May 19, 2018

CBS NEWS | May 19, 2018 | ~ 17 injured at chemical plant in Pasadena, Texas ~ | Blogger: Mamma Mia! Here We Go Again ... |

READ MORE: | 19. Maj 2018 | ~ Podcast #4 : De gigantiske lønninger hos Aarhus Letbane ~ | .. Lønningerne hos Aarhus Letbane nåede i 2017 et niveau, som må anses for at være uden sidestykke indenfor det kommunale Danmark. Det kan du høre om i vores seneste podcast, hvor du også kan få et indblik i, hvad en af aarhusiansk politiks vagthunde mener om lønniveauet. Reel gennemsnitlig årslønning hos Aarhus Letbane i 2017 : 1.176.633 kroner – selv sekretæren tjente over 800.000 kroner .. | Blogger: [🚨Grænsen mellem bestikkelse og lovlig modtagelse af gaver og andre fordele i det offentlige🚨] ... HOLD DA K***. Det er jo vanvid... Korruption er i dansk ret ikke et juridisk begreb, men hvis man som offentligt ansat forvalter penge for at tjene private interesser, kan man populært sagt godt kalde det korruption. Aarhus Letbanes direktør er chef for omkring 30 ansatte, men tjener alligevel mere end de fleste offentlige chefer - 3,5 mio. kr. dobbelt så meget som statsministeren (sammen med pension og et eftervederlag på 1.4 mio. kr.) og årslønninger på 1,2 mio. kr. (bonusser) for de offentlige ansatte på Aarhus Letbane ... |

Lønningerne hos Aarhus Letbane nåede i 2017 et niveau, som må anses for at være uden sidestykke indenfor det kommunale Danmark. Det kan du høre om i vores seneste podcast, hvor du også kan få et indblik i, hvad en af aarhusiansk politiks vagthunde mener om lønniveauet.
Aarhus Letbane

Af podcasten fremgår også, hvorfor man fra Aarhus Letbanes side mener, at lønniveauet har været fuldt ud acceptabelt. | 19. Maj 2018 | ~ IBM får kæmpeunderskud på 884 mio. kr. ~ | .. Massive nedskrivninger trækker IBM Danmark i blodrødt. Det går også nedad for omsætningen hos det tidligere så dominerende it-selskab .. | Blogger: Har jeg set det komme - ja - har arbejdet for IBM i 10 år af 3 omgange. Begyndte med at sidde på IBM hotline og supportere IBM Aptiva og OS/2 sammen med en af hovedpersonerne bag Linux (IBM's personal computer blev også siden solgt fra).. I de gode gamle dage på Gydevang og Sortemosevej, i det nordsjællandske, der tidligere har huset IBM. Domicilet var et ægte mekka af IBM's produktion fra disketter og software manualer, nu nedlagt. Hovedkontoret i Lundtofte, er også nedlagt og flyttet. Dengang husede IBM omkring 7.000 IT folk, nu et par tusinde tilbage, og jeg spår, IBM lukker og slukker snarlig. De har haft et underskud siden ihvertfald 2013 og bliver kunstig holdt i live af det amerikanske moderskib... Med de ublu priser IBM tager for serviceydelser (noget af det dyreste i landet) mv. så fatter man ikke, de ikke kan leve op til kravene, som stilles til dem.. Den offentlige sektor (stort set hele centraladministrationen) lever af IBM og derfor, er de stadig, uundværlige... |

IBM Watson er en af de teknologier, som den internationale it-gigant satser stort på - nemlig brugen af kunstig intelligens i alverdens sammenhænge, for eksempel på hospitaler. Men de tidligere så indbringende områder som for eksempel it-drift for store virksomheder, falder hurtigere, end de nye områder vokser.

