FREE GUY: As Alex Collier told us all at the 193rd *LIVE* Webinar on Friday, October 6, 2023; we have all survived the EBS, there was no EMP. US Debt Clock has changed from Federal Reserve to USA Treasury dollars 2023. Govt in America is all for show and like a pantomime theatre. The Federal Reserve, Banking system, and all Government agencies established in 1971 are illegal. America govt are working for US inc., which is a private corporation and all of the citizens taxes are shipped to Bank of England. However, we already have a New Republic Govt, in place, Alex says. The rest is Psychological operations (PSYOP) runned by Black Hats and White Hats. Nobody is buying any Federal Reserve Bank Notes. The minute it collapse their all toast. They are walking dead people, Ales says. Military and civilian intelligence who gets underground assistance removing non-human entities inside tunnels and D.U.M.B.s. We're at the threshold this all is coming down soon. We all need to focus in the 'middle' where the truth comes together - not - at the extreme right or extreme left in politics. Banking empires and Royal families has sucked the living out of humanity and earth. BRICS-nations are cleaning house and getting rid of EU, UN and banking organisations that has enslave us and the western countries. We are forgetting our freedom, bill of rights, govt running PSYOPS, making our consent to surrender everything for the betterment of their system. We need to create and think ahead and about the next 7 to 10 generations how their freedom will they like. The bill of rights which goes around the world to all citizen should be non-negotiable. Alex goes on and on and (on)... |

White Hats Said to Have Destroyed FEMA’s EBS (
Folks, this is the only article I’ve found on what happened around the FEMA EBS Test yesterday. If you object to the source, perhaps don’t read the article. There are few sources around that claim to get right into the top echelons of the white-hat military.
I regret the reporter’s attitude, but I believe his intel still to be credible.White Hats Destroy FEMA’s EBS
Michael Baxter, Real Raw News, October 5, 2023
United States Army Rangers on Wednesday upset FEMA’s scheduled emergency broadcast and destroyed the central transmitter, but only after the wicked agency activated an alert that could have exposed patriots to federal harassment, a source in General Eric M. Smith’s office told Real Raw News.
As reported last month, news that FEMA created a new emergency action system caught White Hats by surprise; they had captured FEMA’s Mount Weather stronghold and its EBS, in service since 1976, in March 2022 and did not think the agency had the manpower and resources to erect a replacement so swiftly, while the bulk of its leadership were drafting blueprints for smart FEMA camps and plotting to terrorize future victims of the upcoming hurricane seasons.
FEMA’s perfunctory announcement — the Deep State habitually telegraphs its intent — prompted the White Hat Council to orchestrate a massive hunt for the EBS’s control center and primary tower. The search, which paused missions in progress, required deploying thousands of boots on the ground as U.S. Army Cyber Command and Marine Corps Forces Cyberspace Command diligently monitored Deep State chatter from D.C. to California and beyond.