Apr 29, 2024

👁️⃤𓂀🎭🤝💀 (Frimureriet er som Folkekirken dybt integreret i det danske samfund) Fra Kongehusets (Johnny Margrethe og GayLord Henrik) som var med til Halloween og Maskernes Nat på Rothschild-Rotternes slot 1969 (og 1972) ~ 29. April 2024 ~ |


Editor's NoteTil Frimureriets mange "klubber" samt Hollyweird's illuminati-ordenen, der har infiltreret Dannevang med mystik, sort magi og kabbala-satanisme, siden Dirch Passer - Mig og Mafiaen (som folk kan huske) 

P.S.: Badehotellet er blot endnu et eksempel på engagerede popstjerner og skuespillere, som bevidst eller ubevidst, er opstillet (masons) af make-up artister, stylister og fotografer m.fl.

Udadtil agere alle frimureriske "klubber" som 'den barmhjertige samaritaner', hvor alt er rosenrødt, fryd og gammen. De smider sig omkring med penge til gode gøremål og humanitære projekter; Donationer til Danner og Kirkens Korshær, til Knæk-Cancer  TV shows og jeg skal gi' dig. Brødrene (og søstrene) er mere loyale over for ordenen end over for samfundet og har helt deres egne regler og love. Det hele begynder med det (livslange) tavshedsløftet, når en ny broder optages i en loge og det ender med den højtrangerende samfundsborger eller eksklusion (og evig fortabelse).

Min far kan fortælle om, at, kong Frederik X skal bo i Kancellihuset på Fredensborg Slot. Prins Christian, tilstødende beboelse. Hvorfor er det lige, at Kongen og de 2 "Dronninger", skal bo "permanent" i Fredensborg, når de har dusinvis af boliger og slotte, rundt om i Dannevang, samt verden over? Er Amalienborg lukket ned af DeHvideHatte, som de gjorde med Buckingham Palace, den britiske regents residens i London?

Nok om det, mine forældre, er nok de sødeste (jordnære) og populære (udadvendte) mennesker. Fuldstændigt helt nede i gulvhøjde, pensioneret mellemledere, fra arbejdsklassen. Aldrig oppe og flyve (dybt at falde) blandt eliten og skyerne, og kalder en spade for en spade og kan sagtens skelne, "skidt fra kanel". De er dog aldrig faldet for (frimureriets) fristelser.

Netop nu, er de kommet med i bestyrelsen der-hvor-de-bor, som de så småt har fundet af, er en "loge". Hvor der sidder en præsident fra Lions Club Søllerød (og styrer hele lortet). De kender (M for Mason og Moderaterne) Thomas Elong "C4 Foreningen & C4 Videncenter" (lyder som Chr4Lauget) som også, min "svoger-agtig-søs-kæreste" går på jagt med. De kender Sankt Johanneslogen Frederik VII' Ordførende Mester (og mange flere).

Jeg har selv på SoTW festet flere gange på Broderloge nr. 55 Pax IOOF. Og har været medlem af flere "mandeklubber" med simple og dumme ritualer og har kendt flere hardcore frimurer fra bankverden og IT-venner (mistet dem alle igen). Dog aldrig, og kommer heller aldrig til, at gå ind i frimureriet (som i ALDRIG)... |

👨‍👩‍👦‍👦🌍🤝 ('British royals have also been killed.') JUST-IN: BF Preview. Weekly Geo-Political News and Analysis ~ Apr 29, 2024 ~ |

SoTW - One last battle and the Rockefeller/Hitler branch of the KM will go down

By Benjamin Fulford April 29, 2024

The global white hat alliance scored major victories last week in the ongoing secret battle for the planet Earth. Klaus Schwab Rothschild, the Battenbergs (British Royals), Hillary Clinton Rockefeller, Barack Obama Hitler, Bill Gates and Dr. Anthony Fauci were all executed at Guantanamo Bay, according to Pascal Najadi the son of the co-founder of the World Economic Forum who claims to be directly involved.


We have independently confirmed with MI6 that Schwab is gone and know the others listed have all been placed on an execution list.

