Apr 29, 2022

🧂 ~ 💡('Verdensalt' means - 'Salt Of The World') Who is behind Salt Of The World? What is its purpose? 🌍 (SoTW) ~ | Blogger: [🤜You have a choice: Either stick to the globalist agenda and their '3-D Matrix of illusion' which leads to 'their perception is Your reality' - OR - start confront Your own 'two wolves who are always fighting' to seek out the TRUTH🤛] ... 👨‍🌾 I am exactly the same age as Crown Prince Frederik, Denmark's "coming King", born on the Three Kings' Day. Considered myself an "energy-coach", the corona-crisis destroyed my wish for a company startup - now hunted down by Danish Tax Agency and Court system. I am a moneyless proprietor, unknown "John Doe" and daydreamer. My 16 years of 'indoctrinated' school time, or 20 plus years in the Rothschild banking cartel, was no bed of roses, but awaken and seen a flash of light, a 'glitch' in the existing 3D Matrix of the illusion 👁️‍🗨️ ... The name of my blog, verdensalt, was inspired of the knowledge, by the dairy-maker, Martinus Thomsen, and his vast universe... 🥨SALT of the World or Verden(salt) or Verdens(alt): Nobility, landlords and rulership and Kings - social hierarchy of nobility in medieval times - considered SALT, a precious commodity. The closer one peasant was to the nobility, one could reach the SALT and it was, in fact, a huge rare commodity and highly sought merchandise, just as Gold is, in our days.. 🌱YOU are the salt of (Mother GAIA) Earth and therefore, a divine Angelic being of importance... 🙏Remember that... 🔢With 23.751 blogposts — and counting. Stay tuned!... |

PS: I have been "awake" in more than 20 years, but April of 2022, I have promised myself, changes! All Truthers are exhausted! This month was meant as a clear highly visible high jump, but we all got disappointed. No major public appearance will leave us on Earth low on fuel and in despair, positive energies are here, but still, no cigar! A SPACE Ark would do it or and Queen's death or Joe Biden is leaving office. We are all aware that bringing down Cabal and all their (demon rats), takes one of the biggest (positive) military's boots-on-the-ground in HUman-History and Space Force operations ongoing in our Universe. If it were possible for us to sit up in the stratosphere, above the Matrix Grid, and look down at Earth, we might be able to see how the many changes that are taking place on our planet at this time and which are connected in a larger perspective... |
I guess this is for the Danish readers only... (New Year's resolution 2016) 


🌍'Verdensalt' means - 'Salt Of The World'🌍

Former PM / Network / Design / Technology
Specialist - Banking

Denmark is a very small country... the world is very large...but, the TRUTH gets out in SECONDS around the GLOBE...

 YOU are the salt of the world. WE are the salt of the world. WE live on Mother Gaia/Earth, but our base of operations should also include, the Cosmos. The universe seen as a well-ordered whole - a endless cosmos... Eternal, infinite and living, a conscious cosmos....

So, who AM I ? Where do I even begin? 
You maybe see me outside, a few, can also see me within. 
Who AM I? It’s not what others might see, 
Who I AM is not what others think of me. 
Who I AM is who I always was and who I will always be, 
A dreamer that just wants to be free, 
A warrior of light for eternity.

TRUTH is ONLY what you perceive in YOUR OWN SPACE. The person sitting NEXT to YOU, might have a different OPINION and should NOT be FORCED upon. EVERYONE have FREE WILL and having their own SPIRITUAL AWAKENING EXPERIENCE. In other WORDS, STICK to the INNER TRUTH from your HIGHER SELF, that will always LEAD YOU STRAIGHT home.

verdensalt.dk is a nonprofit blog, no ads, no advertising and marketing, non governmental organization and no funding of any kind. It's meant as a Portal. Using symbolism, video or photos to create a good atmosphere. Do my own research, speak my mind, good friends giving me intel some times. I'm dyslexic, blogger spellcheck functions are working, even so, errors will appear. Important of all, ABSOLUTELY FEARLESS. Lost friends POSTING stuff which DIDN'T RESONATE with their 3D MATRIX OF ILLUSORY perception, gets me SAD sometimes, however TRUTH will always lead the way to another PATH and NEW FRIENDS.