Radio24syv | Den Korte Weekendavis | 18. Maj 2018 | ~ Vink til din dataansvarlige-dag ~ | .. Kirsten vil have troldehæren til at føre ud i livet, så bureaukrater kan forstå, hvilke konsekvenser den såkaldte databeskyttelseslov vil få .. | Blogger: [🔎GDPR - Omstridt databeskyttelseslov vedtaget i Folketinget uden én nej-stemme - Version2. Databeskyttelseslov: Bagdøre i Papes 'oplysningspligt' til borgerne. The rise and fall of Facebook – kan GDPR gøre kål på dette monster?🔍] ... ".. Databeskyttelses- loven har mødt massiv kritik fra flere kanter, fordi den giver offentlige myndigheder lov til, at bruge data om private borgere til andre formål, end de oprindeligt er indsamlet til. Den kritik er dog blevet delvist imødegået i form af en ny demokratisk konstruktion, hvor to fagrelevante udvalg i Folketinget skal godkende det, hver gang et ministerium vil bruge borgerdata til noget nyt. Borgeren får dog INTET, at vide om det .... (Databeskyttelsesforordningen (populært kaldet Persondataforordningen) er en EU-forordning, som har til formål at styrke og harmonisere beskyttelsen af personoplysninger i Den Europæiske Union (EU) ...

Praying Medic | May 18, 2018 | ~ Q Anon Update - Gimme Shelter ~ | 50 minute videocast | .. The Latest: Facebook Disabled 1.3 Billion ""Fake"" Accounts in 6 Months .. |

As the storm intensifies, Q anon reminds the deep state they may need to seek shelter.

SeaBubbles Official | May 19, 2018 | ~ SeaBubbles testing the Fly By Wire control system. Futuristic ‘flying’ taxi takes to the River Seine in Paris ~ | Blogger: Flying watercar? ... 💨🌊🛥️🚕 |

Matt Kahn All for Love | May 18, 2018 | ~ The Four Factors of Consciousness ~ | 90 minute videocast |

Matt Kahn er en spirituel lærer, mystiker, og intuitiv healer. Hans spontane vækkelse opstod ud af en ud-af-kroppen-oplevelse i en alder af 8, og hans direkte erfaringer med opstegne mestre og ærkeengle hele sit liv. Matt fungerer som en bro mellem den mystiske riger og rejsen af opvågnen. Mange åndeligt søgende har oplevet forbløffende, uforklarlige fysiske og følelsesmæssige helbredelser, og har vakt til deres sande natur gennem Matts dybe og kærlige lærdomme og transmission af hellige hjerte visdom. Matt og Julie tilbyde deres klare intuitive vejledning og kærlige tilstedeværelse, at fjerne alle opfattelser af forhindringer i dit liv og for energisk, at støtte dig gennem alle aspekter af den åndelige rejse og oplevelse af opvågnen. 

Elsker at lytte til både Teal Swan og Matt Kahn, det virker som om, de indeholder et helt liv af erfaringer, en rummelighed og begavelse indenfor den spirituelle verden som jeg ikke har set før. De går nødvendigvis ikke med strømmen, meget selvstændigt, egen opfattelse af tingenes tilstand og giver forklaringer som er præcise, nøgtern og virkelig rammende for vores livsaspekt og giver et meget større perspektiv end så mange andre. Både den spirituelle verden også blandt (almen) psykologi. Tillige har Matt Kahn en virkelig god lun humor og logisk tilgang.

The Royal Family | May 19, 2018 | ~ The Royal Wedding 2018: Prince Harry and Ms. Meghan Markle ~ | 👸 10 minutes to go CET ~ 140.000 are waiting 💍 | .. Watch Live: Today Prince Harry and Ms. Meghan Markle are getting married in Windsor at St George's Chapel. You can watch the ceremony live here from 1100 BST .. | Blogger: Price: 32 million pund ... |


#ICYMI: Royal wedding – Bow down filthy commoners to the virtue signalling event of the year


Windsor’s homeless struggle on as royal wedding hysteria sets in

LeeHarrisEnergy | May 18, 2018 | Ep 667 | ~ Lee Harris on Positive Head Podcast ~ | 90 Minutes - Full Episode Video |

Lee Harris har månedlige prognoser via 15 minutters intensive videoer og han arbejder med energier som er rigtigt givende og meget reelle bud på hvordan vi bliver påvirket af de energifelter og energistrømme som eksistere overalt i naturen og omkring os. Lee Harris beskriver de nærværende situationer som alle mennesker og børn skal forholde sig til og hvordan vi genopretter balancen på ny.

Personligt syntes det er en opløftende oplevelse og faktisk meget rammende. Vil også sige, Lee Harris er på et bevidsthedsniveau jeg også deler, mange ting han fortæller os, er stort set mange af de emner, jeg beskriver på min blog........

