Sep 12, 2020
🙏 ~ 💝 Dagens Spirituelle Motivationscitater eller Livets Sandheder (SoTW DK) ~ 💕 | Blogger: [🌟Ta' den Naysayers - så kom FLYPASSET og alt andet, som COVID-19 PAS kan bruges til🌟] ... VIDSTE DU, at Anthony Fauci, som er Den Mørke Stats læge, og MEST magtfulde person i USA lige nu, også, er nævnt som værende 'Direktør', i et dansk foretagende, som hedder, Det Kongelige Danske Videnskabernes Selskab, der består af landets ledende professorer, overlæger, docenter og forfattere, skribenter? Har han, og Bill Gates, Magnus Leunicke, været "lederne", som lukkede LANDET?. Støtter Royal Academy - Videnskabernes Selskab, Rockefeller Komplekset København, Danske Universiteter og Det Medicinsk-Industrielle Kompleks? I så fald, her er SYNDEREN - hiding in plain sight... PS: Videnskabernes Selskab, officielt Det Kongelige Danske Videnskabernes Selskab (engelsk: The Royal Danish Academy of Sciences and Letters), er et dansk videnskabsakademi. Selskabet blev stiftet 13. november 1742 for at fremme videnskab og teknologi (Wikipedia)... |
👀 ~ 💗 Your Must-Listen Alternative News Broadcast 💕 ~ | Aired Sept 11, 2020 | Connecting Consciousness Update | Blogger: [👉Charlie Ward is okay! Australia lockdowns used to rescue children from DUMBs! Joe Biden nearly double-digit national lead over Trump is falsified! Hire of dedicated CC server and e-mail problems! Simon Parkes on Camelot TV - CIA offered Simon a job, but said no! Ted Mahr can confirm! SP will go to Arizona instead and work for?! Then, Simon, has to explain himself against the most ridiculous claims and rumors - attack on the spiritual community! We should be focused on abused children or positive news! Bank of England is closed - Deutsche Bank is closed! Trying to change to (good guys) QFS quantum non-paper system or (bad guys) blockchain line ~ summarize from Simons videocast👈] ... |
Simon Parkes is a life long experiencer of aliens, shadow people, elementals and ufo's, these include Mantid (Mantis) beings, Draconis Reptilian, Feline, small and tall Grey creatures, Crystalline beings and other creatures that can't be identified. Simon is an elected local politician in Britain and was elected to office AFTER he went public. Simon's biological mother worked for the British Security Service, often called MI5 between 1965 -1979. However while she was managed by British Intelligence she was in fact working "jointly" for the National Security Agency (NSA) of America. Her job was to type out documents that related to crashed ufo craft that had come down all over the Earth's surface and had then been retrieved by American special forces/recovery teams...
🌱 ~ 💗 Earth Intelligence Report: September 2020 (Brad Johnson New Earth Teachings) 💕 ~ | Blogger: [👉"We are indeed our own worst enemies, as stated in this report. When we are split, polarised and end up battling each other, we are unconsciously fulfilling their dark agendas." ~ theearthplan👈] ... PS: New Earth Teachings is the official site of Brad Johnson: International Spiritual Teacher & contains a variety of psychic, spiritual & metaphysical teachings... |
(blogger) Thanks to for sharing and transcript can be picked up at:
👯♀️🎬🔞 ~ #CancelNetflix: Congresswoman Tulsi Gabbard (and joins “cancel” Netflix over its new film ‘Cuties,’ dubbing it “child porn” for its sexualized depictions of young girls (SoTW) ~ | Blogger: I have said this for years... If not for Trump, meet Tulsi Gabbard, Future President of the United States (I wish). Finally, someone has the guts to tell the truth - just loooove her! - "I grew up with the Aloha Spirit,” says Congresswoman Tulsi Gabbard. “We try to treat everyone with respect. Like family.” ... Yes, verdensalt is an outsider, I'm NOT a american and yes, Congresswoman Tulsi Gabbard, is a democrat, but not being a "puppet" for Crooked Clinton & Obamas? .. |
.@netflix child porn "Cuties" will certainly whet the appetite of pedophiles & help fuel the child sex trafficking trade. 1 in 4 victims of trafficking are children. It happened to my friend's 13 year old daughter. Netflix, you are now complicit. #CancelNetflix— Tulsi Gabbard 🌺 (@TulsiGabbard) September 12, 2020
As a father of three young daughters, I find “Cuties” sickening. Glad to join @SenTomCotton in calling on the DOJ to bring charges against Netflix for distribution of child pornography.— Jim Banks (@RepJimBanks) September 11, 2020
🔢😌🙃 ~ BREAKING – smittetallene er FALDENDE! (Vibeke Manniche) ~ | Blogger: LÆG lige mærke til NULL = 0 DØDE! som i ZERO, Nada, Zilch, Zip... | |
BREAKING – smittetallene er FALDENDE!
