Apr 2, 2024

🙏 ~ 💝 (Pleiadians… they look like YOU for a reason…) Today's Inspirational Spiritual Quotes & Videos ~ Apr 2, 2024 ~ |

Editor's Note: HAAAAAPPY NEW YEAR!? Was it just April Fools Day. Oh it is both. According to the Julian calendar, April 1, is the first day of the new year. The Julian calendar was created in 45BC. Pope GregoryXIII introduced the Gregorian calendar in 1580s. Of course there's a lot of universal energy popping up in your face and into your "Junk" DNA. It will intensify just before, and after April 8. Just 'feel' and open up to 'receive' the energies of the day and not simply measure them linearly. From all indications, 2024 is proving to be a chaotic and pivotal year, and  we haven't seen NOTHING yet.... | 

Special invite t.channel 

🙏❤️‍🔥 (SoTW; Thank God some incredible positive predictions for HUmanity) The Solar Eclipse - 8th of April 2024 - A reading with Citrine Crystal Ball and Tarot Cards ~ Apr 2, 2024 ~ |



👁️⃤𓂀🏭ϟϟ⛔ ('Too big to fail') Er de 6 vigtigste danske storbanker og toppen af Guld1000 virksomheder for store til at dø? ~ 2. April 2024 ~ |

Skål for udrensningen dejlige ven... 

SoTW - Adidas fjerner landsholdstrøje med tallet 44

Åååh disse tider. Hvor StatsAdelen, Eliten og Globalisterne, som har penge som græs, gemmer sig bag højborge med tilbygget underjordiske bunkere og vagtværnsfolk, mason-beskyttelse og au pair-piger, som billig arbejdskraft...

Editor's Note: (fortsat) Væk fra Coronavirusen, bondebefolkningen og utilfredsheden, der klager over den superrige Statsadelens korrupte pampervælde, og godsejere og gårdejere. Som taget ud af Morten Korch's 'Kampen om Næsbygård', I de gode gamle dage, hvor der for alvor, var ulighed til. 

Gode gamle Danske Bank, som Kongehuset (hemmelige aktier) og Centraladministrationen benytter sig af som en infrastruktur-bank, der aldrig, må dø. Der svindlede med 1.500 mia. kr.  og 10.000 mistænkelige udenlandske kunder via bankens estiske filial

Ingen kriminel skal grine hele vejen til banken, med hvidvaskloven. Dog, er det for, at gennemføre det længe ventede kontantløst samfund, digitalisering og Cabal's Great Reset. Lige nu skal jeg gennem en 2-faktor autentifikation hvis jeg ringer til bankens kundeservice kræves der, at jeg bliver godkendt, via MitID, samtidigt med jeg ringer op. 

SoTW - Skoleskyderi på finsk skole: Flere kvæstet
SoTW - CBD Olie og vægttab
Fujifilm fordobler overskuddet i Hillerød
Nyt studie: Populær medicin koster alt, alt for meget

SoTW - Våbenskjold: 'Aldrig spag, altid brændende
Novo Nordisk producerer noget vigtigere end medicin – og det er svært at købe for penge

SoTW - facebook

SoTW - Flaget var hejst over kongeparrets palæ
SoTW - Skuffet (WEF Trolex): Vil ikke frede forsvarschef + Politisk Satire

SoTW - Katerina Pitzner ikke i tvivl
Katerina Pitzner En rå verden i glimt - DIAMANT JÆGEREN
Katerina Pitzner sender sin diamantforretning i dvale
SoTW - verdensalt.dk/search?q=Henriette+Zobel
SoTW - Let us pray for HKH Prince Henrik of Denmark 

🧿🧘💫 (SoTW; Trust C.O.B.R.A. or not at least mass-meditation helps HU) USA Eclipse Cobra Interview ~ Apr 2, 2024 ~ |

Editor's Note: Sorry, I'm a party pooper... An immediate turn-off for me on SoTW is when the
spiritual leader of C.O.B.R.A. R.M. talk about the importance of Benjamin Franklin, who became Master of the french masonic lodge and is primarily served as the editor of the Declaration of Independence. He later spice it up with Count of St. Germain, who the interviewer said has 'Americans jewel in his heart.' (However, M. de St. Germain, was one of the Templars). etc. etc. I just don't like freemasonry, but Franklin and St. German, could of course, still be one of the "good guys". I have read over many years a lot of positive things about The Ascended Master Saint Germain, who was accused as a being of immorality, infidelity, anarchy, by the freemasonic order... |

👨‍👩‍👦‍👦🌍🤝 (Benjamin Fulford Preview) 'In any case, the situation is so tense an emergency meeting has been called this week with representatives of the Habsburg family (European Royalty), the Pentagon, the CIA, the Russian FSB, the people in Antarctica and Asian royals.' ~ Apr 2, 2024 ~ |


By Benjamin Fulford April 1, 2024

With this week’s report appearing on April 1st, we thought about writing an April Fools’ joke article. However, the real situation is already like a sick joke so we didn’t bother. Just think about so-called President Joe Biden officially declaring Easter as “Transgender Day of Visibility.” This appears to be either a twisted April Fools’ joke or a direct middle finger to Christians, from the allegedly Catholic, Joe Biden.


🌍🌡️🤫 (WATCH AND SHARE) Devastating Documentary ‘Climate: The Movie’ Obliterates Climate Scam, Shadowbanned By YouTube ~ Apr 2, 2024 ~ |