Nov 30, 2017

All News Pipeline | Nov 30, 2017 | Is President Trump A 'Conspiracy Theorist' Or Just Another Angry American Who Has Had Enough With Clinton, Obama And Deep State Corruption And Wants Truth? | .. President Trump Goes To War With The Deep State On Twitter .. | Blogger: 'Hillary Clinton: ‘If that f-ing bastard Trump wins, we all hang from nooses’---She came apart — literally unglued. She is the most foul-mouthed woman I’ve ever heard. And that voice at screech level — awful! (Quote from (Crooked Hillary) & Bill Still (.com) - is a former newspaper editor and publisher. He has written for USA Today)... |

By Stefan Stanford - All News Pipeline - Live Free Or Die

While for much of the past decade+, political correctness nearly destroyed America as we slipped ever further into a totalitarian borg-like state, much of the past year has seen it ripped apart and while some ANP trolls have continued to claim that President Donald Trump is just another illuminati globalist, recent events and tweets put out on twitter by our Commander-in-chief show otherwise.

On Tuesday, President Trump put out the tweet seen screenshot below in which he calls out not only 'crooked Hillary' and her emails which endangered our national security but directly called out the 'deep state' while using the words 'rigged' and 'corrupt' to describe them. Then Wednesday, Trump retweeted several anti-Muslim videos which were tweeted by Jayda Fransen, the deputy leader of Britian First, tweets which have triggered liberal media all across the board while proving once again that blunt truth sometimes hurts.

Directing his Tuesday tweet to @TuckerCarlson and @seanhannity, will we soon witness new bombshell stories on Fox News into how 'crooked Hillary's' emails put Americans lives in danger while endangering our national security?

While the msm and liberals are breaking down over President Trump's tweets, we have to admit how refreshing it is to finally have a Commander-in-chief with the courage to speak truth loudly after what we've gotten for many years from globalist puppets in America.

Globalist politicians who not only sold out our nation but who've spent many decades destroying our planet and we'll agree with many ANP readers right here and right now in stating, should top dogs like Hillary, Pelosi, Obama and McCain not eventually be held accountable for their crimes and treason, we'll have absolute proof that there is no 'rule of law' in America. If laws only apply to 'the little people', they are null and void in the eyes of God and truth.

As we see in the top-rated response tweets to President Trump from Mike Cernovich screenshot below, "this is amazing!" Calling it one of the best days in US history in that we finally have a president who is standing up to the traitors within America who've sold out our country for some warped dream of a global, totalitarian state, Cernovich also asks our President to pardon General Mike Flynn should he be convicted of a 'deep state created' crime as Flynn is deeply loved by Trump's 'base' voters.

Will President Trump be able to follow through and take down the traitors to America? While we won't hold our breaths waiting for that to happen, let's take a look at a few other signs of where this may be going.

Hillary Clinton recently stated that President Trump is 'obsessed with her' and “when in trouble in the Congress or the Russian investigation, his go-to targets are President Obama and me, and African Americans” while just days ago, she also claimed that President Trump was 'peddling dangerous conspiracy theories'.

According to this new story from Vox, President Trump is still pushing Barack Obama 'birther conspiracy theories' while according to this new story over at The Independent, Trump has been peddling numerous 'debunked' conspiracy theories behind closed doors.

However, we'd LOVE to ask The Independent and Vox, how can a 'conspiracy theory' be debunked when there HAS NEVER BEEN AN OFFICIAL investigation into such things as Obama's place of birth, the 'Clinton Body Count' or numerous other so-called 'conspiracies'? REMEMBER! The first executive order that Barack Obama signed was to permanently seal his records. What is he hiding?


State Of The Nation \\ The Millennium Report | Nov 28, 2017 | Q Anon Divulges Critical Info Via Q&A | Blogger: Full transcript... |

By Q Anon

Verdensalt | Arkivskabet | 30. Nov 2017 | ~ Ord som associerer til frygt ~ |

Udgivet første gang Juli 2014 af

Når frygten rammer os, indtager vi en position af ”blokering, låsthed, fiksering” op mod 86 pct., resten af de 14 pct. er de basale overlevesesinstinkter. 

I det daglige benytter vi ord som associerer til frygt. Lad os starte med en nærværende situation som alle kan relatere sig til; Det kan tit være en svært opgave at bryde koden for det voksende ”frygt” baseret sprogbrug i medierne, for at få fat i den reelle faktiske oplysning og forstå informationsværdien. Brugen af ”mulig” – er et kendt eksempel: 

– Overskrift: Mulig sammenhæng mellem Lars Løkkes tøjforbrug og venstres nedtur
... Mulig – er noget som højst sandsynlig ikke sker lige nu . 

Et muligt udbrud af fugleinfluenza i Danmark.”  - 
…. Betyder der ikke har været udbrud, men en forventning, igen upræcise "fakta" for at holde læserne / lytterne aktive og skabe en frygt lignende tilstand. 
– Sensationshungrende  nyhedsmedier er mange gange præget af mange ord som ”kunne”, ”måske”, ”potentiale”, ”mistanke om”   – alle ord som bruges for at udtrykke mulighed eller sandsynlighed 

Politikere er ikke meget bedre i deres fremstilling og retoriske kneb, bøllemetoder, hvide løgne, de har dog et afslørende sprogbrug. Et sprogbrug som er indpisket af smarte Folketingskurser, sprogkonsulenter og spindoktorer.  "vi er bange for at...", "vi er bekymret fordi..", vi frygter at..", "vi håber på at..", "det er uacceptabelt at..", "vi er skuffet fordi..", "vi gætter på at...","var nødt til at..." osv.
- Ord som ikke skaber noget konkret, men blot afstumpet, fortæller hvordan vi lyttere, skal forholde os - ord som associere til frygt & panik  (Fear_mongering). 

