JULY 17, 2016
This update deals with the ongoing INABILITY of the Good Guys to overcome the Bad Guys and the New to displace the Old.
In previous updates WE opined, ‘we believe the assets are available and the will is present, so it all comes down to whether or not the New has the ABILITY to enforce itself upon the old and, WE believe, force will be necessary’.
In our September 2015 update and again in our January update we said, ‘it’s not that something smells bad, it’s that something stinks to high heaven’.
In our last update in June we said, ‘there is a whole lotta crawfishing going on’.
So here we are in mid -July OBSERVING that in our OPINION things are getting worse not better, and as a result our hoped for funding’s are moving further away from us, not closer.
In previous updates we called to your attention a study presented to USA INC. which said that every last drop of spending capacity should be milked from the current FIAT System before any new system should be allowed to come into being. That is but one of the things they are doing. In previous updates we called to your attention a study presented to USA INC. which said that if all Western Countries were to dramatically increase Quantitative Easing simultaneously and by proportionate amounts it might be possible to extend the life of the present FIAT System indefinitely. WE then reported the demand of ABE at the G-7 meeting in Japan that all western countries immediately embark upon massive additional Quantitative Easing if an imminent financial collapse was to be averted. This is, in OUR view, exactly what is happening and it means that the old has not surrendered to the new but has instead quadrupled down on their failed policies having already passed through the tripling and doubling down stages. ABE has instructed his government to prepare plans for the dumping of 10 TRILLION FIAT YEN into the Japanese economy by year end. WE reported to you in our previous updates that China and dumped 2 TRILLION FIAT YUAN into their economy so far this year in an all -out attempt to avoid a crash there which places them squarely in bed with the FED and other Central Banks. Meanwhile the ECB is somewhere near the middle of their program to dump 1.5 TRILLION FIAT EURO’S into the European economies and are also planning another 150 BILLION FIAT EURO bailout of Italian banks over the objections of Germany. WE also reported previously the ongoing use of Q.E. in the U.S. often using 3rd party countries under Fed/BIS control to disguise things. It’s not simply manipulation, it is outright fraud and a desperate attempt by the FED and Obama and his NWO Marxist allies to keep the status quo in place and push the consequences of his treasonous incompetence off till after he leaves office January 4th. To all this we can add and observe the treasonous printing of 3 TRILLION FIAT DOLLARS CASH in Thailand as recently reported by Crayford and also the recent speech by a FED Board Member in Australia stating that the FED stands ready for massive additional Q.E. should the economy require it not to mention the previous 3.5 TRILLION FIAT DOLLARS pumped in by Bernanke. Taken together this appears to us to be definitive proof that the CABAL remains in control, has not surrendered and has no intention of compromising. The WAR continues? ‘They’ will do anything, anything at all, to preserve their Fraudulent FIAT Financial Playpen and to maintain themselves in power.