Oct 4, 2019
💸 ~ Danske Bank får kritik for tavshed om nyansatte direktørers skatteforhold (FinansWatch) ~ | Blogger: [DEN 145 ÅR GAMLE ROTHSCHILD STYRET KORRUPTE PRIVATBANK, MED 3,7 MIO PRIVATE OG ERHVERVSKUNDER] ... Måske er det gået din næse forbi, siden ingen skriver om den Hollandske Chris Vogelzang, der årligt får et tocfiret millionbeløb i grundløn, og betaler blot, 32,84 procent i skat... |
😷 ~ Denmark to give pregnant women free whooping cough vaccinations (TheLocal) ~ | Blogger: [💉More Sick and Death = Money🤮] ... Newly inaugurated medical-lobbyist and socialist-communist, Minister of Health Magnus Heunicke, announced the temporary measure today, pregnant women will be offered free vaccinations against whooping cough, with an epidemic of the disease currently declared in Denmark (God bless the Queen and Denmark) ... |
💉 ~ Cancer industry not looking for a cure; they’re too busy making money (NN) ~ |
(Natural News) It may sound ridiculously cynical to some, but there are many who believe that cancer is too big a business (meaning too lucrative) to ever actually cure. And they say the proof is in the numbers.
As noted by Your News Wire, if any of the existing low-cost, natural and alternative cancer treatments were ever to be approved, then the healthcare industry’s cornerstone revenue producer would vanish within months.
And Big Pharma isn’t about to let that happen. The industry is what is keeping us from a real cancer cure.
👼 ~ 💗 Mira of the Pleiades: Much is Being Accomplished (eraoflight) 💕 ~ |
Mira, the Pleiadian High Council(example) |
Greetings, I am Mira. I gladly speak with you today.
As you can see, we are actively assisting the earth. The Earth Council, of which I am a full-time participant, is fully engaged with decisions and choices for the future of your beloved planet. We are excited and pleased with the progress.
Please know that the Divine Plan is in place. We are competent in our work and our efforts are effective. Much has been accomplished since I last spoke with you. We have completed some important projects on behalf of the planet. Perhaps you might have noticed the absence of chem-trails in your areas? A large number of dark ones have been removed also. We are happy to provide you with this confirmation and please know that we have other assignments that will continue to make a huge difference.
Your planet sank too low to achieve freedom on its own from the darkness that has kept you enslaved and abused. We are around you and on the planet, to assure you of your proper place in the solar system and with your galactic counterparts.
🚨Verdensalt | ~ Overvågningssamfundet : Politiets efterretningstjeneste, Forsvarets Efterretningstjeneste, Rigspolitiet og Københavns Politi's ledelser på stjernegangen - et selvopfundet autonomt selvstyre af misforstået ledelse og ansvar? Er vi 100% styret fra den mørke stat i udlandet? ~ | Blogger:[💡HUSK nu remsen - Ministre forgår - embedsmænd består! HUSK også: Politiet sætter kun ind i prestigeprojekter💡] ... 💨I DAGENS nyheder hører vi om chokerende nyt, at Politichef bad ansatte lyve i telesag og et Rigspoliti, der skjulte sagen i månedsvis og de nu påstår, at de gentagne gange, advarede om fejl i teledata, samt at Søren Pape Poulsen, udmærket vidste hvad der foregik, dette, at 10.700 sager fra 2012-2019 skal undersøges, der kan have påvirket efterforskning (af 'måske' uskyldige mennesker), fra Emilie Meng-sagen til Raket-Madsen, siden Politiet, IKKE har brugt "objektive data" efter man har opdaget en it-fejl, der kan have givet fejl i teleoplysninger brugt i retssager i syv år. Det her er fadeneme humor, når Nick Hækkerup står og siger, at ingen bliver fyret og forsøger at nedtone den STØRSTE skandale indenfor Justitsministeriet samt Rigspolitiet til dato, for åben skærm, mens han som en anden vagthund og direktør, afviser at lade embedsfolk, blive ansvarliggjort.. HOLD NU KÆFT ALTSÅ.. 