🙏 ~ 💝 (Mette og hendes bisidders wacko's nye verdensordenen:) Dagens Spirituelle Motivationscitater eller Livets Sandheder (SoTW DK) ~ 💕 | Blogger: Fredagsfreestyle med heltekvad og kommunist national-bolchevikker... Dannevang syntes tabt. Konflikten forbliver uløst, og anti-klimakset er totalt? Vi, ønsker os brændende forandringer, det er ikke længere et spørgsmål om, at 'overleve', rædselsherredømmet... En ting er sikkert. De social-kommunister-freeloadere, der har været landskadeligt, siden Coronakrisen, minkslagtningen, frarøvet vores frihed og ret til menneskerettigheder uden forskelsbehandling, som lige nu syntes, at styre, kongeriget Danmark, overlever ikke den globale verden står over for, det største paradigmeskift siden, Jesus Kristi fødsel. Selvom, de fleste 'normies' eller 'Muggles,' ikke kan, eller ønsker, at se dette, står vi ikke bare i et paradigmeskifte, men i en decideret reformation. Vi har haft nogle astrologiske formationer, som ikke har været til stede siden 1518, hvor vi havde Luthers reformation. Vi ser ind i en tid, hvor der er et opgør med materialismen, egocentrismen og magtbegæret, ikke længere kan skjules af vores autoriteter og der er en kæmpe interesse for, at se opad, se indad og fordybe sig. Den hjertevarme og bekymring som har omgivet danskernes sindelag, for at hjælpe, andre medmennesker under Corona- og Ukrainekrisen, har sunget til gudernes velbehag. Uanfægtet, om der er blevet løjet om alt, fra højre til venstre, og vi ikke kender fjender fra venner, kan ingen fratage os, vi alle har stået sammen, mod overmagten. Det er ekstremt vigtigt at forstå, at hjerte-energierne fra Sandhedsbevægelsen konspiranoia (som ikke nødvendigvis er The Truth Movement eller The 9/11 Truth Movement) skal bringe os fremad, mod en nyere positiv, fremtid. Tilværelsens ulidelige lethed, manglen på virkeligt engagement i såvel ubetinget kærlighed, forståelse og forsoning til vores indre behov og andres sjælefred, skal være større, end menneskets forbløffende evne til, at glemme såvel historiens fejltagelser, som vores egne. Vi er ikke perfekte. Vi har alle skævheder. Vi har alle trevlede kanter og sammensat af alt muligt godt og mindre skønne ting, men sådan er det at være menneske. Vi er som mennesker, skabt ud af guds klare lys, og senere fordærvet, af vores autoriteter, men vi er alle, fantastiske og enestående, mennesker. En af de store gaver til menneskeheden i de seneste 2.000 år har været de store fremskridt, der er sket med udvikling af intellektet. Der er strømmet lys og oplysning ind i menneskehedens tankesind, og det har resulteret i en enorm rigdom af kreative udtryk. Men til syvende og sidst, er der ingen andre, udefra, end os selv, som skal og kan redde vores verden. Sandhedsbevægelsen skal vise os vejen, man vi skal også selv, yde og handle. Redningsaktionen, kommer ikke bare dumpende ned fra himlen... |

PS: LIVE på B.T.'s podcasten, "Det, vi taler om", gør panelet GRIN med sangerinden, Medina, grundet hun tog til en healer, alternative behandler i Greve, som, de plejer at gøre. Såsom, med Manniche'rne og alle andre, som ikke er Israelere, frimurer, bøsser, jøder, (zionister) og pro-vaxxere, eller hvad de nu, forestiller sig, at være (med al respekt)... | 