Forrige Statsminister Anders Fogh Rasmusseforklarede i et interview med Weekendavisen i januar 2003, at den vigtigste kamp om danskernes holdning skal udkæmpes på ord, ikke love. Fra George Orwells fremtidsroman 1984 - Et kynisk overvågnings-samfund, hvor myndighederne manipulerer med folkets tanker ved at ændre ordenes betydning.
Ifølge Christian Kock løber denne kamp som en rød tråd igennem regeringens kommunikation.

»Statsministeren tænker strategisk og meget langt. Han vil ændre folks tænkemåde, og det gør han blandt andet ved at ændre sproget,« siger Christian Kock.

Det daglige sprogvalg, som er skadeligt for os selv

Ser vi på vores egen nutidige virkelighed, ord som associerer til frygt og det daglige sprogbrug, benyttes af mange og er rigtigt svære at undgå. 
Dog giver det mening, at udskifte ord som associerer til frygt  - med positive ord - så som ”glæde” der tiltrækker glæde.  ”Jeg ønske mig" …. Et given positivt eksempel ville være: Jeg ønsker mig flere penge på min bankkonto. Hermed tiltrækker jeg penge, i stedet for at tænke/sige : "Jeg har aldrig nogen penge, eller jeg håber på jeg kan klare mig med så lidt penge".   
Et hvert ord du siger, genkendes af dine sanser, som det er indlært første gang. Enten med en ”rar” følelse, eller en dårlig følelse. Dårlige følelser giver frygten, skuffelsen, vreden bitterheden, afmagten og hadet fornyet næring.

  • Ord er skabt for at udtrykke følelser.
  • Ord udløser gode/positive følelser.
  • Ord udløser dårlige/negative følelser.

6 ord som associerer til frygt!

Louis Mukunda Jeppsson – Naturlæge Krop & Sind, Yoga, Kinesiologi m.m.

1.   Håber på = Afmagt, ingen handling – brug i stedet vendingen - jeg glæder mig til.
At håbe på noget = at man frygter det modsatte. Frygten ligger bag håbet. Det modsatte for håbet, er altså frygt. Frygten dominere sindet og frygt er = stress. Håb er samtidigt afmagt. ”jeg kan ikke gøre noget” – andre må tage ansvaret. Håbet er det sidste, som er tilbage.
Send glæde ud for de ting som du ”ikke” ønsker og de ting som du ønsker, skal komme.  Et given eksempel ville være : Jeg glæder mig til at betale de regninger som kommer min vej. Med et, har du sluppet frygten og den negative virkning det er at betale noget man ikke ønsker sig.  
  • Glæde tiltrækker glæde
  • Frygt tiltrækker frygt
Glæde forhindrer følelser, i at blive oprørt. Oprørte følelser giver stress. 

2.      Bare ikke = Frygt for forlods (foruddannelse, forud)

Bare ikke, betyder også frygt. "Bare det ikke sker", er frygt. "Jeg orker bare ikke at stå op" tidligt om morgenen og gå på arbejde". Allerede har man givet efter for frygt det er at skulle stå op tidligt, eller at gå på arbejde.
  • Frygt aktivere genkendelige frygt-følelser
Sørg i stedet for at have en holdning til tingene:
  • Hvis det sker, forholder jeg mig sådan og sådan…
  • Hvis det ikke sker, forholder jeg mig sådan og sådan…
3.      Prøve på = Ikke at gøre – prøve er en tabers talemåde, en vinder gør.

Når man prøver og så ”gør det” alligevel, kan hjernen ikke forholde sig til det. At ”prøve” betyder ikke at gøre. Hvis du ”gør det”, er du nu i konflikt med dig selv. 
At prøve betyder - ikke at gøre.
Hvis du gør det, er du i konflikt med hvad du siger, og hvad du gør ( dårlig samvittighed)
Hermed kommer du i konflikt med din omverden (du lovede jo at gøre det - folk regner med at du gør det)

Eksempel: Jeg skal prøve at gøre min rapport færdig til tiden. Si til dig selv - du gør rapporten færdig til tiden eller afvis det til din chef.
  • Tabere, de prøver at vinde - Vindere,de gør det

4.   Er nødt til = Tvang. Ej ens frie vijle. Du har altid et valg.

PFC \\ HumansAreFree | Nov 29, 2017 | Nothing to Fear — Shifting From Fear to Love | .. Fear is running rampant on our world and it is blinding many to the inner guiding voice of their soul, and keeping us from creating a better world. We can all transcend our fears by embracing a few higher truths and increasing our awareness of a few important points .. |

A World of Fear

Our world is dominated by fear. Fear of terrorism, fear of getting old, fear of death, fear of cancer, fear of whatever — you name it.

The mainstream media bombards us with bad news. Commercial interests play on our many insecurities and fears to sell product.

Our fears are reflected in the wars we wage. The war on terror, the war on drugs, the war on you name it. Our fears are reflected in the themes and archetypes in our fiction — zombie apocalypse, alien invasion, end-of-the-world, good vs. evil, etc.

Our fears are reflected subtly and not so subtly in all aspects of our lives and the world we create.

On a personal level, many of us allow the painful or challenging experiences of our past to dominate our thinking and responses in the present. We live in fear of re-experiencing past traumas and become guarded, defensive, and reactive rather than staying open and present.

Perhaps our deepest fears are of not having enough, or not being enough. Of not being able to provide physically for ourselves and not being good enough, worthy enough, deserving enough.

Fears that were born from the illusion of limitation our reality encourages. We have become lost in this realm of separation and duality and have come to believe deeply in limitation and separation as absolutes of existence.

We have lost touch with our higher self who knows no limitation and no separation from the one and the all.

Blinded by Fear

Fear isn't necessarily a bad thing. Fear is an aspect of the ego, and a certain amount of it is required to protect and safeguard us as physical beings.

But fear has become exaggerated within us well beyond the instinct for protection; becoming a way of life, a constant experience and an inner guiding voice.

Fear was meant to encourage us to be conscious and aware, to be observant of any dangers around us and yet fear now encourages many to be unconscious and unaware of the inner guiding voice of their soul and higher self — their divine presence.

