Feb 21, 2016

Wake up Call: St. Germain, February 21, 2016 (There is coming a very important message for the world)

Opstegne Mester Saint Germain, Le Comte de Saint Germain, den Europæiske vidundermand, og mange andre navne som tilhører den fascinerende mystiske mands kronik så som, "Manden der ved alt og aldrig dør". Han er kendt for sit engagement med at forme det 18. århundredes Europa. Han var et yndet gæst i Versailles, fortrolige med Kong Ludvig og Marie Antoinette, Napoleon, Katarina den Store af Rusland, og mange andre statsoverhoveder i dette tidsrum. Han var kendt for at have levet i 300 år aldrig aldrende, delvist på grund af den mystiske Elixir og andre alkymistiske stoffer, han skabte. Saint Germain har været fabrikanten af hele vores generation af kommende velgørenhedspakker, RV, GCR, PPP m.m. Hvis man forfølger de meddelelser fra vores opstegne mestre som sprøjter ud i øjeblikket, kan man sammenfatte sande beretninger og den fundamental forståelse for vores race. Kan naturligvis blot tale om min egen oplevelse og bevidsthedsniveau.

Kanaliseret af Nancy Tate
© 2016 treeofthegoldenlight

There is coming a very important message for the world. It has to do with the conspiracy that has been taking place for so long all over the world and especially in the United States of America. There is a taste of the situation on the Internet news today, and as it progresses it will take on a new idea of interpretation that will regulate the times that it will travel throughout the background.

As I tell this one the news, I am seeing that behind me is the progression that has taken yet another turn. It tells me that as the news reaches the forefront it will not only change, but it will also regulate itself according to the expedition of the energy of it. It will represent the intention of the people who are in contact with the news I speak of. In that case it is advisable to spread the word as far as you can to see the changes take place that represent the truth. That will change the course of what is being broadcast, and what needs to come forth that will give more people the essence of the truth, and the idea of what will be able to change it all for the better. When I speak of better, I am referring to what will get out to the public and enable the people who have been in the background to come forth and take the steps they feel to take that will be powerful in bringing about the changes that must take place for the world to become the freedom assembly of all of life in expression around the planet.

Apollo 10 declassified tapes to reveal puzzling ‘musical’ transmission from Moon’s dark side (Hoax or Soft Disclosure from NASA propaganda machine?) Feb 21, 2016

© Project Apollo Archive
Another reminder of space being a creepy place has been presented in the lost Apollo 10 tapes – the mission that circled over to the dark side of the Moon. The tapes contain strange ‘music’ that was received out of Earth’s signal reach.

The mission happened in May just ahead of Apollo 11’s 1969 moon landing two months later. The recordings recovered from Apollo 10 were only declassified in 2008 and will now be played on the Science Channel’s Unexplained Files coming up later this month.

So, what was strange about those recordings? Besides the fact that they contained a very musical dance of frequencies and noise, it was the fact that they could not have come from any manmade source, as there’s no radio signal on the far side of the Moon. This means also that astronauts can’t talk to Earth and are effectively alone in outer space for the duration of their time there.

In 1969, two months before Neil Armstrong would set foot on the moon, Apollo 10 was cruising just above the lunar surface when the crew was surprised by a “whistling sound.” The three astronauts discuss the incident at length in the upcoming show.

Al Worden, astronaut with Apollo 15, explains: “There are recorders that record whatever’s going on on the back side, and then you do a data dump when you come around the front side, and Houston or mission control then can see what happened when you were around the back side.”

The “music” transmission lasted for almost an hour, and had the crew talking about whether NASA needed to know at all what they had heard. "It's unbelievable! You know?” they confess. Almost five decades later there is still no clue as to the source.

When the three eventually got back, they opted not to tell NASA, which could be a smart move, seeing as the agency could have had them remanded into custody and kept from flying because of concerns for their mental state.

The debate will rage on in the upcoming episode of ‘NASA’s Unexplained Files’, as scientists continue to discuss the more prominent theories: one possible one is that charged particles were interacting with a magnetic field, the way they did on Jupiter and Saturn. There’s of course one problem here: the Moon has no magnetic field or atmosphere of any kind.

Time will tell.

source: https://www.rt.com/usa/333184-apollo-nasa-tapes-declassified/

Man claims he has proof the Twin Towers were rigged with explosives - Feb 21, 2016 (Truth Fighter - My Hero - Just like Danish nano-chemist Dr. Niels Harrit )


A MAN is claiming that EXPLOSIVES must have caused 9/11 15 years ago.

The clip begins with an unidentified American man strolling into shot in a smart suit and tie.
He immediately announces that it’s “moronic” to believe that the 9/11 disaster was purely a result of planes crashing into the World Trade Centre.
While showing a video of the horrific terrorist attack, the man alleges that it’s “absurd” to believe that a strong steel structure could have collapsed without explosives.

