Oct 7, 2020

🙏 ~ 💝~ (Dad's Call) Todays Inspirational Spiritual Quotes & Videos (SoTW) ~ 💕 | Blogger: [✨Love Family✨] ... Oh Gosh! A Heartfelt Word Salad with a Positive attitude and Love goes out to these woman selling handcrafted Quilts... It was on a very vulnerable and pocket of time emotional difficult moment when I wrote my very first blog post on Verdensalt.dk (SOTW) in 2014 about the (disappearance) of my teenage daughter, my storyline and all the haterism, coming from her family... I do not miss my former wife, watch out for Russians and Easterners😏, but I do miss her daughter, Rosa, whom I have (again) "lost", in addition to my own daughter, Isabella... |


⚠️🔴⛓️ ~ (BREAKING) Trump Authorizes ‘Total Declassification’ of ‘Any’ and ‘All Documents’ Pertaining to Russia Hoax, and Clinton Email (INFOWARS) ~ | Blogger: I don't like, Alex Jones, in particular - still think he is (partly) on CIA's payroll (whomever), but "facts" are on the table... Clinton Emails, the single greatest political CRIME in American History, the Russia Hoax. Likewise, the Hillary Clinton Email Scandal. No redactions!'... |



🛎️📺👨‍💻 ~ ('33'1 smittede 3'31' Okt) Magnus LØJNICKE indkalder til pressemøde klokken 14 (SoTW) ~ | Blogger: [👉Eksperter vil have krav om mundbind i supermarkeder ~ Berlingske.dk. 330.000 smittetilfælde i Italien, som indfører TOTAL landsdækkende krav om mundbind og Baere of Caféer i Bruxelles lukker 1 måned~ TV2 FNYS NEWS👈] .. {Drama hos radikale og FE, PET og FEF er lige så hemmelighedsfulde og løgnagtige, som de plejer ~ SoTW} ... Frimureriet eller illuminati ordenen, elsker numerologi (33 + 322 m.fl) og Oktobers Halloween Harvesting 31. Oktober 2020... HVORNÅR tror du den nye (udvidet) og lækket udkast til epidemiloven, der afslører helt ny magtbeføjelse til Magnus LØJNICKE og Alleslandsmoder Mette-mus' bøde på 10.000 for at bryde opholdsforbud, fængselsstraf og fratagelse af ens ejendele, snage i asylansøgeres mobiler, overgår fra "dele af grupper af personer, der skaber utryghed" til almindelige mennesker?. Vi ser det udfolde sig LIVE i Israel, New York, England, Paris, Madrid og Victoria, lige nu... (fra april 2020) Hooooold da kæft, troede her på verdensalt redaktionen, at det var Søren Brostrøm og Kåre Mølbak, som var med på EVENT 201, men nu viser det sig, at det var Magnus Heunicke. Uanset hvad og hvem, som er kørt med på denne galej, at tænke sig, jeg har haft ret i en del ting på verdensalt om CV19 og Regeringen, men at sidde og se på, at May Day organisationen skriver det, sort på hvidt, gør mig både glad og ængstelig for hvordan, udfordrer det endelig, den almindelige (dumme) dovne dansker, med al respekt?. Sikkert ikke så meget, (desværre)... Jo flere vi er, jo bedre... VÅGN SÅ OP! FOR DIN EGEN SKYLD OG EGOET, IKKE MIT... |


MISBRUGER regeringen handicapsamfundet til at kræve, at man skal
have et hold-afstand-batch på? 


LÆS VIDERE... Tror du ikke Magnus LØJNICKE  var med på Bill Gates Event 201? 

