Apr 3, 2020

🙏 ~ 💓 Todays Inspirational Spiritual Quotes & Videos (SoTW) ~ 💕 |

😒 ~ 😘 Landsmoder Mette-mus: Tanker om kunst, kultur og åndsliv - og alt det, øjet ikke kan se ❤️ ~ | Blogger: [👉Tuuuuuusinde tak for den fine hjemme- karantæne hilsen, Mette Frederiksen du er min heltinde i front: Fra skrigeskinke til landsmoder👈] ... Tuuuuuusinde tak (..)... for du, for 3 uger siden, lukkede landet ned, netop som et ægtepar var ved at underskrive købsaftalen på mit hus, men efter din tale, kørte op i Netto i stedet, efter toiletpapir og gjorde mit hus, værdiløs🧻... for du, ligsom vor broderland Norge, lukkede grænserne sammen med din med-søster, Thyra Frank-look-alike bombastiske Erna Solberg🥩... for du, fik bankbosserne til at uddele en redningskrans og sætter lån på pause, men var et bevilget overtræk, mens i medierne stod der, at bankerne ville give henstand, eftergive eller nedsættelse af gælden. Det er inkl. hvis du skal have udbetalt pension før tid, som Banken nu trækker negative afkast, pga. aktiemarkets tab i corona tiderne👎... for du, søsatte regeringens kæmpemæssige hjælpepakker, som også har skabt 45.000 personer i arbejdsløshedskøen, konkurser og 150.000 små selvstændige er på røven, mens infrastrukturkritiske virksomheder, anlægsopgaver, små butikker, byggepladser, plejehjem og 1 million statsansatte, får fuld løn, pension og nærmest ikke, har tid til opgaverne. I er jo et arbejderparti👷... for du, har vedtaget endnu en hastelov, som øger straffen betragteligt for eksempelvis tyveri af værnemidler og håndsprit samt for fornærmende tiltale til betjente, vold mod offentligt ansatte og brud på maskeringsforbuddet. Derudover kan udlændinge fremover blive udvist for coronakriminalitet og 4++, 5G udrulningen samt Smart City IoT-net og masse-overvågningen, kan ske i fred. Noget som murermester Jessen, den afrikanske Mattias Tesfaye, bare har kunne drømme om, at forværre udlændinges vilkår🙍🏿‍♂️... for du, har genopfundet ordet at udvise 'samfundssind' - et ord, der former vores virkelighed uden rigtigt at betyde noget. Men vent, det er jo ikke dig Mette, det er jo forfatteren, Anita Furu, som skriver alle Jeres taler, memes og facebookopslag, skrives af dygtige medarbejdere, ligesom, din skygge-statsminister, Martin Rossen, bestemmer, politiken i Jeres regering. Det er ikke så sært, I har så mange stridigheder i SSI, SST og WHO og internt 👫... for du, lader din med-søster, Dronning Margrethe, hvis taleskriver også har sagt, hun skal undgå at uddele blomster på sin fødselsdag og give dem til folket, hestepære og Herningshingste, så tårerne vælter frem, og I får endnu mere positiv respons og medynk🥀... for du, først nægter at snakke kultur og hjælpepakker, men nu hvor din med-søster, Baby Joy Joy Mogensen er kommet i enorme vanskeligheder, så får ordlyden, en anden🦜... for du, har fået lægehuse, til at ligne tomme haller af ekko, omdannet sygehuse til militærlazaretter, tror du ikke folk snakker med Verdensalt, Mette?🧑‍⚕️... Tuuuuuusinde tak Mette, for du minder os om, at hele coronahysteriet, retorikken og den "falske" opsætning fra emotionel modtagelighedsanalysen, snyder dine 20 tusinde likes og millioner af børnefølgere, men det hele er fadeneme humor, at du kan narre din egen familie, danskerne og verden, med det største tryllenummer, af løgnagtige sammen- sværgelser, jeg længe har set... Det næste er, at du ønsker at sætte folk i fængsel for værnmageri, rejser til årets folkemøde og folk som opholder sig, ved en pølsevogn... Det MEST fantastiske er, du SELV, får lønforhøjelse, sammen med TV2's tidligere direktør Merete Eldrup, som skrider, men får syv millioner, med sig... Det sker, mens virksomheder går konkurs, danskere fyres i tusindvis, og mange tvinges ned i løn... Du burde indstilles til en Fortjenstmedaljen i Guld💛... |

Statsministeren lukker Danmark ned from Altinget on Vimeo.

