Oct 13, 2021

👩‍🚀🚀🌌 ~ (“Semper Supra”: 'Friendly ET's arrived in our solar system & on Jupiter's moon Ganymede, according to 3 independent sources familiar with unfolding events in deep space.') Earth Alliance Mission to Ganymede to greet ET visitors & inaugurate a Star Trek Future (Exopolitics.org) ~ | Blogger: Wauuuv - How-about-that... That is very interesting, impressive, exciting, surprising, or respectable news... 1st source, JP, who currently serves with the US Army... 2nd second source on what is currently happening on Ganymede is the extraterrestrial contactee Elena Danaan... 3rd source is long-time Andromedan contactee Alex Collier who confirmed that there has been much recent activity on Ganymede... PS: SoTW don't always agree with everything Dr. Michael Salla says, but this do resonate with me... |

"Gene Roddenberry attended some of the Council of Nine channeling sessions and asked them questions. This inspired him to create the TV series Deep Space Nine where he described a mysterious group of incorporeal extraterrestrials that he called the ‘Prophets’ who occupied non-linear time inside a wormhole that instantaneously connected different parts of our galaxy." ~ Salla


Earth Alliance Mission to Ganymede to greet ET visitors & inaugurate a Star Trek Future


A fleet of spacecraft from a highly evolved group of friendly extraterrestrial visitors has arrived in our solar system and established a presence on Jupiter’s moon Ganymede, according to three independent sources familiar with unfolding events in deep space. This latest intel coincides with William Shatner, globally revered for his role as Captain Kirk in the Star Trek franchise, being launched into space on October 13, a likely cover for him playing a significant role in unfolding events on Ganymede.

My first source, JP, who currently serves with the US Army, revealed to me that an international space coalition has been secretly sending personnel and ships to Jupiter’s moon Ganymede, to meet with a powerful new group of extraterrestrial visitors regarded as friendly.

My second source on what is currently happening on Ganymede is the extraterrestrial contactee Elena Danaan, who has passed on the most recent intel from her Galactic Federation source, Thor Han Eredyon, about the visitors who are establishing an outpost on Ganymede to coordinate with the Earth Alliance until humanity is ready for open contact.

My third source is long-time Andromedan contactee Alex Collier who confirmed that there has been much recent activity on Ganymede, which possesses a number of large extraterrestrial facilities that have been present there for thousands of years.[READ MORE]

🙏 ~ 💝 (Wake Up Sheeple: Good guys in control of Netflix & 'Inside Job' close to TRUTH like nothing else) Todays Inspirational Spiritual Quotes & Videos (SoTW) ~ 💕 | Blogger: [🌟Have you ever wondered who barely runs the world? Inside Job streams October 22, only on Netflix🌟] ...Soooo... We all heard, that Facebook, is now controlled by the "Good Guys", so is Hollyweird, since most of the A-list actors are dead and replaced with CGI. We know about the 500K sealed indictment and some say, 2,7M world-wide VIP/DS/Cabal/DH awaits their arrest...Janine (Sending Ravens) has stated in several videos, that Netflix is now in control of WH and she is NOT the only source. "Inside Job" is about a department that "manage" every single popular "conspiracy theories" that is "real" all rapped up in one cartoon TV-series that are blowing the whistle of truth... What is the hardest concept to wrap your mind around??... Could it be that is difficult to wrap your mind around is the age and size of the universe. 14 billion years old. Wow! And Earth, it's just ONE planet and stars out of trillion-quadrillions... Another concept that is difficult to grasp is the fact, ONE second, we're "controlled" by evil people, AI and aggressive Aliens, the next thing is, that they're all GONE, surrendered to the Good Guys, The Earth Alliance, White Hats and Off-worlders... Well, many are saying PRECIESLY that's happening right now... Are we humans somehow connected to (advanced computer on the Dark Side on the Moon, controlling the Artificial created Saturn Rings), The Veil, Etheric Archon Grid or The Matrix - a electromagnetic frequency fence on the lower astral and especially on the etheric plane, extending maximally 13 km (8.6 miles), prevents the Light from coming into the quarantine Earth?... NOMORE... 🤔Oh just to be clear - verdensalt ONCE - truly believe that HU-manity was Soul-Trapped into the existence of a 3-D Matrix of Simulation or illusion (I've call it) that limits our true capacity as humans; encapsulating and prevents humans use of 97% "junk" DNA from a 2-strand double helix to a 12-strand helix, blocking the nurturing of the Etheric Body (release these negative emotions from your memory cells) and hindering the Tachyonic particles reaching Earth, and Sunlight, assisting humans in ascension, health, healing, restoration, and overall well being etc. etc... (As always use your own spiritual discernment)... PS: Anyways, I had myself a really bad experience with 4 people, I considered my friends lately - but that's a story for another time... |