Hijacked United Airlines Flight 175 from Boston crashes into the south tower of the World Trade Center and explodes at 9:03 a.m. on September 11, 2001 in New York City.
The conspiracy enthusiast analyses how the Twin Towers collapsed

RAF stole our rain, says Cyprus as British military bizarrely accused of interfering with the weather so Tornado and Typhoon aircraft can fly (Chemtrails - How Much Proof Do You Need?)

Akrotiri RAF base: The Royal Air Force has reportedly been accused by the Cypriot government of interfering with the weather – so its Tornado and Typhoon aircraft can fly missions to Syria and Iraq in clear conditions
  • Local weathermen recently forecast heavy rain only for it to remain dry
  • British forces have been accused of using a chemical to divert rain clouds
  • The Ministry of Defence has rubbished the claims by Cypriot government

KÆMPE HISTORISK SHITSTORM: Norsk Politi har et kæmpe forklaringsproblem. Var de under pres fra Nordiske politikere og skibsejere? Nordens største kriminalgåde er opklaret - Besætning tændte Scandinavian Star-brand... kommentar på nettet "Skandale, at danske politikere ikke har villet undersøge færgekatastrofen" - Datter til omkommet på Scandinavian Star: "Vores system er råddent"...

Norsk politi saboterede egen teknisk efterforskning iflg. Søfartsstyrelsens forhenværende skibsinspektør Flemming Thue Jensen....Han "kender" de 2 skyldige der startede hovedbranden og hydralik-branden, men NÆGTER at sætte navn på de skyldige og har ikke tillid mere til det Norske politi.......

Udsendte fra danske justitsministerium mistænkte sabotage men politiet lyttede ikke. 26 år efter ulykken udtaler skibsinspektøren sig offentligt om skyldspørgsmålet fra en privat undersøgelse i 2010... Iflg. LIVE pressemødet, OSLO 21-2-2016  - Påsatte personalet branden,  maskinchefen var en central kilde af løgnen, nogen havde slettede dele af skibets logbog, skibets topledelse forsøgte at skjule ting, brandstifter saboterede skibet ved at blokere med en klods/kile til central branddør, samt absurde politi forklaringer - de ligefrem saboterede egen efterforskning, politiafhøringer forsvandt, advokaten handlet groft uagtsomt. Skibet var i svensk farvand og ikke international farvand som var en løgn. Politiets pågreb en lastbilchauffør og gjorde ham til syndebuk og dermed brandstifter, men han var blot uskyldig... Mange aktører har løjet og fortiet sandheden...  

Update: Pind slår fast: Ingen ny dansk undersøgelse af Scandinavian Star

Update: Mens Enhedslisten og Dansk Folkeparti kræver en ny dansk undersøgelse, vil Venstres retsordfører, Preben Bang Henriksen, have Flemming Thue Jensen afhørt af politiet ved et indenretligt forhør foran en dommer, så han udtaler sig under strafansvar.

Update: Norsk politi vil ikke kommentere skibsinspektørs anklager

Ups! Jeg-fortryder.dk
Om natten 7. april 1990 brød passagerskibet Scandinavian Star i brand midt i Skagerrak.
Skibet var på vej fra Oslo til Frederikshavn, hvor størstedelen af passagerne skulle på påskeferie.
Branden kostede 159 personer livet. Lørdag aften valgte daværende søfartsinspektør og hovedundersøger af ulykken, Flemming Thue Jensen, at stå frem og fortælle, hvem han tror er skyld i mordbranden.
Klokken 12 fortæller han om sin private efterforskning på et pressemøde fra Oslo. Se det live her.

Enke til Scandinavian Star-mistænkt: - Hvorfor står han først frem nu - LIVE, OSLO Pressemøde

Efter 26 år peger forhenværende skibsinspektør på andre gerningsmænd, men hvorfor først nu, spørger enke efter mistænkt

OVERBLIK: Her er katastrofen på Scandinavian Star 
(12:10 Venstre undrer sig over vidnes tavshed om skibsbrand)
13:31 Skibsinspektør vil ikke afhøres af norsk politi 

Dødsbranden om bord på Scandinavian Star fandt sted 7. april 1990 og kostede 159 mennesker livet. Ilden brød ud flere steder på færgen, der lå i Skagerrak på vej fra Oslo til Frederikshavn. Formentlig var der tale om påsatte brande. Nu bryder den tidligere danske hovedundersøger af katastrofen, Flemming Thue Jensen fra Søfartsstyrelsen, 26 års tavshed og siger til Politiken og norsk TV2, at "to fra mandskabet" antændte branden.

