Oct 17, 2018

Verdensalt.dk | Oct 17, 2018 | 💓 ~ Todays Inspirational Spiritual Quotes & Videos ~ 💕 |

Steve Nobel | Oct 17, 2018 | ~ The Atlantean Transmission: Connect to the Ancient Atlantean Order of Light ~ |

Listen to this remastered transmission to connect you to the reemerging energy of Atlantis as we enter this Age of Aquarius on the planet. Atlantis was not just one civilization. There were 3 distinct periods. The Golden Phase of Atlantis was from 40,000 BC to 18,000 BC. A time when humanity lived in harmony with many star brothers and sisters. This was a time of light. This was a time when humanity lived in a higher state of consciousness. At the end of this period there was a partial destruction where the continent broke into 5 islands and much of the people fell under the spell of a militaristic, corporate driven leadership. This group was called 'The Sons of Belial' by the great seer Edgar Cayce although their true Atlantean name is lost to us. In this final period the Atla-Ra White Priesthood also known as the Brotherhood of Light or The Law of One opposed this. The Atla-Ra Priesthood was a service to other orientation and maintained a high level of consciousness through their training. They were both male and female and were capable of great life spans, both through the regeneration of mind power and through crystal and solar technologies used in the various healing temples. The eventual destruction of Atlantis was a traumatic event for those involved. It led to the experience of a great fall from grace and a global downshift in frequency. This event was the cause of the current dense 3D matrix we collectively experience today. This transmission has three purposes: first it will help you to reawaken the higher consciousness of the Golden Age of Atlantis, secondly it will help you, if you were part of this group, to reawaken skills and abilities developed and honed at this time, and finally it will help to clear any fear, shock or guilt generated during the period leading to its final destruction.

