Mar 4, 2021
👑💂♂️🎼 ~ ('Vacciner, vacciner, vacciner') Politik, Magteliten eller Kongehuset er hverken heldigt eller tilfældigt! (SoTW) ~ | Blogger: ... 💨1,6 km hegn omkring Marselisborg Slot - sender hilsen fra jyske skove med Margrethe R - 'R' står for Regina... 💨Ekspert og LMS om vacciner: Bivirkninger er et godt tegn - Hovedpine, muskelsmerter, kulderystelser, feber og træthed. Det lyder næsten som en ubehagelig omgang influenza ... 💨Søren Brostrøm om Dolly Partons milliontilskud til vacciner og DR P4 radioværter: "Det er stil" ... 💨Mette Frederiksen: 'Vi kan meget vel se ind i en fremtid, hvor vi skal vaccineres igen. Måske flere gange' (facebook) ... 💨Zoo genåbner med krav om negativ coronatest! ... 💨ZERO husleje? Hele familien Løkke har samme udlejer - både forældre, børn og familienavnets fond har til huse på mondæne adresser under Jeudans administration ... 💨Radikale Venstre dumper håndtering af seksuel chikane og tvang -- mere end hver femte har oplevet seksuel chikane, mens enkelte svarer, at voldtægter eller voldtægtsforsøg har fundet sted ... 🥴PS: SOM min sygeplejerskeledelse-mor sagde i telefonen, har Mette, mani og bipolar lidelse? Under Søren Lippert, var det kun jeg, jeg, jeg og adrenalinen pumpede rundt i kroppen og slog ud med armene, sagde min far og NÆGTER, at involvere andre partier m.m (Mennesker med bipolar lidelse har en tendens til at svinge mellem maniske og depressive episoder (også kaldet manio-depressiv lidelse)... | |
At the end, what the 4th industrial Revolution will lead to, is a fusion of our physical, digital and biological identity,” ~ WEF
"Mere konkret forpligter aftalen mellem WEF og den danske stat til, at der samarbejdes om ”biotechnology” og præcisions-medicin og om det såkaldte ”internet of things”. Desuden samarbejdes om ”digital trade/cross border data, Artificial Intelligence/machine learning, Big Data, data ethics, autonomous vehicles, and blockchain”. Denne konstellation af begreber peger direkte i transhumanistisk og singularistisk retning. ~ TAR
※🔴🔺~ ('Leak of the original plans for the “Covid-19” move towards totalitarianism') Benjamin Fulford 3/1/21 Report: Middle East Power Struggle Tip of the Iceberg (PFC - US Sisterorg. Cobra RM) ~ | Blogger: GO and read the full report from BF... Why SoTW find it interesting is the Gantt Chart below, and Simon Parkes CC group are mentioning the same thing is about to become reality in Denmark with military FEMA-camps (DEMA)... Check below pictures and links, which I got from the CC DK group (hopefully allowed to share)... And if you don't read danish that's for the danish readers, but links to Dr. Reiner Fuellisch is on english... If the 'Higher Planning Commission' Program is real and still active, CV-19, is not even CLOSE, being over... | | |
✨ ~ 💗 ('The galactic solar decomposition is transforming us from the inside-out!') Great Cosmic Equalizer (Meg Benedicte) 💕 ~ |
The annual Equinox is a sacred moment when all stands still in the balance of opposites. It is the hinge point between Light and Dark, Night and Day, backwards and forwards. During these cosmic zero point moments, we experience a ‘day out of time’ phenomenon. Zero is the energy of infinite possibilities and instills very potent balancing.
Within the collapse/expansion dynamic of the vacuum void, it is our moment to shift the world in a new direction. Leading up to the powerful Equinox Gateway have been weeks of intense solar activity, CMEs and geomagnetic storms that initiate rapid physical transformation. The global collective is experiencing crystalline purification, an up-leveling into higher heart orientation.
