huge breakthrough because Kissinger has been the man behind the 60-year Khazarian mafia hijack of funds meant to be used for the benefit of this planet.
This could also be why veteran career CIA and State Department officials are now handling the gold negotiations with the Dragon family in Asia, WDS sources say. The gold is already available so, the delay comes from the people controlling the dollar printing (or inputting) facility. There are multiple meetings going on about this issue, especially in Washington DC, and these in turn are connected with the talk about having the Pope resign and Kissinger removed from the scene. More meetings on this issue continue this week.
In any case, if you look at the following links you can see very clearly that, as far as the real world is concerned, Khazarian mafia control of the economy is finished. The first is a map showing in red the countries enrolled in the Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank or AIIB. You can see that apart from African nations and the Americas minus Brazil, most of the world is already on board.
The next link shows these countries in terms of purchasing power parity (real) GDP. Again you can see the AIIB countries are overwhelmingly large in the map. The US looks huge too but, people who know the real world know that US GDP is exaggerated by about 50% through financial fluff (numbers in bank computers not connected to reality) and fake statistics so, you need to imagine it half that size.
The final link shows countries that have China as their number one trading partner versus those that have the US as their number one trading partner. Again you can see China has more than double the US in influence on the real world of trade.
What this means is that if the AIIB countries decide to stop accepting the US dollar, then it is game over for the Khazarian cabal in the US.
There will be an Asian Secret Society and WDS meeting this week where.....................
( Below this line, is paid members only - please respect the author)
FBI Director James Comey is out of control, and his war against encryption is putting us all in danger. Sign our open letter telling him to resign (Also Read: CIA Director John Brennan going ballistic - “28 pages,” from 911 report should stay secret because its contents are “not corroborated, not vetted, and not deemed to be accurate,”) May 2, 2016
James Comey, Deputy Attorney General under President Bush |
Comey’s recent crusade against Apple is just the latest of many attempts to curtail our civil rights and invade our privacy in the name of national security - he has been endangering communities and security technology for decades.
He was instrumental in creating the vast domestic spy program that exists today. After 9/11, he authorized Bush’s massive, illegal domestic surveillance program and approved torture techniques like waterboarding. [1]
The FBI should protect the people: sign our open letter and tell Comey he’s out of control.
The government has access to more information and people now than ever. And yet, Comey insists he needs more. After lying to Congress about the need to sue Apple to build a backdoor into the iPhone, the FBI paid hackers over $1.3 million to access the San Bernadino iPhone. He’s since admitted that the lawsuit would have set a legal precedent that we know is dangerous, and we’re not alone.
Even the NSA thinks Comey is spying too hard.
Current and former NSA directors have spoken out against him. NSA Director Adm. Mike Rogers has called the FBI’s campaign against encryption a “waste of time.”[2] Rogers believes that end-to-end encryption is foundational to national security.
FBI Director Comey’s obsession with other people’s secrets could seriously harm our national security. Sign our petition telling him to resign.
CIA Director John Brennan. © Molly Riley / AFP |
The classified chapter of the 9/11 inquiry dealing with Saudi
Arabia, known as the “28 pages,” should stay secret because its contents
are “not corroborated, not vetted, and not deemed to be accurate,” CIA
Director John Brennan said.
"I think some people
may seize upon that uncorroborated, un-vetted information… to point to
Saudi involvement, which I think would be very, very inaccurate," he told NBC’s Meet the Press on Sunday.The US has a “very strong relationship… across the board” with Saudi Arabia, said Brennan, who has dealt with the Saudis in many capacities during his career in the government.
read more:
Energy Update: Why you feel like you're on spin dry AKA A Multidimensional Recalibration (Basically everything is hitting the fan for lots of people. All the unresolved or the abandoned parts of ourselves or changing and recalibrating who we are..) - May 2, 2016 CET
Lee Harris har tidligere haft månedlige prognoser via 15 minutters intensive videoer og han arbejder med energier som er rigtigt givende og meget reelle bud på hvordan vi bliver påvirket af de energifelter og energistrømme som eksistere overalt i naturen og omkring os. Lee Harris beskriver de nærværende situationer som alle mennesker og børn skal forholde sig til og hvordan vi genopretter balancen på ny.
Personligt syntes det er en opløftende oplevelse og faktisk meget rammende. Vil også sige, Lee Harris er på et bevidsthedsniveau jeg også deler, mange ting han fortæller os, er stort set mange af de emner, jeg beskriver på min blog........
