May 31, 2020

🙏 ~ 💝 Todays Inspirational Spiritual Quotes & Videos (SoTW) ~ 💕 |

🔴 ~ 💗 LIVE NOW: David Wilcock 5/31: Cosmic Pep Talk and Global Peace Meditation 💕~ |

Who is David Wilcock: David Wilcock is a professional lecturer, film director and researcher of ancient civilizations, awareness science, and new paradigms of substance and energy. His Hollywood movie "CONVERGENCE" reveals evidence that all life on Earth is united in a field of consciousness that affects our minds in fascinating ways. Another new release is "Above Majestic" is a shocking and provocative look at what it would take to hide a multi-trillion-dollar Secret Space Program (a clandestine group of elite military and corporate figureheads charged with reverse-engineering extraterrestrial technology also known as “Majestic 12”) from the public and the implications this would have for humanity... Divine Cosmos is the official Internet site, containing thousands of free pages of scientific and spiritual information about spiritual growth, ascension and the development of consciousness. David always comment on what Benjamin Fulford publishes because much makes sense.

By David Wilcock

👁️🚀😷 ~ SpaceX Starlink: Do the costs of Elon Musk’s ambitious plan outweigh its benefits? ~ | Blogger: [🤫All eyes on Dr. Elon Musk's Mars Occultism, 5G, Facemask & SOVIET cosmonaut song in deepfake video👉] ... Nobody seem to bother about there's a group that is out there in our solar system, RIGHT NOW, which is colonizing space. And this group is run by people on Earth. This group has already done what seems impossible, like in movies such as Star Trek and Star Wars. Portal travel, faster than light travel, is all possible and a well-established reality, that has been kept hidden... Fan of sci fi movies, like me, you might believe that our moon is actually artificially produced. Titanium-based satellite or a thousand year old former combat planet? In any case, it is apparent that after NASA and SSP (ie the US secret space program) smashed a 2-ton Compact Kinetic Energy Missile (CKEM) on the moon and it were shaken for several days, it may show that it's a hole inside. Yes, all superpowers who have access to the universe are diligently using computer-generated imagery (CGI) and other simulators. However, it is used to 'blur' the MIC-SSP Solar Warden Space Fleet Armada, their 2 cloaked massive space stations in (LEO), Asteroid mining, the entrance to The Hollow Earth, The Black Knight satellites, Space Stations on the back side of the Moon and Mars, Planet X/Nibiru and of course the spacecraft of the "real" extraterrestrials and Alien Vehicles Tech, stolen by "humans" and lots of other things. Just the fact humans from Earth has been in contact with other aliens in the last 100 years, is still unheard of, inconceivable; unimaginable, crazy and conspiratorial... |

🤥🚪🔑 ~ (Countdown-2-Midnight): The Minister of Health was "clearly on the edge" of the law when he informed the Parliament of emergency law, says Professor (B.T.) ~ | Blogger: 😮(SoTW) To put it more conspiratorial terror terms; Who was behind the danish LOCKDOWN?😮 (Danish) ... Gem Huxi Bach, og de "fleste" af landets folkevalgte politikere og »2.000 journalister«... 'Go' morgen Danmark' på TV 2 og min kære moder, beretter om at man har taget konspirationerne op under morgendagens program. Lige fra 5G, Bill 'Gates of Evil' Vacciner med en usynlig kvantepunkt 'tatovering' (tracers) kunne bruges til at identificere vaccinerede børn og COVID-19 inficerede (31-5-2020). ALT sammen slået tilbage af TV 2 værter... 🔻PRØV AT HØR ENGANG🔺... Som Per Braendgaard (dk) starter ud med i en artikel og måske er ganske rammende: "Med en mastergrad i afrikastudier (Mette Frederiksen) og en uddannelse som journalist (Magnus Heunicke) behøver man selvfølgelig ikke lytte til indenlandske sundhedseksperter (Sundhedsstyrelsen), før man lukker landet ned på grund af et nyt virus, når man har en uddannet datalog (Bill Gates) som udenlandsk rådgiver.". Tak til Ekstra Bladet for at vise, at der trods alt stadigvæk findes rigtig journalistik i Danmark. 📝 “Landets statsminister talte ganske enkelt ikke sandt, da hun på pressemødet 11. marts sagde, at nedlukningen af landet var baseret på ‘myndighedernes anbefaling’, mener Ekstra Bladets politiske kommentator.”📝... ▶️DETTE ER DOG IKKE ALT◀️... Vi har også noget som hedder Den Danske Frimurerorden og Kongehuset... 🤔DER kan faktisk være en grund til, at Frimureriet kom til Danmark i 1743, hvor logen St. Martin stiftedes i København af en række frimurere, der var medlemmer af storloger i udlandet. Noget som Christian 10. har lagt grundstenene til og Den Danske Frimurerordens bygning på Blegdamsvej 23, og som mange siger, er Kongehuset, der styrer Den Danske Frimurerorden og frimurerne styrer alle ministerier og styrelser... 🤔Tror i det er tilfældigt, at Kronprinsen sidder og snakker højpolitik og deler militære hemmeligheder i en hemmelig lodge på Strandvejen og Trine Bramsen bagatelliserer og dækker over forsvarschefens brøler?. Terma A/S som "indirekte" har været med til at ødelægge Yemen, dræbe og fordrive millioner og Kronprinsesse Mary som siger, at børn 'skal' vaccineres og hun glæder sig til CV-vaccinen kommer... Vi må stoppe med at være så forbandet naive... GUD BEVARE ALLE HEMMELIGHEDERNE... Lidt endnu altså, for det her ender med et 💣BRAG💣... |