👩🚀🚀🌌 ~ (Semper Supra - “always above.”) JUST IN: SN10 explodes shortly after landing (Space Force News) ~ | Blogger: [🤜"Anyone seen this video from USSF? What's this all about? 'When foreign powers can build bases on the dark side of the moon' - 1.33 minute marker... Opinions? I know this video is 'old' but still valid to expose the (Secret) Space Programs🤛] ... Here's excerpts from Benjamin Fulford Full Report February 1st 2021: 📑"Speaking about space, the FAA is shutting down Elon Musk’s SpaceX program. This is what is behind the news item that the DOJ is going after Musk for not hiring illegal aliens. The real reason, according to NSA sources is that SpaceX is a fraud. Mice have been spotted running on SpaceX rockets that were supposedly in outer space. In other words, he is filming rocket launches and space exploration in studios to get money out of the U.S. government.📑"... |
🕵️♂️😥🔫 (Another False Flag!?!) Las Vegas massacre survivor dies abruptly after posting her detailed eyewitness account of multiple shooters on Facebook & another survivor gives testimony he saw shell casings strewn across nearby hotel parking lot (SoTW Archive) ~ | Blogger: [👉2020 UPDATE: Strange it is Queen Elizabeth II has approved a rare royal pardon for an inmate convicted of murder and London Bridge “terror attack”?👈] ... {⚠️Sending prayers and condolences to all the victims of this mass atrocity and their families and friends in Las Vegas} ... Yoo-hoo!!! Attention!!!! -- Sports fan saw low-flying black helicopter, heard gunfire, during Las Vegas shooting and according to A View to a Kill FBI bluebook, it's still a mystery (FBI investigators have 22,000 hours of surveillance and cellphone footage and 250,000 photos to look over, amounting to about 40 terabytes of data) ... First of all, I'll been visiting Vegas 2 weeks prior at MGM resort and other different hotels. Let me tell you, there's LOT of security, high tech cameras etc. etc.. There's no freaking way, a SHOOTER could have fired his weapons with 1,000 rounds munitions firing over an 11-minute period, with nobody noticed it, Hotel police security was aware of it, and SWAT had killed him, immediately - no WAY!!. Have you seen how many cops, securing in that town city center?? It's the most protected Mafia U.S. Inc. due to the billions of money in circulation.. That particular sunday's horrific mass shooting in Las Vegas, once again shines a light on a nation awash in guns, Democrats are jumping straight into the gun-control debate (surprise?) ... What about the woman wandering throughout the crowd at the Route 91 Harvest Festival warning people they were about to die, around 45 minutes before Paddock opened fire on the crowd - that's a NO NO ❓ ... We can also limited out the fact, that two cryptic emails Paddock sent to himself which have puzzled investigators and fueled the "gun deal gone wrong" theory - yeah a hoax, acc. to FBI ❓ ... And Shepard Ambellas that gives proof of the helicopters in the following video with sheriff's office lying - FBI is STILL not talking, why ❓.. There are so many speculations, about motives and theories surrounding Vegas shooting. I just don't know.. I do believe that Paddock worked for Lockheed Martin in the 80's and he's a gambler, but winning millions upon millions on video poker. It is strange - i'll give you that... Most crazy unsolved mysteries of them all is about when INTELLIHUB.COM (and Baltimore Post Examiner) noticed some insane weird stuff going on at Las Vegas coroner's office and Paddocks autopsy... READ MORE... 🔦 PS: under verdensalt's extensive investigation, many video proof has been censored, but check out my many posts, use search bar... |
Blogger: Officielt siges det, at skyderiet fandt sted på 32. etage i Mandalay Bay Hotellet (hvor jeg har været et par gange som turist) - men flere og flere amerikanere står frem og siger, at skyderierne foregik på 3-4 etage og også på gadeplan. Tonsvis af videoer modsiger de officielle forklaringer. Nu har flere amerikanske efterforskere fundet mystiske spor efter en mobiloplader, som ikke matchede, Stephen Paddocks mobiltelefon. En anden efterforskning indikere, at en af Paddocks nøglekort blev brugt til at få adgang til sit værelse, mens hans bil var uden for hotellets parkeringshus. Ifølge en casinoejer, var Stephen Paddock ikke en problem-gambler, men blot en rig millinær som vandt 31 millioner i 2015 via casinospil. Fotografierne som viser Paddock's lig med en våben over hans fod, uden blodspor samt et mystisk stykke papir (formodet selvmordsbrev) er blevet spottet ud for den døde krop (præcist som et movieset, hvor alting er nøje planlagt?). Nogle har indikeret, at Las Vegas SWAT team, ventede i evigheder, før de tog aktion på Hotellet.. Denne sag om Vegas skyderiet, er meget sparet og viser, at vi ikke kan stole på myndighedernes udlægning. Bare vent, flere og flere beviser kommer frem og vil blive nøje gennemgået, her på bloggen.. |
Las Vegas massacre survivor dies abruptly after posting her detailed eyewitness account of multiple shooters on Facebook
- Q: Why did Stephen Paddock wearing gloves to cover his tracks and then shoot himself?
