Dec 23, 2018
FinansWatch | 13. Feb - 23. Dec 2018 | ~ Medie: Kapitalfond arbejder aktivt på salg af KMD ~ | .. Kapitalfonden Advent skal til at afdrage på en milliardgæld og arbejder nu "særdeles aktivt" på at sælge KMD, skriver mediet Insidebusiness .. | Blogger: [Snakke om Banditter i Habitter] ... Personligt har jeg kendskab til adskillige 'konsulenter' og såkaldte bad apples af projektledere, som var med til at smadre EFI-systemet under Skat, der sidder i KMD, fordi de ikke kan få arbejde, andre steder... |
Endnu en dag med Flid, Fedt & Snyd -- Hvor går du hen, hvis du har snydt, bedraget og blacklisted af resten af branchen -- KMD?
(hentet fra arkivskabet, da jeg stadig var tilknyttet det lukrative banking arbejdsmarked)
Fejl hos KMD betyder, at tusindvis af danskere fik forkert information om, hvor meget de er berettiget til at få i kontanthjælp. Mange fik at vide, de ville miste penge.
Hvor ligger hunden begravet?
Blogger: Har ikke set mig sur på KMD. Men bliver temmelig forundret.. Har nævnt før, har det fra pålidelig kilder, mange it-konsulenter som ikke kan finde andet job, sidder i KMD, inklusive Skat's EFI drenge der blev fyret, på gråt papir. Men det er jo kun 'hearsay'..
Nu viser det sig, at en ellers meget vellidt chef i truppen i den finansiel virksomhed, jeg har arbejdede for, forsvandt sporløst, en dag. Alle undrede sig, indtil vi fik at vide, at han havde snydt for millioner af kroner på elrapporter og it-udstyr, favoriserede flere familierelaterede lokale elinstalltører, der udtog ordre og fakturerede med vanvittige overpriser. Ansatte familiemedlemmer, som fik løn, men relaliteten, fiktive. Og en masse andre ting, det stod på i årevis, men Human Resource fik nok.
Det, at autoriseret elinstallatør og andre leverandører tager overpriser hos virksomheder, er ikke noget nyt i min branche, har set masser af eksempler på hvordan chefer favoriser firmaer som tager overpriser på produkter og tjenesteydelser og får en studehandel ud af aftalen. Ser gennem fingre, fordi virksomhederne tjener for meget, og det ikke ses i det store budget..
I min egen afdeling, har vi en konsulent fra én af de tre konsulenthuse som min virksomhed kontrahere med, som ingen vil ha'. Alle skal have flere chancher i livet, uanset hvad de har foretaget sig, men bedrag er bedrag, i mine øjne..
Som tidligere Projektleder og koordinator, er det noget som jeg absolut ikke vil acceptere.. Den omtalte person som snyd og fuskede, blev 'smidt' ud på r.. og albuer, men fik et job en uges tid senere hos KMD.. Præcist samme stilling. Det siger hans linkedin i hvert fald.
Hele denne branche er gennemsyret til bristepunktet af hemmelige kontrakter og aftaler som kun fanden har skabt og forstår. Man gør sig ikke den tjeneste og krydschecker ved ansættelsen, åbenbart..
Vi ved alle sammen godt, at KMD skal skrabe kapital og ansætte maksimal it-ressourcer til en kommende børsintroduktion. Vi ved også, at topledelsen i it-selskabet KMD står til en trecifret milliongevinst, hvis selskabet børsnoteres. Vi ved også hvordan det foregår ved, at ledere, mellemledere samt direktørerne spinner guld på lønninger, bonuser, aktieoptioner, incitamentsordninger og himmelråbende vanvittige aftrædelsesordninger..
Så længe, at virksomheden som KDM, er lønsomme og gør aktionærerne rigere, kunderne glade, er der ingen som siger noget, men kommunerne er rasende, måske, er der en god grund..