🤴💰🎓 ~ (Skatteundtaget) ‘Bananrepublik’, ‘fint kompromis’ og ‘middelgod rødvin’: Verdensklasse prinsdiplomat med komplet immunitet, utømmelig apanage, skattefritaget og journalister nægtet aktindsigt af hensyn til Frankrigs og Danske interessers sikkerhed❓ (SoTW) ~ | Blogger: [👉Mens verdens milliardærer blev markant rigere under coronakrisen: VI MARGRETHE DEN ANDEN, af Guds Nåde Danmarks Dronning, gør vitterligt: Folketinget har vedtaget og Vi ved Vort samtykke stadfæstet følgende lov: § 1. Statens ydelse til prins Joachim fastsættes med et årligt grundbeløb af 3.647.076 kr. eller 303.923 kroner om måneden👈] ... Er kongehuset korrupt❓ Spurgte Information.dk engang. Hvis du er i offentlig tjeneste og modtager gaver eller andre fordele, er det ulovligt. Sådan er det også i de fleste andre lande. Men i Danmark er alle ikke helt lige for loven. Erhvervslederes donationer, gaver og tjenester til kongehuset ender aldrig, mens resten af Norden og andre kongehuse, har afskaffet det... Hvorfor er der ingen af de bukkende politikere, skrabende journalister, og fedtende kendis-venner, der fortæller Kongehuset, at den er helt gal❓.. Hvis vi anfægter troværdigheden og om Dannevang har brug for Kongehuset, anklages vi for at være fordømmende, illoyale, uden fædrelandskærlighed og borgerdyd... |



🕉️ ~ 💗 ~ (Stop Violence Vote Peace) NEW COBRA UPDATE: A Short Message to the Surface Population 💕 ~ | Blogger: [🔩COBRA is a codename for 'Compression Breakthrough'. The codename "CO BRA" is derived from the two words "Compression" and "Breakthrough". Cobra is the only spokesperson for The Resistance Movement🍔] ... |

Who's Cobra: Founder of the blog http://2012portal.blogspot.com; This blog is the official communicator of resistance from the Resistance.

Cobra is a Pleiadian contactee and has been in contact with the underground for over 35 years. He has been told to remain anonymous by The Resistance and has ongoing communications with beings from Planet X that assist The Resistance Movement. As an earthly representative of the Agarthan network and the light forces, he strives to prepare humanity for the up and coming event horizon.

A Short Message to the Surface Population

Time frame between September 19th and October 4th was the moment of peak darkness for the surface of this planet. There were absolutely brutal attacks on many of the key Lightworkers and Ligthwarriors that sometimes led to physical consequences. On the global scale, there was also an outbreak of war between Azerbaijan and Armenia:

Situations are now slowly expected to improve, but there is a new peak of war in Low Earth Orbit that is expected to precipitate towards the surface of the planet on October 9th as increased violence among members of the surface population, and as violence from the Cabal towards the surface humanity.

🤖 ~ 💗 (NWO) Welcome to the 5G AI Surveillance Future, TODAY | The Richard Dolan Show 💕 ~ | Blogger: [👉What is Totalitarianism, Transhumanism & Control?👈] ... Really good report from Hr. Dolan, without any little green men, not being depressing or condemning, but a lot of fact-checking nailing the current state of world affairs or our civilization prison planet of (control)... Richard Dolan in Denmark July 2019 and SoTW was there... |

In our long history, human societies have existed within three basic forms: hunting & gathering, sedentary agriculture, and science & industry. We are on the verge of entering the fourth. Maybe we can call it the 5G-AI-Transhumanist society, although someday we will probably shorten that somehow. However we look at it, though, this is a seismic, fundamental shift in our civilization and even what it means to be a human being. As rapidly as we are moving in that direction, the pandemic response has quickened the pace.

🌌🚀⚔️ ~ (Galactic War) New Galactic Year – Space War – Q&A With Lev (DN) ~ | Blogger: [👉"December Solstice 2020 seems to be December Solstice 2012 Redux.... This is deemed to be the time when our Solar System/Galaxy "officially" enters into the Aquarius Constellation." ~ theearthplan👈] ... Thanks to Grace at The Earth Plan Blog... SoTW would say, that Disclosure News Italy, is a (form) of followers of Cobra's (RM) - not sure that Cobra himself are supporting the site, but I've been following them at SoTW for years, since they started up, and LOVE their posts about SR (Schumann Resonance) ... |