Verdensalt.dk | Arkivskabet | 17. Oktober 2018 | ~ Hvem står bag verdensalt-bloggen? En spirituel opvågning savant ~ | (In English:) - Who is behind Verdensalt.dk? I'm sorry, I cannot always hold your hand around the campfire, singing Kumbaya and getting the joy joy joy down in your medi spiritual beating feminine heart!! I'm a Man with a Capital M, but in sync with both the Masculine and Feminine side 💞..... | Blogger: [👨‍🌾 Jeg er præcist samme alder som vores elskede Kronprins Frederik, Danmarks kommende konge og kan bedst sammenlignes med H.K.H. Dog er jeg en pengeløs formueejer, ukendt "John Doe" og dagdrømmer. Scorede ikke højest inden for både intelligens og kreativitet i skoletiden, men en “spirituel” savant, opvågnet og set et lysglimt, et 'glitch' i den eksisterende 3D Matrix af illusionen 👁️‍🗨️] ... (Og mens vi venter på prinsen, kan seoghor fortælle os fra pålidelige kilder, at den royale familieidyl slår revner, hvor Margrethes yngste søn prins Joachim har kørt totalt solo - den Iskolde Joachim flygter fra familien) ... Hvorfor kan jeg slå Kronprinsen i Triathlon? 🏃 (måske). Fordi jeg er toksin-fri, afstresset og sund spiritual DNA-kodede avatar, som det aftraumatiserede menneske... Min søster, crossfit-jernladyen, har kysset Kronprins-frøen, ved et stævne, noget som hun åbenbart, er stolt af og har en superdejlig familie, som jeg ikke kan leve foruden. Tilbage i 1988 gav Whitney Houston koncert i Valby hallen, og der løb jeg ind i Kronprinsen, fik vist udvekslede et par ord med ham... Min datter forlod sin far, for 7 år tilbage, min blogs daglige udsendelser, hjælper naturligvis ikke på, hun nogensinde, kommer tilbage, men min søster har tre børn, som acceptere og elsker, sin Onkel .. Jeg selv, på verdensalt-kanalen, er ikke en farmer eller bonderøv, som jeg udgiver mig for, snarere en bytosse-konverteretet-til-hillbilly, som har taget flugten, ud på landet, for at undgå Smart-City-5G-helvedet, luftforureningen og tilbage til stilheden og healende energi ved skov, vandet.. Læst eller gennemtrawlede over 100.000 artikler, set ligeså mange videoer, og lander snart på 13.000 blogindlæg... Er hverken ekkokammer og talende papegøje for fantasist-konspirationsteoretikere, har journalist eller forfatter evner, stadigvæk ordblind og farveblind (søgte engang ind i politiet og testede om jeg kunne bliver pilot). Har heller ikke kendskab til HELE sandheden (måske tæt på sandheden) om den nye verdensorden, universet og befrielsen, men fået en fornemmelse, af, der er noget galt og der findes en bevægelse, for at få, menneskeheden, på rette spor, igen... Besidder ikke talegaver som Mads Palsvig, heller ikke øbberbøv-snakkende som Kronprinsen, men jobbet mere end 30 år som IT-specialist i forskellige jobprofiler, i danske Wall Street / GoLDMaN SLaCKS top banker og the Hidden Nazi History of IBM (indtil min hjerne slå revner)... Slår aldrig nyttedyr ihjel, alle dyr, er skabt til at besidde en bestemt nyttelivscyklus på moder jord, ligesom os, mennesker. Det, selvom jeg har en ny svoger(ish) tidl. professionel soldat, der går på jagt og også en kammerat, aktiv jægersoldat, der kendte H.K.H. Kronprins Frederik, med kælenavnet Pingo, og en del af hans hemmeligheder (han er desværre gået under jorden).. Møder ALDRIG nogle danske medkombattanter ude i felten, på de hemmelige militær- og UFO konferencer, i udlandet, det forekommer mig stendødt, for den alm. dansker. Heller ikke til spirituelle arrangementer, undtagen i Danmark, selv.. Har nu fået et par nære danske kilder, og vi snakker da flittigt om hva' fanden er det, der sker, derude... Det handler om, at værne om sit indre univers, for at forstå det ydre, univers... Hvad nu hvis alting IKKE er så sort og hvidt, men der findes gråtoner, dem finder du ikke hos de 5 autoriteter; forældre, lægen, skolelæreren, præsten og samfundets politikere og Deres dikterede levevilkår (og deres håndlangere - den fjerde statsmagt) .. Hvorfor? Fordi, du ER hvad du har LÆRT! (du er også hvad du spiser. Du bliver syg fra dine tanker m.v.).. Indtil du frigiver din traumatiserede tidslomme i (hukommelses- chippen) hjernen, som forbinder din avatar krop (computer kabinettet). Din hjerne, sind, ego (flere forskellige synonymer) er et tidsløst element, så længe du forbliver i din tro på, at andre har skabt DIG og din hjerne ikke SKAL tvinges til, at foretage andre valg og lære af de fejl, andre, har GIVET dig eller fra almindelig, LÆRDOM ... Eksempel: Hvis du ser en LØVE, for FØRSTE gang, går du direkte over og vil klappe den. Der findes INGEN frygt. Når den så af naturlige årsager, bider din HÅND af, næste gang, du bliver konfronteret af den samme eller lignede situation, så ved DU, at løven, kan være farlig og du bakker tilbage. (anden) tredje gang, situationen hænder, går du aldrig i nærheden, af LØVEN, fordi dit bevidste sind, har fortalt eller programmeret din underbevidsthed til, at EN LØVE, er lig med = FARE.. Forstår du? Du er hvad du ser og hører!... Det princip, gælder ALLE tænkelige situationer, du HAVNER i. Hvis du i et væk, fornægter, stædigheden dræner dig, dit ego beskytter og fastlåser (komfort- zonen), kan du ikke forandre dig og lære NYT. ALT, det du har fået ind med modermælken, SKAL, vendes og erstattes, til du til sidst, er renset, fra tvivl og det resonere med dit sind og hukommelsescellerne, har SMIDT de negative elementer, VÆK... 💭 PS: Metafysiske årsagsforhold (følelsesmæssige årsager til fysiske skavanker) til problemer med lungerne/luftvejene er bl.a. smerte, sorg, angst, krise, tab o.s.v. o.s.v. -- Hvorfor er Kronprins Frederik søndag opereret for en diskus- prolaps på Rigshospitalet!? (Sandsynlig årsag: 'Føler sig selv ikke støttet af livet. Ubeslutsom'. NYT TANKEMØNSTER: 'Livet støtter alle mine tanker; derfor elsker og værdsætter jeg mig selv og alt er godt') ... Verdensalt.dk er et åndehul, til den sulte sjæl, som ønsker, at udvikle sig og afradikalisere sin fastfortømret perfektionistiske Ego, som ellers ville NÆGTE, andet... Velkommen til - Namaste 🙏.. |