👩‍🚀🚀🌌 ~ (Semper Supra: Recommended videos of today Moon, Mars and Beyond) Not a day goes by without some UFO or SSP encounters (SoTW) ~ | Blogger: Tyler: Tell me what you think😑... Sorry to be so blunt, guys! First of all, I think, Tyler Glockner, is a complete moron! He's a "leecher"! However, some of the material that he has collected from others, (not his own) or snatched from the internet, in this video - is good! I've covered why on this SoTW-channel and was because of his many psychotic episodes or sudden burnout & depression = pity = demanding money from his 2M followers and selling junk merchandise and what-have-you. Tyler, must have made a FORTUNE, alone, on other people, who sent him material, other than Cabal, is leaving him lone, at his YouTube channel. Pardon me, I just dislike, scammers, that feed of others, to make a living. Tyler himself, has no expertise inside the UFO-community, as far as know and all his clips, you can get on TikTok. Even if it sounds insane, some of us in the Truth-Movement, makes “zero dollars” from our, platforms. We do this kind of work to help HUmanity, and do not demand, anything, in return... |

😎🥳✌️ ~ (Freaky Friday: Who Do You Trust?) Todays Inspirational Spiritual Quotes & Videos (SoTW) ~ 💕 | Blogger: Friday even more freakier than freaky... Movie Quote: “- Frank Capella: Do you ever watch wrestling, Ray? - Ray: Sure. I mean you know, now and then. - Frank Capella: Because this is just like wrestling. - Ray: How? - Frank Capella: Well it's reality, mixed with illusion, mixed with bullshit, mixed with... big scary guys from parts unknown, in dire need of psychiatric care.”... |

✨🔖🚀 ~ (SWOT analysis of... man of the hour... of a 'Quantum Package') ELON MUSK, TRUTH SOCIAL MOVEMENT, TRUMP (Michelle Fielding -Spiritual Coach) 💖 ~ | Blogger: Many truthers are joking about Elon Musk is an "alien"... Janine Morigeau, says this time next year (2023), she predicts, that (normies) are able to travel underground in the top-secret "maglev network of trains" to earth continents in hours. Listen to what Michelle says, in the 27 minute maker. I know, Janine do not resonate with Michelle, the funny thing is, that both, are predicting or channeling (whatever) "some" of the same things.. Veeeery interesting channeling by Sanat Kumara through Michelle... Will upset many Q-Anons (let me tell you that)... No matter how people may or may not, consider Michelle's channeling predictions, a Welcome Wagon or Baloney, SoTW only take out what resonate with my Inner Truth - home for self-discovery... This is a non-stop 40 minute "positive" analysis on Elon Musk (I guess)... At the 19 minute marker, I find it interesting, that Michelle says, Elon is NOT working with Trump at the moment. Elon is NOT behind the 17th letter of the alphabet and was NOT working with the 17th letter team, either way, he's in fact, ABOVE, their level of clearance, and would essentially report, to him. The "17th letter of the alphabet" was actually a PSYOP, says Michelle, to wake up the people and to create the impetus, to the truth-social-movement. She goes on, that Trump, is NO longer a "frontman" for the peoples movement AKA the truth-social-movement. Trump is NOT a leader of WHITE HATS, a Woman are - and its NOT Melania Trump. PS: SoTW H-S told me, on 5 different occasions, that next President of the "New Republic Of America", will be a woman (female JFK or Lady Di?). It makes some sense to me on the SoTW-channel. My take has always been, Donald Trump is/was always (only) the "Catalyst" or "kick-starter" of the Truth-movement event (Q), since 2017 (perhaps before), and are now steeping back, for someone else, to take over (Michelle Fielding says other Trump members in 2022-2024). It's just like "Fear" has been good as a catalyst for public sanitation during Corona-ScanDemic and or now after, Russia's Putin authorises 'special military operation' against Ukraine (if you believe in that)... |