Sep 7, 2021
🔮🎴🧿 ~ (Clairvoyance, Tarotkort og Reiki-healing) Opdatering: Hvem står på "Danskerlisten"? Der findes også en RAINS-liste (SoTW) ~ | Blogger: Virkelighed eller illusion? De horisontale fortæller om fortid, nutid og fremtid. De vertikale fortæller om bevidsthed og underbevidsthed.... Husk lige på, det er kortene som taler ikke mig på SoTW og man kunne i princippet ligeså godt bruge, pendulering. Det her, er ikke en guide til tarot - kortoplægning - astrologi - numerologi - håndlæsning - pendulering o.s.v... Første spørgsmål som kommer på dine læber, hvordan kan Dronning Margrethe, som er vært for den årlige nytårskur, vende tilbage i 2022, efter at den måtte aflyses i 2021? når hun er død og borte?. Jeg ved det ikke, men jeg vil vende spørgsmålet om, hvordan kan det være, at så mange mennesker, tror på Joe Biden, når han optræder på flow TV, filmet i et Hollyweird studie, men i virkeligheden, er en klon, eller spillet af en skuespiller med en maske eller CGI eller stuntdobbelt? Tarotkortene fortæller som det er, den som tyder dem, giver naturligvis sit besyv med og resten er op dig, derude.. Har selv meget svært ved, at tro på, at så mange er involveret, især, hvis det er sandt, de har haft med "Adrenochrome + børn", at gøre... Med til historien og din "virkelighed", findes "Adrenochrome", der kan købes på nettet, og vi ved jo alle sammen godt, desværre, at børn bliver og har altid været, mishandlet og misbrugt, i en menneskealder... Til din "virkelighed", skal også tilføjes et altafgørende holdepunkt, nemlig, at der nu, findes over 200.000 "Sealed Indictments" (forseglet anklager) som faktisk bare er en officiel måde på, at beskylde én eller flere, for en forbrydelse. Og det er ikke kun i USA. "Indictments", betyder, at sagen er i hænde hos en storjury på op til 23 personer, og de mennesker mener, at der er en rimelig sandsynlighed for, at den mistænkte (eller op til 40 personer i samme "anklage") begår kriminaliteten og bør bringes til retssag. En "forseglet" anklage er den samme ting, men skjult i hemmelighed, så lovovertræderen, ikke ved, at han/hun/de er ved at blive anholdte. Og nogle, er MEGET MEGET grove anklager, som efter sigende, består af en militærdomstol på Gitmo.. Uanset om man tro på Trump eller De såkaldte "Hvide Hattes" bestræbelser på at rydde de mest forfærdelige af menneskers dårligdomme fra jorden, via militærdomstole, og under 'Snatch & Grab-operationer', fordi, de har gjort grusomheder mod menneskeheden, så er det, da ikke usandsynligt - vel?. Listen er lavet sådanne at de "grønne" personer, er ikke overdraget til diverse WH-myndigheder, men man skal jo ikke klikke på sideskift, hvis man ikke ønsker det. Hvis du ikke vil konfronteres med den energi, så lad vær... |
(Tarotkort-Redpil-Listen bliver løbende opdateret - første gang 29-8-2021 kl. 12.00 - forklaring efter sideskift. Det er ikke SoTW som lægger kort men venner)
PS: Selvom der står "Trump + white hats" kan man ikke komme udenom at der ligger et "lag" bag ved af jordiske aktører, også vor galaktiske væsener indflydelse... Man bliver hentet ind , hvis man har været involveret omkring "børn", "DS" eller "Cabal" (Gruppe(er), ofte omtalt som kabal / skyggeforvaltningen / den dybe stat / eliten / Bank og medico m.v.).
- Ditte Okinok - kortene ville simpelthen ikke svare. Hun er uafhængig og stærk, men spiller alligevel på 2 heste. Afventer måske en dom - men for hvad - vides ikke. Lagde kort 2 gange - samme resultat. Om hun er en mand vides ikke..
