Dec 16, 2014

National Debt of The largest Western Counties 2013/2014

Den Nationale gæld refererer til mængden af den samlede statsgæld et land har. Dette er også benævnt »den offentlige sektors gæld«.
(HUSK: statens og den offentlige sektors gæld er ikke sammenlignelig)
Det er opgjort ved hjælp af data fra IMF, Eurostat og CIA agenturer.(HUSK: Der er forskel på brutto- og nettogæld - Det er vigtigt at skelne mellem offentlig bruttogæld og offentlig nettogæld. Den offentlige sektor vil typisk på samme tidspunkt både have gæld (passiver) og offentlige tilgodehavender (aktiver). Bruttotal i internationale sammenligninger hedder ØMO-Gælden)

Bemærk: Nationale gæld er anderledes end "Udlandsgælden« - Udlandsgælden omfatter alle fordringer et land (både private og offentlige sektor) skylder til udlændinge.Udlandsgælden er de samlede offentlige (regeringen) og privat gæld til udlændinge, der skal tilbagebetales i internationalt anerkendte valutaer, varer eller tjenester. Dette er brutto (totale) udlandsgæld. Det måler ikke nettogæld.

Målt i procent af GDP ( Total Government Net Debt) ligger Japan faktisk i Top - nr #1.

Tager man den National gæld i USA ligger de Nr #1. Målt lige nu ligger den på 18 trillioner USD.

Hvor Japan har en National gæld på omkring 10 Trillioner USD (Japan er også den tredje største økonomi). Hæng nu fast her, Russiske National gæld ligger faktisk tæt på den danske - nemlig på 234 Milliarder USD. Hvor Danmark ligger på 154 Milliarder USD eller tæt på 924 milliarder DKK. Puhaa sikken en sum penge...Mener Thorning sagde i 2011 om udlandsgælden, "det vil sige – at i modsætning til hvad regeringen går og siger - så kan vi afvikle gælden allerede fra 2015, hvor regeringen er nødt til at vente til 2020 med at begynde at afvikle gælden" kilde

Læs også: Bankerne i total kolaps eller begyndelsen til en ny epoke af legalitet i den finansielle institution 

Man skal holde tungen lige i munden, når vi taler om Offentlige gæld og statsgæld (Forskel på brutto "ØMO"- og nettogæld), og Udlandsgæld, samt gældsætning.

Super spændende læsning findes nedenfor. Her kan i også læse hvordan Japan er i stand til at fungere med en national gæld på næsten 240% af BNP?


Stewart: Dick Cheney's Mind Is The 'Scariest F**king Place In The Universe' (VIDEO)

Published on Dec 16, 2014
Jon Stewart parsed Dick Cheney's "Meet the Press" appearance on Monday night to determine whether the former vice president was either a "righteous warrior or a psychopath."

Cheney had told "Meet The Press" host Chuck Todd that he considers the 9/11 attacks, not waterboarding, to be torture.

"Dick Cheney, setting this nation's moral bar at anything incrementally better than the most despicable thing that's even been done to us," Stewart said.

And the more Todd pressed Cheney to pin down a definition of torture, the more the former vice president invoked the details of the 9/11 attacks.

"I see, that's just what meets the definition of torture in his mind," Stewart said. "His mind, I assume, being the scariest f**king place in the universe."

"George W. Bush, thank you for not dying in office," Stewart concluded.

Earth could face another mass extinction – study Dec 16, 2014

Måske skulle man virkelig begynde at fokusere på strålingseffekten, forureningen og nuclear nedfaldet fra Fukushima. Har skevet masser af artikler på min blog. Tag en guided tour på

Animals on Earth continue to disappear at an alarming rate, which could result in another mass extinction over the next few centuries, a study by the journal Nature claims, although researchers are struggling to understand the scale of the problem.

Thousands of animals become extinct every year; pressures on species continue to grow, despite renewed conservation policies across the globe to try and slow the process, and the increasing amount of land and ocean areas being set aside for protection.

“In general the state of biodiversity is worsening, in many cases significantly,” said Derek Tittensor, a marine ecologist with the United Nations Environment Program’s World Conservation Monitoring Center in Cambridge, UK, as quoted by Nature.

The so-called Red List of Threatened Species, compiled by the International Union for Conservation of Nature, discovered that there are 46,000 critically endangered species.

