Oct 10, 2021
⚔️🕊️🛡️ ~ ('Put your trust in God not in Man: QFS is 100% real been operative since Aug 2020 and working beautiful behind the scenes interfaced with StarLink, banks & legacy fond' ~ Charlie) SIMON PARKES & CHARLIE WARD 10TH OCTOBER 2021 (SP) ~ | Blogger: Charlie: People are not yet ready to hear the truth; Child and woman trafficking.. Abortion & abortion fetuses.. Oprah Winfrey's Beauty Products (adrenochrome).. 25% of what's inside McDonalds burger is human remains (bloody bloody disgusting).. Simon: the MSM media is gone beyond of no return - they are the biggest enemy we're facing right now - they are kamikaze pilots going for US aircraft carriers in WW2 and nowhere else to go.. Charlie: We've seeing it with R. Kelly right now found guilty in sex trafficking and pedophilia and at that sort of stuff. He's facing up to 100 years in prison, but made a plea deal - 1 year reduction for every single person he offers - so far he has turn 200 people in, but Simon hope he's getting prison time...Charlie: same thing with Ghislaine Maxwell, they had 200 pages of evidence, but she was not aware that Jeffrey Epstein is still alive, and she had to rethink everything again... Simon: What should we do with Buckingham Palace? Listen to more... |
🍻🤑😜 ~ (Syng så med og løft glasset: jæh jæh jubi jubi jæh Frihed under ansvar, lighed og broderskab) Lyntesttelte er pakket sammen efter 42 millioner test (BT.dk) ~ | Blogger: [🤜Tilbage står landets pcr-teststeder med en daglig kapacitet på omkring 100.000 daglige test og tusindvis af arbejdsløse podere. Øv for fanden da. Sænk glassene igen, kammerater🤛] .. LAD OS SÅ gøre regnskabet op for de total ubrugelig og bundulovlig nanoormebefængte, Antigen-test AKA Kviktest AKA Lyntest... Alt-i-alt har det kostet regionerne over 5,4 milliarder kroner at teste befolkningen med lyntest. Dvs. det har kostet skatteyderne... [LÆS VIDERE]... uhh hvor er du hård mod Kongehuset, SoTW.. Nej, jeg er bare konspirationsrealist og fakta- og sandhedssøgende spirituel menneske, og er træt ind til benet af al bedraget og det "show" som kører foran vores øjne, hver dag som 99% af befolkningen tror på... |
"75 procent er færdigvaccineret: De rige bliver rigere, mens de fattige får et spark bagi. Coronakrisen har været et stort ta'-selv-bord og festivitas for staten og rigmændene bag Big Pharma-industrien"~ SoTW
PS: Blot et lille eksempel på den numerologisk frimurer Illuminati-orden og jeg er på INGEN måde ekspert eller skal gøre mig klog - bare lidt tant og fjas:
Tallene 3, 7, 9,11,13, 33, 39. Eventuelle flere af disse tal har særlig betydning for Illuminati. Bemærk, at Bilderberg-koncernen har kerne af 39 medlemmer, der er brudt i 3 grupper på 13 medlemmer i hver gruppe. Bemærk, at kernen på 39 svar på de 13, der udgør Policy Committee
Pressemøde om COVID-19 den 11. marts 2020 = (11. 1+1+3+2+2 = 9 = 9/11. 3+2+2 = 7) Danmarks 9/11
Var det TILFÆLDIGT, at 4 millioner mink, senere 17 mio. skulle SLAGTES i Oktober Halloween Harvesting?
Jeppe Kofod og andre partier = Fredag 13. August 2021 meddeltes at Kabul snart ville falde (13. 8+2+2+1= 13. 2 x 13) Siden oldtiden har fredag den 13. været forbundet med uheld og ondskab)... |
LÆSTE du også med, da DDFO-Daisy's Kongesøn, Slå først Frede, og hans allerbedste buddy-buddy, Jeppe 'handy-work' har scoret KASSEN FRU MADSEN på Copenhagen Medical. Tjente 10 mio. kr. om dagen på kviktests - han er ikke komplet idiot - tror du ikke han er klar over, at RT–PCR, Antigen-tests, ALDRIG, har været designet til at finde COVID-19 virus?
Han har snesevis af skandaler bag sig og i 2017 kom det frem, han tjente også FEDT på serviceopgaver for FN og NATO. Dvs. Pingo's soldater kammesjuk scorer igen (igen) atter millioner på krig, død og ødelæggelse. Berlingske påstår, han pludseligt fik en fiks idé og tog en kæmpe chance pantsatte alt, hvad han ejede. Jeg tror simpelthen ikke på, at det hele er så tilfældigt..
Samme gælder Brande Von Anders, Bestseller, endnu en af Kongehusets venner, der i Maj 2020, meldte sig som hemmelig donor af 100.000 antistoftest har nu opkøbt stort af toneangivende værdiselskaber i Dannevang og det er bevist, han har solgt ubrugelige MUNDBIND fra Kina, via 24 af Mærsks 'gratis' kæmpe luftbro under 2020, til staten og nægtede, at betale husleje til alle de butikker, som modekoncernen lejer sig ind hos...