Verdensalt.dk | Oct 17, 2018 | ~ World Wide Hurricanes & False Flag Season is About to Begin (it's all ready here) ~ | Blogger: [🙈Where Attention Goes Energy Flows And Results Show - T. Harv Eker 🎃] .. In the middle of the STORM, a positive story is always GREAT to hear about in the CONTROLLED MEDIA NONSENS - from Phoenix rising from the ashes: "NYC goes entire weekend without a shooting for first time in decades") ... With just 21 days before the midterm elections, time is running out on our best window to pressure elected officials in Congress to reverse the FCC’s repeal of net neutrality, stopping dollar decline or dollar collapse and eliminating Trump... WHAT TO DO!? 🤔... | 💧 Hurricane Michael’s devastation continues with more deaths reported in Florida (CNN) 💧 | 💧 Former stockbroker convicted of financial crime employed at CBS - Copenhagen Business School (TV2 NEWS) 💧 | 💧 Bill Browder says money laundering enforcement in Denmark is a 'joke' — as Nordea money flows questioned (CNBC) 💧 | 💧 Melania Trump's plane forced to turn around after smoke fills cabin (Telegraph) 💧 | 💧 Expect US dollar to plunge 40% against euro, forex analyst predicts 💧 | 💧 ‘Bodies lying everywhere’: Shooting at Crimea college has echoes of Columbine massacre (RT) 💧 | 💧 Ram attack: They are looking for the five occupants of a car that tried to run over a man in Madrid (translated - europapress.es) 💧 | 💧 Police carry out controlled explosion on 'suspicious package' near British parliament (independent.ie) 💧 | 💧 German police 'not ruling out terror' motive in Cologne hostage-taking (channelnewsasia) 💧 |

Storm Is Upon Us | Oct 17, 2018 | ~ Q - We Are The Plan ~ | Blogger: 🔥NEW video - must-see... |

Aluna Ash Clairvoyant- 9D | Oct 17, 2018 | ~ Energy Update pt 2 ~ | ~ Youtube Crash 10/16 ~ |

We have reached a timeline intersection Point as a collective where at least 51% of the collective has reached a certain level of consciousness where we are shifting into a new potential timeline where the Dragons are FULLY able to engage with this shift without infringing on our Free Will. This is why so many will begin to experience the connection with the Dragons. We have 7 main groups of Dragons here that are subdivided into many other groups. They want it to be known that they are here. THEY ARE HERE. AND THEY ARE POWERFUL. I don't really know how to put it in words but this is the most powerful energy I've ever felt or connected with and they are completely clearing the astral planes and timelines.

The Dragons are also collapsing the false "solar flash" Ascension timeline that's been created through manipulation which was a program to try and create a bomb manifest through the collective unconscious by default. This won't happen.

Galactic Heart | Oct 17, 2018 | ~ Greetings from Galactic Heart . . . ~ | Blogger: As you may or might not have heard, no update from PAO/Sheldan Nidle - for the Spiritual Hierarchy and the Galactic Federation...🕯️💜😟 |

Greetings from Galactic Heart . . . 

Today is Tuesday. An update from Sheldan and the Galactic Federation was scheduled to post. I almost forgot to write to tell you that there will not be an update this week. You probably already guessed that there wouldn't be an update today. Sheldan is recovering from his recent DEWeapon attack. It has been confirmed by several people that are in the know about these things and that I trust. It is maddening to say the least. I'm still processing this information and how to forgive.

I wanted to share a little from Sheldan's book, Your First Contact. It is jam-packed with valuable, inspiring information. I simply made an intention and opened the book.

We have received so many beautiful Love letters about how Sheldan's information regarding our Ascension process and our reunion with the Galactic community impacted your lives in the most positive and activational ways. Thank you for taking such good care of us this past year with your healing energies, visualizing Sheldan healthy and whole ~ including me in your healing energies, your loving letters, your daily prayers and your generosity. Our hearts are full with the Love we have continually received from our galactic/spiritual community. ZaZuMa!

As I'm writing, I want to also thank you for attending our webinars. The mission must go on. Miles and I are dedicated to bring new people and interesting topics to our monthly webinars. Last month's webinar with Jared Rand was fabulous. Our best attended Galactic Activation webinar to date. Jared offers daily global meditations at 3pm Eastern and 12 noon Pacific. If you haven't joined in yet, I highly recommend it. I usually listen to the youtube version in the evening. He has almost 600,000 people meditating for world peace and a whole lot more every day. Here's the link for more information ~ Click Here.

Keep shining your Light bright. Sheldan and I send our Love and appreciation.

Selamat Ja!

Verdensalt.dk \\ Disclosure News Italy \\ Space Observing System | Oct 17, 2018 | ~ Schumann Resonance ~ | Blogger: [〰️The Earth is vibration higher and higher, just like verdensalt.dk!〰️] ... Yesterday we “predicted” the continuation of the slow increase in activity and we’ve been “lucky” as it did happen for real. Three burst today, the first quite powerful and sudden from 4:00 to 4:40 UTC, the second from 6:30 to 8:00 UTC. These two went way above 40 Hz. The last one has been minor, a spike at 9:30 UTC .. |

Dailystar \\ RT \\ CNN | Oct 17, 2018 | ~ YouTube DOWN: Error 503 Internal Server Issues - Google Video streaming site NOT WORKING ~ | Blogger: Secret message, glitch or hack? Bizarre Twitter code baffles social media ... "Presidential Alert," the screen said. "THIS IS A TEST of the National Wireless Emergency Alert System. No action is needed." ... |