Ligesom DONG Energy, NETS, TDC, ISS, Nykredit, A.P. Møller-Mærsk(skibsaktier) og Post Danmark A/S af de store, sidder der kæmpemæssige kapitalfonde, globale finanshuse og pensionselskaber som pumper ekstra fiktive 'funny money' til børsintroduktioner, som et hold kæft bolche til ledende medarbejdere, bliver de forgyldet, mod loyalt at modsætte sig dette scam.. Alt er åbenbart tilladt i Danmark. Politikerne kan ikke blande sig. Verdens største kapitalfond, Blackrock, samt andre amerikanske kapitalfonde og finanshuse som GoLDMaN SLaCKS og Rothschild har snart overtaget Danmarks ledende virksomheder -- Den kloge narrer den mindre kloge..
Fejl hos KMD betyder, at tusindvis af danskere fik forkert information om, hvor meget de er berettiget til at få i kontanthjælp. Mange fik at vide, de ville miste penge.
- Skat vælger KMD til nyt it-system trods kæmpe stævning
- A-kasse fyrer KMD
- Den evige stjernespiller kæmper i KMDs store krise
- Region Syd og KMD skrotter kontrakt om nyt IT-system
- Minister holder sig ude af KMD-skandale: »Hvis de ikke kan blive enige, har vi retssystemet«
- KMD-topchef om børsplaner: »Jeg har rigeligt at se til med sure storkunder«
- Tålmodigheden med KMD brugt op: Kommunerne står klar med fyreseddel
- Professor: Det bliver svært at presse millioner ud af KMD
- Nu går ATP i offensiven: Kræver trecifret millionbeløb fra IT-gigant
🔴 HALTurner Radio Show | ~ "Declaration of War on Russia" Bill Introduced in Ukraine Parliament ~ | Blogger: [⚓Something's Up... Perhaps The Deep State & Israel controlling Trump (some say) and the mercenary bad entities within the U.S. M.I.C, could finally get the WW3, they have been waiting for, all along??🏴☠️] ... (as verdensalt has heard on the military channels:) December 25, 2018 -- Very Serious Developments in Ukraine; New Military Gear arrives - Russian Troops, armor and Ships now on the move. *** BULLETIN *** Russia Assigns 3,000 Troops to "Nuclear Decontamination" ... PS: RT: Ukrainian official invites British warship to cross Kerch Strait & see how Russia reacts ... |
HMS Echo docked in Odessa, Ukraine. December 21, 2018. © Yevgeny Volokin / Reuters |
*** BULLETIN ***
Russia Assigns 3,000 Troops to "Nuclear Decontamination"
See 4:03 PM Update
A Member of the Ukraine Rada (Parliament) has introduced the paperwork for a Declaration of War on Russia, the cessation of Diplomatic Relations, and the severing of Transport ties.
The Member of Parliament (MP) Vitaliy Nikolayevich Kuptiy introduced the Resolution today, December 21, as shown below:
DR FNYS NEWS | ~ Nye hold af akutlæger i skudsikre veste skal rykke ud sammen med politiet ~ | Blogger: [SOUNDING BAD FUBAR B-MOVIE:😲 Americanised Denmark with newly adopted army basic training doctors as active players to assist the militarized police in Tactical Emergency Medical Services (TEMS) to tackle 'fictive' terrorism and out-of-hospital care given in hostile situations by specially trained practitioners🤯] ... I will bet you a million dollars, here is the sounding horn of Cabal for the next False Flag operation on danish soil, to come... But as always, you be the judge of that... 📯 |
PFC | ~ Little Thoughts about Big Energy: The Goddess ~ | .. I recently did a search on Cobra’s blog using the simple word: goddess .. |
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Isis of Egypt, goddess of wisdom and magic |
The rise of goddess energy is going to help women, but it will help men just as much. The goddess energy that is rising on the planet is not simply empowering women. The goddess is exposing hypocrisy and stamping out oppression. Men have suffered under oppression and hypocrisy just as much as women.