👼 ~ 💗 (Kryon & Quinsey: 'Although the battle is not over you could say that the Light has won.') A Message from my Higher Self (Tree Of The Golden Light) 💕 ~ | Blogger: POWERFUL messages from Kryon and Mike Quinsey... God bless... |
Channeled by Mike Quinsey
© 2021 treeofthegoldenlight
8th. October 2021. Mike Quinsey.
Yet again I have included an extract from a Kryon Message that I believe would be of interest to most people, particularly the younger generation who have their lifetime ahead of them. It shows that as we recover from this present period of unrest there is a great future to look forward to.
Extract from the Kryon. Sept. 2021. “Message from the Stars” commences at 32.21 minutes.
You are just coming out of a dark era of over 30,000 years, and human history will not count before 2012 and that is what you are looking at. The beginning of a new era, I think the irony of this is that they have been battling for a long time, and they will continue as you recalibrate, souls will pass over the veil as they always do, and when they come back as children their DNA will be different. You will never have to go through what they did before because the old energy will not be the same, they will awaken with full knowledge of who they are.As children they will know and see the colours, and as children they will have an identity of being an old soul and will know what they are here for by the time they are 13 years old – and that’s you, I just described you, all of you old souls. This is one of the biggest shifts you are ever going to see, and it may take a generation but it’s going to happen. You will know I am right, it’s a new human, and educators all over the world will recalibrate their teachings because the children are different.
8th October 2021. Mike Quinsey.
As intimated a long time ago you are starting to see that what was hidden comes to the surface and where there have been crimes against Humanity, the perpetrators will face justice. It is all part of as you might say “clearing the decks” so that a New Age can be established.
There will be no place for those whose vibrations are still at a stage of early development and are unable to lift themselves up by seeking the Light. They will be given every help but some are so captivated with the lower level they cannot move on. However, their destiny is to rise up but with freewill the timing is up to them.
In general terms there will slowly grow a feeling of help towards others, so that instead of standing aside, souls will first think in terms of helping those in need. Currently there is a tendency for an “everyone for themselves” but circumstances in your present period of difficulty will bring out the best in most people.
🤥👃🦨 ~ (One, two and three major lies) NY Times Issues MASSIVE Correction: Wildly Overstated COVID Hospitalizations Among CHILDREN By Almost 1 MILLION (WS) ~ | Blogger: PS: Yesterday it was Neo-nazi Sebastian Kurz, today, Czech President Milos Zeman, Angela Merkel, Hitlers daughter and a Rothschild, leaves lasting legacy in Israel. Zionist leader BIBI on trial. Tom Hanks, Mark Zuckerberg and John Podesta are directly related through the Rockefellers and all cousins. Tomorrow?... |
Editor’s Note: Where are those “fact checkers” when you really need them? Oh, that’s right, they work for the same Mockingbird, corporate-owned media.
One “misstated” 900,000 for the actual number 63,000.
One “misstated” FDA meeting this week/not next month.
Not just one error, but rolling errors. Why hasn’t the NY Times been deplatformed?
New York Times Issues Massive Correction After Overstating COVID Hospitalizations Among Children
FOX News, October 9, 2021
In media news today, Amerca’s trust in media drops to an almost record low in a new survey, Nikki Haley hits back at CNN anchor Brianna Keilar over racism in America, and NBC News gets slammed for Dave Chappelle hit piece.
The New York Times issued a massive correction Thursday after the liberal newspaper severely misreported the number of COVID hospitalities among children in the United States by more than 800,000.
A report headlined “A New Vaccine Strategy for Children: Just One Dose, for Now,” by science and health reporter Apoorva Mandavilli, was peppered with errors before major changes were made to the story. The Times initially reported “nearly 900,000 children have been hospitalized” with COVID since the pandemic began, when the factual data in the now-corrected version is that “more than 63,000 children were hospitalized with Covid-19 from August 2020 to October 2021.”
💊🐰🕳️ ~ (35 Bullet of Intel Update) DS NWO, Evergrande, Soros, CCP industries, Big Pharma, Red Oct, Election Audit, QFS, G/NESARA etc. (EBH CLUB – Empowering Better Humans) ~ | Blogger: Please use your own Spiritual Discernment. 99% of the "heavily sedated sleepers" will never believe one single word of this... PS: I cannot find the (direct) link and do not think it was from EBH CLUB, but from "Intel | Dinar Chronicles" or "beforeitsnews"... |
🌐 ~ 💗 (10:10, 11:11, 12:12, Solar and Lunar Eclipses) Just Hours Till 10:10 Gateway Activations (Meg Benedicte) 💕 ~ |
"According to Numerologist, Christine DeLorey…10 represents Results, the Next Step, a New Level. 1 represents new beginnings, a fresh start, a new cycle. 0 represents the alpha-omega, the death-rebirth cycle, and our interconnectedness with the divine! When we enter the 10:10 Gateway, we are accelerating the great awakening process for ourselves and the collective." ~ Meg
https://www.disclosurenews.it/ |
It is just hours till we reach peak intensity in the 10:10 Gateway. This Sunday, 10:10 initiates a series of ascension gateways in November and December that will shift us into higher dimensional living. 10:10 is a sacred portal of initiation, of spiritual awakening and enlightenment. It will arrive in stair-step fashion. The series of plasma photonic waves lift us higher and higher as we drop density, transmute trauma and unwind matrix entanglements. It is sequential clearing of all that limits us from living fully as embodied Souls.
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