Mette's facebook væg...:

Tanker om kunst, kultur og åndsliv - og alt det, øjet ikke kan se ❤️

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Mon ikke vi kan blive enige om, at verden på kort tid er blevet grundlæggende forandret fra det, vi kendte.

🔢😵😲 ~ Opgørelse ifht døde ~ | Blogger: [👉"84% af de døde har indenfor de sidste 5 år været indlagt med alvorlig sygdom som sukkersyge, kræft, kroniske lungesygdomme, hjerte-kar-sygdomme eller blodsygdomme. Hvilket jo netop understreger, at dem som dør med corona typisk fejler noget alvorligt i forvejen – ligesom alder også betyder noget. Samme billede som vi jo kender fra influenza." ~ VM👈] .. |

Sundhedsstyrelsen har netop offentliggjort tallene bag de døde. Ikke mindst aldersfordelingen og hvad de fejlede.

Først kønsfordelingen – som er interessant – nemlig at ud af 139 dødsfald er 46 kvinder og 93 mænd. Det er et lille tal og dermed giver det ikke mening at lave ordentlig statistik. Når man ser opgørelser over større antal er der en lille overvægt generelt af mænd. Dog ikke så markant som her.

Så er lidt mere end halvdelen over 80.
  • 59 år eller yngre :4
  • 60-69 år : 15 personer
  • 70 -79 år: 40 personer
  • 80-89 år: 56 personer
  • 90 år eller ældre: 24 personer

🦠 ~ 💗 ~ Coronavirus - Dr. Bruce Lipton's opinion Summary (Ray Maor) 💕 ~ | Blogger: EVEN my own mom told me today, that she by accident, bumped into or listening in on some of what Tom Barnett had to say, in which, Facebook has recently removed this amazing anti-vaxxer's coronavirus video. My mom is former nurse manager at a emergency room (ER) unit in a huge hospital for 45 years and she is stunned to hear about how fakery, the world has become... PS: Dr. Bruce Lipton & Ray Maor advices - there's only one thing to say - relax and live life to the fullest. The way out is the way through.. People with a normal immune system will hardly have ANY CV-19 symptoms...🌷 |

  1. A virus itself is not a living thing, it is information. The virus acts like computer memory card with information stored on it the body is like the computer. Once the memory card is connected to the computer; it can transmit the information and infect the computer.
  2. The corona is like the common flu virus that appears every winter. It needs a temperature lower than the body temperature to exist. That’s why flu is spreading during the winter.
  3. The difference between the flu and corona is that the corona virus is a mutated influenza virus. Most people’s immune systems have a memory of how to deal with the common flu virus. Because the corona is a mutated influenza virus and is still unknown to the human body, the immune system needs to get familiar with it in order to have information about how to deal with it.
  4. People with a normal immune system will have hardly any symptoms. People with an immune system that in not in optimal condition will be at a higher risk.
  5. Corona virus can be treated like any respiratory virus. The reason for social remoteness and quarantine at home is because the world’s health systems are not able to deal with large numbers of people who need respiratory treatment at one time, so social remoteness and stay in homes are a necessary procedure depending on the situation.
  6. What should scare us most about Corona is the fear itself. The media dispels fear and panic with headlines that cause people to be in a state of ongoing fear throughout the day that activates their fight and flight system and releases stress hormones into their bloodstream. In a state of fear or anxiety, for the body it’s as if it is fleeing from a tiger.

