So many people are asking "but WHY the massive over-reaction???" Well here is a simple Root Cause Diagram, just to be helpful...!
May 15, 2021
🙏 ~ 💝 ('Relaxation allows your vibe to rise naturally') Todays Inspirational Spiritual Quotes & Videos (SoTW) ~ 💕 | Blogger: [🌟Messages from Ann & the Angels - 05/15/2021 • Relax... let your vibe naturally rise🌟] ... Hi Dear Friends, Happy Saturday! Today the angels talk about the power of relaxation as a way to let your vibe naturally rise. They talk about the difference between numbing and relaxing and how relaxation can help make your life so much easier. I'll share some stories about how it works in my life and various ways to help you practice this elevating discipline... guilt-free! Love and joy! ♥ Ann... |
🤴👁⃤ 🛐 ~ (#Solo-konfirmanten) Prins Christian som ingen religionsfrihed har, bliver eneste konfirmand i Fredensborg Slotskirke, hvor ingen andre alm. konfirmanter har adgang til og alle har aflyst til festen fra udlandet, inkl. Prinsesse Benedikte samt Prins Joachim (SoTW) ~ | Blogger: DET MÅ SGU DA UNDRE NOGEN?... Beklager min DDFO-pyramide, men se hvem som står forenden af pyramidespidsen fra trappen, til alle royalisterne, men hvis man sætter sig ind i Kongehuset og det har jeg, er det uundgåeligt, ikke at forbinde dem til Frimurerorden... Jeg har mødt vores kommende Konge i 1988 til en koncert, min søster har fået et kindkys af Hans Kongelige Højhed Kronprinsen, ved et sportsstævne og jeg har boet i Fredensborg i flere år, festet flere gange hos Odd Fellow Ordenen, da et familiemedlem har forbindelse, og snakket med min ældste ven, frømand og jæger, der trænede med Pingo, så jeg tillader mig at "drille" lidt... Eftersom, prins Joachim, har oplevet samme utilfredshed som sin prinsgemal 'papa' og har svært ved at finde sin rolle i det danske kongehus (det franske magasin Point de Vue), knæfalder jeg mere og mere for det dansk-franske par, end det danske, Queen-Mary og Frække-Frederik... Og jeg ved godt, og har selv været forarget over, 'Jokkes' månedlige 300.000 kroner årpengene samt den fede fidus, da han solgte underskudsgivende Schackenborg Slot og en række tilhørende jorder, reddet af Kirk-familien og eliten, samt (fake) forsvarsattaché i Paris... Men som også Ditte Okman, Det, vi taler om, kom ind på; There's Something About Mary - det uvenskab der ALTID har været mellem Jokke og Pingo, og H.K.H. Prinsesse Mary, rigsforstanderen, ALDRIG, vil tillade, mer magt til Prins Joachim med følge...[LÆS VIDERE]... | |
"In the past, The Danish Monarch, was a deep state cult, a stronghold, fighting NOT to be taking down. In particular Queen Margrethe II is fighting to have her "lifestyle" and it's gonna take some time, before it could be cleaned out by white hats but will be brought to justice - within 6 months it looks like from the cards. There's is a lot of children taking out of there, a lot of it is happening underground, as Janine can see. There might be human hunting parties and the land should be taken away from them if their land is used for that purpose. This Queen is born a male and that is a big sign of cult families and it goes back many satanic cult generations. The White Hats are here in Denmark to infiltrate, but it's a big big mess and it took them awhile to get there! The Royal family is really hanging on to their "lifestyle" - their "reality" and considers us danes as cattle! There's a battle between the Good guys and Bad guys control, and the Good guys still have a ALOT of work to do there!" ~ Janine
... Rygtet har altid været, at prinsgemalen var bøsse (og ligeledes Joachim snakket med en gl. veninde fra TV 3 og min egen sygeplejerskermor, der påstår), der gennempryglede de små prinser (fik et lag tæsk engang imellem), men den som sidder på den totale magt i Kongehuset, er og bliver Margrethe 2., der også gemmer på 1000 års hemmeligheder, som ingen må få nys om.