Manipulated by Fear

There are those on our world who are using fear as a tool to divide us, to disconnect us from our inner truth and divine presence, and to disempower us.

These people have realized that fear is a powerful tool they can use to control others, achieve their self-serving agendas, and give themselves a false sense of power and self-importance.

While they can create circumstances and situations that are calculated to create fearful experiences in many, you can choose to be conscious and aware of your own emotions and reactions and not have fear activated within you.

Fear Disempowers

Fear is a powerful emotion that distracts us from focusing on what's important. It keeps us focusing on exactly what we don't want instead of focusing on what we do want.

Our fears interfere with our ability to create the best possible outcomes for our lives and the world. Our fears keep us caged within a limited set of possibilities.

As we awaken to the truth of our higher-self, and the wider reality, we realize that our thoughts are creative and that what we focus on we attract. The creative power of thought is largely determined by its duration, consistency, and emotive intensity.

Fear is a very strong emotion, and letting it run amok in your head will make you a powerful manifestor of what you DON'T WANT. This is why people who have mastered their minds never dwell on their fears.

And, this is why those that seek to empower themselves through controlling others always try to encourage our fears.

Transcending Our Fears

In5D Alternative News | Nov 30, 2017 |

Welcome to In5D News, your source for Alternative News related to POSITIVE change in our society. Alternative news is the REAL news that is not being reported on the main stream media (MSM). It also reveals the propaganda that IS being reported by the MSM. If you’ve noticed, the main stream media promotes violence, fear, and terror in their attempt to control us through specific agendas. In5D does not advocate fear-mongering propaganda and views ALL news as a potential for awakening the masses in as many ways as possible. Some news, such as Earth changes, show us the balance that is needed in all areas of life, while some political news shows us how this current paradigm of corruption is collapsing from within, which is integral in becoming a Type 1 civilization.

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Schumann Resonance 8.22
Follow In5D on Facebook! | Nov 28, 2017 | North Korean missile reached an altitude of 4,500 kilometers (2,800 miles) and traveled a distance of 960 km (600 miles), South Korean military says - Yonhap (37°33′N 126°58′E) | Blogger: Whaaat! 😵 Something is wrong!. Mispelling?. Copy-cat nightmare?. Propaganda?. Fake News? All the MSM media outlets has stated clearly, that the altitude of the missile were measured to go straight up into the air, i.e. reached a height of 4,500 kilometer (towards the moon? - 384,400 km away), perhaps they meant; 'RANGE', not 'ALTITUDE'? 😏😏 An intercontinental ballistic missile (ICBM) is a guided ballistic missile with a minimum range of 5,500 kilometres (3,400 mi) primarily designed for nuclear weapons delivery... -- North Korea Claims New Missile Makes It A Nuclear Power.. Okay.. New missile test shows North Korea capable of hitting all of US mainland.. Right .. North Korean missile reached an altitude of '4,500 kilometers' (above exobase / thermopause).. WHAT? Low Earth orbit (LEO): altitude from 180 km - 2,000 km (1,200 mi) Medium Earth orbit (MEO): altitude from 2,000 km (1,200 mi) - 35,786 km (22,236 mi). Also known as an intermediate circular orbit. Geosynchronous Orbit (GEO): altitude of 35,786 kilometres (22,236 mi). High Earth orbit (HEO): altitude of geosynchronous orbit 35,786 km (22,236 mi)... The International Space Station - 330-410 km... Mir/Orbit height - 358 km... GPS satellites orbit? approximately 20,200 km... (Outer space:) 100 km (62 mi) There is no definite altitude above the Earth's surface where outer space begins. However, the Kármán line, at an altitude of 100 km (62 mi) above sea level, is conventionally used as the start of outer space in space treaties and for aerospace records keeping... Maybe I've got it wrong 🙏 (thanks to KBSKH from DKR from giving me pointers to this story)... | | 23. November 2017 | Lars Bjørknæs - Cand. jur. og markedsøkonom | De brugte dine penge på tant og fjas – men blev alligevel genvalgt | .. Det er åbenbart ikke diskvalificerende, at man har et særdeles liberalt forhold til borgernes penge. For en række af landets mest frådsende lokalpolitikere, blev nemlig genvalgt ved tirsdagens lokalvalg .. |

Det er åbenbart ikke diskvalificerende, at man har et særdeles liberalt forhold til borgernes penge. For en række af landets mest frådsende lokalpolitikere, blev nemlig genvalgt ved tirsdagens lokalvalg.
– Jeg gik i tænkeboks og bad Venstres gruppe i byrådet om at holde et gruppemøde uden mig, hvor de skulle afgøre, om de havde tillid til mig. Det havde de, men jeg valgte selv at træffe afgørelsen om at trække mig efterfølgende.

Sådan lød det fra Peder Hummelmose til TV Syd, da Venstre-politikeren januar 2016 offentliggjorde, at han trak sig fra bestyrelsen i Vejle Havn. Det som følge af skandalen afdækket af som fastslog, at blandt andet Peder Hummelmose havde haft en særdeles rundhåndet tilgang til at bruge den kommunale havns penge. Med en skandale på det niveau i bagagen skulle man umiddelbart tro, at vælgerne ville vende ryggen til Hummelmose, så han ved tirsdagens kommunalvalg ikke opnåede genvalg til byrådet i Vejle Kommune.

Læs også : Fynsk kommunaldirektør scorer bonus på 570.000 kroner – for at fortsætte i sit eget job

Men det var langt fra tilfældet, for med 562 personlige stemmer, sikrede han sig en ny 4-årig periode i kommunalbestyrelsen. Det i øvrigt sammen med en anden, der deltog i det markante overforbrug af skatteborgernes penge – partifællen Lars Schmidt, som med 819 personlige stemmer blev et af sit partis topscorere.

Lars Schmidt og Peder Hummelmose var ikke alene om at være genvalgte politikere, som igennem den nu snart overståede valgperiode dokumenterede havde et stort forbrug over repræsentations- eller rejsekontoen.