New Galactic Year - Q&A with Lev

New Galactic Year

Q&A with Lev


Time Keepers ability to “To interrupt and change out-of-control evolution, as well as organize the interaction of different time-lines”gives Them the right of intervention, influencing reality, at their disposal, so this whole illusion of what’s real or not and programming of humanity by DF can be so easily swept away and corrected, like a collective warm heart/eye-opening, couldn’t it? Of course not, it’s not that simple to graduate for us humans, there need to be steps and choices we make of our own on this path to Light, I know…


Clicks on the Ads Keep Us Alive 🙂

👒💔🤔 ~ (RIP) Obituary: Former Spiritual Seeker, Pureheart Designer, Supermodel and Professional Royal Jetsetter, Henriette Zobel, is Dead. Let the Pre-Birth Cycle Planning begin (SoTW Archive) ~ | Blogger: [🕉️Did she manage to neutralize her Karma or fulfill Dharma, by deep-delving Siddha Yoga, Meditation, Mindfulness and Spiritual Retreats with her indian teacher, Gurumayi? Only she knows, in the afterlife of Summerland (Nirvana). She's back with her beloved husband in father sky😇] ... {H. Zobel died of "Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disorder (COPD) - KOL" - a disease that affects over 320,000 danes, but only half know they have the disease according to The Danish Health Authority (Danish: Sundhedsstyrelsen)} ...😔May she rest in peace! A good heart has stopped beating, a good soul ascended to heaven. We part with Denmark's beloved open hearted spiritual soul in pain. I wish that our Lord / God / Jesus Christ (Source) brings the Zobel family the much-needed peace during this sad time🙏... 🤫Once that has been said out loud - SoTW is NOT trying to be 'mean', personally or disrespectful of the so-called "spiritual or alternative healer community" of Denmark, many are desperating "trying" to (heal) or (cure) others, but can't (save), themselves... 🎢Buuutt, the Zobel family and especially, Henriette Zobel, had a hell of a ride (VERY turbulent life) during her stay on Earth (this time)... 🤑Just before she died, The Danish Business Authority had sent her company Henriette Zobel ApS to compulsory resolution for cheating with 2 MILLION UNPAID taxes from her spiritual retreat center... 🤔From an outsider perspective, since SoTW didn't know her or went to any of her workshops and retreats - for me, (people will be upset now) for me, H. Zobel, was a bankrupted, alcoholized condemn, traumatized, depressed, heart-broken, glamorous, mysterious, spiritual self programmed jet-set adventurer - yet another innocent spiritual 'figurehead' (pretender) like so many, many other hollywood wives (forsidefruerne)... [READ MORE]... 💭PS: Have you ever wondered why a psychologist can't fix or heal themselves, but only their patients, so they claim?... 💭💭PSS: DID YOU KNOW, according to SoTW's nurse mom - I have told this before on Verdensalt.dk, she's claiming, that former Henrik, Prince Consort of Denmark, died from Pneumocystis carinii pneumonia or lung disease, only seen in homosexual men - there's sooooo many lies in the Royal House of Denmark... |

Why 👸Zobel👸 continues to post Instagram pictures of Prince Henrik - 'I stand against all the authorities'.. (from 2017-2018)


READ MORE... (and links) 

AND of course, there is no recipe - everyone has their own spiritual path and that makes us unique and special. No one can be better in being you then you, because no one has your history, your genes, your parents, experiences or failures. It is up to you what you make of it..

⚠️🙉✌️ ~ (Hit me like a train) Charlie Ward 10-5-20 VIDEO… “Paris Hilton #BreakingCodeSilence #ISeeYouSurvivor” ~ | Blogger: [👉no one in their right mind would do something like this. Listen very carefully to what Ms Hilton have to say in the few seconds clip - it's not for children's ears or the faint hearted👈] ... Thanks to KP and Charlie Ward for sharing is (caring)... And of course thanks to "this young lady, Paris Hilton, that actually has the backbone and bottle, to come out and speak up, in a very simple fashion", as Mr. Ward expresses it... Cockney rhyming slang or London dialect usage -- "bottle and glass" or "backbone, means something like to have the "courage or bravado" coming out from a big silence crowd to speak up - something like that... Perhaps you are thinking this is rubbish and she's a sex kitten of false lies, but Paris Hilton, has been pretending to be a “dumb blonde” all this time. Now she's ready to reveal her true self?... |

This is a short video that includes Paris Hilton’s “exposures” of what she has been through (apparently was posted on her Twitter page yesterday (but I’ve not found it there)). Perhaps a “whistleblower” (or MK Ultra graduate) that has recently waked up. Charlie Ward says, “[This] hit me like a train.”