💂♂️💉🕍 ~ (#Vaccineapartheid, #ZionistIsrael, #Wunderwuzzi #Coronapas) Fabriksejeren og egenrådig regering: Største krise siden 2. verdenskrig før Vaccine-Metto, FN og WHO Agenda 21 (SoTW Arkiv) ~ | Blogger: Vaccinefabriksejeren, Mæætte, Værnemagernes samarbejde med Danmark, SKAL, være det mest vaccinerede land i verden, siger Alles landsmoder Metto under spørgetimen?... Kan vi indføre lokale nedlukninger? - ja da!... Statsministeren mener ikke at flere psykologer er hele løsningen på børns mistrivsel!. Skal børnene hjem fra Syrien? -- Har landsmoderen overhoved noget empati tilbage gemt i hendes vold og magt?... Helt belejligt, forsinker forhandlingerne om genåbning, eftersom Mæææææætte rejser til Israel og kommer hjem i isolation... Tvangsvaccination er ikke længere del af ny epidemilov - øøøøhhh nej, men, Hvad, betyder den nye epidemilov for dig?... Uanset om EL, mener det godt, mht. palæstinensisk befolkning, som altid har været deres mærkesag, så spørger jeg igen på SoTW; HVORFOR skal vi i Danmark acceptere en regering, som bønfalder verdens farligst zionistiske stat, og dermed skal masseproducere livsfarlige vacciner, i årene fremover, indtil samtlige danskere, er vaccineret for noget, 1-2-5 gange, som ikke forbehandler, helbreder eller beskytter mod NOGEN former for virusser eller mutationer!?!.. Alle svar og hints, ligger i spørgsmålet... Man bliver bare så træt og nej, vi, Folket, de 5%, kan ikke vække de resterende 95%, for de ønsker ikke at vågne op til dåd... Det HEEEELT stor spm. må vel være, hvornår Mink-Medico-Metto på live-tv, får sin "vaccine? Enten ved et par skud Pfizer-BioNTech nano-genterapi eller placebo eller saltvandsopløsning?... Man kan vel ikke bede eller tvinge, hightech giftstoffer ind i andre mennesker, hvis man ikke selv stiller sig i front, i min optik... PS: STØTTER Danmark og Forsvaret, konflikten mellem israelere og palæstinensere i Gaza og Israel? Sendes der "specialstyrker eller støtte" ned, som i Mali og andre (hemmelige steder) for at støtte Israel, som England gør og sender fly ned?... |
"Hvorfor i alverden rejser Statsministeren til Israel for at etablere vaccineproduktion / samarbejde uden at drøfte det med Folketingets partier? Har bedt om en redegørelse. Israel bedriver medicinsk apartheid ved ikke at sikre vacciner til besat palæstinensisk befolkning," skriver Enhedslistens sundhedsordfører Peder Hvelplund på Twitter.
Jorden brænder under »Wunderwuzzi« – og nu kan kometen Kurz komme til kort. »Terrorangrebene på Israel må fordømmes på det kraftigste,« tweetede den østrigske kansler og fortalte, at flaget udtrykte solidaritet med israelerne (
🌞🌩️✨~ (Solar Micronovo aka Mini Supernova aka Solar Flash) David Wilcock: Interplanetary Climate Change 2021 -- Evidence of Solar Flash? (Divine Cosmos (OFFICIAL) ~ | Blogger: Solar Flash lecture starts at 45 minute marker - but of course - the $111 plan and special closed webinar, Ascension Mystery School 3.0, you get muuuuuuch more, DW promise...hmmm... Anywho, DW, like Benjamin Fulford or Cobra RM or Alex Collier Andromedan Contactee - Question & Answer Webinar, (cost much less) that I listen to yesterday, should probably be done with a large grain of salt. These people are not GODS, GURUS OR PROPHETS, who has all the answers. There's NOTHING right or wrong in this storytelling, other than some entertainment, some are properly truth or false claims, hard to factcheck, right?. As always, use your own spiritual discernment... YOU, your avatar body, mind and soul, have the answers inside, but of course, need 'fuel' to keep your "subconsciousness" engine running. Please remember, your DNA is your personal blueprint and as such contains all our mental, physical, emotional and Spiritual information. The original Human Being had 12 Strands of DNA actively working and maintaining the full function of the Human as a Spiritual Being... PS: Cobra RM (2012) says; The Solar Flash is in fact a Galactic Superwave, leading into the Event. The Galactic Central Sun triggers the Solar event and the planetary polar shift etc... |
Who is David Wilcock: David Wilcock is a professional lecturer, film director and researcher of ancient civilizations, awareness science, and new paradigms of substance and energy. His Hollywood movie "CONVERGENCE" reveals evidence that all life on Earth is united in a field of consciousness that affects our minds in fascinating ways. Another new release is "Above Majestic" is a shocking and provocative look at what it would take to hide a multi-trillion-dollar Secret Space Program (a clandestine group of elite military and corporate figureheads charged with reverse-engineering extraterrestrial technology also known as “Majestic 12”) from the public and the implications this would have for humanity... Divine Cosmos is the official Internet site, containing thousands of free pages of scientific and spiritual information about spiritual growth, ascension and the development of consciousness. David always comment on what Benjamin Fulford publishes because much makes sense.