So let’s take a look at a few ways all this new energy is making things happen.
From Cobra’s Dec. 16 post, the activations of goddess energy in Paris kicked off the Yellow Vests movement:
“…….Since November 11th, 2018, the Paris Goddess vortex is continuously triggering kundalini activation in all human beings on the surface of the planet. This is the occult reason for the success of the Yellow Vests movement, which is a grassroots movement against all oppression….. ”
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Diana, the Goddess of the Hunt |
“…..These new Galactic energies also bring the activation of many Goddess archetypes. The first archetype that is activated is the archetype of Astraea. This energy will bring the New Renaissance and the renewal of high culture:
TheGuardian | ~ 🔴 Indonesia tsunami: 222 dead and 'many missing' after Anak Krakatoa erupts – latest updates ~ | Blogger: [🌊 'JUST COME DOWN, PEOPLE' - BMKG 😱] ... According to news sources like Reuters and danish news, The Tsunami, was characterized by Indonesian authorities as a harmless tidal wave, JUST BEFORE IT HAPPEN... (in comparison -- 2018 september Sulawesi earthquake and tsunami - led to the deaths of at least 2,100 people)... My prayers go out to Indonesia 🕯️😔💞... Let us also sent prayers out to the world's affected populace in regards to water pollution, earthquakes, extreme weather, drought, and fresh water shortages, where people are suffering and worse... ❤️💜💚💙💗😇🙌👼🏻🙏☄️💥🌪💦☔️... | | Archive | The Sun UK | Feb 27, 2017 - Dec 23, 2018 | ~ MYSTERIOUS DEATH: Who was Max Spiers? The Super Soldier | Conspiracy theorist and UFO hunter – all you need to know | Girlfriend of Dead UFO Conspiracy Theorist is Now a Suspect ~ | Blogger: In memorial of Max Spiers ... R.I.P.. 💡🙏🕯️ ... He was much more important than you think, and that's why they terminated him... 💡PS: It's so vital to understand, that the Archons or our 'cont- rollers' purpose, is to break our heart chakra, but it's very difficult for them, so they attack our other weaknesses. Like our ego, toxic our blood–brain barrier and body with medicine, alter our unique frequency by DEW, MK ultra, the Monarch Project mind control program etc. And other appaling programs, which seek to destroy the individual, subvert their free will, and utilize them for personal gain, by their superiors, among other nefarious purposes ... The heart chakra governs Divine love, unconditional love, forgiveness, compassion, understanding, balance, group consciousness, oneness with life, acceptance, peace, openness, harmony, and contentment...💓 |
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Max Spiers was found dead in Poland and it was ruled that
he died from natural causes despite no post-mortem
examination being carried out
".. Your boy’s in trouble. If anything happens to me, investigate.." That was a text message Spiers sent to his mother before going to Poland. The investigation has proven difficult to undertake, let alone complete, but a new report from a prosecutor in Warsaw says the death is now being treated as involuntary manslaughter and the main suspect is Spiers’ girlfriend, Monika Duval – the same Monica Duval whose sofa he was found dead on.....
Who was Max Spiers? Conspiracy theorist and UFO hunter – all you need to know
Max's 'girlfriend' is now set to be quizzed by cops and his mother, Vanessa Bates, believes her son's investigations into UFOs and government cover-ups may have something to do with his death
By Hannah Crouch
25th February 2017, 3:30 pm
Continue Reading at ...
Milab, Anunnaki, Voodoo and the Time Loop - Max Spiers
8-11 More on Max Spiers, HEART Crystals = Enki
UAMN TV | Aug 21 - Dec 23, 2018 | ~ Former Area 51 Scientist Discloses Projects That have Never Been Seen by the Public. David Wilcock and David Adair the Man Who Worked at Area 51 Underground Facilities ~ | Blogger: [🚀 attended this live videocast at Conscious Life Expo 2018 and enrolled David Adair's worldshop. Peter "Rocket" Madsen, cannot come even CLOSE to David Adair's achievements🥇] ... A MUST-SEE...