April 2016 (Feeling, Being and Doing..), February, January 2016 (The 2016 Theme is "Boldness"). December 2015 ( Very intens exploding Energy in the world at the moment. More light to the dark elements in the last few years on world stage will also bring more internal conflicts to the surface. Fear of Survival, being Safe in our World and humanity will be clashing with our spirtuality)November 2015 Energy Forecast - Lee Harris (Connections & upgrades).October (Transformation Of The Speed Of Light) September is going to give you Clarity and Expression, much more sense of direction and allow changes to happen, coming out of our intense energies of fire raging from Aug & July high energy recalibiration.... August 2015 Energy Forecast - Lee Harris (Stop-Up And Breathe Many Times During The Day To Bring Everything Down To Zero,Cause Lots Of Energies And Fires Are Raging Right Now In Your Body And Your In a Complete Recalibration Who You Are And Why Your Here!!) July 2015 Energy Forecast - Lee Harris
GAIA TV: Fuldmåne astrologi d. 22. april 2016 v. Vita Storborg (Alle mennesker skriger efter Frihed og Fred, men det bliver svært! Det er kampen mellem magthaverne og folket!)
Published on Apr 24, 2016
Fuldmåne astrologi d. 22. april 2016 v. Vita Storborg -
How Grandma Locked The Bad Police Officers In Her Basement (Venus Green, retired school principal and widow, experienced the rampant racism and brutality of the Baltimore police department first hand. Most news outlets would not name the 3 officers involved..)
Published on May 1, 2016
Green, retired school principal and widow, experienced the rampant
racism and brutality of the Baltimore police department first hand. But
her ordeal was not yet over. It took her four years of legal battles to
convince the state to compensate her for the invasion, which the
president of the city council actively voting against.There is very little information about the officers involved circulating on the internet. It seems nearly all trace of them has been scrubbed from the internet. The Baltimore police department could not be reached for comment as to whether these individuals still work for the BPD.
President Hinting at the End of the Old Republic?
May 1, 2016 by Steve Beckow
Is President Obama hinting at the end of the old republic and the birth of a new?
He told attendees at the annual White House Correspondents Dinner:
“It is an honor to be here at my last, and perhaps the last, White House Correspondents dinner. You all look great. The end of the Republic has never looked better.”
Is President Obama hinting at the end of the old republic and the birth of a new?
He told attendees at the annual White House Correspondents Dinner:
“It is an honor to be here at my last, and perhaps the last, White House Correspondents dinner. You all look great. The end of the Republic has never looked better.”
BREAKING NEWS ALERT: Mushroom Cloud Photographed Over Kagoshima, Japan
Posted by benjamin - May 1, 2016 - Japan Standard Time
News alert: Mushroom cloud appeared in Kagoshima, Southern Japan at 1615 Japan Standard Time.
FAKTA: Regeringens respektpakke vedtages på onsdag som rent symbolpolitik eller udvidelse af loven, ingen ved det (Forsvinder retten til ytringsfrihed og forsamlingsfrihed efter vedtagelsen af ' Respekt for det offentlige rum'? Blå blok vil sætte alt ind mod vold af offentligt ansatte, udeblivelser fra retten. Hak ved det. Men, ang. 'anstiftere af optøjer' lovkravet, medfører det en "økonomisk kollektivt erstatningsansvar" eller "objektivt ansvar", hvis man tilfældigvis har befundet sig i en demostration på det pågældende sted hvor hærværksmændene bryder loven og ikke kan gøres erstatningspligtig, hvis de er insolvente? Seneste eksempel var Christiania hvor en tilfældig fotograf fik slået hul i hovedet af politiet. Som jeg hele tiden har sagt, vi på vej mod en politistat eller den totalitære stat - som har fuld kontrol med borgerne...)
FAKTA: Regeringens respektpakke er på trapperne
Ritzau -
Blå blok vil sætte ind mod vold mod offentligt ansatte, anstiftere af optøjer og udeblivelser fra retten. Regeringen ventes onsdag at fremlægge en længe ventet Respektpakke sammen med Dansk Folkeparti, Liberal Alliance og De Konservative.
Pakken indeholder tre dele: Respekt for det offentlige rum, respekt for offentligt ansatte og respekt for retsvæsenet.
* Det offentlige rum:
Erstatningskrav skal også kunne rettes mod anstiftere. Partierne vil indføre et kollektivt erstatningsansvar mod anstiftere af optøjer - uanset om man kan identificere de personer, som har forvoldt skaden.
* Offentligt ansatte:
Antallet af anmeldelser af vold og trusler mod personer i offentlig tjeneste er næsten tredoblet på 20 år. Partierne vil skærpe straffene for at overtræde paragraf 119 i straffeloven, der handler om vold og trusler mod tjenestemænd.