 [👉"Noise was coming in through the windows, mail systems were crashing, and a minister was giving behind closed doors an explanation that experts today describe as problematic. Less than 24 hours caused a hard-pressed Folketing to adopt an extremely complex emergency law with the most far-reaching measures since Germany occupied Denmark in WWII. A confidential report gives new details of what was said when the government was given the legal basis to SHUT DOWN the country." ~👈]

♟️😒⚔️ ~ (Problem-Reaction-Solution) America riots has escalated into Denmark with 2.000 'Black Lives Matter' demonstrators ~ | Blogger: [👉From Corona PSYOP into FakeRaceWar - Are You Kidding Me👈] ... {Blame it on Russia? Man shouting "Allahu Akbar"? White supremacy? False Flag Terror? Black Lives Matter? Psychotic CIA Mind Controlled Veteran ("Manchurian Candidate")?} ... PLEASE be very very very careful how you as a Spiritual Awakening Human Soul are promoting "Hateism" with the "collective narrative voice"... Me, Myself, and Irene might have figured it out under 10 seconds 😎... 🤔I'm just spitballing here, what if... the main theme or common goal for #NeverAgain #MarchForOurLives #BlackLivesMatter #WhiteHelmets Matter #BlueLives Matter #EverySchool ChildMatters #AllLivesMatter etc. etc. has been hijacked by George Soros, with Antifa and other left-wing groups - Dr. Evil's empire to bring us even in more distress??. What if... it's for our authorities to take CONTROL and implant: SEPARATION, HATISM, FEAR-MONGERING, DIVISION & CIVIL UNREST, in order to take ALL GUNS away and more control measures!... Take the HEAT away from COVID-19 failure, testing and installing Hitech Contact Tracing... C&P RACE WAR vs.BIO-THREAT, Social Engineering!... To let our authorities - 'SWAP your SOUL for CONTROL' ... FOR GOD AND COUNTRY 😕 ... You be the judge ... |

💣 ~ 💗 BOOM! Guess Who is Calling the Shots on Human Experimentation? (Amazing Polly) 💕~ |

Source (Amazing Polly)

I have to set the stage, so BOOM comes at about 10 minutes in. This is HUGE! Medical Ethics should be front and center right now what with Big Pharma and NGOs like the Gates Foundation trying to rush an experimental RNA vaccine to market. In this video I uncover a MASSIVE conflict of interest in the US. Who is Christine Grady? BONUS BOOM near the end.

💚 ~ 💗 CIA-declassified report & interview on bio-effects of mm-wave radiation (The GreenMedInfo Newsletter May 31, 2020) 💕 ~ | Blogger: [👉Josh del Sol joins Dr. Rashid Buttar for this explosive new, recently-recorded talk on 5G mm-wave radiation👈] ... {Unlock your FREE revelatory talk below. You’ll also save a FREE seat for the 5G Summit, June 1-7, 2020!} ... |


Josh del Sol joins Dr. Rashid Buttar for this explosive new, recently-recorded talk on 5G mm-wave radiation.

Together, they walk through a CIA-declassified report summarizing 7 Russian studies on the significant bio-effects caused by millimeter-wave radiation levels between 37-60GHz -- exposure levels which government agencies tell us are "safe."

Published more than 40 years ago but kept secret, this report was marked "GOVERNMENT USE ONLY..."

...until now!