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REAL PIC??? - Secret Space Program - SSP - Solar Warden - Massive Air Ships For Evacuation Or Survival Purposes | Cosmogenesis - Library of Akbar Ra in Alexandria Thuban |
What we do know, is that under the early stages of SSP, Nazis were given 'Safe Haven' in U.S.
Blogger: A rufless former SS Gestapo officer, Arthur L.H. Rudolph, German-born rocket scientist who helped develop the American program that took men to the Moon (or created Space Stations from Alien tech - Operation Paperclip), influenced USAF and was a part of Groom Lake secrecy (later on named Area 51)...
(verdensalt) attended David Adair's workshop and listen to his story, that the U.S. military secretly gave him support to build his rocket in 1969. An expert in space technology applications, David Adair, is also known for his account of extraordinary experiences at Area 51 as a mere teenager .. David Adair had close contact to Arthur L.H. Rudolph, that he wished for ("Truth" Drugs in Interrogation, for what he knew).
Before he was a teenager, David Adair was fascinated with jet propulsion. By the time he was 11 he had built his first rocket, and at the age of 17 he supposedly pioneered a new type of engine that used neither liquid nor solid jet fuel – it used electromagnetic fusion.
From that point on, he says he caught the eye of government agents, but not just any agents, the top brass, Area 51-clearance-level agents. He says his work was later acknowledged by Stephen Hawking and Werner von Braun, but the story of his interaction with the military at a young age involves clandestine military bases and Nazi scientists (i bet you, Peter Madsen would die for David Adair's knowledge bank).
Adair says he was a child prodigy when it came to astrophysics and rocket science, voraciously reading through all of the relevant literature he could find at his local library. According to his story, when a local librarian noticed he was correcting the flawed data in astrophysics texts, she was amazed and ordered him hundreds more.
Adair became enamored with space travel, designing rocket propulsion systems with cryogenic fluids. Eventually this led to his creation of a new type of system that had never before been created, the electromagnetic fusion containment engine. With this engine, he says, his rocket could propel from zero to 8,654 mph in just over four seconds ... |
Space technology expert and former Area 51 rocket designer David Adair will show you visuals and graphics of what the Aerospace Community had intended to build in space with the Shuttle program. These projects have never been seen before or announced to the public.
Learn about: Space Stations, Space Manufacturing, Space Based Medicines and Micro-Gravity Processing that the Aerospace Corporations wanted to build but were told NO by NASA because it was ‘too much industrialization of space’. Prepare to be amazed at the possibilities that exist! Meet and hear from one of the most exceptional rocket scientists of our time.