- Q: Why did the eyewitness like "Jesus Campos" disappear and reappear? (like Jesus Christ)
- Q: Las Vegas coroner's office on lockdown -- but why?
- Q: Maintenance worker at the Mandalay Bay Resort and Casino claim he reported hearing gunfire within the hotel minutes before the massacre started, according to the Los Angeles Times. What's that about?
- Q: Las Vegas shooting: Woman told crowd 'you're all going to f***ing die' before attack started?
- Q: Did Trump & Saudi delegates had a secret meeting at MGM about the crackdown in Saudi Arabia before the shooting took lace, and if so, how did they escape the mercenaries (FF ops)?
- Q: Kymberley Suchomel, a survivor of the Las Vegas shooting who claimed there were multiple gunmen involved in the shooting, has been found dead, but nobody is investigating. Why?
- Q: WHO, if anyone, helped Paddock carry out his operation? WHAT was Paddock planning to do with a car full of bomb-making materials? Gunman Stephen Paddock had 19 guns inside his hotel room. How is this possible with hundreds of CCTV cameras and most advanced surveillance in the world i Vegas?
- Q: Cell phone charger that does not match any of the devices that belonged to the gunman?
- Q: Hotel record showing that one of Paddock’s key cards was used to access his room while his car was outside of the hotel’s parking garage?
- Q: Why didn't campus police and LVMPD intervene, we've talking about 15 minutes a least of nonstop shooting?
- Q: Why did Las Vegas SWAP units waiting it out before breaking into the room were paddock were shooting at 32nd floor?
- Q: Hotel says 4 officers were on 32nd floor as Las Vegas shooter fired. Should they have acted?
- Q: Why are some eyewitnesses claiming that other shooter fired from other floors and other hotels?