Borgmester under efterforskning for dokumentfalsk fik kanonvalg

The Richie Allen Show | Nov 30, 2017 | Trump & Britain First, Theresa May Whoring For Weapons Companies & Much More. A Must Listen |

Verdensalt | Nov 30, 2017 | (Rumor) The "Queen LIZARD-beth" Says ‘Four More Icons Must Die’ - ‘2016 is a very special year. It will go down in history as annus celebrity horribilus,’ the Queen said with an evil grin, according to a Windsor Castle insider... | Blogger: Good morning! On this day in 1982, Michael Jackson released Thriller, greatest pop album of all time. Thriller is still best-selling album in the world, proving that M.J. wanted to be started something, and that ‘something’ was a musical revolution… | Bosnian Croat war criminal dies after taking poison in UN courtroom (how can it be that easy to smuggled a deadly poison bottle into court?) ... Sudden death of Prince and celebrities who died In bizarre circumstances.. 2016 was a rough year for celebrity deaths: Alan Rickman, David Bowie, Prince, Florence Henderson, Muhammad Ali, Anton Yelchin, George Michael, Arnold Palmer, Sharon Jones, John Glenn, Alan Thicke, Glenn Frey, Carrie Fisher, Debbie Reynolds and more. It made it easy to believe in the myth that "celebrity deaths come in threes." Famous people who died in 2017 include rock singer Tom Petty, '70s teen idol David Cassidy, James Bond star Roger Moore, actress Mary Tyler Moore, rock-and-roll legend Chuck Berry, grunge icon Chris Cornell, comedian Charlie Murphy, filmmaker George A. Romero, The Allman Brothers Band drummer Butch Trucks, Oscar-nominated actor John Hurt, "People's Court" Judge Joseph Wapner, actor Bill Paxton, Playboy founder Hugh Hefner, wrestler Jimmy "Superfly" Snuka and more actors, musicians, athletes and entertainers.. (Perhaps 'some' of them were actually victims of 'Skull and Bones' kill order - a branch of the Illuminati organisation or simply their heavenly contract that ran out?)... TRUTH OR FALSE?: "" CIA targeted assassinations by induced heart attack, cancer or poison. Top secret CIA poison dart gun 'gives targets deadly HEART ATTACKS and leaves no trace'. A WHISTLE- BLOWER has claimed the CIA developed a "heart attack gun" laced with deadly poison to carry out assassinations ""....Sooo, how did Michael Jackson die? Was Dr. Conrad Murray on CIA's payroll? ⏩ Prince - the Queen's 90th B-day cake: What a coincidence, it's purple? Wikipedia: Prince died of a fentanyl overdose at his Paisley Park recording studio and home in Chanhassen, Minnesota ⏩ Did Bowie died from liver cancer and was told it was terminal years before or suddenly exposed by deadly cancer? ⏩ Carrie Fisher, 'Star Wars'' Princess Leia - Carrie Fisher's autopsy reveals cocktail of drugs, including cocaine, opiates and ecstasy? ⏩ The Joker (The Dark Knight), Heath Ledger, died of accidental drug overdose ⏩ why did someone kill Christina Grimmie, 22 year of age, on stage? ⏩Bobbi Kristina Brown, daughter of Whitney Houston, dies at the age of 22, her mom, water-filled bathtub with drug paraphernalia near by ⏩ George Michael's heart failure death sparks questions? ⏩ We can go on (and on)... MORE ON CIA -- In 1975, during the Church Committee hearings, the existence of a secret assassination weapon came to light. The CIA had developed a poison that caused the victim to have an immediate heart attack. This poison could be frozen into the shape of a dart and then fired at high speed from a pistol. The gun was capable of shooting the icy projectile with enough speed that the dart would go right through the clothes of the target and leave just a tiny red mark. Once in the body the poison would melt and be absorbed into the blood and cause a heart attack! The poison was developed to be undetectable by modern autopsy procedures. Can you give a person cancer? If cancer in animals can be caused by injecting them with cancer viruses and bacteria, it would certainly be possible to do the same with human beings!... |

The Queen ‘completely killed the vibe’ at her own birthday party yesterday when she was overheard telling guests that ‘four more icons must die’ in 2016 in order for the Illuminati to shepherd humanity towards the next phase of their sick and twisted masterplan.

More on CIA: CIA Targeted Assassinations by Induced Heart Attack and Cancer

In 1975, during the Church Committee hearings, the existence of a secret assassination weapon came to light. The CIA had developed a poison that caused the victim to have an immediate heart attack. This poison could be frozen into the shape of a dart and then fired at high speed from a pistol. The gun was capable of shooting the icy projectile with enough speed that the dart would go right through the clothes of the target and leave just a tiny red mark. Once in the body the poison would melt and be absorbed into the blood and cause a heart attack! The poison was developed to be undetectable by modern autopsy procedures.
Can you give a person cancer?
In 1931, Cornelius Rhoads, a pathologist from the Rockefeller Institute for Medical Research, purposely infects human test subjects in Puerto Rico with cancer cells; 13 of them died. Though a Puerto Rican doctor later discovers that Rhoads purposely covered up some of the details of his experiment and Rhoads himself gives a written testimony stating he believes that all Puerto Ricans should be killed, he later goes on to establish the U.S. Army Biological Warfare facilities in Fort Detrick Maryland (origin of the HIV/AIDS virus, the Avian Flu virus and the Swine Flu / A-H1N1 virus), Utah and Panama, and is named to the U.S. Atomic Energy Commission, where he begins a series of radiation exposure experiments on American soldiers and civilian hospital patients.
The answer to the question – Can you give a person cancer – is yes.  After nearly 80 years of research and development there is now a way to simulate a real heart attack and to give a healthy person cancer. Both have been used as a means of assassination. Only a very skilled pathologist, who knew exactly what to look for at an autopsy, could distinguish an assassination induced heart attack or cancer from the real thing....(..)



