Nov 19, 2021

🎴👑😮 ~ ('Snatch and Grab' for jab in Aus. The EU Royal Moloch Bunch is going down) DAVID MAHONEY DISCUSSES OPERATIONAL LONDON BRIDGE WITH NICHOLAS VENIAMIN (Nicholas Veniamin) ~ | Blogger: Great 20 minutes to spend (for most awakened) people.... Most desturbing in this video, and besides the positive facts about the "bad" people are getting arrested, is there's a lots of chatter about the Australian military is being trained in urban warfare going from house-2-house, door-2-door and bush-situation (backwoods or hinterland - lucky that Max Igan got out in the nick of time), using 'Snatch and Grab' techniques against people to force the jap (or new corona medicine) into people. If they succeed, and all the worldly leaders are in cahoots with the (Corona-Corporation) and The Build Back Better framework, the military operation will expand to the rest of the world, according to David Mahoney, if you believe in that stuff... SECOND thing, of importance is about Queen-Lizzie, who David Mahoney thinks are dead already, (so does SoTW and many others). The codename Operation London Bridge (is down or falling) is primarily refers to events that would take place in the United Kingdom, after the death of Queen Elizabeth II... And it's getting very, very interesting, according to David Mahoney and for people who don't know, Prince William and Prince Harry are NOT biological children of Prince Charles and words is out, when the Queen is announced dead, and the day after the Queen's death, the flags will go back up, and at 11am, Charles will (be bypassed) be proclaimed king. But that's not gonna happen, so basically, there's no longer any true bloodline heir. What that means is, that the whole house of (Royal flush) cards will fall and the moloch bunch of EU's Monarchy, the Masonic & Freemason Norway, Holland and Denmark, is also mention here... Waaaaauv!... How about that!... ⚠️NOTE: Simon Parkes breaking latest intel (outside this report) - Biden has suspected cancer, is currently undergoing tests, and has passed command to Harris while in Hospital. - Vice President Harris about to be removed (Whaaaat - both gone who is the sitting US President then???)... |

👑🦠🤦‍♂️ ~ (BREAKING FRYGT & EMOTIONEL MASSEPSYKOSE) 40% danske stukket-væpnede gardister kræver de u-vaksinerede 'Lebensunwertes Leben' eller 'Useless Eaters' blot må forlade hjemmet for lægebesøg og indkøb (SoTW) ~ | Blogger: Sundheds- og Ældreministeriet holder pressebriefing fredag klokken 12:30 om status på covid-19-situationen... Julefrokosten bliver droppet af store danske firmaer samt voldsomme prisstigninger på el, naturgas og olie og enkelte fødevarer... Nødvendighedens diskurspolitik, er nu nået til Tyskland, Frankrig og snart, Dannevang. Grækenland, Belgien, Tjekkiet og Østrig er blandt de europæiske lande, som har valgt at indføre nye coronarestriktioner for de ikke-vaksinerede... Hmm... Pudsigt nok, kommer denne meningsmåling foretaget af Voxmeter for Ritza, lige efter Mink-Mørke-Mette og Magnus LØGNICKE, ikke vil udelukke, restriktioner, for de u-vaxxed... Det pudseløjerlige er, at det er skabt via HOPE Projektet som lige har modtaget Columbus-prisen 2021, for siden krisen start, at forudsige, hvordan danskere reagere og tænker (RADIO4 Morgen).... Og du siger til mig, det er IKKE politisk??... Tror du også på de oppustede SSI og SST's tal omkring Coronasmittede, hospitaler er overbelastede af ikke-vaksinerede og Politiet, kunne ikke genskabe MMM's sms'er? Det, selvom, PET / CFCS / DDIS / FE og Værnsfælles Forsvarskommando, kan genskabe A-L-T, der bliver lagt på Deres bord. Det så vi mht. Raket-Madsen, sagen. Du er naturligvis ej heller, bekymret over, at den danske stat og EU har givet millioner i støtte til et firma i Aalborg, der laver verdens mest sotifikerede software til overvågning af sociale medier nære forbindelser til regimet i De Forenede Arabiske Emirater, der er kendt for at overvåge og fængsle kritikere... Nå, nok om det pjat... |

Austria imposes compulsory vaccination from February 1 & nationwide lockdown starting Monday 

PS: Fuldmåne i Skorpionens tegn den 19. November 2021 siger nogle, andre, en dyb delvis måneformørkelse for det meste af kloden den 18. / 19. november 2021. Det giver os mulighed for, at få renset ud i gamle karmiske tilstande, så vi kan hæve den kollektive bevidsthed. Vi kan som menneskehed vokse og blive mere bevidste om, at vi alle er forbundet med hinanden i en større helhed. 

Det land jeg er i, har haft 2 fulde dage med fuldmåne. I DK regner det jo altid og er overskyet

Jeg har selv haft afbrudt søvn i nat og det skyldes faktisk min fortid som soldat. Ikke kun, i dette liv.