- Q: FOX: Las Vegas shooting victims file more lawsuits, press for answers. Why don't we heard about this?.. Have so many other questions, so many why's of the presence of helicopters in the air during the Las Vegas shooting... |
🕬📰🌞 ~ ('Major lawsuit against danish PM Mette F. has started in Copenhagen City Court') Opdatering fra oplysningsforbundet MAY DAY DANMARK Februar 2021 ~ | Blogger: [👉Nyhedsbrev: "Er coronavirus genmodificeret? Mette F i retten for grundlovsbrud, skriv under mod biometrisk overvågning, tilladt at sige nej til smartmeter i Norge "👈] ... UDDRAG: Stor retssag mod Mette F. er startet i Københavns Byret OOC – Organisationen til Oplysning om Corona – med Søren Ventegodt i spidsen har startet en retssag mod Mette Frederiksen i Københavns Byret. OOC påstår, at lockdown, forsamlingsforbud, mundbind mv. er grundlovsstridige. Det skal byretten så tage stilling til nu. Ved det første retsmøde blev der fremlagt en 120 siders rapport om corona-pandemien udarbejdet af den tyske immunolog professor Dr. Med. Sucharit Bhakdi og læge Søren Ventegodt. Rapportens konklusion er…[LÆS VIDERE]... 🙏PS: Ved ikke hvorfor MAY DAY altid sender deres nyhedsbrev ud i slut måned, og deres brev, fylder enormt på min blog, men ellers er de virkelig LIFE-SAVERS, i min verden. Kender (kendte) jo også Peter Johansen og Lili og været til deres arrangementer... |
👧🟢🤥 ~ Folkets Klimamarch København 2019: 𝗚Ø𝗥 𝗩𝗔𝗟𝗚𝗘𝗧 𝗧𝗜𝗟 𝗘𝗧 𝗞𝗟𝗜𝗠𝗔𝗩𝗔𝗟𝗚 - 𝗩𝗜 𝗠𝗔𝗥𝗖𝗛𝗘𝗥𝗘𝗥 𝗨𝗡𝗗𝗘𝗥 𝗩𝗔𝗟𝗚𝗞𝗔𝗠𝗣𝗘𝗡 (SoTW Arkiv) ~ | Blogger: [🚩Lørdagens Rygtebørs : 40.000 deltagere, sagde indpiskerne fra talerstolen, mens en nærmest, euforisk stemning, prægede forsamlingen af klapsalver, bravo råb og pift, da de RØDE og GRØNNE faner satte Christiansborgs slotsplads i brand, da (Soros betalte teenager downs syndrom-ramte) Greta Thunberg og andre, som tidligere EU-kommissær (Bilderberger) Connie Hedegaard gik på scenen. Selv Jesper Theilgaard (som har vidst om Chemtrails i årtier) kunne bringe folks energi op, kunstigt🐍] ... SELVFØLGELIG var verdensalt på pletten, lidt til højre for billedet stod jeg (kan ikke ses). Pludselig efter halvanden times tågesnak, hykleri og dobbeltmoralskhed var slut og vi skulle til at gå MARCHEN, stod jeg ved siden af vor kommende Statsminister, »Skrigeskinken« samt »Frank Klam« og der vidste jeg, det var slut, for mit vedkommende... Blev skubbet længere og længere væk fra Vaccine-Mette-mus, af aktivister med bannere og slagord, heldigvis... ALLE politikerne ankom 'præcist' efter udstødelsen, generaliseringerne og tilsviningerne var overståede og politikerne, blev sat til skamme og til vægs... Gud fader bevares... 💚PS: Syntes det er vidunderligt, ENERGIEN var skøn, og DANSKERNE, bevægede sig ENDELIGT udenfor en dør og gik til moddemonstration, men FOLK tror, de kan bryde trolddommen ved at kysse den GRØNNE frø, mens den selv, fniser hånligt og udstøder et 'bwadr' og desperat leder efter, Agnete og Havmanden... 👅Nu hvor vi (har) 'Kisser' tilbage i sadlen, og "opvarmer studiet med Greta Thunberg, en 16 år gammel klimaktivist med Asperger, der slikker skålen rent med non-klimavenligt foliebakke af leverpostej, fordi hun fik at vide, at kloden ellers ville stige med 2 grader" (DKR i 2019).... 🤬 advarer anerkendt forsker: Ret ind eller forsvind... |
Saturday 25th of May, the second to last Saturday before the national election, the people will march in Copenhagen to put climate on top of the election agenda. We march to show our continued support to the Paris agreement and in solidarity with people around the world who are struggling for rapid and responsible climate action and social justice.'
👼 ~ 💗 ('STOP the Pandemic': Dear ones, we cannot do that. By Creator’s law, God and all souls in this universe must honor others’ free will choices') Matthew’s Message via Suzy Ward 💕 ~ | Blogger: [👉Topic: "Divine plan for Earth; US government reformation, G/NESARA; reason for political emphasis; power of love; free will; honoring Gaia’s choices; adjusting to higher planes of energy; discerning true or false information"👈] ... |
Channeled by Suzy Ward
© 2021 matthewbooks
Blogger's note: It's so exciting how Matthew's messages resonates with me and many others. Catch the moment of truth and level of explanation easing to expand our understanding in our low density or world of 3D matrix of illusion. Similar to our Galactic channeled Sheldan Nidle messages and deceased Montague Keen.