SEPTEMBER 27, 2014

House Select Committee on Assassinations and the CIA Joan Mellen discusses the Central Intelligence Agency’s (CIA) relations with the House Select Committee on Assassinations, which met from 1976-79 to investigate the murders of President John F. Kennedy and Martin Luther King, Jr. Professor Mellen argued that the CIA had covert influence over the committee and the writing of their final report.

She spoke at a conference on the 50th anniversary of the release of the Warren Report hosted by the Assassination Archives and Research Cente...[READ MORE]

Joan Mellen
ProfessorTemple University
Dr. Joan Mellen - INFILTRATIONS - Corruption of Gov. Investigations HD

Nov 29, 2017

Berlingske | 29. Nov 2017 | Bangladesh vil flytte 100.000 flygtninge til ubeboelig ø | .. Amnesty International kalder planerne om at flytte tusindvis af rohingyaer til en øde ø en "forfærdelig fejl" .. | Blogger: Selvfølgeligt helt usmageligt og forfærdeligt, det der sker med rohingyaer.. Paven på diplomatisk linedans i Myanmar, en mission som mislykkes. Støjberg stopper kvoteflygtninge, så her er der heller ingen hjælp at hente. Diskrimination af rohingyaerne i Myanmar er ikke ny; de er i årevis blevet nægtet adgang til statsborgerskab og bor i, hvad der bedst kan sammenlignes med flygtningelejre...Eneste vi kan og må, er at bede for og sende god energi til dem...🙏🙏🙏 |

Regeringen i Bangladesh vil bruge 280 millioner dollar på at forvandle en hidtil ubeboelig ø til et hjem for 100.000 rohingya-flygtninge. Reuters/Susana Vera/arkiv

HAL Turner Radioshow | Nov 28, 2017 CET | UPDATED 9:41 AM Tuesday: 4,289 SEALED Federal Indictments/Cases in All 94 federal districts: HISTORIC! | .. SKUTTLEBUTT: Many of these are Indictments for Child Porn and Child Sex Crimes allegedly perpetrated by elected government officials at the federal, state, county and even local levels!!!!! .. | Blogger: Vil gerne lige understrege, igen 💢💢💢 DET ER HELT VILDT! 💢💢💢 Aldrig sket før i den amerikanske historie, at så mange 'sealed Indictments' er blevet overdraget til de føderale myndigheder på samme tid. Nogle snakker om, at antallet vil overstige 5000 (1000 er maximalt per år)... Bevis vedlagt.. Nej, nej, nej siger du sikkert, det hele er en konspiration og forfalskninger.. Jeg vil æde min gamle hat på, at Trump administrationen sammen med dele af de 'gode' venner fra Pentagon og US Marine, vil overtage landet inden længe, fordi TheDeepState og Khazarian Mafia (lad os kalde dem det - mange fraktioner), vil ikke finde sig i, at de står på disse lister, naturligvis. Derfor ser vi også en eskalation af Falske-Flag Gladio-style terrorisme, og via det ulovlige og forfatningsmæssige Federal Reserve System, IRS, FBI, FEMA, Homeland Security og TSA m.fl... HVAD er en 'forseglet anklage'. Det er en anklageskrift, som bliver udstedt af de føderale myndigheder i USA, afskåret væk fra offentligheden, i en given periode, indtil den er frigivet. Dvs. formelle anklage om, at en person der har begået en forbrydelse. Det er ekstremt vigtigt at tilføje, at det foregår via 'grand jury', der består af en gruppe af tilfældigt udvalgte borgere, hvis pligt det er at afgøre, om der er tilstrækkelige beviser til at rejse tiltale mod en person eller virksomhed på anklager. Med andre ord, de anklagede kan ikke bare betale sig fra deres synder. Er sikker på at sagerne, kommer til at foregår bag dobbelt lukkede døre, ellers ser vi henrettelser af dommere og borgere, en undtagelsestilstand, hvis hele verden får at vide offentligt, at crooked Hillary og Papa Bush, har voldtaget verden i årtier... JA, det er bare min teori, ikke sikkert jeg overhoved har ret i noget som helst...🙏 |

READ MORE: | 28. Nov 2017 | Självstyrande fartygsflock Saabs nya vapen | Blogger: (På Dansk:) En selvstyrende fartøjsparade er Svenske Saabs nye våben. En ny stor corvette, der kan skyde missiler og et mindre skib, der bliver førende for en hel flok selvstyrende skibe. Det er en del af Saabs nye skibsfamilie, selskabet håber at sælge både til det svenske forsvar og til eksportmarkedet. Både i luften og på jorden bliver der mere og mere opmærksom på ubemandede fly og selvkørende biler. Forsvarsindustriens Saab forventer nu, at den samme type teknologi skal kunne bæres igennem den svenske flåde... Desværre kan Danmark, kun bryste sig med en selvkørende bus, som kører meeeeget langsomt... |

Det blir flera olika storlekar på de nya fartygen men mycket av tekniken går igen överallt. På det viset räknar man med att kunna spara pengar. Bilden är skapad i dator. Foto: Saab

