Mar 16, 2019

🔴Newsbreak | ~ Ministre glæder sig til stor royal tur ~ | .. Her Majesty Queen Margrethe II of Denmark & HRH Crown Prince Frederik with companions on a large-scale trip to Argentina for exploration .. | Blogger: [🛢️Den royale plan - fint skal det være. 12.000 km fra København. Under den største krise i den Argentinske verdensdel af fattige mennesker i et rigt land, gør Kongehuset, ministre og erhvervsbosser deres hoser grønne med overtagelse af de Argentinske Oliekager, Vinhøst samt Finansiel udnyttelse. Denne tur vil koste millioner af millioner af skattekroner, men eksporten vil stige, endnu mere?💰] ... {Madonna - Don't Cry For Me Argentina. DK-Argentina: Bilateral Trade (X+M) US$404.802.355} ...Når man gennemgå programmet over hvad H.M. Dronningen og H.K.H. Kronprinsen skal varetage under statsbesøget i Republikken Argentina sammen med en perlerække af dansk erhvervsdelegation, kommer det til at koste, KASSEN - FRU MADSEN... Ser man alene, på listen over de 30 førende virksomheder repræsenteret, finder man ud af, Topsøe, Jakob Haldor (DNK), Chairman, Haldor Topsøe Holding A/S, figurer som en notorisk kendt i inderkredsen for at være en BILDERBERGER, i årtier. Derudover har Sauron Pind og mange andre politikere, også været blevet inviteret til elitens hemmelighedsfulde topmøde... Hvorfor besøgte Obama Argentina i 2016 og Danmark, 2018? Hvorfor Bariloche, af alle steder? Faktisk er Bariloche, den nazistiske sydamerikanske hovedkvarter og der findes, militære underjordiske baser, en enorm hemmelig ubådsstation i skjult her... Vidste du, at deklassificerede hemmelige FBI-filer viser, at Hitler undslap til Argentina i 1945?... Vidste du, at der ikke er nogen flugt fra Illuminati i Argentina? Argentina blev til tider kaldt den femte britiske dominans fordi, de britiske Rothschilds og andre britiske investorer ejede så meget af Argentina... Vidste du, at den ultra eksklusive investeringsbankster, N.M. Rothschild & Sons i London, er den eneste danske statslige rådgiver samt investeringsbankmand til Centraladministrat- ionen?... Har leveret konsulenttjenester til ALLE Bankpakker, DONG / Ørsted, NETS, TV2 DANMARK, Post Danmark A / S, TDC, Det danske realkreditsystem, Danmarks Nationalbank og meget mere (det er ikke noget jeg siger, check Berlingske avisartikler, siden 2000)... Al info kan dokumenteres på bloggen... Det jeg bare siger er, hvorfor er de kongelige ALTID, med på disse 'luksus' udflugter, som ingen af os dødelige kan betale, er fordi, danske eksportvirksomheder scorer kæmpe gevinst, når de royale, er bisiddere... Det er logik for burhøns (og perlehøns) og det har I-N-T-E-T med fødevarer, miljø og bæredygtige landbrugs løsninger samt sundhed, at gøre... En ny rapport er lige kommet frem, at hvert år, importerer Danmark soja for milliarder af kroner fra bl.a. Argentina, hvor sojaproduktionen forårsager afskovning og intern fordrivelse af lokale... Novo Nordisk, fødevare- industrien og medicinalindustrien, får kunstigt enzym og andet skidt fra Argentina... Newsbreak skriver, at alle har deres eget program. Både Udenrigs- ministeren, Ellemann (skal besøge YPF, en af Argentinas vigtigste energiselskaber og Kronprinsens besøg er starten på et samarbejde mellem YPF og danske energivirksomheder). Hendes Majestæt Dronningen (Argentinas Højesteret, den Argentinas Kongres & Erhvervssfolk, erhvervskonference, virksomhedsbesøg)... Og alt imens, dette sker, raser USA mod Kina, fordi der er en tilsvarende kinesiske delegation, som har sat sig i hoved, at genoplive forsinkede Argentina's atom- kraftværk. Hvor er alle de fine bæredygtige energiformer, henne her?... OG ALLE STÅR I KØ - IMF forbereder på at hjælpe Argentina med at stabilisere valuta- markedets volatilitet i valgåret og centralbanken, ønsker med licensering, at lokke markeds beslutningstagere til, at hjælpe med at stabilisere sin Peso-valuta, når Staten starter nyligt annoncerede dollar-salg i April... OG HER KOMMER DANMARK IND OG HJÆLPER. Eller stjæler de sidste rester, sammen med de kødædende gribbe fra Rothschild og Bilderberg og co. "Alt" i Argentina er 20% til 30% overvurderet, og landet er på vej ind i en finanskrise, som ALDRIG er set i landet før.. PS: Nu hvor SF vil have flypassagerer til at betale mellem 60 og 400 kroner for klimabelastning, start med centraladministrationen først og de tusindvis af luksusrejser, de kongelige og erhvervsbosser med ministre, foretager sig på første klasse... Bare en lille tanke, hvorfor skal Kronprinsen med mor, besøge Argentinas Højesteret og Argentinas Kongres!?... Hans Excellence Argentinas Præsident Mauricio Macri's nettoværdi er $950.000, mens han folk lider og slås, for at overleve... |