She is one of those people I have paid zero attention to, but this story is worth hearing, in my view. 

🧑‍⚕️🩺 ~ (Stay Focused) HUGE! Top International Epidemiologists Launch Petition for Focused Protections and an End to Lockdowns — Signed by Over 1,700 Medical Professionals (GP) ~ | Blogger: Other things you need to focus on today (might) be the claims that, Cardinals, Bishops, Journalists, Doctors, Lawyers, Say Covid-19 is Fake, & are The Prelude to World Government... |





🗣️🙀 📺 ~ (Doctor speaks out!) OMG I'm Speechless! Unbelievable Mainstream News from Spain - UNREAL! (Ivor Cummins) ~ | Blogger: [👉Never seen before on national TV in prime time?👈] ... WoooW! ... 5.35 minute marker in the video a spanish reporter had enough and are (literally) trying to stop the doctor with logic, but it doesn't go well for the reporter... If the same thing happened in other EU countries like Denmark og America, the microphone would have been turned off or a sudden blank tv screen... 💚PS: Yesterday, The Danish People's Party's deputy chairman, Morten Messerschmidt, was thrown out of DR (Danish Broadcasting Corporation) is Denmark's oldest and largest electronic media enterprise, radio program called P1 'P1 Debate' on Tuesday afternoon for saying that young climate activists, inspired by Greenpeace (or Greta Thunberg) to go home or go to school, instead of demonstrating (there's more to this story with all due respect about me-too and feminism and god knows)... |


I don't know what to say about this mainstream Spanish news item, I'm kinda speechless. This front-line, clearly expert Spanish doctor reveals the reality around the truly massive media madness going on at the moment. He explains the actual reality, and the interviewer is thrown into confusion...! Then a studio journalist is brought in to sort him out - but our doc is solid as a rock - and leaves the henchman for dead! UNREAL. (subtitled)

🤬🚫🔐 ~ (Political Censorship) Facebook bans all QAnon groups as "dangerous", as well as pages and Instagram accounts associated with the conspiracy theory movement. FB also removes Trump's post about falsely saying flu is more lethal than Covid (SoTW) ~ | Blogger: [👉Social Media Is Free, But Comes with a Price Tag from Hell👈] ... Google, YouTube, Twitter, TikTok, Instagram - you name it - waging "demonetization" WAR on alternative media to bankrupt independent journalism sources, truth-seekers, influencers, and to STOP the truth, from coming out on all social media platforms... It's as simple as that!... The BIGGEST war of them all is against The White House, POTUS & QANON... 🙉Why???... Because, media and goverments are painting a picture of followers of QAnon, the so-called baseless conspiracy theory that posits the president is leading a secret war against a deep-state cabal of Satanic pedophiles, reacted to news of Trump’s Covid-19 infection with near-universal celebration 👊 On QAnon forums and Facebook groups, people traded conspiracy theories about Trump’s diagnosis, believing it to be part of an elaborate plan to isolate the leader while violent retribution is taken against believed evil-doers, a time known within the conspiracy theory as “the storm.” 👊 QAnon believers also hold that the coronavirus, which "allegedly" has killed over 200,000 Americans, up to 400K Americans could die of coronavirus without safeguards, says Fauchi, is a “hoax,” engineered to hurt the president 👊 They (the evil Q people) have rallied around ineffective treatments like "hydroxychloroquine" and have refused to wear masks or get a vaccine when one becomes available 👊 Notable QAnon influencers spent early Friday attempting to "decode" the president's tweet announcing he had the disease and trying to deduce clues from the statement's use of capital letters 👊 The official "Q" account, which followers believe to be a secret government insider giving them hints about the president's plan, has not posted since the president's announcement etc. etc... 💊PS: Why are 9 high ranking military leaders in quarantine after coronavirus sweeps the Pentagon?... |