TV 2 NYS | 29. Nov 2017 | Dansk støttebidrag skal befri Indonesien for affaldslaguner | Blogger: Danmark glemmer totalt menneskerettighederne i en evig jagt på stormagtsfordele, petrodollars og berømmelse - men hvor er Kongehuset henne?? Prinsgemalen i demens-hi, Dronningen i Ghana og dansk slavehandel: - Det er ikke et kønt kapitel, og Frederik og Joachims forhold har lidt et alvorligt knæk og slikker sine sår... (Pigen og vandpytten (1958) - Tømmerflåden:) "Der sidder fire mand på en tømmerflåde", og så naturligvis Captain Haddock, der uddeler Metallica-bokse til præsident Voodoodukke, men falder i vandet og bliver ædt af en haj. Holdet består af slipsedrenge fra den danske erhvervselite, en støjende-vindenergiproducent, en pumpekaj & clean-tech gigant, en warlord med sit krigslegetøj, og som perlen på Fadervorbåndet, cancer-insulinsprøjten fra Novo kronprinsens »Hard-Kåre«. Dog, flyder Captain Haddock op igen til overfladen som en korkprop, fuld af varmluft og falske intentioner (undskyld, har svært ved at tolere folk som er decideret lystløgnere, vor elskede Statsminister).. Med et tilstrækkeligt højt Lix-tal til, at flertallet dropper at læse teksterne indgående og lave sin egen research, pakket ind i fine glosser og 'korrekt' sprogbrug, figurere Venstre og CO. 'maskeret' og redder verden igen. Venstre mangler en succes-væg, 'det har ALDRIG gået Danmark bedre, end nu' (siger de), det må heller ikke hedde sig, at VLAK-regeringen har på sine første 100 dage, kun haft nederlag.. Milliard kontrakter på varer, tjenester eller ydelser der overstiger 2,3 mila. kr. til indonesien. Den danske erhvervsdelegation består blandt andre af; Vestas, Grundfos, Terma og Novo Nordisk, og sikkert også finansfyrster og et hav af embedsfolk fra centraladministrationen. Det mange ikke gider at læse er, at ud over at være en økonomi i vækst (forventes at være største økonomi i 2030), bliver Indonesien også på flere punkter kritiseret af det internationale samfund - blandt andet for at henrette narkodømte og straffe seksuelle forbrydelser med medicinsk kastration. I den konservative provins Aceh fik to mænd tidligere i år 83 stokkeslag på en offentlig plads, fordi de havde haft sex med hinanden. I den fælles erklæring fra Løkke og Widodo hedder det dog, at de "bekræfter deres engagement i at fremme og beskytte menneskerettighederne".. Så mens Danmark handler med lande udenfor EU og USA, Indonesien, Golfstater samt Kina (parti-diktatur, Tibet-sagen som ingen snakker om mere), sker der tusinder af henrettelser. Massiv censur. Undertrykkelse af syge og minoriteter.. Glem heller ikke, DANMARK, er en del af #Paradise-Panama Papers-skandalen, der bejler til verdens diktatur og anti-menneskeretlige stater. Lande som indirekte støtter Islamisk Stat. Danmark seksdobler indkøb i diktaturstater. F.eks. har A.P. Møller Mærsk en olieforretning i Qatar, Michael Laudrup har været træner for Lekhwiya, Kongehusets hyppige besøg både i Qatar og Saudi-Arabien. Med sig har Kongehuset ALTID en skare af CEO's fra Danmarks største virksomheder, der fortolker penge-kodeksen med kynisme, egoisme og grådighed. Et dansk-britisk firma har eksporteret masseovervågningsteknologi til diktaturstaterne Saudi-Arabien, Oman og Qatar.. Med andre ord, kan vi igen konkludere, at Danmark skal stå stueren, agere både 'Spøgefuglen og Afholdsmanden', selvom beskidte petrodollars, medicinalcoke, smøger og tequila flaskerne, flyder på Baby-Lars' Hotelværelse... Søg selv viden herom, grav og du skal finde... |

Indonesien står for for cirka én ud af otte millioner tons plastik, der årligt ender i verdenshavene. Foto: SONNY TUMBELAKA / Scanpix Denmark

Vi lader billedet fortælle sin egen historie, i disse #MeToo tider....

Nov 28, 2017

TheHealthRanger | Nov 27, 2017 | Mass Arrest/False Flag Possible -- Military Contractors Told to Prepare for DOMESTIC Deployment (Video) |

Military contracting companies are being told to prepare for DOMESTIC deployment in the near future, meaning a large-scale operation is being planned in the continental United States. "Mass civil unrest" is being planned.

PFC \\ veritasgalacticsweden | Nov 28, 2017 | A New Reality Is Manifesting on Gaia – Can You Feel It? | Blogger. The Swedish blog,, talks about the Swedish TV morning news show called; SVT: 'Gomorron Sverige' and the well known swedish war correspondent, Magda Gad, reporting from Syria (maybe?). (8.17 Expressens utrikeskorrespondent Magda Gad och Svt:s Claes JB Löfgren om läget i krigets Irak)... |

This morning on the Swedish TV morning news show they interviewed a journalist from a mainstream Swedish newspaper who has been reporting from Syria and the war there. She basically said that this war has nothing to do with the Syrian people but is a war between the nations with the most power in the East and West. She mentioned on the one side the alignment of Iran, Iraq, and Russia and on the other hand USA, Saudi Arabia and Israel.

I must admit that in 2010-2011 my opinion of President Assad was such that I said to Source “if I knew how to, I would willingly go there and put a bullet in his head”. Then Cobra came along and eventually a much clearer and broader view of reality evolved.

This Swedish journalist has won many prizes. She has lived with the people in Raqqa, along with them she has experienced starvation, lice all over her body, sleepless nights not knowing what’s ahead at any moment. When you listen to her you know she knows what she’s talking about. In case anyone still has any doubts about this the war in Syria is most definitely a major part of NWO WW3 being played out. Without the Light Forces ~ the Alliance on the surface ~ the RM below surface and not in least the Galactic Confederation this third world war would have been multiple times worse. Why I’m telling you this is that I have never heard someone speaking in such plain language about the truth of reality and clearly being invited and allowed to do so on mainstream media. To me this is a wonderful sign that things are changing fast now. There are signs to be seen daily in our state owned TV that a more truthful reality is emerging.

