May 9, 2020
👼 ~ 💕 Let's not "go back" to normal... (Messages from Ann & the Angels) 💕 ~ |
Photo in Sedona, AZ |
Let's not "go back to normal." Let's "go forward" to better
(Ann Albers:) I started channeling weekly messages from the angels after 9/11/2001, in an attempt to reach as many people as possible with the angels' words of hope and inspiration. I didn't realize at the time that we would become an international community of lightworkers dedicated to expanding our capacity to receive and share God's love in the world.
Each week's newsletter contains an angel message, a message from me explaining how I put the angels' teachings to work in my life, and various other announcements about classes, events, and new products. I would love to help you experience the love, wisdom, and guidance that are available to us all.
My dear friends, we love you so very much,
We hear you dear ones, "When is life going to get back to normal?" It is an understandable question. The past few months have been life-altering for many of you. So rather than going "back to normal" we would ask you to consider "going forward into a new reality."
"Normal," for many, was an emotionally isolated reality in which texting replaced talking and really conversation. "Normal" for many was stressed, hurried, and out of balance. "Normal" for many meant living in a sort of numb and complacent reality where the daily goals activities became more important than the heart's dreams.
We know this isn't true for all of you. Nonetheless we encourage each and every one of you to ask yourselves, "Do I want to go back to normal or forward into a reality that is kinder, more loving, and more balanced; a reality that involves deeper connections, more meaningful conversations, and time spent in silence periodically, checking in with my heart to make sure I haven't forgotten my own desires?"
Each week's newsletter contains an angel message, a message from me explaining how I put the angels' teachings to work in my life, and various other announcements about classes, events, and new products. I would love to help you experience the love, wisdom, and guidance that are available to us all.
Message from the Angels
We hear you dear ones, "When is life going to get back to normal?" It is an understandable question. The past few months have been life-altering for many of you. So rather than going "back to normal" we would ask you to consider "going forward into a new reality."
"Normal," for many, was an emotionally isolated reality in which texting replaced talking and really conversation. "Normal" for many was stressed, hurried, and out of balance. "Normal" for many meant living in a sort of numb and complacent reality where the daily goals activities became more important than the heart's dreams.
We know this isn't true for all of you. Nonetheless we encourage each and every one of you to ask yourselves, "Do I want to go back to normal or forward into a reality that is kinder, more loving, and more balanced; a reality that involves deeper connections, more meaningful conversations, and time spent in silence periodically, checking in with my heart to make sure I haven't forgotten my own desires?"
🤪 ~ Fromme Moder Mette-Mus Corona-Gakgak: "Vi" Alene Vide ~ | Blogger: [👉COVID-19 er en muteret dobbeltstrenget "designer"-virus. PUNKTUM. Global agenda underlagt Event 201. Gates, Fauci, Tedros, Brostrøm, Heunicke og Mølbak. Coronavirusser & influenza-typer har cirkuleret blandt mennesker i millioner af år👈] ... {Helle Thorning's False Flag var Terrorangrebene i København 2015. Mette F.'s COVID-19 i Danmark, på Færøerne og i Grønland} ...🎬OG NU TIL DEN VIRKELIGE VERDEN UDENFOR🎬... Snakkede med min naboer som tilfældigt stillet sammen under solens stråler på vejen... Det er ikke hvemsomhelst.... Den ene arbejder for Danske Statsbaner i en menneskealder, har desuden eget firma, bestyrelsesmedlem i grundejerforeningen, kender Pia Olsen Dyhr, været aktivist o.s.v.. Den anden arbejder indenfor IT (som jeg engang), underviser, kender til alt inden ejendomshandel, eget firma ved siden af o.s.v. I mit naboværn i det Nordsjællandske, har alle 2 biler, Mercer, Audi, Bimmer eller Teslaer... De skulle bare vide hvad jeg går og laver🤣... NÅMEN, snakken kom hurtigt ind på politik... Den ene nabo kunne fortælle hvordan BUPL havde 'beordret' hans kone til at overgår fra 30 timer til 35 timer. I Statens tro tjeneste mht. CV19. Det nægtede hun, fordi hun ikke fik mere i lønposen, blot afspadsering, som de fandt ud af var ulovlig og kommunen, nægtede. Hun kunne beordres til hvilkensomhelst jobområde, fordi hun er uddannet pædagog. Det samme gælder min anden nabo som