verdensalt | ~ The most insane laws passed by narrow majority in December of 2018. "Lie. Cheat. Steal', still works in the 3D Matrix of Illusion ~ | Blogger: [🙋Denmark tops happiest country in the world 2016, 17 and 18. But we hate foreigners, mostly money and power greedy, posses over-self-confidence, naively trusting authorities and egocentric by nature and love The Law of Jante (Danish: Janteloven)🤷] ... 1. A majority in the Folketing will send 10 year old children to prison ... 2. Danish bill to tighten residency requirement for unemployment insurance passed by narrow majority ... 3. Outrage as Denmark passes law making HANDSHAKE mandatory for naturalization ... 4. With 1 billion, Chemical and Pharmatech, Novo Nordisk Foundation & Danish health legislation, has establishing a National Genome Centre, selling out our DNA and personally health data to highest bidder ... 5. Insane and perhaps illegal, wild boar fences on Danish-German borders and one company particular earns millions: Income for 2019 is secured ... 6. Island exile the latest Danish blow for 'unwanted' migrants ... 7. Danish News in Brief: Danes want Brits to remain in EU ... 8. Municipalities must take advances for smart meters and electricity consumption for control ... 9. The 1000-kroner banknote gone. Europe to Remove 500-Euro Bill. First, they take control of your money funds - then they shut your mouth with something so emphatically. Welcome to the cashless society ... 10. Top management from female scandals that shocked the world. Spokesperson and higher department manager, Bettina Jensen at Rigspolitiet, the national police force, cheated and stole 43 million of taxpayers money. Britta Nielsen, is her name and her whole family is involved - stole 110 million kroner from The National Board of Social Services (Socialstyrelsen). Lastly, 'Third Ears' podcast serie, about a norwegian/danish women, 'The woman with the heavy suitcase', that risk spending 8 years in prison for 24 cases of fraud and theft... |
- Nyt nævn kan straffe kriminelle tiårige ~TV2
- Danish bill to tighten residency requirement for unemployment insurance passed by narrow majority ~ thelocal
- Outrage as Denmark passes law making HANDSHAKE mandatory for naturalization ~ RT
- 1 mia. kr. på vej til skræddersyet behandling til danske patienter ~ SUM
- Firma tjener millioner på vildsvinehegn: Indkomst for 2019 er sikret ~ DR
- Island exile the latest Danish blow for 'unwanted' migrants ~ thelocal
- Danish News in Brief: Danes want Brits to remain in EU ~ cphpost
- Kommuner skal kunne bruge elforbrug til kontrol ~ arbejderen
- Først tager de kontrol med dine midler – så lukker de munden på dig noget så eftertrykkeligt ~ Folkets
- Nye oplysninger om Britta Nielsens sidste dage, før hun blev bortvist ~ JP
- Fyret afdelingschef i Rigspolitiet hjalp tidligere DR-direktør med konsulentjob: Mødtes privat og delte feriebillede ~ BT
- 'Kvinden med den tunge kuffert' risikerer otte års fængsel ~ politiken
UFO Sighting News | ~ Beautiful infrared photo of Saturn like you have never seen it before ~ |
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Here is an amazing photo I found in the NASA index of Saturn. Its an unaltered perfect view of the infrared light hitting Saturn from the sun. The sun produces lots of infrared...thus the shadow behind Saturn, however the human eye cannot see in the infrared spectrum, so only with cameras with special filters can we get these amazing shots. Also IR cameras are great for hunting UFOs in our skies. The infrared filter makes day time hunting easy because anything cloaked from our eyes will be visible in the infrared spectrum.
Such a beautiful photo of Saturn. Living Big In A Tiny House | ~ Incredible Small Off-Grid Earthship Home ~ | Blogger: [🏡Oh wauv! reminds me on the new Project that Cobra presented at the Conference in Sao Paulo, called "Island of Light"😇] ... The Island of Light it is a Project guided by Cobra, the brazilian Mundo Meraki Team, and the Light Forces to create a mandala community of Soul Families. It is time for Soul Families to reunite and live together and we have all the support of the Light Forces. In Brazil it will be the first Island of Light community built in the world. Many people from Brazil said YES to this Project and decided to leave the Matrix. They have already bought some land, to start building, the community of paradise. The houses will be build in sacred geometry patterns and in sacred geometry shapes, as required by Cobra. Because we are a soul family, being a part of this Project, willing to crack the Matrix, and bringing closer the Event and kickstart the Golden Age, we should proceed on the actually manifestation. Cobra explained in Brazil conference, that the process of manifestation on this planet is slow, because the forces of darkness do not want people to succeed, because that way they would not follow their program ... Victory Of The Light!... |
This off-the-grid home in Adelaide, Australia is something completely different! An Earthship is a radically sustainable and self-sufficient building which uses a combination of modern off-grid technology, super clever passive solar design techniques and a whole lot of recycled materials (including trash) all mixed with earth building techniques to create an incredible, high performance home.
