Sep 11, 2020

🙏 ~ 💝 Todays Inspirational Spiritual Quotes & Videos (SoTW) ~ 💕 | Blogger: [🌟Beautiful friendship🌟] ... |

9️⃣1️⃣1️⃣ ~ This was @realDonaldTrump giving an interview on the morning of September 11th, 2001. Trump knows...he always knows. #Remember911 #NeverForget ~ |

9️⃣1️⃣1️⃣ ~ (Paying Tribute) Terrorists behind 9/11 attacks 'stronger than ever' despite multi-trillion war on terror ( ~ | Blogger. [👉SoTW Q: WHO is the "Terrorists" really? Was Osama Bin Laden aka Tim Osman, a CIA asset?👈] ... Was the 9/11 attack conducted by angry hard-core american and western hating Islamist terrorist group al-Qaeda mercenaries? Or did CIA / Mossad / MI6 / ASIS and Government entities funded the BIGGEST false flag, ever made on planet Earth?... There are direct historical links between Osama bin Laden’s business interests and those of the Bush family and puppet, Barack Hussein Obama, aka Barry Soetoro, that was lying about Osama bin Laden, death.. |

9️⃣1️⃣1️⃣ ~ Det Syvende Tårn - del 1 (dkdox .tv) ~ | Blogger: [👉v/ Niels Harrit, lic.scient., pens. lektor, Københavns Universitet👈] ... Verdensalt har været til flere af Hr. Harrits foredrag og ja - han har afholdt flere forskellige fascinerende foredrag, foruden om 9/11 tragedien... |

🔋 ~ 💗 LeeHarrisEnergy: September 2020 Energy Update Sketch 💕 ~ |

Revisit the themes of the September #EnergyUpdate from Lee in this sketch done by Talia Lancaster. Major Energy Shifts - Physical Symptoms 
Twists and Turns continue - Nothing is quite as it seems 
Creative Surge continues through September 
Reactionary Activism to Visionary Activism - DOWNLOADS AND SHIFTS 
Karma and Consequences for Dark Energy Intent is now at Work 
Deep Presence Revealing itself - Relationship shifts
Linear timelines gone astray - multidimensionality and the power of dreams Stay as steady as you can - steady is where the power lies
Conflict energy will be depleting - the veil is thin so the fire of conflict is disturbing to your energy field

Download the full transcript of the Energy Update here:

😵🥴🤯 ~ (Hjernekontrol og) Hypnotisøren: 5. Det lette offer (B.T.. Podcast) ~ | Blogger: [👉Bobby Zachariae FÆLDEDE Michael Ole Anker Poulsen, der krænkede og voldtog, MINDST 10 unge kvinder i sin klinik i Rødovre Centrum! Bobby kender til MINDST 6-7 andre alvorlige cases om Hypnotisører, der krænker mennesker, i Danmark👈] ... Faktisk taler Bobby Zachariae om CIA's MIND-CONTROL i 1950'er, hvor der blev skudt mange, mange penge i, at udforske hypnose og hjernekontrol fra amerikanske universiteter, og andre "lysky" anvendelser af hypnose, siger altså, Bobby Zachariae. For et par år siden, har CIA så frigivet resultatet og hypnose, var ikke så effektivt, som AFPRESNING og BELØNNING, siger Bobby. Man, har længe "tænkt" på, hvordan man kan få folk til at gøre noget, som de ikke har lyst til. Det STORE spørgsmål, om man kan få folk til at gøre noget, UDEN hypnose, siger Bobby. Altså, hvis man frygter konsekvenser, hvis man ikke gør, hvad der bliver sagt i henhold til AUTORITETER... 🤪(SoTW) Og det er sgu da spændende🤪... 🤔Hvis vi nu ser bort fra de HYPNOTISEREDE kvinder, Netflix-serien, 'Cuties', hvor 11-årige dansepiger, blåstempler og seksualisere den pædofile dagsorden, 'Kneppe Kofod', nøgne tissemænd på DR Ultra, de 701 kvinder der har underskrevet et støttebrev til Sofie Linde samt omskæring af små drengebørn, har den danske regering og danskere, VÆRET UNDER HYPNOSE, under Corona-krisen?... Tja... 🤜KØBENHAVN har PT skærpede forhold og anses som have et "Udgangsforbud", som er en slags "spærretid", en form for undtagelsestilstand, ligesom under krigen... 🤜VI SKAL alle bære mundbind i det kollektive trafik, selvom det INGEN virkning har... 🤜POLITIET uddeler bøder, for det MINDSTE lovbrud... 🤜 REGERINGENS KRIGSKASSE, ligger der blot 10 mia. kr., mens CEPOS forventer, at regningen på NEDLUKNINGEN, alene, koster over 500 mia. kr... 🤜UANSET om du færdes i det offenlige rum, youtube eller på internettet, bliver du OPFORDRET til at følge vejledningen fra Staten og regeringen har indført HASELOVE, som kan slæbe dig ud af din bolig og tvangsvaccinere, dig og hele din familie... 🤜Det er bare en brøkdel, hvad som er sket, siden den kommunistiske skyggeregering og Alleslandsmoder, Mette-mus, lukkede landet ned, den 11. Marts 2020, Magnus Leunicke, deltog på Bill Gates Event 201, OG DET ER SLET, SLET IKKE SLUT ENDNU... |

😷🎭👺 ~ Viral Issue Crucial Update Sept 8th: the Science, Logic and Data Explained! ( Ivor Cummins) ~ | Blogger: [👉"Hiding in plain sight: FLU IN USA IS UNAFFECTED BY LOCKDOWNS AND MASKS!!! (Also UK) Therefore... Lockdown/mask 'science' is now FALSIFIED -- Sweden was right. END." ~ Ivor Cummins👈] ... 200K views and counting... Superb report... Many countries are highlighted including Denmark... |