Program for statsbesøg i Republikken Argentina
Perspectives on doing business Denmark-Argentina
Ny rapport: Skov bliver ryddet for at skaffe foder til danske svin
Chinese delegation set to revive stalled Argentina nuclear power plant talks

Wolf Spirit & Alex Collier | ~ Andromedan Contactee - Welcome to Alex's 77th *LIVE* webinar! ~ | Mar 15, 2019 | Blogger: [💛Highlights: Russian Academy of Sciences - next week alert - earthquake 9.0 richter in west Coast of U.S. Back to the Gold Standard: Quantum Computer Global Financial System is online as of March 29, 2019. IMF, World Bank has been taken over by AIIB, but Cabal BIS is fighting tooth and nail. Agenda 21 (2030): The depopulation of at least half of the world in 2030. BREXIT is NOT a issue - Continuity plan in place🌫️] ... Alex is hosting his SEVENTY-SEVENTH 90-minute LIVE webinar including Questions and Answers... Alex Collier discusses many topics in this webinar, a continuation from last webinar and it includes: Current stat. James tells us, he got intel from 3 different places, that the west coast could experience major earthquake to occur within a week. Quantum Computer Global Financial System. Buying up silver gold bull. Creating trust. Brexit. Overcoming Fear - to enter the Ascension Cycle. SSP has shared seeds from Earth to other planets. Humanity has to step up, raise to the occasion, take control, the aliens most not be in power and they are no God.. etc. etc.. [LISTEN TO MORE]... |

bibliotecapleyades: Alex Collier claims to be a 'contactee' with a race of Nordic looking humans from the constellation of Andromeda. He has had a number of contact experiences since his childhood and this developed over the years as he was given more and more information by his Andromedan contacts. I have analyzed Alex Collier's information, had phone interviews with him, and also interverviewed him over a four day period in September 2005. I have witnessed some physical evidence he has provided to support his testimony. I have also spoken with a direct witness verifying various aspects of Alex's contact experiences. Alex has also revealed that he was the recipient of threats from shadow government agencies and abruptly chose to stop disseminating his information in 2000. Furthermore, Alex has give face to face interviews with veteran UFO researcher Paola Harris who has had the opportunity to examine the evidence supporting his testimony and concludes he is credible. My conclusion from my investigation so far of Alex is that he is very credible and very likely a genuine contactee with a 'friendly' extraterrestrial race. I therefore recommend taking the information he has to reveal very seriously. All those interested in galactic diplomacy and understanding a variety of extraterrestrial races interacting with humanity, will find Alex's work to be very helpful.

Jay PeeAlex CollierJames Harkin
Alex Collier Andromedan Contactee Webinar - Mar 15, 2019!
2pm Eastern. 1pm Central. 12pm Mountain. 11am Pacific.

Alex is hosting his SEVENTY-SEVENTH 90-minute LIVE webinar including Questions and Answers.

This webinar will include subjects: Current stat and other important topics you need to hear.
Exclusively live and hosted by in conjunction with a subsidiary of

Steve Nobel | ~ Higher Light Decree: Soul Family, Soul Tribe Activation ~ | Blogger: SOUL FAMILIES WORKSHOP in Hungary March 16th-17th, 2019 by Cobra ... From the latest post by Cobra: "The Resistance has also said that most people who volu- nteered for Entry Protocols are far from being ready, and certain “social dynamics” articles and workshops will be released to the surface population to increase prep- aredness. These will also be released to prepare people to create and expand Bub- bles of Heaven and Islands of Light. The first one will be Soul Families workshop. Hungary is one of the most important Goddess Vortexes on the planet, since the creation of Lengyel and Tisza neolithic Goddess cultures ~ Cobra" ... |

"I call upon my I Am Presence, my Higher Self in the 6th Dimension and my team in spirit of the highest light and resonance to witness, support and activate this decree.
Dear team in Spirit of the highest light and resonance. I declare my journey in this physical world is an intentional journey. I have already mastered life and the ascension process on many other planes of existence, I am here to serve, to activate my gifts, express my authentic truth and to celebrate life. Dear team in Spirit of the highest light and resonance. I declare my intention to connect with my Soul Family and my Soul Tribe. For I am here on the earth at this time to awaken and honour my commitment to serve with the awakening of all beings on the planet.........."