BT | 28. Nov 2017 | Udsendte beskeden om natten: Nu tordner folk mod Kræftens Bekæmpelse - 'fy for satan' | Blogger: Endelig noget jeg kan forholde mig til fra Berlingske Media... 'I 2016 kom det frem, at Kræftens Bekæmpelse, fik penge fra industrien før stor HPV-kampagne. Kræftens Bekæmpelse modtog 675.000 kroner fra producenten af HPV-vaccinen Gardasil forud for lanceringen af HPV-kampagnen 'Vidunderlivet'. Det møder nu kritik' (blot et eksempel ud af mange) ' MAGT: Kræftens Bekæmpelse er civilsamfundets stærkeste lobbyorganisation, viser ny magtanalyse fra Altinget. De vinder på en velsmurt mediemaskine og en faglig indsigt i topklasse, mener tidligere særlig rådgiver' ... Har masser af artikler omkring Sundhedsstyrelsen, SSI og Kræftens Bekæmpelse og deres forræderi mod danskeren. Du aner simpelthen ikke hvor meget de ligger i ske med det medicinsk-industrielle kompleks. En grund til de ringe fremskridt i kampen mod kræft er, at kræftbehandlingen er big business med stærke alliancer mellem kræftinstitutionerne og medicinal- og kemisk industri... |

All News Pipeline | Nov 28, 2017 | Massive Cover-Up Ongoing At The Highest Levels - Fukushima Nuclear Hell Hole And 'Mass Deaths Events' - Are We Now Only Witnessing The 'Tip Of The Iceberg'? (VIDEO) | .. According to this new story over at ENENews which uses the Associated Press and Newsweek among their sources, the nation of Japan is preparing to flood the Pacific Ocean with a million tons of nuclear waste water contaminated by Fukushima, gradually to be released into the homes of billions of sea creatures, some of which may later be eaten by human beings .. |

According to this new story over at ENENews which uses the Associated Press and Newsweek among their sources, the nation of Japan is preparing to flood the Pacific Ocean with a million tons of nuclear waste water contaminated by Fukushima, gradually to be released into the homes of billions of sea creatures, some of which may later be eaten by human beings.

At loss for more than 6 years now about what to do with the tanks of toxic matter left over from the 2011 disaster, local fishermen are furious, warning the release could kill the fishing industry there, an industry already hurting for 6+ years due to the disaster itself.

And while the Japanese government continues to hide pertinent information about radiactive contamination due to Fukushima from the public in Japan, anybody who has been paying close attention to the information that has been censored coming from there knows that the situation is much worse than we're being officially told. And these latest planned releases of radioactive waste into the ocean will only hasten the 'mass animal death events' that we've been reporting upon on ANP for 3 years running now.

While the mainstream media and 'establishment' are more than happy to push 'global warming' in our faces at every opportunity that they get, the fact that they are utterly silent about what's been happening to the Pacific Ocean and the West coast to our oceans and the food chain there speaks to us much more loudly than their eternal, damning silence.

As we reported on ANP back on November 10th, nearly every day we're getting signs of a catastrophic collapse of the Pacific Ocean food chain coming to us from both the independent media and small, local news outlets and while at the moment, fish, birds, mammals and other ocean creatures are the ones paying the ultimate price, it may be only a matter of time before Fukushima's poisons make the next leap up the food chain and begin killing more people than it already has.

For those who have forgotten, soon after the 2011 disaster, the US Navy sent numerous aid ships to Japan and as this March of 2016 story from Stars and Stripes reported, 16 US ships which participated in the relief efforts are STILL contaminated with low levels of radiation, nearly 7 years later! And while a US Appeals Court recently ruled that 318 US sailors sickened by the radiation can sue the government of Japan and TEPCO for injuries caused, such a ruling does little good for the families of those sailors who have already died due to their exposure to Fukushima's poisons.

And with the story of the USS Ronald Reagan and more than 500 sailors sickened underscoring the dangers that Fukushima's poisons pose to humans, we have to ask, how many other people have acquired deadly mysterious illnesses since then with no adequate explanation coming to them from doctors or medical health practitioners? | Nov 28, 2017 | Proof of alien life? Russian cosmonauts find bacteria on the hull of the ISS that's NOT from Earth | .. Russian cosmonauts aboard the International Space Station (ISS) may have discovered the first case of alien life after allegedly finding bacteria on the hull of the space station. This bacteria was not there at the launch of the ISS and therefore could have come from outer space. "Bacteria that had not been there during the launch of the ISS module were found on the swabs," confirmed Russian cosmonaut Anton Shkaplerov, who was part of a team of scientists aboard the orbiting station .. |


🔴 Destroying The Illusion is live now | Nov 27, 2017 CET | by Jordan Sather | ~Storming in Space? Evidence of Possible Covert Space War ~ | Blogger: New to or Destroying The Illusion? Secret Space Program, (SSP) and the Sphere Being Alliance is a very tough nut to crack and to explain in one sentence.. has many hundreds of stories about SSP. Lets boil it down to this. A galactic war in space is going on as we speak. Forces of Light vs. Forces of Darkness (Ashtar Command is a section of Galactic Confederation vs. you might call them 'First Order', consists of many different groups)... Some claim it all started with Hitler met-up with a “superman” or ‘secret world leader’(Reptilian extraterrestrial master). The Dark Fleet has advanced space vehicles very similar to the imperial star cruisers in the Star Wars series on the dark side of the moon. Build by Interplanetary Corporate Conglomerate, much more advanced than Solar Warden program, which had been established by the U.S. Navy in the 1980’s.. Pardon, taken out of context ? Okay, just trying to paint a picture here, sorry.. COBRA, Michael Salla, Corey Goode, David Wilcock and maaany other spiritual warriors has much more on the subject.. Let me try for starters.... There' a group that is out there in our solar system, right now, which is colonizing space. And this group is run by people on Earth. This group has already done what seems impossible, like in movies such as Star Trek and Star Wars. Portal travel, faster than light travel, is all possible and a well-established reality, that has been kept hidden. What we’re talking about here is a secret space program (SSP) that has been kept hidden from the public. But a program that was paid for by the public. When you look at the Apollo moon missions, the Vietnam war, etc, it was all money laundering to fund these programs. Lower level secret space program is funded from money laundering operations on Earth, but the higher level programs are self-funded via their own trading platforms with other groups and ET races. [These higher level groups would be called breakaway civilizations because they are no longer dependent on society to achieve their goals.] During the crash at Roswell New Mexico in 1947 the government grabbed technology and reverse engineered it, but kept it secret so it can be exploited by this hidden group. But one person broke through the ranks and is spilling the beans, as an insider and whistleblower, that’s Corey Goode... |

Jordan Sather (born 1990) in Bremerton, WA, is committed to empowering individuals through sharing knowledge of self and the cosmos. He is passionate about health, and coaches clients who want to become stronger individuals. He also writes for alternative blogs and news sites about new discoveries in regards to science, history, and geopolitics.