"As we speak, Google, has acquired 120,000 square meters (1.29 million sq ft) of land in Taulov, in Denmark’s Fredericia municipality, while Facebook has bought 212 hectares (523.86 Acres) in Andrup, in the Esbjerg municipality.." ~ SoTW

🎭⛓️💗 ~ (Hvad Nu Hvis?) Ingen kan længere genkende Tom Cruise, Victoria Beckhams ansigt eller Chris Pratt i The Tomorrow War! Joe Biden er stensikkert spillet af en B- eller c-liste skuespiller med gummi eller silikone maske. Men hvad med DDFO-Daisy, Mæætte og 'Danskerlisten'? (SoTW) ~ | Blogger: JAMEN jeg ved da godt det her er sort, praktisk taget umuligt at forholde sig til. Nogen gange tvivler jeg også på det hele, især når det har med danske kendisser, at gøre. Dog, kan vi konstatere, at medie- og underholdningsindustrien, er 100% gearet og topgejlet til frimurerordenen - et hemmeligt selskab fyldt med symbolik.. Hvor dybt (korruptionen og landsforræderiet) går, ved jeg ikke, men ifølge, Folkets Ret, Det danske parti (rettenpaavrangen) påstår de, at Kongehuset, styrer Den Danske Frimurerorden og frimurerne styrer alle ministerier og styrelser. Og dommere og det danske retssystem er total infiltreret.. Tror godt vi kan forholde os til de smukke unge reality-influencer-kendisser, såsom Nikita Klæstrup, Fie Laursen eller Sofie Linde og alle deres sindssyge mange hverdagsproblemer. Når det kommer til Kongefamilien eller bare, Cirkusrevy-stjerner som er sygemeldt med stress og Ulf Pilgaards sidste sæson, hvor nogle er hentet i den blå vogn, i al hemmelighed, af special operationsstyrker, fordi de har gjort grusomme ting mod menneskeheden, så nægtes der - der vil ikke længere lyttes og vi kaldes, der graver dybt, dybt ned i mulen, for idioter og konspirationstosser... |


Copyright © verdensalt.dk
PS: Forleden dag var jeg på Sjælland og mit højere selv via min naturlæge fortalte mig/os, en slags bekræftelse, dog, er vores Dronning allerede død, og vi gik tilbage til Marts 2021, nu begravet under træ-"skjoldet" (sarkofag) og hendes gravmæle, der er opstillet og står i Sankt Birgittas Kapel i Roskilde Domkirke. Den "uægte" klon / stunt double Dronningen af Dannevangs død, indleder "ti dages landesorg", Maj 2022, sagde mit højere selv.. Faktisk sagde mit HS, at alle kister er fyldt op af de lig, som de repræsenterer. Dvs. Margrete 1. ligger der også og alle Konger og andre undersåtter.. Hvorfor Roskilde Domkirke? Min søster var døbt der, mig, en lille kirke i nærheden. Jeg var i Domkirken for at afmelde min tilknytning til kristendommens doktriner og religioners indoktrineringer og rense Domkirken for al (ondskab). Husk på, de religions-banditter og især når man døbes, så siger man JA til biblen samt Jesu navn og hvis ikke, så går man i hundene (forbandelse). Samme som hvis man ikke siger JA til VakkZinerne og Coronarestriktionerne.. Lige nu, findes der Dagens horoskop som binder dig til VakkZinerne samt "Drop-in-dåb"... Til dem som kender "Danskerlisten" på SoTW er Mink-Medico-Mæætte stadigvæk i LIVE - men dør snart - kun i live pga. hun er en strategisk person - og ja hun er eller var, en MAND, sagde tarotkortene, dengang.. Mit HS blev spurgt indtil Mette F. hos min naturlæge i weekenden og som var statsministerkandidat 7 år tilbage? er ikke den samme som i dag (klon stunt double). Desuden blev Mæætte undfanget med en "tap" som dreng og fik den skåret af og blev til en kvinde, ligesom, Dronningen. Husk på, ligesom i USA, er det "bestemt" hvem som skal være præsident/statsminister. Jamen, hvad så med børnene? indkøbt til lejligheden? Vi ved med garanti, at Obama's børn ikke er hans egne, siden The Obamas er et bøssepar og "Michael" stadigvæk har sin "tap"... Min naturlæge havde en masse trickspm. til mit HS kunne snyde eller mine tænker kunne overføre mine overbevisninger, men nej, Dronningen af Danmark er DØD, Længe leve Hendes Majestæt Dronning Margrethe den Anden *(nej tak - ikke efter hvad jeg har fået fortalt, hun har forgjort sig mod menneskeheden af grusomheder)*... Om jeg er bindegal må du jo afgøre, derude - videregiver bare hvad tarotkort og mit HS siger... |