IQS Directory | ~ Time Crystals: A New Form Of Matter That Could Change Everything ~ | .. Scientists believe that understanding time crystals and refining our understanding of them will allow breakthroughs in the power and accuracy of atomic clocks, gyroscopes, and magnetometers, as well as further developing how we build potential quantum technologies... DARPA announced a funding program to investigate more potential applications of time crystals, as quantum computing is one of the most promising technological horizons in the computer age.. Yes, time crystals sound like something straight out of a science fiction model. But the more we come to understand how they work, the more we’re beginning to understand just how much potential they have .. |


MrMBB333 | ~ Couldn't BELIEVE what they saw in the sky as they drove down the highway! ~ | Blogger: 🌬️ Wooohoooo ... Jacqueline & Michel got their 2 minutes of fame with MrMBB333... verdensalt knows Jacqueline in person... |

Forbes | ~ Earth's Magnetic North Pole Has Officially Moved ~ | Blogger: Hallelujah ... soooo - it's now official - no matter what the facts are, they're going to try to put a spin on it one way or another - that's what NASA, NOAA do!... |


No More Secrets: Scientist Says the Earth’s Magnetic Field will Enable Telepathy on a Global Scale

Steve Pieczenik | ~ OPUS 131 Boeing Epic Failure ~ | Blogger: Great video explains the failure of Boeing 737 MAX planes... PS: One the youtube commentaries goes like this "it's a deep state electronic controlled reset. 7 out of 10 plane crashes are caused - Qanon".. (verdensal) And it could be of course... The Pilot's Last Word in the Accidental Boeing: Break, Break... AND acc. to Simon Parkes, he's saying: ".. In relation to the Ethiopian airline crash the one thing giving worry is the eye witness statements saying the plane was already on fire before it hit the ground. Apart from an engine fire it’s hard to explain this away other than a bomb .." ... |


Dr. Steve R. Pieczenik, MD, PhD is a critically acclaimed author of psycho-political thrillers and the co-creator of the New York Times best-selling “Tom Clancy’s Op-Center” and “Tom Clancy’s Net Force” book series. He is also one of the world’s most experienced international crisis managers and hostage negotiators. His novels are based on his twenty years experience in resolving international crises for five U.S. administrations.

Dr. Pieczenik received his B.A. from Cornell University,trained in Psychiatry at Harvard and has both an M.D. from Cornell University Medical College and a Ph.D. in International Relations from M.I.T.

He was the first psychiatrist ever to receive a PhD. focusing on international relations, and is the only psychiatrist to ever have served as a Deputy Assistant Secretary of State. He served four presidents as Deputy Assistant Secretary of State under Nixon, Ford, Carter, and Bush Sr. and was a Senior Policy Planner under president Reagan. Dr. Pieczenik worked directly with, and reported directly to, Secretaries of State Henry Kissinger, Cyrus Vance, George Schultz and James Baker, as well as the respective White Houses. Dr. Pieczenik was drafted into the Vietnam War. He was assigned in the Public Health Services with the rank of Navy Captain (0-6) to run three psychiatric wards at St. Elizabeth’s Hospital in Washington, D.C., including a ward where serial killers were housed. He was subsequently offered a promotion to Rear Admiral (0-7), which he refused on the grounds that he felt honored enough to serve his country, did not want to take a pension and wished to return to civilian life to follow his passions as a physician, entrepreneur and novelist.

Dr. Pieczenik is an expert in psychological warfare, political psychology, regime change, intelligence, counterintelligence and covert operations. During his career as a senior State Department official, Dr. Pieczenik utilized his unique abilities and expertise to develop strategies and tactics that were instrumental in resolving major conflicts in Asia, the Middle East, Latin America, Europe and the United States.....[READ MORE]