The ultimate update on our viral issue, bar none - Sept 8th 2020 . Get educated guys and gals - or keep your head in the sand while your errant leaders destroy society around you... ;-)

🚒 ~ 💗 Mass Meditation on 9/11 To Extinguish Fires on Entire West Coast (Vidya Frazier) 💕 ~ |


Mass Meditation on 9/11 To Extinguish Fires on Entire West Coast


Published September 10, 2020 | By Vidya Frazier

So far, 2020 has felt like a weird, chaotic sci-fi movie we’ve all been living in. In the last couple of days, those of us in California have been experiencing what’s now morphing into a violent horror film – filled once again with hundreds of raging, out-of-control wildfires. Along with highly toxic air quality – and eerily strange skies that glow neon orange.

People who have finally been able to go back home after being evacuated in the last two weeks are now being evacuated again. People who somehow survived the disastrous Paradise fire two years ago, having lost absolutely everything, are now also having to evacuate once again. Hundreds of people had to be airlifted out of a mountainous area. Precious national parks are burning.

And these fires are not all in California at this point – now there are more of them burning all the way up the coast through Oregon and Washington state.

It’s time for another mass meditation – and what better day of the year to do one — on 9/11!

Please join me on

Friday, September 11, at 7 pm Pacific Time,

in listening to this 14-minute audio of a meditation, using our powerful unified consciousness to assist everyone being affected by the fires.

And please send this far and wide to everyone you know — put it on facebook and all other social media you use. Thank you!

🤗 ~ 💗 Saselines DEL 1: Jeg forklarer min holdning omkring COVID-19 - husk også at se del 2 💕 ~ | Blogger: [👉ELSKER Saseline Sørensen! På den gode måde altså!👈] ... ELSKER hende, for at være en dansk CELEB som tør, at bryde tabuet og snakke om noget, som er så FARLIGT, at det kan ødelægge ens karriere... Så hende også til demonstrationen på Christiansborg, for et par uger siden...PS: HVEM ER disse faktatjekkere? Ved du det?... |

MUNDBIND Der ligger masser af dokumentation og 45 års forskning ( META studier) at mundbind ikke virker mod vira/virus - se min story og swipe til links. Tilbage i april 20, satte Rigshospitalet, DTU & Seruminstituttet et stort forskningsstudie igang, om mundbind reducerer COVID-19-smitten. Vi har endnu ikke fået svar på den test, og derfor har jeg sendt begæring om aktindsigt i resultatet or d.d Udover at forskningsprojektet modtager økonomisk støtte fra Salling Group, der som bekendt sælger mundbind, kan man på en liste fra lægemiddelstyrelsen konstatere, at forskningsprojektets leder, Henning Bundgaard er tilknyttet HPV-vaccineproducenten, MERCK samt lægemiddelproducent, Astrazeneca. Sidstnævnte er igang med testfaseforsøg af den rekombinante virale vektorvaccine mod COVID-19 sygdommen, benævnt: ChAdOx1, der er udviklet af Oxford University. Jeg må ikke linke så dem der er nysgerrige kan sende mig DM og jeg vil dele link
Et opslag delt af Saszeline (@saselines) den

5️⃣📶☢️ ~ Telia starter 5G-udrulning i slutningen af september (TV2 FNYS NEWS) ~ | Blogger: [👉NU KAN de næste 500.000 Telia-kunder få GLÆDEN af 10 gange bedre hastighed = mobilstråling + elektronisk krigsførelse👈] ... TDC's 2.776.000 Mobilkunder er allerede blevet aktiveret og slagtet med 5G i København og Helsingør... |

👊❌😮 ~ [9.10] Q: Plan accordingly [November] - AstraZeneca's Failed Vaccine - Adrenochrome on Dr. Phil (Destroying the Illusion News) ~ | Blogger: Great stuff👍... But of course, if you're a Trump hater and or, QAnon denier, don't watch... |

Jordan Sather (born 1990) in Bremerton, WA, is committed to empowering individuals through sharing knowledge of self and the cosmos. He is passionate about health, and coaches clients who want to become stronger individuals. He also writes for alternative blogs and news sites about new discoveries in regards to science, history, and geopolitics.

Source (Destroying the Illusion)

⛔🙅‍♂️💉 ~ PETITION: No to mandatory vaccination for the coronavirus. Help us reach our next goal of 900,000 (lifepetitions) ~ |


People of goodwill can disagree about the safety, efficacy and religious implications of a new vaccine for the coronavirus.

But, everyone should agree on this point:

No government can force anyone who has reached legal adulthood to be vaccinated for the coronavirus. Equally, no government can vaccinate minors for the coronavirus against the will of their parents or guardians.

Please SIGN this urgent petition which urges policymakers at every level of government to reject calls for mandatory coronavirus vaccination.

Fear of a disease - which we know very little about, relative to other similar diseases - must not lead to knee-jerk reactions regarding public health, nor can it justify supporting the hidden agenda of governmental as well as non-governmental bodies that have apparent conflicts of interest in plans to restrict personal freedoms.

The so-called "public health experts" have gotten it wrong many times during the current crisis. We should not, therefore, allow their opinions to rush decision-makers into policies regarding vaccination.

And, while some people, like Bill Gates, may have a lot of money, his opinion and that of his NGO (the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation) - namely, that life will not return to normal till people are widely vaccinated - should not be permitted to influence policy decisions on a coronavirus vaccination program.

Finally, we must also not allow the rush by pharmaceutical companies to produce a new coronavirus vaccine to, itself, become an imperative for vaccination.