🔮 ~ 💗 June 2020 Predictions and Spiritual Insights (Joni Patry) 💕 ~ | Blogger: [👉Excerpts: June is This year will be the most dramatic in history; everything is magnified, faster, and more condensed. The most significant event so far is the COVID-19 pandemic, but there is more to come. The months of May and June will have more surprises with a period of storms and earthquakes. Remember, you have a choice to look to the light or the dark. The extremes of life will be more intense over the next six months and the intensity is ramping up now. As I predict events based on the planets, this is my reality check. There will be a lot of negativity and darkness projected. This is how the negative powers control the world by using fear and anger. It is time to take this awareness to the next level and not let it destroy our lives and, most importantly, better understand how we can help others see the light.👈] ... |

Joni Patry lives in Dallas, Texas and is one of the most recognized teachers and Vedic astrologers in the world. She was a faculty member for ACVA, CVA and Instructor for online certification programs, published many books, journals and appeared on national and international television shows. As the keynote speaker for international conferences, she has a Japanese website, and teaches in Turkey and India. She has been awarded the 2015 Jyotish Star of the year and Dr B. V. Raman's Janma Shatamanothsava Award Jyotisha Choodamani. She publishes an online astrological magazine, Astrologic Magazine and has an online University for certification, the University of Vedic Astrology.

June 2020 Spiritual Insights

June is a very volatile month as the solar eclipse conjoins a very powerful star, Betelgeuse, and Mars aspects this eclipse degree. There are many unforeseen issues unfolding now. Eclipses always reveal hidden agendas and secrets. I am seeing some very pivotal events that will affect our future.

Eclipses are the most powerful predictive events we have as astrologers. This eclipse is extremely eventful. The connection of the planets with fixed stars is profound and indicates huge events that are about to unfold.

When I gave my predictions for 2020 last October 2019, I opened with the statement I knew was relative for this year by saying, “We will see things happening this year we have never seen before.” This was alluding to the combinations of so many astrological events. The month of June sets the tone of what is about to unfold.

There is a solar eclipse on June 21, 2020. Interestingly the solar eclipse that occurred in June 2001 set the stage for 9/11 which occurred on June 21st as well. But the saving grace here is that Rahu has already crossed this degree. In June of 2001, Rahu was in front of the eclipse and was still due to cross the degree. Rahu now in 2020 is moving away of the eclipse degree (remember the nodes move backwards). So, I believe we are moving away from the devastation that has already occurred.

👼 ~ 💕 Let us not fall into "HATE"... and a video from God (Messages from Ann & the Angels) 💕 ~ | Blogger: [👉Excerpts: I rarely watch the news or comment on it, but I cannot remain silent tonight. As riots break out in our cities, and hatred has reached fever pitch, let us be the lights that we truly are – no matter our skin color, no matter what we've suffered through, no matter our differences, for in our depth we are one and that is truth. Lest someone try to tell me I don't understand because I'm a "privileged white woman," I pray you hear and feel my soul. I have been a black slave – beaten and tortured. I have been a white woman. I have been a man rotting in a dungeon in the 14th century, and woman raped by pirates in 1726 in Seaside Heights, NJ. I have been a queen forced to turn away those in need to run a country. I have been an impoverished little girl taken by a rich family onto the Titanic who drowned in the ice.. I have been many things in many lives... So have you."👈] ... |

Now is the Time to Love Beyond Reason 

I rarely watch the news or comment on it, but I cannot remain silent tonight. As riots break out in our cities, and hatred has reached fever pitch, let us be the lights that we truly are – no matter our skin color, no matter what we've suffered through, no matter our differences, for in our depth we are one and that is truth.

Lest someone try to tell me I don't understand because I'm a "privileged white woman," I pray you hear and feel my soul. I have been a black slave – beaten and tortured. I have been a white woman. I have been a man rotting in a dungeon in the 14th century, and woman raped by pirates in 1726 in Seaside Heights, NJ. I have been a queen forced to turn away those in need to run a country. I have been an impoverished little girl taken by a rich family onto the Titanic who drowned in the ice.

👼 ~ 💗 Cosmic Eclipse Gateways (Meg Benedicte) 💕 ~ | Blogger: [👉Excerpts: It is no surprise we are witnessing growing civil unrest and angry protests against injustices caused by the current power system. It is the citizens who will remove the corrupt system. Many ‘old guard’ timelines are decomposing, losing their grip of control and being replaced with ascending timelines of respectful co-existence and harmonious flow of abundance. We are consciously shifting the power structure from authoritarian aggression to heartfelt compassion.👈] ... |

Greetings Tim,

Can you feel the intensity building? As we move into the Eclipse Gateways, the cosmic energy is increasing this weekend with the strongest solar flares since 2017. ( The agitation in the field is surging towards the Lunar Eclipse at 15° Sagittarius this Friday, June 5th.

During eclipses, the galactic plasma light ripples through our entire lives, transforming us at the molecular level. Friday’s Eclipse occurs in Sagittarius where the galactic center pulses in zero point. We are already starting to receive amplified photon/plasma light infusions from the Great Central Sun into the planetary field.