🦸‍♂️ ~ 💗 ('Quantum encompasses the All.') Ashtar Explains the QFS (GAOG + Channeled through Sharon Stewart) 💕~ | Blogger: Thanks to Ashtar and Sharon Stewart.. A most-read... There is a longer video with Bielek’s vision... Sharon Stewart - Bio - Lightworker, Astral Incarnate, Channeler, Blue Ray, Wayshower, Light Warrior, Author, Telepathic Researcher... |

"The New Galactic, Benevolent, Hack-Proof, Super-Conscious, Quantum Financial System: I wish, I wish, I wish" ~ SoTW

Channeled by Sharon Stewart
© 2021 


I am Ashtar and again, I am happy to speak with you upon planet Earth.

In our efforts to overtake and subdue the deep state, we have had to outsmart and out think them at every turn. With the use of the quantum computers, and the superior mind capabilities of those of the Light, this has not been difficult. I can tell you a few things, one of which is that currently your world is being fitted with a computerized grid which circumnavigates the globe. Yes, you’re aware of the satellite system that is being created, well there is yet another one, as of yet undisclosed to you, that is our system.

Earth is a planet of fields and we work with her natural bio system in order to install our artificial technologies within her. Without a complimentary system, our system will fail. Our system is bio-sentient-electronic, if you like. It is a computerized mind that thinks for itself. It is a forerunner of the computerized minds that run earth in Bielek’s 2749.

Me: Does that mean that it’s inferior to what Bielek saw?

Ashtar: No, it means that it has different tasks to accomplish than the bio-computer of Bielek’s vision. The tasks that it must accomplish right now have to do with tracking, notifying, and to some extent controlling functions of those upon the planet. It has more functions, but I will not disclose those right now. And it is capable of much, much more.

It is also capable of interfering with mind control technology as that technology is inferior to our own. So that is another reason so many people are waking up out of their mind controlled slumber – their control technology is being interfered with by our own.

As you’ve noted, Sharon, there are far fewer chemtrails upon earth.

Me: Yes, I think they just save their chemicals for special occasions like solstices or other portal openings…

Ashtar: LOL You are blessed day in and day out with the sunshine that helps your DNA evolve, and many will begin to find that they are sick less often as well. This is because of the chemtrailing being stopped and the way we did this was to curb the flow of currency to those who have created a system that yes, you were dependent on, but they were dependent on even moreso. Their monetary system is a system that they depend upon in order to avail themselves of even inter-planetary trade and these trade routes have been interfered with by us, but also their ability to trade with otherworldly partners has dried up as they have few resources anymore – that is money, gold, and people to transport into space. It is all being slowed down. Only the most cunning of practises can avail them of their goods. They are running out of money. This is the QFS that is creating this shortage for them.

🗽⚔️🍿 ~ (“Operation Starfall”) Restored Republic via a GCR (DC) ~ | Blogger: [👄RUMORS AND GOSSIP REPEATERS👂] ... Verdensalt.dk (SoTW) is suppose to be a alternative spiritual informations-channel or portal if you like, and sometimes, I do add stuff, that not even I, trust in full, but has some intel, that looks nice and comfy, to take into a possible loving mirrored universe future timeline, in order to save this prison planet and liberate it's 7 billion Earthlings... Always use your own Spiritual Discernment... So be it, and so it is... |

Restored Republic via a GCR as of October 13, 2021

Compiled Wed. 13 Oct. 2021 12:01 am EDT by Judy Byington, MSW, LCSW, Therapist ret, Journalist, Author, “Twenty Two Faces: inside the extraordinary life of Jenny Hill and her twenty two multiple personalities.”


“The Storm is Upon Us.”

A Great Red Wave Started on Mon. 11 Oct. and Ends Thurs. 11 Nov.

Done in 30 Days.

Soon a Trump Twitter should be activated – THE most awaited tweet in history posted, Trump’s 17,000 Tweet.

A lot of Events will happen within those 30 days:

Market Crash/ Blackouts/ Revelations/ Military Takeover/ Final Lockdown/ Mass Arrests

The most EPIC 30 days of our lives.