* Retsvæsenet:
I dag er der 42,7 procent, der i første omgang udebliver fra afsoning. Partierne hæver straffen for udeblivelse fra tre til seks måneder. Hvis man gentagne gange ikke møder op til afsoning, så vil man i andet tilfælde få en straksafsoningsdom
Det Røde Felt uge 18, 2016 (1)
KOLLEKTIVT ANSVAR. ‘Respekt¬pakken’ er Venstre-regeringens nye slagnummer - som i hvert fald ikke virker til at respektere borgernes basale frihedsrettigheder. Fremover skal demonstranter kunne idømmes kollektivt erstatningsansvar, hvis de har været i nærheden af hærværk og optøjer. Er vi på vej mod en politistat? Hør professor Sten Schaumburg-Müller og Bjørn Elmquist, formand for retspolitisk forening forklare de juridiske faldgruber i regeringens forslag. For kan man virkeligt dømme folk kollektivt - og altså uden individuel bevisbyrde? Hvad er der blevet af de grundlæggende liberale værdier? Hør Venstres retsordfører Preben Bang Henriksen forklare idéen bag den nye respektpakke.
Hilarion's Weekly Message - Bravo! You are regaining the mastery of your emotions! - May 1-8, 2016
Hilarion er Chohan af den
femte stråle af healing, videnskab, vision og sandhed. Han er det
hierarkiske niveau af Sandhedens templet på det æteriske plan i nærheden
af Kreta, Grækenland. Hilarion var ypperstepræst i "Templet af Sandhed"
i Atlantis, og han transporterede flammens sandhed sammen med
artefakter af templet til Grækenland kort tid før forliset af
kontinentet. Han arbejder med sjæle til at beherske det tredje øje -
chakra og grøn-ray kvaliteter, herunder healing og videnskaben om at
holde den ubesmittede koncept. Hilarion har ikke kun indflydelse med
healing, men også omfatter musik og videnskab og målrettet "vision"
gennem opfattelser af tredje øje. En kilde tilføjer, at Hilarion
arbejder ofte med Ærkeenglen Raphael, der ligeledes tjener på det
Kanaliseret af Marlene Swetlishoff
© 2016 therainbowscribe
Beloved Ones,
Many of you have been experiencing the feeling of sadness and observing these old emotional patterns from moments of time in your past life experience and it is good to see that you are becoming more proficient at just noting and releasing these moments as something of the past instead of dwelling in those old energies yet again. Bravo! You are regaining the mastery of your emotions! You may also have noted that these memories are those that have been buried deeply in your consciousness which go back further to more youthful experiences. This means that the cleansing of your cells is working more deeply than ever before. Let it through and intend to replace these with the pure white Light of the Christ energy.
We see that you are tired and long for this process to come to a conclusion and the fact that old feelings from times of youth are surfacing means that this cleansing process is almost complete. Picture brilliant little suns shining and spinning in each of your 7 major chakras and hold this image for a few moments several times each day. This accelerates the cleansing process and will keep reminding you that you are a shining Light in this world! You are moving into the higher realms of consciousness, the true source of your personal power and into a deeper understanding of your eternal identity. There are some moments when this connection leads you to important revelations regarding your purpose for incarnating during these times.
Kanaliseret af Marlene Swetlishoff
© 2016 therainbowscribe
Beloved Ones,
Many of you have been experiencing the feeling of sadness and observing these old emotional patterns from moments of time in your past life experience and it is good to see that you are becoming more proficient at just noting and releasing these moments as something of the past instead of dwelling in those old energies yet again. Bravo! You are regaining the mastery of your emotions! You may also have noted that these memories are those that have been buried deeply in your consciousness which go back further to more youthful experiences. This means that the cleansing of your cells is working more deeply than ever before. Let it through and intend to replace these with the pure white Light of the Christ energy.
We see that you are tired and long for this process to come to a conclusion and the fact that old feelings from times of youth are surfacing means that this cleansing process is almost complete. Picture brilliant little suns shining and spinning in each of your 7 major chakras and hold this image for a few moments several times each day. This accelerates the cleansing process and will keep reminding you that you are a shining Light in this world! You are moving into the higher realms of consciousness, the true source of your personal power and into a deeper understanding of your eternal identity. There are some moments when this connection leads you to important revelations regarding your purpose for incarnating during these times.
Jesus through John Smallman: You who are reading or listening to this message are not doing so by chance - May 2, 2016
udsender ugentlige budskaber for tiden, for os som har fulgt Jesus
Sananda i længere tid, har det altid været en fryd og opløftende
oplevelse for vores forståelse, hvad der sker omkring os. Den
Opstegne Mester Sananda / Jesus / Kristus / Jeshua tjener som en lærer
af hele verden, og var en af de største Spirituelle healere, der gik
på vores elskede planet Jorden/Nova/Gaia. Det er vigtigt at forstå, alle
vores opstegne mestre og de galaktiske venner, så at sige, ikke har
tilladelse til at bruge Deres beføjelser for at ændre forløbet af
civilisationer, kun i yderst sjældne tilfælde. Universets lov.