Bix Weir Global Update - December 16, 2014

( ascensionwithearth )

As expected, Putin has come back swinging from all the sanctions and market manipulation in the oil price deciding to surprise the world with an interest rate hike to 17% from the Russian Central Bank.

After gaining 10% on the initial news the market riggers threw everything they had at the Ruble and it is now falling through the floor. The Russian stock market is down 15% as we speak and there is massive turmoil.

The big question now is WHY and WHAT'S NEXT?!

The WHY question is fairly easy...Putin has just thrown a monkey wrench into the very delicate FX system that is now crashing the Global Monetary System. All the derivatives based off the Russian Ruble are in chaos and reeling from the MASSIVE Black Swan move in rates. Many FX exchanges have already shutdown US Dollar/Ruble trading...


The USD/RUB Pair Will Be Discontinued Due to Recent Instability of the Russian Ruble

This is turning into a HUGE problem for anyone with derivative positions in the Russian Ruble. As usual the ramifications of this may not be seen today but check back within 30 days as the derivative losses start to mount.

Russia is holding a news conference today...the question is: What will they say about the future of the Ruble? I think it's a bit too early to announce some sort of gold backing of the Ruble but this definitely lays the groundwork for Putin's next move.

More FX instability = More need for a Gold Standard

Let the chaos continue!!

May the Road you choose be the Right Road

David Wilcock Opdatering via Benjamin Fulford blog -16. December, 2014

Hvem er David Wilcock: David Wilcock er en professionel foredragsholder, filminstruktør og forsker af gamle civilisationer, bevidsthed videnskab, og nye paradigmer af stof og energi. Hans kommende Hollywood-film CONVERGENCE afslører bevis for, at alt liv på Jorden er forenet i et felt af bevidsthed, som påvirker vores sind på fascinerende måder. Divine Cosmos er den officielle Internet side, hvor derfindes tusindvis af gratis sider af videnskabelig og spirituel information om åndelig vækst, Ascension og udviklingen af bevidsthed. David kommentere altid på hvad Benjamin Fulford udgiver, fordi meget giver mening.

Herunder et sammendrag af hans kommentar til Benjamin Fulford's blog den 15. December
(Wilcock comments on Fulford's new post)

Great report this week. The official release of the torture report is extremely significant, and shows a massive sign of progress. The statement by Lagarde about the IMF seeking an alternative to US stonewalling the implementation of the new financial system (which is now a certainty with a Republican-controlled Congress) is also very significant. Also the drop in oil prices is overwhelmingly unexpected.

There are three big things going on that are not listed in this report, but are definitely part of the puzzle.

1. If Cosby allegations have been floating around for years, why did they go viral now? Although this could have just been a phenomenon of the times, it is also quite possible that there has already been a major shift. The media picked up this story and ran with it — big time. And it keeps getting worse and worse.

The part about the Cosby story that people aren’t talking about yet is media complicity. These crimes are extremely horrifying, particularly to women. If Cosby was a major media figure ever since “I Spy” in the 1960s, the Fat Albert cartoon in the 1970s (which I used to watch,) the Cosby Show and Jello commercials in the 1980s (which again I watched) and on through the 1990s, how in the world did the media not know what he was doing?

Answer: They obviously did. And they were complicit in covering it up. Cosby has become America’s Jimmy Savile. Once again the media are heavily implicated. Given how provably racist the Cabal is, it makes sense that they would only allow a black man to become this powerful of a media figure if they felt they could effortlessly blackmail him. Having some “dirt” on him that is this epic and horrible ensures he will never become a threat to them.

Jesus via John Smallman: You will be Overwhelmed with the Sense of Oneness that Embraces You.

Kanaliseret af John Smallman 13-12-2014 
© 2014

Jesus Audio Blog for Saturday 13th

Here, removed from the illusion as we are, we can see that humanity is most definitely moving forwards towards wakefulness, and that movement towards that will not be arrested. Too many insane events and disclosures are now occurring to allow the nightmare to remain seemingly real.

When a dream becomes too intense or too seemingly real the sleeper wakens and dissolves the dream as he rubs his eyes and returns to Reality. That is happening right now. Just continue to hold your intent to wake up from the illusion, intend to be loving at all times, and to constantly hold the Light that you bear on high.