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The small Earthship home was built by Martin and Zoe, as a challenge to create Australia's first council approved Earthship. Together (and with a lot of volunteer labour) they have worked within the system to create a truly impressive small home.
The small Earthship home was built by Martin and Zoe, as a challenge to create Australia's first council approved Earthship. Together (and with a lot of volunteer labour) they have worked within the system to create a truly impressive small home.
Read More:
This Earthship is filled with impressive off-the-grid technology, including solar power, rain-water collection, grey water filtration and much more. The home also uses clever passive technologies such as it's passive solar design and even a natural cooling system using underground tubes. Beyond all that though, it's beautiful. The design and finish of this home are sure to leave you impressed! I hope you enjoy the full tour of this amazing small house!
This Earthship is filled with impressive off-the-grid technology, including solar power, rain-water collection, grey water filtration and much more. The home also uses clever passive technologies such as it's passive solar design and even a natural cooling system using underground tubes. Beyond all that though, it's beautiful. The design and finish of this home are sure to leave you impressed! I hope you enjoy the full tour of this amazing small house!
Visit Earthship Ironbank's website to find out more about it's construction. You can even book a BnB stay and experience it for yourself:
Vaxxed | ~ Healthy Triplets All Autistic within Hours of Vaccination ~ | .. The McDowell Family in Detroit, Michigan .. | Blogger: Just make sure you have a box of tissues handy...😢 THIS makes me unbelievable sad and upset on the Rockefellers, who founded modern medicine and killed natural cures and all their lab rats, the incredible evil medical–industrial complex who are destroying families every single day, with their toxic vaccination agenda... I AM here to tell YOU, we LOVE you guys, for fighting the evil monstrous system... I AM here to tell YOU, as a REMINDER, that YOU are ❤️ beyond LIMITS... You are exquisite... You're timeless... You are a Child of God... You are Divine Will... You are Divine Light... You are Divine Love... You are essentially an eternal and imperishable divine spirit... You are immortal Atman (the divine soul within)... |
Space Observing System | ~ Schumann Resonance Update! ~ | Blogger: [〰️ The Earth is vibration higher and higher, just like!〰️] Wooooow!!! O-M-G! Are you ready?? it's going to be a bumpy ride 🎢 ... A massive white multitude spikes lasted almost 8 hours so far, all nighter, started at midnight 0:00 PM/AM UTC and still growing in size during the morning. Way above the 40 Hz marker. Amplitudes & Frequencies way above normal.. PS: Local time is expressed in the hours of Tomsk Summer Daylight Time (TLVA). TLDW = UTC + 7 hours .. |
Verdensalt | Archive | 2015-2018 | ~ Former Defense Minister, Peter Christensen, was called in a urgent consultation in the danish Parliament, after being misinformed by the 'trigger-happy' mercenaries from the private security firm, Blackwater ~ | Blogger: [🐾Bribable Bullying Bandits Like BlackStone, BlackRock and (BlackWater Associates Mercenaries, Black-clad Security) Buying in Billions of Danish Infrastructure and Part of Denmark's Defence Command (VFK) Who Was Invited to Join Killings in The Iraq-war of Muslims, cover-up the danish torture of Iraqi prisoners and Benghazi IS Blackwater♠️] ... (These facts are all well documented on verdensalt. Use the search bar) ... .. Although the Danish Ministry of Defense and The Defense Command regrets, it is very serious, but all forgotten again. Anders "Fog of War" Rasmussen posses the TRUTH, and has on several occasions, declared war on Russia and other states in the world... Another fact, YES, Monsanto actually DID buy the BLACKWATER/Academi Mercenary Group! ... A report by Jeremy Scahill in The Nation revealed that the largest mercenary army in the world, Blackwater (later called Xe Services and more recently “Academi“) clandestine intelligence services was sold to the multinational Monsanto... [READ MORE] ... PS: Likvidations? 🔫 CIA used Blackwater for secret assassination program, private military contractors, like the secretive mercenary company, Blackwater, one of the most dangerous in the world, and deadliest... |
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Ex-Marine Shatters Myth of Joining the Military
A report by Jeremy Scahill in The Nation revealed that the largest mercenary army in the world, Blackwater (later called Xe Services and more recently “Academi“) clandestine intelligence services was sold to the multinational Monsanto. Blackwater was renamed in 2009 after becoming famous in the world with numerous reports of abuses in Iraq, including massacres of civilians. It remains the largest private contractor of the U.S. Department of State “security services,” that practices state terrorism by giving the government the opportunity to deny it.