I loved recording this podcast with Brandon Beachum – he has such fantastic energy and it was a diverse conversation, which I think you’ll enjoy. Be sure to check out his channel and podcast Positive Head down below!  

Attend one of Lee's upcoming events around the world:
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Divine Frequency | May 19, 2018 | ~ Inner Earth Invite - Teresa Yanaros COBRA Connection ~ | 45 minute videocast | .. Teresa Yanaros' live stream from May 11th, 2018, discussing her inner earth dream and subsequent media events involving alleged Resistance intel operative, Cobra .. | Blogger: [Recent prophetic dream of Teresa Yanaros is a direct result of this awakening sequence and requires a detailed analysis - COBRA] ... AND YES! Cobra and his team faced with the outcry from people and trolls - planted web sheriffs (i call them), who condemn and ridicule the spiritual community ... just think this is amazing stuff and do not dwell deeper into the why's and trying finding clues that lead to some physical evidence ... |


Articles in Order of Publication Date: 
I Was Invited to the Inner Earth (May 2, 2018) 
Firing The Grid (May 4, 2018) 
My Inner Earth Activation: COBRA Called It! (May 5, 2018) 
Entry Protocols (May 9, 2018) 
Resistance Intel Operative (COBRA) Discloses Imminent ET Contact Protocol (May 9, 2018)
Teresa's LIVE Public Statement (May 11, 2018) 
Entry Protocols Update (May 14, 2018) 
I Published a Dream, Not a Blind Endorsement of COBRA (May 14, 2018)

You Are Free TV | May 18, 2018 | ~ Crop Circle Plasma Power: The Truth is Right Here! #SUPERSEEDS #SABOTAGE #DEW ~ | 60 Minutes - Full Episode Video | Blogger: Vauw........!!! Let's talk about spiritual female 'empowerment'… 💖 |

As Plasma technology is increasingly being deployed against humanity, Crop Circle research is being systematically suppressed and sabotaged. Monique Klinkenbergh, long time researcher and recorder of crop circle phenomenon in Wiltshire, England, the central area for crop circle formations, recently had her archives and electronic equipment ransacked and stolen in what appears to be the latest development in hiding the TRUTH about positive plasma technology from humanity as the Deep State continues to infiltrate the Disclosure Movement, spreading disinformation, wreaking havoc and causing bodily harm and property damage to genuine grass-roots researchers and film makers. Award winning Crop Circle filmmaker, Patty Greer joins us with Monique, and we get into the heart of why the power-that-shouldn't-be are sabotaging crop circle history, research and positive uses of plasma technology. Please support the restoration of the new Crop Circles Research Center in Wiltshire, England, the Heart of the Crop Circle Phenomenon. You can make a Paypal donation for this non-profit endeavor at:

Please support the films of Patty Greer and witness the incredible phenomenon, history and science of Crop Circles! You can rent or purchase Patty's amazing films here:


First Crop Circle of 2018 - Willoughby Hedge, Nr Mere, Wiltshire. Reported 8th May

Danmark Vågner | 18. Maj 2018 | ~ 11. September & False Flags med Josef Hanji ~ | .. Var tragedien d. 11 September i virkeligheden et såkaldt "false flag", som havde til formål at starte krig? .. |

Universe Inside You | May 19, 2018 | ~ 3 Scientists Say Octopuses Are Aliens From Space That Arrived To Earth On Icy Bodies ~ | Blogger: Something that's hot stuff in the spiritual communities, at the moment. Alex Collier also discussed the matter in the *LIVE* Webinar 57, yesterday (sorry, didn't have time to transcript Alex's live webcast) ... |