også arbejder for Staten og kan i princippet beordres til hvilkensomhelst jobområde i DSB-statsregi, grundet CV19. Vi rystede alle sammen på hoved af de VANVITTIGE tilstande vi befinder os i. Vi er nu i samme båd som Søs Marie Serup der er gået ind i 'HVORFOR'-fasen. Min nabo fortalte mig, at et familiemedlem havde et lille firma, tog imod en af hjælpepakkerne, men den var strikket sådanne sammen, at for det han modtog, skulle han dokumentere, at hans omsætning og budget for 2020 ikke oversteg omsætningen for 2019. Dvs. ingen yderlige ansatte, udvidelser, ændringer, eller noget som helst, noget som vi alle var enige om hedder "Rødt Jantelovsafgift eller Misundelsesgebyr". ALTSÅ, de virksomheder som er GRUNDSTAMMEN for at Danmark, skal fungere, straffes og går konkurs under CV19 og mange mennesker er sgu begyndt at blive RIMELIG SURE!. Som også jeg sagde til min nabo, hvad sagde jeg - du kommer ikke ud og rejse i juni måned og han sukkede og nikkede og han orkede ikke at gå igang med at søge kompensationen fra flyselskaberne og rejsebranchen, da de blot ville uddele et GAVEKORT til 2021, men NÆGTER at udbetale PENGE... Snakken blev bare ved og ved, og jeg er faktisk lidt imponeret over hvor meget danskerne har sat sig ind og FED UP af "systemet" og hvordan RØDT som BLÅT-partierne skider på os danskere... |
Red, Blue, White - which country does the Danish PM represent? | |
I disse covid-19 tider er der meget, som under normale omstændigheder ikke »findes«, men alligevel er faktum. Negative renter, negative oliepriser, de facto borgerløn, uendeligt forbrug af stater uden nogen form for kontrol, nedbrydning af konceptet om uafhængige nationalbanker og i samme ombæring fuld finansiering via samme regeringers underskud - blot for at nævne nogle få eksempler....
"Mette Frederiksen - Statsminister, Partiformand, ubrugelig mastergrad i Afrika-studier fra Københavns Universitet m.m.,.. Kan ikke tænke selv, derfor har hun også sin tro væbner, S-Skygge-statsminister, Martin Rossen, alle de tilhørende speciel konsulenter og rådgivere, Statsministeriets nye departementschef, Barbara Bertelsen, S-pressefolk og fyret stort set alle andre...
"Lars Løkke - Amtsborgmester, Formand, Statsminister, Stifter af flere virksomh., rådgiver i advokathuset Gorrissen Federspiel m.m.... Som min mor plejer at sige, siden 1998, hvor Lars Løkke blev amtsborgmester i Frederiksborg Amt, har han snydt og svindlet, alle danskerne."...
"Helle Thorning - Formand, Statsminister, indstillet som posten som ny Flygtningehøjkommissær, topchef i Red Barnet, Vestas bestyrelse, næsten formand for FN-panel om skatteundragelse, bestyrelsesmedlem i på Jersey skattely-firma, får plads i Facebooks tilsynsråd... Rygtes og betragtes som bundkorrupt og vidste besked om og var med bag kulisserne omkring Terrorangrebene i København 2015...
"Anders Fogh - Formand, Stifter, Statsminister, Rasmussen Global, Seniorrådgiver i Citigroup, fhv. generalsekretær, NATO, m.m. rygtes som en krigsforbryder grundet det hemmelige Iraknotat."...
※🔴 Benjamin Fulford Interview: Scamdemic Exposes the Enemy Within! Wake UP! ~ | Blogger: [👉Did you know that the US sisterchannel "Prepare For Change" Network website was created in coordination by Cobra and the Resistance? PFC was created in May of 2013 to support a popular movement for peaceful change during the “Planetary Shift” called ‘The Event’👈] ... FYI -- I've (SoTW) been told, that Tachyon Healing Chamber (THC) have been urged by Cobra through some coodinators to connect the Danish THC to several other worldwide chambers which right now, are sending energy in such a way, it is being able to remove viruses. For about 2 months it will run like that without it being used in other ways. So Danish THC are closed for entering. Exciting to see if the effect accelerates of the removal of CV19... {✌️VICTORY OF THE LIGHT💡} ... |
Source (PFC)
In today’s interview recorded on the 6th May 2020 (US), we get info from his sources regarding the on-going war, which is becoming more and more public. We get into the questions of who knows what in regards to factions of the Cabal that are attributable to the Nazi 4th Reich. Ben makes a case that they won aspects of WWII that intel agents and Israeli Jews are only beginning to understand. He assures us that the good guys are winning and we talk about how many people are now awakening. Bill Gates is on our topic list as are the WHO, CDC, and the usual suspects. Are there any time markers to look out for? What does the end game look like? How is the scamdemic backfiring for the Cabal? We look into these as well as other topics. As usual, we’re way ahead of the information curve.