Således er det idag 1,15% af de testede som er smittet, i går var det 1,3 (1,26) og for tre dage siden 1,34%. Så faktisk markant fald. Vi skal huske, at det er MANGE der testes og dermed fanger man også flere. Derfor er det så afgørende at kigge på den procentuelle fordeling. Ja, der er lidt flere indlagt, men 1 mindre i respirator (hurra) og ingen døde MED Covid19.
🧕👎🦹♂️ ~ #NiqabCoronaMetteMus og hendes nye #SkyggeViceStatsminister MartinHvalros afløser #RejsepamperenJovialTaktiker MartinJustesen, og den selvudnævnte #SSIDommedagsCoronaUtopist&Panikmager TyraGroveKrause, skal nok klare skærene for Dannevang (SoTW) ~ | Blogger: MENS vores elskede Alleslandsmoder Mette, nægter at udskrive valg, forgyldes Martin Justesen med en årsløn på 1.363.150 kroner, Mette selv får lønforhøjelse af frimurerordenen for god indsats, og opretter ny afdeling for næsten 10 mio. kr. til 20 nye Stasi topfolk hos Socialakrobaterne... Politikerne vil bruge 800.000.000.000 kroner på at sænke temperaturen 0,0001 grad, unge og alkohol får skylden for de nye Coronaudbrud og Statens Serum Institut, er blevet Statens ENESTE rådgivende Coronavejleder, som Rothschild, er Statens ENESTE finansielle rådgiver... 🤪PS: JEG VIL ÆDE min gamle hat på, at der kommer endnu flere SINDSSYGE Coronatiltag i næste uge, uden dog at lukke LANDET NED, helt - ellers mister Mette sin position som MEST POPULÆRE statsminister, nogensinde - nu hvor hun vil skære i drengebørn og fratage mennesker, retten til at køre i benzin og dieselbiler, uden det koster en jetjager... HURRA, HURRA, HURRA OG SÅ DET LANGE 'HU-MAN'... | | |
😟💉🚀 ~ (Sputnik V Takeoff!) First batch of Sputnik V vaccine has been shipped to Russian regions - Health Ministry (TASS) ~ | Blogger: [👉Phase II trials of Russia's Sputnik V coronavirus vaccine were "100% effective" but now some doctors have highlighted peculiarities in the accompanying data👈] ... 😵NOW, just under half (45.6 percent) of surveyed Russians DON'T want to be vaccinated against coronavirus, regardless of where the vaccine comes from, according to a new study by Moscow’s Higher School of Economics (HSE)... 😵THE Russian Direct Investment Fund (RDIF) has also said they will supply Mexico with 32 million doses of Sputnik V, that should enable 25 PERCENT of the population to be vaccinated... 😵RDIF will also supply up to 50 million doses of Sputnik V to Brazil... 👉In other words, the Sputnik V, formally named ‘Gam-COVID-Vak’, 130 million russians will be FORCED? Mass vaccination TODAY. Supply Mexico and Brazil NOW, and available to the Philippines by early November or early December, according to one of its developers - Gamaleya Institute director Alexander Ginzburg told Sputnik and media outlets😔... 😩BTW, China injects hundreds of thousands with experimental Covid-19 vaccines -- Chinese pharmaceutical companies administer newly developed inoculations outside of clinical trials, despite dangers... | | |
⚠️🔥🦹 ~ (BREAKING) Is Antifa Starting The Wildfires? (Mr Reagan) ~ | Blogger: PS: No matter what Crooked Hillary, Creepy Uncle Joe Biden, FBI or Doomsday Climate GreenGreta ThunderThunberg Puppet of Eco-evangelism Alarmists are saying, more and more reports indicates, that #Antifa-groups are "pyromaniacs"... Lots of evidence in this blog post... You be the judge... 卍PS: DID YOU KNOW, that some Antifa groups date the origins of their movement to fights against European fascists in the 1920s and 1930s.... What are they opposed to in 2020? Neo-Nazis, Neo-fascism, white supremacists and racism, but many has claimed, that the "hard-core" BLM-Antifa groups, are paid violent "crisis actors" and may be part of Democrat power grab... |
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