💨Herefter NÆGTER Rigspolitiet OGSÅ, Udenrigsministeriets anbefaling om, at tilbagekalde tilladelser til eksport af militært udstyr til Saudi-Arabien og De Forenede Arabiske Emirater pga. det vil gå ud over danske virksomheder - trods mistanke om krigsforbrydelser... WHAT THE HECK!...💨SIDEN et Snowden-læk vidste, at Danmark, er et af NSA's ni øjne, og har "ekstrem" gode forbindelser til jødiske Israel, USA og England's (NATOs) behov for et hadefuldt Islamophobia-militarisering af (såkaldte 'Terror i Guds navn') politiets arbejde, har vi set en eskalering af hjemmeværnsfolk og ægte soldater fra forsvaret i refleksveste og militæruniformer vogtet landegrænsen til Tyskland, samt gader og stræder... 💨Vi ved med garanti, at Dansk politi og PET har taget omstridt superavanceret teknologi i brug, for at overvåge hele den danske befolkning, så som 'automatisk ansigtsgenkendelse', 'nummerpladeskanning', 'SmartCity CPH' med alt i overvågning via wifi-enheder og IoT fra 5G... VIDSTE DU, at 3 store Automatic License Plate Reader (ALPR) firmaer har oprettet en forbløffende stor database med 14 milliarder nummerplader, der gør det muligt for politiet, at spore alle, i realtid?. The Digital Recognition Network (DRN) har en database med over 8 milliarder nummerplader og kan prale om at sende politiet, levende information om køretøjets placering og advarsler afsted, skyldige eller ej... |
http://massprivatei.blogspot.com/2019/10/14-billion-police-license-plate.html |
BREAKING: Errors in the Danish National Police's software for converting teledata may have given incorrect judgments for seven years.
Earlier this year, the National Police discovered a "regrettable system error" in the police computer program, which is used in court cases involving data from the telecommunications companies. This may mean that in some cases there is missing information from raw data in converted data entered into a criminal case. -- link
(verdensalt:) - Meaning, that 10,700 cases from 2012-2019 must be re-investigated. Some already convicted people, could actually be "innocent"... COULD THAT mean that the Death of Kim Wall; Danish inventor Peter Madsen has been sentenced to life in prison for the murder of the Swedish journalist Kim Wall on his submarine, must be reinvestigated or police has sentenced Rocket-Madsen on false telecommunication metadata converted into human language!? WHY have the police withhold this IMPORTANT (spying) information in 4 month (March-June)!? Hasn't the court system of the Kingdom of Denmark 'convicted' or 'sensented' any criminal court cases, since March of 2019!? And why is nobody being fired? So many questions, so little time...
👨🚀 ~ The Political Climate Setup of The Overview Effect : Danish DTU Space, Space Sickness, VR and Space Safari with ESA / NASA Astronaut, Andreas Mogensen's mission til ISS, who never set foot on the Moon. The Mysterious Experience, that might save Climate on Earth? ~ | Blogger: [🤯 Whaat!? Oh man! Here we go again! You will N-E-V-E-R get the TRUTH from NASA controlled Astronomers & Astronauts about any Lunar Truth, about "unidentified aerial phenomena," in Space or Alien structures👽] ... The Climate hoax has been expanded into astronauts experience of a cognitive shift in awareness called 'The overview effect' from a man, who has been accused of publishing a fake video of a thunderstorm from space (In the THOR experiment of the IRISS Mission Andreas Mogensen captures lightning, blue jets and sprites from the International Space Station). Some time ago, a viral story claimed that Buzz Aldrin, passed a lie-detector test proving he saw a UFO in space. A viral story that's making the rounds online claims Buzz Aldrin, the famous astronaut who traveled with Neil Armstrong to the moon aboard Apollo 11, somehow proved via a lie-detector test to have seen a UFO in outer space. Let's be very clear here: This is flat-out wrong... Guys, these people are not ALLOWED to tell the truth, like active military and civilian pilots, can't either...So tired of all the BS... |
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