Many military and former CIA officers work for Blackwater or related companies created to divert attention from their bad reputation and make more profit selling their nefarious services-ranging from information and intelligence to infiltration, political lobbying and paramilitary training – for other governments, banks and multinational corporations. According to Scahill, business with multinationals, like Monsanto, Chevron, and financial giants such as Barclays and Deutsche Bank, are channeled through two companies owned by Erik Prince, owner of Blackwater: Total Intelligence Solutions and Terrorism Research Center. These officers and directors share Blackwater.
One of them, Cofer Black, known for his brutality as one of the directors of the CIA, was the one who made contact with Monsanto in 2008 as director of Total Intelligence, entering into the contract with the company to spy on and infiltrate organizations of animal rights activists, anti-GM and other dirty activities of the biotech giant...(..)
READ MORE: Did Monsanto Actually Buy the BLACKWATER Mercenary Group?
Blackwater, the world's biggest private army, faces a terrible charge - that they were on a crusade to wipe out Muslims
Danish Contractor hired a former elite hunter soldier, under Jaeger Corps, by a company called, EAGLE SHARK GROUP
Anders 'Fog of War' Rasmussen erklærer hellig krig på Rusland
Redegørelse om Danmarks samarbejde under Irak-krigen med det amerikanske sikkerhedsfirma Blackwater er på vej. København: Hvornår indgik Danmark helt præcist et samarbejde med det kontroversielle amerikanske sikkerhedsfirma Blackwater i forbindelse med Irak-krigen? Og hvad var omfanget af samarbejdet? læs videre om sagen på berlingske
Læs også: Irak-kommissionen indkalder Anders Fogh og Per Stig Møller til afhøring (Det var godt nok på tide ) - 3. Juni 2015
Læs også: Tony Blair: Dear England and America, We Screwed Up Iraq andCreated ISIS (Third missing link Ex-NATO boss and Danish PM, Anders Fogh MUST speak out NOW) - Oct 30, 2015 CET
Anders 'Fog of War' Rasmussen erklærer hellig krig på Rusland
Breaking: Forsvarsministeren Peter Christensen (V) kaldes i haste-samråd af enhedslisten efter det har kommet frem han har misinformeret folketinget med de 'skydegale' lejesoldater fra det private sikkerhedsfirma Blakwater....Selvom Forsvarsministeriet og Den Værnsfælles Forsvarskommando beklager, er det meget alvorligt.....
Forsvarsminister beklager ukorrekte svar i Blackwater-sa.....
Redegørelse om Danmarks samarbejde under Irak-krigen med det amerikanske sikkerhedsfirma Blackwater er på vej. København: Hvornår indgik Danmark helt præcist et samarbejde med det kontroversielle amerikanske sikkerhedsfirma Blackwater i forbindelse med Irak-krigen? Og hvad var omfanget af samarbejdet? læs videre om sagen på berlingske
Læs også: Irak-kommissionen indkalder Anders Fogh og Per Stig Møller til afhøring (Det var godt nok på tide ) - 3. Juni 2015
Læs også: Tony Blair: Dear England and America, We Screwed Up Iraq andCreated ISIS (Third missing link Ex-NATO boss and Danish PM, Anders Fogh MUST speak out NOW) - Oct 30, 2015 CET
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