Sjov nok, gik jeg ind og ud af den samme drøm, de mange gange, jeg var ude og tisse (er en gammel mand ifølge min tidligere kæreste på 27 år). Her gennemlevede jeg en masse militærøvelser og pludseligt var jeg ansat som fuldt medlem af Kongehuset. Kan huske jeg både var i nærheden af deres hunde og 2 meget unge prinse-sønner, Pingo og Jokke som, en slags sikkerhedschef. En dag stod jeg F2F med DDFO-Daisy, hvor én af 95 ansatte, der sværmer om Dronningen, havde sladrede om, jeg ikke var vaksineret. Hun smilte til mig, bukkede sig ned og kyssede på mig på kinden, (bvadr - hun er jo født mand) og sagde til mig; Nu inden kl 18.00 idag skal du være vaksineret og så snakker vi ikke mere om det.. 

Derefter, besluttede jeg at tage ind på mit kontor på Amalienborg, brændte alle min private ting, smed alle ordnerne og tog mit civile tøj på, og bussen, langt væk. Derefter vågnede jeg. 

Med andre ord, jeg holdt distancen og stod imod frygt-massepsykosen og bøjede mig ikke, hverken for Corona-Corporation, frimurer-dronningen eller MMM-Danmarks corona-commander-in-chief. 

Folk er hjernevaskede, det så vi den 20. Marts 2020 samt 8. Nov 2021, hvor Dannevang, blev lukkede ned og toiletpapir, mel og pasta var en mangelvare dagen efter og nu, på direkte tv, erklærede MMM coronavirus for en samfundskritisk sygdom nok en engang og pludseligt, STORMEDE folk ind for, at tidsbestilte, en vaksine eller test... |                 

👼 ~ 💗 ('Be of good cheer because a massive release of “STUFF” is happening now! It is an absolutely essential aspect of your awakening process...) Trust your inner guidance, your intuition (Message from Saul - transcript + audio) 💕 ~ |


Saul is an ascended Master just like Jesus, Buddha, Mary and many many more. BTW you are all on your ways to becoming ascended masters so stand up and celebrate your greatness.

channeled by John Smallman 
© 2021 johnsmallman

Humanity is awakening! There are signs of this all across the world as awareness grows that the old ways in which people have become accustomed to interacting with each other are now totally inadequate in the modern world of high technology. Technology can be used for healing and evolution, or for destruction. It has, for far too long, been mainly used for the destruction of enemies, whether of a personal, local, national or international nature, and with disastrous consequences. The realization is finally dawning on masses of people that giving your power away to those who enjoy and seek authority over others nearly always leads to conflicts that cause great suffering for many, conflicts in which the vast majority most certainly do not wish to take part. Consequently the motivation for enormous change in the ways that individuals, through to nations, deal and interact with one another has become very strong, and worldwide many people are now engaging in discussion groups to create ways in which to achieve this outcome.

Be of good cheer because a massive release of “STUFF” is happening now! It is an absolutely essential aspect of your awakening process, because as you each allow this release to occur, both individually and collectively, you are clearing and opening your hearts to Love, and to knowing yourselves as divine beings who are awakening from an insane dream.The dream has been ongoing for far too long, and your dissatisfaction with it has reached the point where you are no longer willing to engage with it, either individually or collectively.

❌🪐😵 ~ (Planet 9, Planet X, Nibiru also called 'Hercolobus' from biblical times) Mysterious new planet possibly spotted in solar system ( ~ | Blogger: (a rose by any other name would smell as sweet) -- Nibiru AKA - Planet X, Nemesis, The Destroyer, Wormwood, Hercolubus, Comet Typhon... Finally some from the Lame Stream Media news outlets are talking (again) about the "secret planet"... Does it take Nibiru 3,607 years to complete one orbital journey? As you can imagine, the gravitational effects of a sizable planet moving close to the inner solar system would spell big trouble for planet Earth and spiritual emotional stress, to say at least... Rumor has it, that Planet 9 was discovered in the 1960s during the first infrared survey of the sky, and was subsequently kept secret by the government and the globalists. And since the New World Order implementation plan was already in place by then , they decided to use the secret planet as a tool for gaining public acceptance of the new order... |

 💭 -- I'm just spitballing here -- Some say Pole shift or NIBIRU/Planet X is coming! Some say Earth shaken it's last impurities off it's back (entering fifth dimension). Others, HAARP, Direct Energy (laser) Weapons, and chemtrailing and other manipulative devices has damaged Earth's atmosphere etc etc. The Earth’s Pole Reversal - Shift in Consciousness - as our Earth’s Heartbeat (hertz frequency / Schumann Resonance) increases via a synchronised, sustained and harmonic HeartBeat frequency of 13.13 hz (The Great Shift), this critical tipping point will lead to a full Earth’s Magnetic Pole reversal.. That means, gravitational upset and electromagnetic field weakens and the polar north continues wandering easterly. The weakening of the field is being caused by a gradual and subtle realignment of the iron atoms within the liquid core. Some even talks about Nibiru presence could mean tilting the Earth's axis or affect the Earth's 'rotation'!... My Oh My... 😉| 


18 Nov, 2021 12:59 / Updated 17 hours ago

An object lurking in the outer region of our solar system may well be the elusive Planet 9, a leading British astronomer has suggested after digging through the telescope archives of 250,000 point sources.

Possible evidence of a mysterious planet up to 10 times bigger than Earth, with a distant orbit around the Sun, has been unveiled by professor of astrophysics at Imperial College of London, Michael Rowan-Robinson. Aiming to prove – or rule out – the existence of another big planet beyond Neptune, the UK scientist decided to conduct a new analysis of data collected by the Infrared Astronomical Satellite (IRAS) in 1983.[READ MORE]... |