- Efter anden eller tredje kortlægning, blev der spurgt direkte om hun er født mand JA. Spurgte så om hun stadig er mand. NEJ. Hun er ændret fra barn. Der blev også sagt, hun er white hat controlled for at vække folk og vise dem hvad der sker. Altså, at hun skal se “ond/forkert ud”, men arbejder for the white hats. Modsat Mads Palsvig.
- Ulla Terkel- ikke-i-knibe Terkelsen - en slags whistleblower - videregivet info om alt hvad der foregår på TV 2 til Trump + WH
- Jes Dorph-Dolph P. - bruges af Trump og WH (lyder mærkelig med det sagde kortene)
- Poul Erik Skammer-sig - overgivet sig
- Trine-Bims-Bramsen - fri fugl - renset (whaaat ja åbenbart) - Ikke rørt ved børn - DS - Cabal
- Allan Badebold Randrup Thomsen - kortene siger ikke noget...
- Gammel Estrup Danmarks Herregårdsmuseum - er renset for anklager.
👼 ~ 💗 ('Some not all, experiencing destructive events as a part of their learning process or "spiritual bucket list”') The Arcturian Group through Marilyn Raffaele 💕 ~ |
Arcturians is a race that comes from the blue planet that circles the red giant Arcturus in Boote constellation. Arcturus circles about 36 light years from our solar system. Arcturians are the most advanced civilization in the galaxy, transcending into the 4th and 5th dimension. Many people know Arcturians as benevolent beings. But what only some people know is the teaching of Arcturians. Shrouded in mystery and lost in the spiritual translations through communication and channeling of Arcturians to humans, a race of beings appears to exist and communicate fundamental laws that govern the existence of peace, love and joy. This basic law allows the Arcturians to push towards higher plans of existence and allow for continued growth in a limited physical universe. Arcturians are believed to come from a circular celestial body that has not been discovered by earthly astronomers.(SoTW)
Channeled messages by Marilyn Raffaele
© 2021 onenessofall
Dear readers, welcome. Our messages flow to you with love and the intention of bringing guidance and enlightenment to all who resonate with them.
All is proceeding according to plan, unfolding as it must in order to bring greater awareness to the presence of countless commonly accepted agendas based in separation. Exposure is serving to open eyes of a three dimensional majority to the pain and suffering that has and still is resulting from many laws and societal concepts.
The floods, fires, hurricanes are energy. Energies of suffering, war, violence, and all activities based in separation that have long been somewhat dormant but still present. These energies are now surfacing and clearing and in the process are forcing many who have lived happily in a state of disconnect from nature and other people to begin thinking about planet earth, all forms of life on her, and how everything is connected.
Some not all, who are experiencing destructive events at this time chose to have the experience as a part of their learning process (their spiritual “bucket list” so to speak) while others choose to be a part of these types of events because they provide opportunities for love and service to others. The vast majority however, are spiritually ready for more but need experiences that will force them out of complacency and into deeper inner examination.
HOWEVER…know that
⛏️🤪🔫 ~ (Let me get this straight...) After six months on Mars, NASA's tiny copter is still flying high! NASA’s Perseverance Rover collects first Mars rock sample ( ~ | Blogger: Soooo... NASA (Never A Straight Answer) sends a itsy-bitsy-teeny-weeny-yellow-polka-dot toy-helicopter, Ingenuity, to Mars, along with Perseverance Rover, with the most sophisticated science instruments on board, searching for ancient life, gathering rocks and soil, which is most likely totally useless stool sample collected on Radstock Bay, Devon Island, Nunavut, Canada?. Furthermore, the Annunaki according to ancient Sumerian theory, first arrived on Earth around 450,000 years ago. They created modern man as slave labor species by sampling their DNA with homo erectus and harvesting gold and natural resources. But, NASA, are STILL looking for signs of past microbial life, cache rock and soil samples, and prepare for future human exploration since 2020.?? Now, for more than 70 years, since 1950's there was a contest between the Draco / German / Corporate SSP and an insectoid race of beings, each contending for control over the planet. When looking for locations where alien life could potentially live, few places fire the imagination like Earth's nearest neighbour - Mars. But, NASA, that hasn't found ANY microbial life yet, are still looking.. Does it make any sense to you and me? - NOPE!... |