It is humanity’s collective intent that supports and maintains the illusion or that causes it to collapse and crumble. That latter intent has been chosen, is strengthening and intensifying, and its effects are now becoming apparent.

Signs of its dissolution are everywhere, and the attempts to shore it up by those who would maintain the status quo are proving utterly ineffective. Its foundations are disintegrating and are beyond repair, and you all know that, so do not allow yourselves to be drawn back down into the doom and gloom scenario of the illusion by the disturbing news that is reported by the mainstream media, and which is intended to keep you in a state of fear. Instead focus on Love.

Love surrounds you in every moment waiting most patiently for you to open your hearts to It. That is to fully open your hearts, unconditionally. It is not helpful to think to yourselves, and many do, that when others – loved ones, friends, relatives, church leaders, politicians, etc. – become more respectful, more trustworthy, more open, more loving, then so will you. It does not work like that! The only person who can open your heart is you, and waiting for someone else to open theirs first just delays the whole process.

The Demonic Cabal's Economic War Against the World - the one step to freedom is incomplete

Just wondering how come, we allow the Cabal or shadow government (Bush - CIA connected Black Ops ) operations to explode once again, and attack us around the world? Wake up people!!! See through the heavy fog of smokescreen and Military deception. Every single time, Cabal's time is up, they conduct a series of misleading illusions, to force us all, to look in another direction, avoid the real agenda and attention elsewhere .... I dont believe for one second, anybody wish to manifest a image of Muslims as terrorists in order to let them feel protected and look the other way...

Cabal is like warning signs from a Dying dog - still fighting to live, but will eventually die. We all understand, military industrial complex requires to be feed with new wars, conflicts, deceptions, new fundings and the wheel will go on and on...until they get a flat tie, but as long Cabal has a spare tie and car jacks, they will go forward until the end....we can do something about it.. TOGETHER!    
It's time to lift us from fear and anxiety and prepare us on the journey forward, psychology adjust to crystal energy coming through.
Do not look at the world and where the planet is going, Your only proof, where it's going, is looking to see where it is headed.  
Next phase we are going through is Faith, Unconditional love, able to be as Abundant and grounded as we are spiritual aligned... even if it seems impossible....trusting the instinct of the highest divine of will..

Welcome to the path of mastery... its time to be initiated and masterful, your not turning back on the world, your leading by example, so the world can recognize the light you shine and find its way home... ( extracted from Energy Update: Ascension 2015 - Matt Kahn/ )

New and some older headlines, form of "truth":

David Wilcock Opdatering via Benjamin Fulford blog -16. December, 2014

More Than 126 Killed, 122 injured in Taliban School Siege - Pakistan Officials

As the Sydney siege ends, questions begin

Los Angeles, strange fires, It seems to have been the result of some sort of military attack and could be a sign that civil war is imminent in the US.
Bundy ranch standoff emboldens antigovernment extremists

Does Washington want war with Russia?

UN rights watchdog accuses Kiev forces of torture, inhumane treatment of civilians


Ruble plummets losing more than 20% in a day, hitting new dollar and euro lows

5 Reasons to Question the Official Story of the 'Sydney Siege'

(Activist Post )Monday, December 15, 2014
In the aftermath of yet another highly publicized terror attack (or at least the potential for a high

The xenophobic pro-war right is predictably using the attack as an example of how all Muslims are terrorists and how their total annihilation and implementation of police state tactics are the only solution. The pathetic left-wing is attempting to portray the gunman as a “lone nut” with no political motives as a justification for more “anti-terror” laws. The vast majority in the middle, however, believe the official mainstream version of events, quake in their boots, and move on to the next form of entertainment provided to them by the culture creators without a second thought.

Yet, as is almost always the case, there is much more to the story than is being reported by mainstream outlets. There exists a number of unanswered questions and unexplained inconsistencies with the story of “Man Haron Monis” and his hostage taking escapade in Sydney.

1.) Man Haron Monis (aka Manteghi Boroujerdi) is Shiia, not Sunni.

While the mainstream reports may suggest that Monis is yet another ISIS-style terrorist that finally attempted to rise and meet his destiny by engaging in terrorist attacks in the West, there are a number of problems with the presentation in terms of details.

Western media reports that, among other ludicrous demands, Monis requested to be provided with an ISIS flag while holding up the café in the Sydney business district. The problem, however, is that Monis is Shiia, not Sunni. Sunni, of course, is the brand of Islam that ISIS espouses. While both sects see their share of fundamentalism, the twain do not mix.