By David Wilcock
🗣️🙉🤫 ~ (Rumor Mill) Rumor Has It... (SoTW) ~ | Blogger: 👂According to Ron Paul: Israel created Hamas...Israeli military counts 800-plus Gaza airstrikes... 'UK govt sending planes to support Israel, Turkey, a army, to fight Israel' (General Mcinerney - David Wilcock)... "Peace to Prosperity" - The Trump peace plan, failed? Both Trump and Creepy China Crisis-actor Joe Biden's puppetmaster will protect Israel at all cost, allowing Israeli forces to airstrike on crowded Gaza refugee camp, killing innocent children, woman and deliberately obliterating media buildings in Gaza to cover up the war crimes that will follow?... 👂"Jim_Crenshaw" news channel on bitchute provides a video with hundreds of people proving, the ones who had the COVID-19-vaxx got chipped with Nanobot Technology and Why Magnets stick to injection sites... 👂Head of Department, Tyra Grove Krause, from the danish Statens Serum Institut estimates that there are between 9,000 and 90,000 corona-infected Danes in March of 2020, was WRONG! The highest number was 2,577 confirmed cases of COVID-19 in 2020 of March, and NEVER estimates of the proportion of people in Denmark who have RECOVERED, according to the report! IN DARE WARNINGS, she is out, May 15, 2021, saying, with the low infection (almost to none) rates of COVID-19 prompt SSI to warn of severe flu season (to keep up the FEAR FACTOR). PLUS -- Professor, Epidemiology Viggo Andreasen, predicts between 5,000 and 7,000 inpatients over the summer of 2021: 'It is by no means a disaster scenario' (Buuuushit)... 👂McDonald’s now functioning as vaccine propaganda arm of CDC, meaning the government has recruited a junk food giant to push “public health” propaganda... 👂Ransomware attack that shuts down Colonial Pipeline was manufactured crisis? Denmark govt warns today, the same thing could happen in Denmark. Pipeline inspector calls in to The Alex Jones Show: “It’s 100% engineered collapse”... 👂Pentagon says leaked VIDEO showing mysterious spherical object is genuine & under investigation by ‘UFO task force’. At the same time, China Mars rover Zhurong makes historic landing on the red planet to look for life (AND we know it's all nonsense - SSP - Secret Space Program whistleblower claims humans are on Mars since 70s)... |
- Israel is deliberately obliterating media buildings in Gaza to cover up the war crimes that will follow. SIX children & 2 women killed in Israeli airstrike on crowded Gaza refugee camp – reports
- Trump issues statement on Israel-Palestine conflict, blames Biden
- Ron Paul brilliantly explains the hayekian concept of unintended consequences w.r.t foreign policy.
- Israeli military counts 800-plus Gaza airstrikes
- The Latest Magnetic Geniuses Magnets Stick To Covid Vaccine Injection Site Full 2021 Documentary
- COVID-19 i Danmark Status ved indgang til 5. epidemiuge. 30. marts 2020
- Lave smittetal får SSI til at advare mod hård influenzasæson
- McDonald’s now functioning as vaccine propaganda arm of CDC, meaning the government has recruited a junk food giant to push “public health” propaganda
- Agenda 2030: The Gas Shortage Is By Design
- Pentagon says leaked VIDEO showing mysterious spherical object is genuine & under investigation by ‘UFO task force’
- China Mars rover Zhurong makes historic landing on the red planet
- Secret Space Program Whistleblower claims Humans are on Mars since 70s
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