※🔴🔺~ ('Without DE + JPN G7 will become the G5 and eventually the G0.') Fulford's *Partial Full* Report & weekly geo-political news and analysis ~ | Blogger: Excerpts from Full report: (On this front, the White Dragon Society is setting up a meeting with the Asian Dragon family in)... Japan this month to obtain financing for a swords-to-plowshares transformation of the Western military-industrial complex. As this report was going live, funds were still being blocked by the Khazarian Mafia. The people behind the blockage are now being hunted down. We will keep readers posted if there are new developments. The Khazarian overlords of the G7, for their part, are hoping to forestall this by trying to organize a meeting with Russia and China to “discuss Afghanistan.” In other words, they are trying to set up a last-minute begathon.Since this will fail, it means that unfortunately for the West, systemic collapse is going to continue for the foreseeable future. The ongoing attempt by the KM to stay in power using toxic “vaccines” and a fake pandemic is not going to make any real difference... [READ MORE THURSDAY]... |
Who is this Benjamin Fulford? BF (born 1961) is a journalist, author of Canadian descent, who lives in Japan. He speaks 4 languages, including Japanese. He worked in Japan as a correspondent for Knight Ridder, The International Financing Review, Nihon Keizai Shimbun English Edition, and South China Morning Post, before his days at Forbes Magazine, where he was the Asian office manager from 1998 to 2005. His investigative reports persecuted scandals in the Japanese government and business. After leaving Forbes, he wrote a number of Japanese books, some of which became best sellers, and began to publish on the internet. He surrendered to Japanese citizenship in 2007. He gained some popularity on the internet after he conducted an interview with David Rockefeller in November 2007.

As World is Distracted by Afghanistan, Germany and Japan Declare Independence
The collapse of the post-war Western “globalist” regime is accelerating. The U.S. military withdrawal from Afghanistan and much of the rest of the Middle East is just the beginning of the end for the Khazarian Mafia. Perhaps the biggest overlooked story is regime change in Germany and Japan, their opponents during WWII.
This is not just about the resignation of German Chancellor Angela Hitler (Merkel) and Japanese Prime Minister Yoshihide Suga. This is about these countries reasserting their independence for the first time since 1945 (see below for details). Without Germany and Japan, the G7 will become the G5 and eventually the G0.
Of course, if you live in the ever-shrinking bubble of the KM corporate propaganda media, you will be told the U.S. is withdrawing from the Middle East in order to focus on China. However, since the fake U.S. Biden regime depends on Chinese money for survival, they are trying to convince people that China is going to finance their war against China.
As Qin Gang, China’s ambassador to the United States told a group of U.S. “leaders” last week, the U.S. “government” is depicting China as “its rival and imaginary enemy, just like when Don Quixote tilted at windmills.”
This nonsense is just part of what can only be described as chaos. The tired old metaphor about running around like a headless chicken best describes the situation in the West now.
Blogger: A far-fetched story!?... Yes I agree... Verdensalt has been following Fulford’s reports for some years, reading them should probably be done with a large grain of salt. There's NOTHING right or wrong in this storytelling, other than some entertainment, some are properly truth or false claims, hard to factcheck. As always, use your own spiritual discernment. BF seems to share information directly from alleged sources within the Pentagon, CIA, White Dragon Society, and so on. Often the data presented is contradictory on the surface, but underneath in the intelligence services apparatus or underworld, more likely. It would probably be more productive to consider his data as one possible perspective on what is happening on Earth at this time.. With that said, the world is unbelievable corrupted and nasty, it's sometimes hard after a man swallowed The Red Pill...
The collapse of the post-war Western “globalist” regime is accelerating. The U.S. military withdrawal from Afghanistan and much of the rest of the Middle East is just the beginning of the end for the Khazarian Mafia. Perhaps the biggest overlooked story is regime change in Germany and Japan, their opponents during WWII.
This is not just about the resignation of German Chancellor Angela Hitler (Merkel) and Japanese Prime Minister Yoshihide Suga. This is about these countries reasserting their independence for the first time since 1945 (see below for details). Without Germany and Japan, the G7 will become the G5 and eventually the G0.