Her er et overblik over katastrofen:
  • Scandinavian Star brød i brand om natten 7. april på vej fra Oslo til Frederikshavn.
  • 482 besætningsmedlemmer og passagerer var om bord på færgen. 158 af dem mistede livet ved branden, mens yderligere én døde senere af sine kvæstelser.
  • Efterforskning har vist, at ilden var opstået flere forskellige steder på færgen, og at der dermed sandsynligvis var tale om en påsat brand.
  • Norsk Politi gav en dansk lastbilchauffør, der selv omkom i branden, skylden. Men anklagen er trukket tilbage, efter at svenske brandeksperter anser det for usandsynligt, at danskeren kunne have startet de i alt seks brande på skibet.
  • Sikkerheden om bord på Scandinavian Star blev kritiseret, da det kom frem, at personalet hverken havde holdt brandøvelser eller var blevet instrueret i sikkerhedsudstyret.
  • Kaptajnen, rederen og direktøren blev i 1993 dømt for overtrædelse af loven om skibes sikkerhed. De fik den daværende strengeste straf på seks måneders hæfte.
  • Pårørende til ofrene har kritiseret efterforskningen og mener, at branden var et forsøg på forsikringssvindel. Det samme mener den norske ekspertgruppe "Efterforskning af mordbranden på Scandinavian Star", der fremlagde resultatet af sine undersøgelser 6. april 2013.
  • Resultaterne og materialet fra ekspertgruppens rapport er efterfølgende blevet delt med politiet i Oslo.
  • I januar 2015 besluttede Norges storting at nedsætte en undersøgelseskommission, der skal granske omstændighederne ved færgebranden.
  • I januar 2015 kom norske politifolk til Danmark, hvor de fik en dommers tilladelse til at ransage hos Mike Axdal fra den danske støtteforening. Han har samlet flere tusinde sider med informationer om katastrofen, skibet og rederiet.

– Hvis norsk politi hadde snakket med oss, og undersøkt saken nærmere, burde saken vært oppklart i 1990, sier Flemming Thue Jensen.
For aller første gang tar han bladet fra munnen. Han har et stort behov for å fortelle hva han egentlig så og hørte om bord i den utbrente danskebåten «Scandinavian Star», like etter at den ble slept til kai i Lysekil i Sverige påsken 1990.
– Hvem tente på ferja?
– Det gjorde to fra mannskapet. I tillegg: En av karene stod bak en annen grov sabotasje om bord på skipet. En meget grov sabotasje. Jeg vil ikke gå i detaljer, ettersom jeg da identifiserer vedkommende. Jeg vil ikke navngi personen. Det må politiet i Norge gjøre. Ikke meg, sier Jensen til TV 2.
– Er det lett for politiet å finne ut dette?
– Det burde være like enkelt å oppklare som et sykkeltyveri. Hvis man vil.

kidle: http://www.tv2.no/nyheter/8056427/

Shocking: Scalia Had Secret Texas Meeting With Obama Just Hours Before His Death - Feb 21, 2016

Several extremely shocking revelations since the death of Supreme Court Justice Scalia only further add to the concern shared by 79% of the American people that “foul play was involved” in his death. Arguably the two most suspicious of those revelations would be 1) Obama had a secret meeting with Scalia just hours before his death; and 2) Obama had several hours notice of the death in advance of the rest of the country, and if you recall, Scalia was rushed to the funeral parlor where he was immediately embalmed.

It’s not just 79% of Americans and crazy wild eyed conspiracy theorists who have suggested something about Scalia’s death smells flat out rotten, even US Army intelligence officer Ray Starmann has stated his concerns that he believes “foul play” was involved. Further adding insult to injury, is that Obama will not even have the common decency to attend Justice Scalia’s funeral. When asked if Obama would be playing golf rather than attend the funeral, Josh “Not So” Earnest skirted the question.

In the video below, which I included in the post titled, Texas Governor to Call for Investigation into Scalia Death, Infowars reporter Joseph Watson explains why it doesn’t take a wild conspiracy theorist to understand why people have questions about the constantly changing story? It doesn’t take a conspiracy theorist to have questions about how Presidio County Judge Cinderella Guevara could possibly be so completely out of touch with the planet earth, that she thought it was acceptable to declare Justice Scalia’s death to be from a heart attack, without having an autopsy, over the telephone, only to later change her mind and say it was from “natural causes.....

Continue Reading at ...http://beforeitsnews.com/politics/2016/02/shocking-scalia-had-secret-texas-meeting-with-obama-just-hours-before-his-death-2779892.html 

BREAKING: Nuclear Expert in Japan: Plutonium “is everywhere… it is everywhere” after Fukushima reactors exploded — It’s being redeposited in “unanticipated” locations — “Black radioactive dust just wherever you go” — “It’s running right into Pacific Ocean” (They plan to burn 10 tons a day of material waste "radioactive contamination" by incinerator, 30M tons in total, that means 3M days, a thousand years!!!!.....)

Blogger: How Can YOU Help! First time i heard  prayers was through Ted Mahr at the conference in Mt Shasta (Masaru Emoto - "My sincere request to the concerned people in the world") Every day x 3 times = Water we are sorry, Water please forgive us, Water we thank you, Water we love you. I Do this affirmations a little bit different = Water we are sorry, Water please forgive us, Water please save Fukushima and world's water supply, Water we love you.....Use prayers when you hold a cop of tap water before drinking, taste will change... trust me..
Published: February 19th, 2016 at 9:42 am ET
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Excerpts from interview with Arnie Gundersen, Fairewinds’ chief engineer and former nuclear engineer during speaking tour in Japan, Feb 17, 2016 (at 2:30 in):

Full interview here: Soundcloud | YouTube