Kanaliseret af John Smallman
© 2016
Jesus Audio Blog for Monday May 2nd
Human consciousness is an ongoing spiritual evolutionary process that you collectively chose to undergo, and to which there are no limits. Limits are boundaries that you built around the illusory environment that you inhabit as human beings but which you are free, individually, to dismantle or move beyond. More and more of you are realizing this and choosing to move through them to an awareness of the limitless possibilities that creation offers you in every moment. Those who do come to an awareness that in Truth you are completely free! As more of you open to this wondrous Truth and acknowledge it you enlarge the gaps in the field of limitations from small individual pathways to an immense and interconnected highway that all of humanity can and will use to depart the illusion
Passing out of the limiting environment in which you have spent eons seemingly controlled and restricted by unseen forces of enormous power, you awaken into an infinite field of unimaginably unlimited possibilities. This is what humanity is in the process of doing right now.
Kanaliseret af John Smallman
© 2016
Jesus Audio Blog for Monday May 2nd
Human consciousness is an ongoing spiritual evolutionary process that you collectively chose to undergo, and to which there are no limits. Limits are boundaries that you built around the illusory environment that you inhabit as human beings but which you are free, individually, to dismantle or move beyond. More and more of you are realizing this and choosing to move through them to an awareness of the limitless possibilities that creation offers you in every moment. Those who do come to an awareness that in Truth you are completely free! As more of you open to this wondrous Truth and acknowledge it you enlarge the gaps in the field of limitations from small individual pathways to an immense and interconnected highway that all of humanity can and will use to depart the illusion
Passing out of the limiting environment in which you have spent eons seemingly controlled and restricted by unseen forces of enormous power, you awaken into an infinite field of unimaginably unlimited possibilities. This is what humanity is in the process of doing right now.
Nogle fejrer 1. maj som siden 1889 har været arbejdernes internationale kampdag og synger 'dejlig er den himmel blå'. Andre, hvor jeg er i blandt, fejrer dagen omgivet af kunstige skyer fra Chemtrails / kemikalie-striber. Gennemsnitsborgeren vil trække på skuldrene og måske sige »tudefjæs«, jeg siger, »kom nu for f.... ind i kampen«. Den danske regering har tilladt overflyvningerne af USA-fly i dansk luftrum siden 90'erne. Nøjagtigt som Transportminister Carina Christensen (K) løj om CIA's hemmelige overflyvninger af fangetranporter i 2008.
En Pilots bekendelser - Barry T. Davis fra Canada, Vancouver, BC
(Mindre udtræk fra Barry T. Davis bekendelser og min egen research):
I slutningen af 1990'erne eller måske tidligere, var hovedbestanddelen af Chemtrails udledningen i troposfæren sammensat af et super giftigt toksin kaldet Aluminium Oxide (Aluminiumoxid er en kemisk forbindelse som består af aluminium og oxygen). Blev blandt andet brugt til at reflektere sollys og hjælpe superkøle jordens atmosfære, bedre kendt som geo-engineering. Dengang mente man det var helt legalt og et officielt godkendt af regeringen via militæret. Forskere blev dog mere og mere nysgerrige og begyndte at gennemføre laboratorietest på luftprøver.
Vidste du, nogen af de samme neuro-toksiner, kemikalier eller tungmetaller er brugt i vacciner fra Statens Serum Institut?Følgende liste over ingredienser som forskerne fandt alarmerende:
Aluminum Oxide
Bakterier som Anthrax og lungebetændelse.
9 kemikalier, herunder Acetylcholin, Chloride
26 tungmetaller, herunder arsen, guld, bly, kviksølv, sølv, uran og zink
4 mold og svampe
7 vira
2 kræftformer
2 vacciner
2 beroligende lægemidler
E.coli Salmonella
Der findes faktisk flere forbudte ingredienser som ikke er rapporteret på listen. Nogen som forbedrer det amerikanske ionosfæreobservatorie HAARP («Jordskælv Maskinen») samt forlænger Wi-Fi strålingens rækkevidde rundt om jorden.
Vidste du, verdens største HAARP station lukkede i 2013 på Alaska's barske ufremkommelige landskab? Nu ejer den norske stat verdens største EISCAT/HAARP i Tromsø. Eftersom Danmark får en Smartcity København med 100 procent udnyttelse af Wi-Fi-nettet kapacitet, er Chemtrails en gave, sendt fra himmelen.
Brug' søg i denne blog' på 'Chemtrails' |
Herunder fotos fra Nordsjælland (Lysfænomener på himlen fra solen er ikke blot flotte, men også farver fra kemikalier)
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