Of course, if you live in the ever-shrinking bubble of the KM corporate propaganda media, you will be told the U.S. is withdrawing from the Middle East in order to focus on China. However, since the fake U.S. Biden regime depends on Chinese money for survival, they are trying to convince people that China is going to finance their war against China.
As Qin Gang, China’s ambassador to the United States told a group of U.S. “leaders” last week, the U.S. “government” is depicting China as “its rival and imaginary enemy, just like when Don Quixote tilted at windmills.”
This nonsense is just part of what can only be described as chaos. The tired old metaphor about running around like a headless chicken best describes the situation in the West now.
9️⃣🕯️🕯️ ~ (Spread the love: “We need the truth in order to heal.”) Family of Brit Killed on 9/11 Presents Gov’t With 3,000 Pages of Evidence “Towers Blown Up from Inside” (ThFreeThoughtProject) ~ | Blogger: [👉“I believe that my brother and thousands of others were murdered on 9/11 and there has been a cover-up,” Matt Campbell said. “We are still overcoming this tragedy, but we will never stop seeking the truth.”👈] ... (SoTW outside this report) -- For the "fastest sleepers" it's still baby-steps to a new beginnings as New York Post and former FBI Agent Says 9-11 Hijackers had U.S.-based support in latest issue. Danny Gonzalez worked on “Operation Encore,” the still-secret investigation into the two Saudi hijackers; “19 hijackers cannot commit 3,000 mass murders by themselves,” Gonzalez told the network.. At least NYPost has been allowed to bring-bread-crumbs, even though, the real truth, is masterly more complicated and devious-devil-in-disguise. For the rest of us fully awaken we all know the truth and understand the world is now entering a endgame situation that will only result in the humanization of Cabal's AKA DS AKA "Earth controllers" and their downfall.. The final phase of Empires normally ends with the same signals whether it was 2000 years ago in Rome or today in the US. Brown’s University has just made a study of the US cost of wars since 9/11. They arrive at a staggering $8 trillion and the loss of 900,000 lives. So in the last 20 years, the US has spent $8 trillion or 40% of annual GDP on conducting totally unsuccessful wars. The report also states that even after the exodus from Afghanistan the US is still involved in wars in over 80 countries. This, and millennium old regime of war profiteering, will also end, very, very soon... The new spiritual consciousness – an emerging paradigm shift is right at our doorstep and will not ever let go again... |
By Matt Agorist
If you turn on your TV — even if you are watching subscription services — you cannot escape the mainstream media’s incessant harping on the botched withdrawal from Afghanistan. The blood-hungry pundits from both the left and right have been crying for a month that their beloved war is finally coming to an end. Yet not a single outlet covers the reasons, or lack thereof, for why we invaded Afghanistan, killed thousands of their children, maimed countless American troops, and then gave the country over to the Taliban along with billions in weapons.
That reason was 9/11.
Since that fateful day, thousands of well-meaning people have worked tirelessly to uncover the details behind the events of 9/11 which set off decades of horrific wars and killed thousands of people. Many of those working on finding this information are not even from America. Few people realize that 67 citizens of the United Kingdom perished in the fiery inferno on that foreboding day, one of whom was Geoff Campbell.
If you turn on your TV — even if you are watching subscription services — you cannot escape the mainstream media’s incessant harping on the botched withdrawal from Afghanistan. The blood-hungry pundits from both the left and right have been crying for a month that their beloved war is finally coming to an end. Yet not a single outlet covers the reasons, or lack thereof, for why we invaded Afghanistan, killed thousands of their children, maimed countless American troops, and then gave the country over to the Taliban along with billions in weapons.
That reason was 9/11.
Since that fateful day, thousands of well-meaning people have worked tirelessly to uncover the details behind the events of 9/11 which set off decades of horrific wars and killed thousands of people. Many of those working on finding this information are not even from America. Few people realize that 67 citizens of the United Kingdom perished in the fiery inferno on that foreboding day, one of whom was Geoff Campbell.
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