Why then, would a Shiia cleric (fundamentalist or otherwise) request an IS flag at the scene of his crime for all the world to see?

profile attack) in Australia by foreign-born jihadists, the Western public is once again experiencing a variety of emotional reactions that they have carefully been trained to experience whenever such events take place at home or abroad.

2.) Is Monis A “Liberal Muslim” Or A “Fundamentalist Muslim?”

DR2 DOX: 'Krigen om børnene' 8. Dec 2014, Tidligere var det 'Stop - Nu Krigen, Mor og Far!' 1. Okt 2014 og 'Med børnene som våben' - 13. Maj 2014

Læs også: TV2 DOX: Stop Nu Krigen, Mor og Far! 1. Okt 2014 & Med børnene som våben - 13. Maj 2014

Læs også: Den grusomme virkelighed, hvordan kvinder og mænd bruger børnene som våben i skilsmisser

Udgivet den 16. December 2014 af

Fik en skrivelse fra Politiet her i November 2014, med et Polititilhold, helt ude af den blå luft. Fuldstændig målløs. Sidst jeg havde nogen former for kommunikation med min datters mor, var for 6 år siden og min datter for 1½ år siden. Jeg havde pinget min datter på FB for 7 måneder siden, med en sød meddelelse om hvordan hun havde det og hvor meget jeg/vi savnede hende, som Politiet havde opsnappet. Politiet justeret efterfølgende kendelsen til en mundtligt formaning, fordi som de sagde: Politiet er forpligtet til at optage anmeldelses jf. retsplejelovens §742 og efterforske anmeldelsen jf. §743 og slutteligt har jeg udfærdiget en rapport om de afhøringer jeg har foretaget i sagen jf. §744. Jeg vil ikke komme nærmere ind på sagen, fordi jeg nægter at give min datters mor, den tilfredsstillelse, endnu i et slag, for at vise mig hvor nemt det er, at manipulere systemet fordi man kan. Jeg er oppe mod Darth Wader fra Star Wars hver gang, nægter at blive slugt af den mørke side og mørke energi.

Hvorfor påvirker det mig endeligt så meget som det gør mht. DR2 DOX: Krigen om børnene?

Vil lige sige, det som at miste sit barn med død til følge, er på ingen måde sammenligning med noget jeg taler om i dette blog indlæg, men det påvirker mig kun i den henseende, jeg har selv siddet i saksen som Carsten Damgaard, fuldstændigt paralyseret, uden magt til at ændre tingenes tilstand og troen på det gode sejrer i et system så som Statsforvaltningen, hvis magtvælde for at agere effektivt, korrekt, hurtigt og til barnets bedste, bare ikke er/var godt nok. Tro mig, jeg har haft hjælp fra min familie, advokater, foreningen far, mødrehjælpen, (1 gang - du hørte rigtigt) kommunen, stress psykolog, konfliktmæglingsmøder både på privat cafe med moderen, alternative familieterapi, og i Statsforvaltningen, alt hvad kunne bære mig næste skridt at forsoning, forståelse og medfølelse, så min datter ikke led overlast...
(Radio24Syv Podcast)Fakta: Hvert år afslutter Statsforvaltningen ca. 28.000 sager om hvem der skal have forældremyndigheden, hvor barnet skal have fast bopæl og hvor meget hver forælder skal være sammen med deres barn. Sager der i langt de fleste tilfælde har dramatiske konsekvenser for både forældrene og især børnene. En dunkel fortælling der lige nu udspiller sig i hundrede og tusinder af danske hjem, og trækker spor af skæbner efter sig.

Ved godt det er et tungt, tungt emne, som påvirker alle langt dybere i familierelationer og venner omkring konflikten om børnene, end man overhoved kan tænke sig, men er det ikke bare et spørgsmål om hvem som har de bedste egnede advokater og jurister, retslige hensyn og den bedste Resolution fra Statsforvaltningen. Skilsmisser når børn er en konfliktsag, drejer sig ikke om hvem som har mest ret, eller kan påvirke sagen i Deres egen interesse. Det som Statsforvaltningen ikke har mandat til eller ikke skal tage stilling til, er folks individuelle behov eller følelsesmæssige tilstande. Husk lige det når i selv begynder slåskampen.