For a list of our past interviews with Benjamin, please go here:
Keep on seeking the truth, rally your friends and family and expose as much corruption as you can… every little bit helps add pressure on the powers that are no more.
🦜💥🙉 ~ The Global Health Mafia Protection Racket ~ | Blogger: [👉All world leaders comes together on CV19; "Diagnostics, Therapeutics, Treatments & Safe Effective Vaccines"👈] ... {MSN Media: This is Extremely Dangerous to Our Democracy} ... |
Source (Amazing Polly)
BOOM revelations get bigger as we go along. Stay with me! Fauci, Event201, Foundations ...and something called the Global Preparedness Monitoring Board. I expose the front organizations covering for the Global Health Mafia.
💸 ~ Bank of England sees worst slump in 300 years as coronavirus bites ~ | Blogger: [👉America, next! And so it begins! German court calls on ECB to justify bond-buying programme! Rothschild Macron wants EU COVID fund of up to 300 billion euros a year! Is the End looming for Fiat money? Get ready for Blockchain, Smart Cities, IoT that will pave way for Cashless Society👈] ... DID YOU KNOW, that Bank of England also provide safe custody for the United Kingdom's gold reserves, and for other central banks, (most) of Denmark's 66.5 tonnes? As of 2019, the Bank of England holds approximately 310 tonnes of gold. In 1950 this reached a high of 2,543 tonnes of gold; most countries has now rushed to bring it home... |
Source (Reuters)
LONDON (Reuters) - The Bank of England said Britain could be headed for its biggest economic slump in over 300 years due to the coronavirus lockdown and kept the door open on Thursday for more stimulus next month.
☭⭐⭐⭐⭐~ Forbidden knowledge: you ARE the creator - CEO of Russia's largest bank ~ | Blogger: Thanks to Inessa S for sharing... Is it really true what CNN has told us, that three doctors mysteriously fall out of Russian hospital windows?... |
Source (Inessa S)
Whoa, where do I begin to unpack this one. In this outtake, we have the CEO of Russia’s largest bank, Sberbank, explaining to his colleagues at a St Petersburg Economic Forum (2014? or 2015) as to why the public should be kept in the dark about issues of governance, government and the economy….
He takes aim against democracy – by now, most people know it is a sham. However, his references to Buddhism, Daoism, and Kabbalah have yet a deeper meaning – each viewer will derive that meaning for themselves, depending on the degree of their spiritual education. I too am on a personal journey as it pertains to religion and spirituality. To me, his words point to a deliberate obscuring of knowledge of the self throughout the centuries – knowledge that only the select few ever had access to. Why was this knowledge obscured?
If knowledge is power – then, potentially, self-knowledge is a lack of power of others over you? (READ MORE)
🗽⭐⭐⭐⭐ ~ QDROP: IRREGULAR WARFARE ~ | Blogger: I would say on, that the next few month would be devastating for the DS. There's gonna be a lot of Deep States operatives and PedoGate takedowns and I guess, next order of business is Big Pharma and The medical–industrial complex... #Qanon #WeAreTheNewsNow #FactsMatter #WWG1WGA #WakeUpAmerica #UnitedNotDivided #SaveAmerica #GreatAwakening... |
🦠😷🧼 ~ Dr. Judy Mikovits: Is Coronavirus A Plandemic? Exposing The Truth Behind America's Covid-19 Strategy (London Real) ~ | |
Activist & Former Medical Researcher
Judy Mikovits is an American activist.As research director of a CFS research organization Whittemore Peterson Institute (WPI) from 2006-2011, Mikovits led a research effort that reported in 2009 that a retrovirus known as xenotropic murine leukemia virus-related virus (XMRV) was associated with CFS and may have had a causal role.
In 1980, Mikovits was awarded a Bachelor of Science degree in Chemistry with a specialization in biology at the University of Virginia. After graduation, she went to the National Cancer Institute in Frederick, Maryland, where she developed purification methods for Interferon alpha.
Mikovits has gained attention on social media for promoting her ideas about the 2019–20 coronavirus pandemic. She does not believe that a vaccine is needed to prevent COVID-19, and claims that the coronavirus was “caused by a bad strain of flu vaccine that was circulating between 2013 and 2015“. She also claimed masks will “activate” the virus and reinfect a mask-wearer over and over.
One such circulating video gained notoriety in May 2020. Titled Plandemic Part 1, the film is a half-hour long documentary-styled interview of Mikovits’s perspective on the accusations thrown upon her by the WPI. YouTube has removed this video number of times, citing community guidelines.
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