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I would be forever grateful 🙏💗 💜 
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ABC News | May 19, 2018 | ~ 10 dead, 10 wounded in shooting at Texas high school, explosives found on campus ~ | .. The suspect, 17-year-old Dimitrios Pagourtzis, is in custody (‘Born to kill’) .. | Blogger: [... My heart & prayers go out to all victims and families in the Texas shooting & also Cuba plane crash, were more than 100 people are believed dead Friday and all the myriad bizarre events, around the world 🕯️💜😔... ] ... ☠️MODUS OPERANDI - ANOTHER DAY - ANOTHER SCHOOL SHOOTING - ANOTHER DISTRACTION☠️ .. HEADLINES: WHICH COUNTRIES ARE DUMPING THE DOLLAR AND WHY? - GIULIANI: MUELLER TOLD TRUMP TEAM HE WON'T INDICT PRESIDENT - RUSSIA INVESTIGATION IMPLODES - - RUSSIA SANCTIONS ‘USELESS’ & ONLY HARM EUROPEAN ECONOMY – ITALIAN LEGA NORD POLITICIAN - RELEASE OF IG REPORT COULD STIR UP FIRESTORM IN AMERICA UNLIKE ANYTHING EVER SEEN BEFORE - SECRET SERVICE BUSTS TEXAS PEDOPHILE WITH """58 TERABYTES""" OF CHILD PORN AFTER LARGEST RAID IN HISTORY ... 👉like a Operation Gladio style NATO-backed paramilitary network operation, established after WW2, originally inspired by FEAR of the USSR ... 🙋How to recognize elements at play that seem to follow the same template – a template that suggests these are highly planned and coordinated events, rather than the work of random, unmotivated, lone attackers (well, first of all, look at these headlines👈👉) ... If you're a critical thinker, the false flag alarm ⏰ should automatically already be going off within you... Me, Myself, and Irene might have figured it out under 10 seconds 😎... (in other interesting news; 'WOMAN SHOT DEAD NEAR GEORGIA HIGH SCHOOL' & 'LVMPD: PERSON SEEN WITH MASK AND GUN AT BOULEVARD MALL ARRESTED, GUN FOUND WAS A FAKE IN VEGAS' & 'AMMO BOX CRASHES THROUGH ROOF OF TEXAS SCHOOL AFTER FALLING FROM BLACK HAWK HELICOPTER') ... Soooo, let's break it down ✊| (2 shooters in custody?🔫) - During the assault, Pagourtzis reportedly wore a T-shirt and trench coat, and the shirt reportedly bore the slogan ‘Born To Kill’ across the front. Screenshots of what is thought to be Pagourtzis’s deleted Instagram account reveal arrangements of weapons as well as a sniper-scope arcade game he supposedly snapped and uploaded there. He had also reportedly followed several pro-gun pages on the social media network .. (odd that he would wear trench coats in 97-degree weather & posting stuff about sniper-scope arcade game) ... | (11 the Master Number - Surrendering Power) - 11, 13 and 33 - The Illuminati - 10 dead, 10 wounded = 10+10 = '11'. Shooter used shotgun and .38 revolver = 38 = '11' ... 05/18-2018 = 1+8 = '9'. 2018 = 11 (911) ... | ‘Door control is the real issue’: Twitter reacts to Texas high school massacre: 'David Hogg, Cameron Kasky and Emma Gonzalez, who have since gone on to become high-profile advocates for gun control, each took to Twitter to deliver their verdict about the shooting and the influence of the National Rifle Association (NRA) on US politics' (Crisis Actors) - 👩‍🎤 Did you know that David Hogg & Emma Gonzalez are related?? They are cousins!.. David Hogg is about 26 or 28 years of age and Emma Gonzalez, Parkland school student, is a professional actress👨‍🎤 ... | ... "I’m scared to even go back," said one student, crying. "It’s just not something that you should feel throughout the day, being scared. Especially somewhere where we say the Pledge of Allegiance." .. (Pledge of Allegiance to whom?? Illuminati? Freemasons? The Deep State trying the gun-control trick, enforcing the militarized police & more surveillance at schools, public places, undergo more background check, gun-detectors. Did an appeals court rule that teacher-led recitation of the Pledge of Allegiance in public schools is unconstitutional? YES - in 2002. (which has since 1954 included the words “under God”) ... | - This is the sixth fatal shooting at a school since the Parkland, Florida, high school shooting that killed 17 students and staff in February. The Parkland massacre prompted a national debate about gun reform and school safety ... | 💭 (Verdensalt) - 🤔I'm just spitballing here, what is the main theme or common goal for #NeverAgain #MarchForOurLives #BlackLivesMatter #WhiteHelmets- Matter #BlueLivesMatter #EverySchool- ChildMatters #AllLivesMatter etc. etc.?? ... It's for our authorities to take CONTROL and implant: SEPARATION, HATISM, FEAR-MONGERING, DIVISION & CIVIL UNREST, in order to take ALL GUNS away. To let our authorities - 'SWAP your SOUL for CONTROL' ... FOR GOD AND COUNTRY 😕 ... You be the judge ... |