Mossad sources confirm the British royals have also been killed. This is why riderless horses – one of them is painted red to look like blood- are galloping around London. In Revelations 6:2, John describes seeing the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse and describes how he “looked, and behold a pale horse: and his name that sat on him was Death, and Hell followed with him.”

This came after the Head of Israeli Intelligence Major General Aharon Haliva resigned due to the failure of the October 7th false flag in Gaza. His resignation triggered “a wholesale tsunami or clear out at Director General of Military Intelligence around the world… they are all gone,” says the head of MI6.

In other proof, Israeli Minister of National Security, Ben Gvir was involved in a horrific traffic accident while leaving Ramala.

🥶😈🥵 (Who Owns the Weather?) Sir August De Wynter (The Avengers)? CIA or USAF? The Weather Central? Do the Rothschilds Control the Weather? Perhaps we should ask United States Patent and Trademark Office​ ~ Apr 29, 2024 ~ |

Sir Evelyn de Rothschild said in a news release, “we believe that Weather Central will play a major role in mitigating damage and improving lives.”

US Patent Weather Manipulat... by tim

卐 👩‍🚀🥫 (Semper Supra - “always above”) SoTW; Re-he-he-heally? Sooo China, (who copycat U.S. SSP) is about the gear up to launch a robotic "tin can" to moon's 'hidden' side? ~ Apr 29, 2024 ~ |

U.S. Space Force: Origins - a video released by America’s newest military branch puts it this way: “When foreign powers can build bases on the dark side of the moon when private companies are inventing a new economy beyond our planet, we need to stay one step ahead of the future.” (deleted by Google)... | 

Editor's Note: Will ESA-NASA actors like 'Astro-Andreas' be on this "Maiden Flight"? Who was it that said and I quote; "When foreign powers can build bases on the dark side of the moon"??? Oh yeah. The USSF. In 2019, the House and Senate resolved their differences to pass the United States Space Force Act. It was signed into law by President Donald Trump.. You know, Operation Paperclip and the Nazis didn't loose... they just moved to North and South America. R U ready to listen to what Billy Carson has to say?... |


💰💱🏆 (GCR/RV, QFS, G/NESARA) 'Medeea Greere is an independent publisher and the economic insights presented in this article stem from credible sources meticulously researched by our team.' ~ Apr 29, 2024 ~ |

Editor's Note: Many from the so-called 'truther'-community has lost faith or starting to think the RV and NESARA is a scam. Most 'normies' invest their money/savings in the stock market with financial institutions or buy into Bitcoin or Ethereum. The problem is, that will NOT survive the real RV revolution and The Golden Age (take that to the bank)... |


'We are in the Global Reset. People needs to see the “bad Great Reset” to believe it.. The Unfolding Drama: GCR/RV, QFS, Zimbabwe Dollar, Iraqi Dinar, Vietnamese Dong. The RV, a process of reevaluating global currency, is afoot.' ~ MG

Medeea Greere, an independent publisher, is now on Telegram at https://t.me/AMGNEWS2022 and exists only on reader support as we publish Truth, Freedom and Love for public awareness. Thank You for your support!

NOTE: The economic insights presented in this article stem from credible sources meticulously researched by our team. However, it is imperative to emphasize that this should not substitute for your independent research and analysis. As the publisher, I advocate for informed decision-making and urge you to exercise due diligence in evaluating the information provided. Ultimately, the responsibility for any decisions made rests solely with you.

The dark veil of the world’s economy is beginning to lift, revealing a clandestine and engrossing saga of currency revaluation (RV), quantum financial systems (QFS), and a shift towards a Golden Age that touches the shores of Zimbabwe, Iraq, and Vietnam.

This gripping narrative, laced with conspiracy, drama, and the promise of a new world, thrusts us into a thrilling Information War involving financial concepts such as Tier 4B and Tier 5, and NESARA GESARA Act, that will change the economic landscape of our world forever.

The Unfolding Drama: GCR/RV, QFS, Zimbabwe Dollar, Iraqi Dinar, Vietnamese Dong. The RV, a process of reevaluating global currency, is afoot. Look no further than the Zimbabwe Dollar, Iraqi Dinar, and Vietnamese Dong. These exotic currencies, typically dismissed as economic underdogs, are silently stoking the embers of a dramatic transformation that could shake the very foundations of global finance.