Running QAnon 4chan Thread - ThirdPhaseofMoon - Glows & Flashes over Utah & New York - Space Junk Falls Over Canada - Mystery Aircraft over Oregon -

24syv Nyheder | 28. Nov 2018 | Region Syddanmark ansatte psykiater, der er dømt for mishandling og beskyldt for at krænke otte kvinder | Blogger: (In English:) The Movement of #MeToo -- Haderslev Municipality in the State of Denmark, refuse to sack or even discuss, why a well known and convicted sexually abusing swedish psychiatrist, is on the list of employees in their administration... From".. A Swedish psychiatrist, sentenced for abuse by his wife and two children, accused of violating several female patients in Sweden, is currently working on psychiatry in the Region of Southern Denmark. After complaints from eight female patients, the head of psychiatry in Sweden wrote that the psychiatrist in question "does not understand that he is psychologically injuring certain patients." Nevertheless, the man is now employed in Denmark, Haderslev Municipality. General Secretary of the National Association for Better Psychiatry, Thorstein Theilgaard, calls the information "unreasonable and deeply worrying".."... |


Newsweek | Nov 28, 2017 CET | BILL CLINTON'S WHITE HOUSE STAFF WAS 'AFRAID TO BEND OVER' WHEN HE WAS PRESIDENT, LINDA TRIPP SAYS | .. Tripp was speaking out about the Clinton presidency as current political scandals reminded the public of the many allegations of Clinton's predatory behavior, including rape and sexual assault .. |

A former White House staffer for President Bill Clinton said housekeepers were constantly afraid of the president's lewd impulses, to the point where they had to take measures to protect themselves.

"The housekeeping staff was afraid to bend over in his presence," said Linda Tripp, the White House employee who eventually exposed the relationship between Clinton and colleague Monica Lewinsky.

Tripp was speaking out about the Clinton presidency as current political scandals reminded the public of the many allegations of Clinton's predatory behavior, including rape and sexual assault.....[READ MORE]

Folkets Avis | 28. Nov 2017 | Den kreative klasses evige bistandsklienter: Først fik Zetland "etableringsydelse" og nu skal bladet så have "produktionsstøtte" | .. Den herskende og kreative klasse tager i den grad røven på almindelige arbejdende danskere. Det samme gælder i øvrigt for Føljeton. Først "etableringsydelse" og nu altså "produktionsstøtte". Er pointen med en "etableringsydelse" ikke at få nogen på benene, så de kan stå selv? Der er da noget nærmest nysprogsagtigt over det her med, at man først får støtte til etablering, og når det så er på plads, kører man over i en anden støtteordning, hvor man skal have støtte til selve driften. Det er skamløst. At man kan tilhøre en priviligeret snakkeklasse og polstre sine i forvejen høje journalistlønninger med tilskud som hentes fra almindelige borgere over skatten. Almindelige borgere som ofte tjener under det halve af en journalist. Mediestøtten er en vederstyggelighed. Ganske enkelt. Beklager, men jeg kan ikke se det på anden måde. Det er dybt perverst at det overhovedet kan lade sig gøre og at de værgeløse skatteborgere intet kan gøre for at forhindre det .. |

Slots- og Kulturstyrelsen

RT - Russia Today | Nov 28, 2017 | London's 'Gherkin' tower on lockdown, reports of suspicious vehicle | Blogger. 'Panic-terror-scare' - terrorism is the new normal for US, Western Europe... Oxford Street shopping district / Copenhagen suburb on lockdown after explosive finds / Fire in Times Square forces mass evacuation / "Soon on your holidays": ISIS makes chilling threat to 'attack on Christmas markets in UK, Germany and France'... Energy flows where attention goes. ... Whatever is the focus of attention becomes more prominent. It's one of those “hidden in plain sight” concepts; almost too obvious for people to fully grasp and consistently apply. Your attention, your focus, is an aiming of energy, kindly regards, TheDeepState propaganda maschine... |


Secret Wars YouTube Channel | Nov 28th 2017 CET | Benjamin Fulford FULL REPORT | ~ Huge actionable intelligence haul from Marine raid on CIA HQ ~ | Blogger: has already transcripted the partial/full report that ends with ITEM 23. Rest of the Full Report starts at 12.40 minute marker.. PS: please respect the author and subscribe... |

Hvem er så denne Benjamin Fulford? Benjamin Fulford (Født 1961) er journalist, forfatter af canadisk afstamning, der bor i Japan. Han taler 4 sprog, herunder japansk. Han arbejdede i Japan som en korrespondent for Knight Ridder, Den Internationale Financing Review, Nihon Keizai Shimbun engelsk udgave, og South China Morning Post, før hans dage på Forbes Magazine, hvor han var den asiatiske kontorchef fra 1998 til 2005. Hans efterforskningsmæssige rapporter forfulgte skandaler i den japanske regering og erhvervslivet. Efter at have forladt Forbes skrev han en række bøger i japansk hvoraf nogle blev bedste sælgere, og begyndte at offentliggøre på internettet. Han overgik til japansk statsborgerskab i 2007. Han fik en vis popularitet på internettet, efter at han gennemførte et interview med den sky David Rockefeller i november 2007.

Til tider, kommentere David Wilcock på Fulford's blog. Virkelig spændende nyhedsstof, en vinkel, som bliver mere valid eftersom de begge har informanter og indgange til den virkelige agenda, uden censur, der aldrig når ud i de officielle medier.