With loving greetings from all souls at this station, this is Matthew. Let us begin by saying that everything in your world is happening in what rightfully can be called divine order. The plan to transform life on Earth did not originate only two decades ago with the US legislation called NESARA, or a decade before that, with the global peace movement known as Harmonic Convergence. Indeed, those were grand milestones to celebrate, but the plan to restore the planet to its Eden self—a beauteous pristine world where all life forms live together peacefully and joyously—came into being untold millennia ago when God inspired the highest universal council to undertake that divine mission when the time was right.
After darkness arrived on the planet long before it was called Earth, it became one of the universe’s most proficient schoolhouses for souls that wanted to evolve out of third density’s limitations. Consequently, for eons the karmic merry-go-round went around and around, and the negativity that kept amassing was draining the planet’s very life. Gaia, the soul that embodied as the planet, despaired and cried out for help. With love and caring, powerful civilizations responded by beaming life-saving light and many of their members, like you, started incarnating there to help Gaia’s peoples awaken and shake free of domination by darkness. The ages-old divine plan was unfolding.And that brings us to what is happening in your world right now and what is on the very near horizon. International efforts to destroy the entire Illuminati network are continuing apace, and, while it may not appear that anything significant has occurred since the light forces in the United States veered from Plan A, action on many fronts has been rapidly moving forward on the course that averted a potential national disaster.
👨💼⏰⚔️ ~ ('117m late Trump CPAC Speech. March Endtime Madness. Wall Street Tiger Woods Cash') TOM CHARLIE AND SIMON 2ND MARCH 2021 ~ | Blogger: [🤜"The success of this monumental undertaking is absolutely clear in Earth’s energy field of potential—and it is fait accompli in the continuum—but there are no absolute timelines." ~ Matthew's Message via Suzanne Ward March 2, 2021🤛] ... I told you many times over, as spiritual energy intuitive citizen-journalist on SoTW, I have noooo bloody idea, especially in details, to what is taking place in the world... Like Tom, Simon, Charlie, "they" and many others, are only able to make a best effort to speculate, guess, theorize or hypothesis, about the future... Perhaps they "know" some stuff, but can't repeat that to the public... That said, our danish Simon Parkes Connecting Consciousness coordinators, has some "clues", but has stated very clearly, they or us, as members, are not to talk about it or have no concrete evidence or dates etc. They are VERY VERY concerned about what is taking place in Denmark, at the moment, SoTW is too, but in the end, WE WILL WIN THIS!!.. Simon Parkes told the coordinators, that a maximum of 2 months, perhaps weeks time, great things are on the way both for us as a group and the world in general. VERY BIG THINGS!... I think SP will be there in one of the meetings and SoTW will join and talk to Simon or listen in, to what he has to say... |
The White House abruptly cuts the live video feed of a virtual event after President Biden said he was "happy to take questions" from House Dems
— Mona Salama (@MonaSalama_) March 4, 2021
"I'm happy to take questions if that's what I'm supposed to do, Nance, whatever you want me to do"
Live feed cuts off
Simon Parkes is a life long experiencer of aliens, shadow people, elementals and ufo's, these include Mantid (Mantis) beings, Draconis Reptilian, Feline, small and tall Grey creatures, Crystalline beings and other creatures that can't be identified. Simon is an elected local politician in Britain and was elected to office AFTER he went public. Simon's biological mother worked for the British Security Service, often called MI5 between 1965 -1979. However while she was managed by British Intelligence she was in fact working "jointly" for the National Security Agency (NSA) of America. Her job was to type out documents that related to crashed ufo craft that had come down all over the Earth's surface and had then been retrieved by American special forces/recovery teams...