The very end of the movie will be 11/11, when finally everyone will be unified,

All Criminals Exposed and Arrested.

Stay Calm…Trust the Plan…Enjoy the Show

You’ll Love How this Movie Ends.

…Trump + Q The Great Awakening

Something big was coming sometime from Oct. 13th to 15th. Will it be the 3 days of darkness “blackout” starting? The red wave right in the middle of Red October (Source: Trump + Q Great Awakening).

Fri. 15 Oct.: Funds would be released for the Global Currency Reset, NESARA/ GESARA announced and the general public would be able to exchange foreign currency at the new international rates (Source: a Paymaster as per UST email).

Sun. 17 Oct.: In 2013 the US Treasury said cash may run out on Oct. 17 (Source: Whiplash 347).

Wed. 20 Oct.: Hunters Become the Hunted Beginning of the Three Day Event and 7 Presidential announcements (Source: Whiplash347).

Sat. 23 Oct.: Days of Darkness Begin (Source: Whiplash347).  

Sat. Oct. 23 to Thurs. Nov. 11 was scheduled Events(Source: Q).


🔴😮🚶‍♀️ ~ ('Within 6-7 days a MAJOR outing.') LIVESTREAM: SECRETS REVEALED WITH BRICE & JANINE & Jean-Claude@BeyondMystic (Sending Ravens with Tarot by Janine) ~ | Blogger: [🤜“Seeing isn't believing; believing is seeing.”🤛] ... Yesterday I manage to see (most) of 3-4 videos by Janine, even with headache and feber, sooo tired in many days, and I feel that we are so close to the "EVENT". For Cobra RM and all the supporters, The “Event” is the moment of the “Compression Breakthrough” on Earth.. James Gilliland has just talked about Humanity and the Earth are moving through a cycle, a highly energized place in space, the electromagnetic light spectrum is increasing with new bands, the Sun is throwing off CMEs coronal mass ejections or flares, the Schuman Resonance is off the scale... For me, at SoTW, I'm not that interesting in a (spiritual) BIG BANG-moment, I will receive my "downloads" in my vivid dreams (are signs of ascension, it's part of the shifting energy). But, our beloved Mother GAIA Planet with all her Earthlings, really, really, really need a (wake-up call) 100% public (EVENT) that will give the "fastest sleepers" in "normie land" a profound psychological distress or emotional- or culture shock. If not, I feel, the 1% that are FULLY AWAKE will have some hard years ahead of us, because, unpacking the relationship between religiosity and conspiracy beliefs on Earth, will be incredible difficult.. Yes, some say, MANY people will refuse or perhaps, NEVER EVER wake up and those, would be removed to another (darker) similar "low frequency" Matrix-Earth-like planet... Any "new" Facebook, new Quantum Internet and new financial system (QFS) and implementation of G/NESARA transition which passes smoothly, without incident, is GREAT. But, people need to feel it too (solar flash or not). I have heard about Geomagnetic Storm what I called "Love-Tsunami" for maaany years, opening up for hidden treasures in junk DNA, lost memories, flash of Enlightenment etc. etc. The time is NOW!... |

"Within 6-7 days a MAJOR outing! or in public of a demonic powerful woman like Queen Elizabeth, Oprah Winfrey or Beyoncé. Kardashians = Armenians some dark cult some not. Most CGI not Humans."


🤗🏳️🙌 ~ ('It is said the closer you get to Nirvana or Heaven which is a state of consciousness the more the demons rear their ugly heads.') Monthly news & updates (ECETI Ranch James Gilliland) 💞 ~ | Blogger: As James shared a dream. I (SoTW) had one of my own, the other day. I used to work in one of the Darkest, most corrupt and biggest banks in Denmark, controlled by Golden Slacks or Vampire Squid (Goldman Sachs / Rothchild's) for 20 years. In my dream, I was reinserted into the Banking-matrix for a last assignment, a secret one. Together with a key person, I knew we had to do something big there. We went in to secret meetings and my former colleagues looked at me with insane "curiosity killed the cat" eyes, what in the heck, I was doing there, after I left, several years ago. I could feel it in my bones this was important the things I/we needed to do. When I woke up, I got the feeling I was working for the "good guys" (white hats - whatever) to do some "magic" in the Bank and it was so real for me, and never regularly get stuck in intense and long-lasting dreams, but this was... anywho... |