😌 ~ 💗 (Semper Fi) HEARTBREAKING GOOD NEWS: Trump's War On Satanic Elite & Mexican Drug Cartels. Nurses & Other Sources Saying Children Saved In Manhattan, New York. Cabal Responds - Derail US Navy Train Near The USNS Mercy Hospital Ship In LA 💔 ~ | Blogger: [📑"Watch from 7:30 minutes and listen to the General. Read between the lines - He is declaring war on the satanic elite. Listen as he says - We are the American military and we won’t let you come here and kill Americans." ~ Simon Parkes📑] ... O-M-G! How amazing is that🙏... I just like to share how I'm deeply touched today. There're news going around that a huge underground base (Satanic Cult D.U.M.B) in Manhattan was charged by the U.S. Navy and Special Forces, that rescued Children... It brought tears out💧... SoTW almost gave up on everything yesterday - we are all experiencing ascension symptoms and yesterday was heavy load on my shoulders as a very sensitive spiritual soul entering 'unknown territories'... My former wife from Ukraine, was a angry soul and used, not so much physical abuse, but more verbal abuse on her own daughter, who called me, dad. It broke my heart to leave them, but it was inevitably, so these informations coming out, has hit me hard, because i'm a protected of weak souls, women and children and lost my own daughter to a mother, who is a hater of all men... I'm so SICK and tired of the Deception, Trickery and Narcissistic Emptiness in people. Narcissists are incessant soul borrowers, who never give the souls back... For the many innocent, but naive souls out there. You have nooooo idea how evil humans can be, until you meet them F2F... Finally some good news coming out from my chat groups... all the proof below embedded into this blog post... SoTW served in The Royal Danish Air Force as a K9 Military Police unit and i'm a true Light Warrior... You didn't hear any of this here on SoTW; it's all very hush-hush and strictly on the QT.... |

🥳👵😂 ~ Den Korte Coronavis Ep. 13 - Nu er det nok! Men hvor er det dog ærgerligt! ~ | Blogger: [🐎Hestehandler Jens Birgit bliver misrøgt. Betalingsmuren bliver nedlagt grundet Den Korte Coronafis. Kisser taler ud!🤐] ... |

🧘 ~ 💗 Cobra Interview with Sisterhood of the Rose and a Short Meditation Update 💕 ~ | Blogger: [👉"Pleiadian fleet has communicated that they will drastically increase their presence in Low Earth Orbit, stratosphere and atmosphere near the planetary surface in the next few days for our mass meditation." ~ Cobra👈] .. |

Who's Cobra: Founder of the blog http://2012portal.blogspot.com; This blog is the official communicator of resistance from the Resistance.

Cobra is a Pleiadian contactee and has been in contact with the underground for over 35 years. He has been told to remain anonymous by The Resistance and has ongoing communications with beings from Planet X that assist The Resistance Movement. As an earthly representative of the Agarthan network and the light forces, he strives to prepare humanity for the up and coming event horizon.

Energies for our mass meditation are already building up and you can listen to this new Cobra interview, which brings some clarity into the current situation:

Or read the transcript here:

Pleiadian fleet has communicated that they will drastically increase their presence in Low Earth Orbit, stratosphere and atmosphere near the planetary surface in the next few days for our mass meditation.

For the next few days, if you look at the western sky after the sunset, you will see a powerful conjunction of Venus and Pleiades, which will be exact about one day before our mass meditation:

🗣️ ~ 💗 PFC: Sisterhood of the Rose Interview with Cobra & Full Transcript: Ascension Timeline / End of Coronavirus 💕 ~ |

Source (PrepareForChange)

The Sisterhood of the Rose group recently caught up with Cobra to ask him about the upcoming meditation on the 4th/5th of April. In this interview, they discuss Ascension Timelines and the End of Coronavirus as well as much more.

Please take a look at their promotional video for the upcoming mass meditation in the next couple of days:

Here’s the interview with a transcript below:


Debra: Hi, my name is Debra and I’m a Sisterhood of the Rose group leader in the United States. Today I have the pleasure of speaking again with Cobra, who is the chief intel provider for the Resistance Movement, where he offers important planetary and galactic information at his blog 2012portal.blogspot.com. Welcome Cobra, and thank you for doing this interview!
Cobra: Thank you for the invitation.

💌 ~ 💗 Video: Englebudskaber og energien i april måned 💕 ~ |

💌 ~ 💗 There is no enemy (A message for humanity) 💕 ~ | Blogger: [📑"May all men, women, children, animals, and all elements of Earth be rescued, resolved, replenished, rehabilitated, reborn, and respected as the Divine I AM now.” ~ Matt Kahn📑] .. |

Source (Nicholas John Music -formally Willoughby-)