verdensalt | ~ NZ Mass Shooting - Tell Tale Signs: This Was A HUGE False Flag To Demonize Nationalism And Further Censor The Internet ~ | Blogger: [🏴‍☠️#Pod- esta-is-DEAD-No-WorkingForMckinseyCapitalsWillingExecutioners | #John- PodestaOnAuspolAIAdani- 'CircularFiringSquad' | #PodestaSt.GallenMafiaVatican | #Christchurch | #NewZealandShooting | #falseflag | #CensorshipAgenda | #SocialEngineering | #SocialMedia | #ProblemReactionSolution | #Hegelian- Dialectic | #NZGunControlLawsScrutinised🏴‍☠️] ... {To those convinced that a secretive cabal controls the world, the usual suspects are Illuminati, Lizard People, or “globalists.” They are wrong, naturally. There is no secret society shaping every major decision and determining the direction of human history. There is, however, McKinsey & Company ~ currentaffairs❓} .. Ask yourself now before the media puts its spin on it and brings hundreds of talking heads on the TV to convince you using the manipulative effect of peer pressure that this was a terrible event ... 👉A 14-year-old boy and a baby, was among injured has died, according to The Guar- dian and Reuters 👈 -- 'Unless an emotional reaction is constructed for something, it doesn't exist in the minds of the masses.. This is why the No. 1 tool of mind control from the mainstream media is emotional manipulation of the viewers. Emotional coverage can be authentic in cases where the crisis is real and attention is justified, but emotional manipulation is usually contrived in order to evoke a response for the sole purpose of manipulation' ~ NN ... 🥚 PS: (Teenager Cracks an Egg on Australian Senator's Head:) -- Queensland Senator Fraser Anning was seen engaging in a brief fight with a teenager who egged him in front of the cameras, the day after the deadliest shooting in New Zealand's history, which Senator Anning blamed on the nation's immigration programme. O-M-G! 😲 Have you seen that twitter video??? Australia is both a representative democracy and a constitutional monarchy and now we have a politician from Australian govt, Senator for Queens- land, beating up a teenager on LIVE cam?. What the heck is going on 'Down Under'??? (The clip has triggered an avalanche of reactions on social media, with users seemingly outraged with the amount of force that was used to subdue the egg-tivist ~ sputniknews).. Verdensalt has some Questions: 🤔 [READ MORE] ... |

  1. Why was Top Clinton aide John Podesta in NZ & Australia, guest of consultancy McKinsey, DAYS before the shooting took place, describing Australian politics as a self-referential "circular firing squad", address pressing issues around climate change and artificial intelligence, if it is to resist the global rise of far-right populism❓
  2. Why is Chelsea Clinton, who has admitted that 'Pizzagate' - a conspiracy involving politicians running a pedophile ring - is real via Twitter, been caught on camera (now deleted), at a public vigil for New Zealand mosque attack victims, stoking anti-Muslim violence with her criticism of Rep. Ilhan Omar and then forced to apologize❓
  3. Why is Tony Podesta & Gwyneth Paltrow smiling next to sculpture resembling a jeffrey dahmer victim.❓ And what is the connections between Podesta and Vatican's St. Gallen Mafia & NZ shooting
  4. Why are the FOCUS taken away form one of largest deep corrupt America college-admissions cheating scandal in U.S. history, that rocked the lives of dozens of students, STRAIGHT into the NZ shooting? The college admissions scandal that has rocked parts of Hollywood and some of the global elite who were buying their children's way into some of the top universities across America
  5. Why do people think Donald Trump tweeted 'VETO!' and everyone trolled him with Beto... So TheDeepState didn't take him down and all attention was on NZ (Democratic presidential contender is forced on to the defensive as he kicks off campaign in Iowa)...  "A big National Emergency vote today by The United States Senate on Border Security & the Wall (which is already under major construction). I am prepared to veto, if necessary. The Southern Border is a National Security and Humanitarian Nightmare, but it can be easily fixed!" - @realDonaldTrump
  6. Why are there 20 minutes missing in the 'serbian accent' military trained videogame shooter's video and Facebook going down for maintenance, when they are up again, first story is NZ shooting❓ The white supremacist gunman, or far-Left “eco-fascist” who praised communist China (NN), revealed in chilling 73-page manifesto he was inspired by Norway mass murderer Anders Breivik, but was prep by Intelligence service, in order to issue more SURVEILLANCE and GUN CONTROL ~ You Are Free TV
  7. What might that 'political purpose' be❓ At a time when even President Trump is hinting at a potential civil war in America as was reported within this Daily Mail story, and 'nationalism' and 'populism' spreading rapidly around the world at a time when the globalists had hoped to 'have the planet in the bag', it's quite clear that nothing is off limits to them in their goal to take down President Trump and demonize his supporters while completing their 'end game' for America ~ allnewspipeline
  8. Why haven't we seen the two others arrested at the scene with guns are being investigated A fourth person arrested may have had nothing to do with the attack, according to New Zealand’s police commission Mike Bush ~ from The Guardian 
  9. FALSE FLAG New Zealand Mosque Shooting (EXPOSED) Must Watch! (PS: IT's not censored yet, but YouTube force you to accept it, so they can log you)
  10. Simon Parkes: I have asked the New Zealand and Australian CC coordinators to organise meditation sessions to combat the nasty streak of energy leading to the mass shootings. I am also seeing what insider news I can gather.
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