James Gilliland is a minister, counselor, an internationally known lecturer, best selling author with the books, Reunion with Source, Becoming Gods, and The Ultimate Soul Journey. James appeared in Contact Has Begun, His Story, The History Channel, UFOs then and Now, UFO Hotspots, ABC, Fox News, BBC Danny Dyer Special, Paranormal State, ECETI Ranch a Documentary, and the new movie Thrive have all featured James and ECETI which he is the founder. He has appeared on Coast to Coast, Jeff Rense, and to numerous other radio shows to mention also being the host of, As You Wish Talk Radio, www.bbsradio.com and Contact Has Begun, www.worldpuja.net. He is a facilitator of many Eastern disciplines, a visionary dedicated to the awakening and healing of Humanity and the Earth and teaches higher dimensional realities from experience  

October 12, 2021| Issue 8

The Final Battle, Merging Timelines

'If true science was taught, we would have anti/counter gravity, abundant fuelless energy, increased longevity and the cures for all diseases.' ~ James
"We must reject the idea that every time a law’s broken, society is guilty rather than the lawbreaker. It is time to restore the American precept that each individual is accountable for his actions." – Ronald Reagan

In the days to come we are going to face many challenges. There will be people that will rise to the occasion and people that will willingly or in ignorance submit themselves, their families, loved ones, society in general to a severe diminishing and loss of health and freedom. The integrity challenged and socially engineered will walk lockstep down a very dark path. They are driven by manufactured fear, lies and deceptions by the corrupt, bought and paid for integrity and morally challenged politicians, mainstream and social media. The socially engineered, unconscious will be offered promises of positions, power and wealth of which are ill gotten gains. In the end they will lose all of it due to Universal Law.

It is time to apply a little base logic to where society now stands. Never before have we seen so much decadence, corruption, lawlessness, extreme disregard for the well-being of humanity and the Earth. If you look behind the curtain you will see almost every agency and organization has betrayed its mandate. They betrayed the people they serve and positions of power over others, wealth and notoriety have become the most sought out attributes. It is as if evil is rewarded and rises to the top in these organizations and agencies.Their Gods are money, sex. power and notoriety with a complete disregard for others or the effects within their soul. Thus, they have opened the door to darker forces. Eventually the soul becomes a mere shadow to those darker forces. It starts with a lie or two, actions here and there that are self-serving or harmful to others, a bribe here and there all escalating to level where if you want to retain your position, financial status or move up the ladder of success you will be expected eventually to perform the most hennas of acts. It’s called soul bargaining.

We did not get here alone. Base logic dictates that there has to be a force behind this decline, a very dark force that cares nothing for humanity and the Earth. Logic also dictates the reason there is so much inhumanity on the Earth must be due to non-human intervention by beings with no compassion or empathy. Beings that despise and are at war with humanity and the Earth. In truth it is a war on the Creator within all Creation. Whether you call it the Satanic/Luciferians replete throughout high levels of government, religions, the movie/music industries, all institutions at the highest levels. Or if you call it the jin, demonic/reptilian/grey alliances often referred to as archons there are seen and unseen negative influences weighing heavy on humanity and the Earth. These unseen negative influences are waiting for a chink in the armor, a door to open and many are holding the doors wide open.
Many are in disbelief, cannot even comprehend such forces exist. They just want to go about their socially engineered, critically thinking and research impaired lives in denial. Few are even aware of the social engineering and even fewer ask the question who is behind the social engineering? The awake question would be where is this social engineering taking us. Are we aligned with Universal Law or Unity Consciousness? Are we aligned with Universal Peace, Brother/Sisterly Love, Individual Freedom and Prosperity for All? Are we creating Heaven on Earth?

🦠💉📅 ~ (SMOKING GUN!!!) How Did Astra-Zeneca Manufacture "COVID-19 Vaccine" in July of 2018 Before the Disease Was Even Discovered or Named? (HAL turner) ~ | Blogger: [🙈Can't You See👀] ... |

"So if COVID-19 didn't become an outbreak until late in 2019, and the outbreak wasn't even named "COVID-19" until February 11, 2020, then how could AstraZeneca have been manufacturing "COVID-19 VACCINE" in July of 2018???????"~ HAL

A whole lot of people have a lot of explaining to do. Boxes of COVID-19 Vaccine from AstraZeneca show a Manufacture Date of July 15, 2018 . . . But "COVID-19" wasn't discovered until 2019 and wasn't NAMED until February 11, 2020.

Here's the smoking gun: A box of COVID-19 Vaccine from AstraZeneca, with the manufacture date of July 15, 2018 computer printed on the box flap.

Manufacture Date: 2018.07.15


According to a Google Search using the Term "When was COVID-19 discovered?" the result is: