May 15, 2018
Zero Hedge \\ | May 14, 2018 | ~ Ring Of Fire On Alert After Philippines Earthquake: California Is Warned ~ | .. After a 5.2 magnitude earthquake struck the Philippines, the Ring of Fire was put on alert. After dozens of earthquakes rocked Hawaii this month, followed by a volcanic eruption, many fear the Ring of Fire has become much more active, which has prompted scientists to warn California .. |
Daily Mail Online | 12. May 2018 | ~ Royal Wedding scammers! Meghan Markle's father STAGED photos with paparazzi that were shared around the world and sold for up to £100,000 - just days before he walks her down the aisle ~ | Blogger: [SORRY. No. I am not a royalist. Not at all. I am definitely a republican, because of the secrecy & the role of the Monarchy] ... (Meghan Markle allegedly 'pleaded' her father, to drop his ban on the wedding and urged him to stick with the tradition, that the bride's father takes his daughter to the altar, despite the scandals) ... NOT trying to create any discomfort or creating any scene, just posting the news, as they are... If we contest the credibility of ANY constitutional monarchy, and why we need them, in the first place, we are accused of being unfair, without any civic values and without patriotism and it often leads to much condemnation. It is not trustworthy to questioning ANYTHING about the royalties... However, scandals within the ranks of monarchies (and untouchable royals lobbying ministers, CEO's of private companies in complete secrecy), arises now and then... Such initiatives should encourage young people to make healthy lifestyle choices and attempt to redress the glamorous images of wealth and privilege associated with monarchy... (Beauty, happiness and wealth are impossible to measure objectively) ... |
Caught on CCTV, how Meghan's dad - and his paparazzi minder - scoped out an internet cafe, handed over cash and then staged 'snatched' photo of him gazing at an image of his girl with Harry |
- Footage obtained by Mail on Sunday shows Thomas Markle arriving at internet cafe with photographer Jeff Rayner
- Minutes later, pair seen preparing to photograph Mr Markle while he sits at computer looking at news story about his daughter and Prince Harry
- 'Tailor' who measured Mr Markle for wedding suit was assistant at party goods shop
- Staged photos come despite Kensington Palace issuing warning to publishers to respect Mr Markle’s privacy
Netavisen Pio | 15. Maj 2018 | ~ Nye tal: Over halvdelen betaler ikke arveafgift ~ | Blogger: I andre nyheder: (Bro bygget på en løgn?) - Den nulbon, Ole Birk Olesens egne embedsmænd, ”løftede øjenbryn” over regnestykke bag Kattegatbro ... Claus Hjort Iceman Vader Frederiksen, skaber et nyt døgnbemandet operations- og situationscenter for cyber- og informationssikkerhed, der fuldstændigt, er identisk med det semi-millitære af sin slags i USA (Den klassiske George-Orwell fortælling om 1984, hvor verden er opdelt i tre stater, hvis indbyggere domineres af almægtige regeringer kaldet Big Brother) ... PS: DHS's National Cybersecurity and Communications Integration Center (NCCIC) is a 24x7 cyber situational awareness, incident response, and management center that is a national nexus of cyber and communications integration for the Federal Government, intelligence community, and law enforcement ... |
Nye tal: Over halvdelen betaler ikke arveafgift
rigeste danskere efterlader 16 millioner kroner til deres efterkommere. De
fattigste efterlader en gæld på 400.000 kroner
Wakeup-World | May 14, 2018 | ~ Is Your Work Your Spiritual Teacher? ~ |
By Stacy Vajta
Guest writer for Wake Up World
From the moment I realized I was a healer, I knew my work was going to be my biggest teacher. Initially it felt like a calling, although the moment I made it my business, “it” as a teacher kicked into high gear.
I think some of us grow the most through our work. Others are tested in life from their relationships or their bodies. And certainly there is a myriad of cross-over experiences that teach us, but it seems like there’s usually one path or another that pushes our buttons and invites the biggest growth.
For me, right from the beginning, it was work.
Years ago I had an intuitive teacher of mine look at something for me. I was struggling with my work. Every core pattern seemed to be lit-up, looking to be looked at. In our work together, we found the energetic footprint of a wish that had been placed on me at birth. It was from my Grandmother, saying, “I never want you to have to work as much, and as hard, as I have.”
Kristeligt Dagblad | 8. Maj 2018 | ~ Sofie Münster: Lad børn blive til nogen, før de skal blive til noget ~ | .. Det er allerede velkendt, at for meget fokus på mål og resultater kan give børn en oplevelse af, at det er præstationerne i sig selv, der er det vigtigste. Og når det sker, får vi børn, der stræber efter ydre anerkendelse frem for at udvikle deres indre, skriver Sofie Münster, der er forfatter og stifter af Nordic Parenting .. | Blogger: Begejstret anmelder: Alt sidder lige i skabet i Sofie Münster's artikel (som man siger) 👍 ... Det resonere ihvertfald med verdensalt's målsætning, at komme Statens iver, for at 'dræbe' legen, intuitionen og individet i børn, til livs. Og ikke bare fremskynde børns såkaldte 'lærdom', så de kan blive opfostret til, at blive jobparate nikkedukker eller objekter, i samfundsordenen... Få år efter vi er født i frihedens tegn, bliver vores umoden og barnlig adfærd (friheden til at lege og udforske), afbrudt af behovet for at aktivt, at træne os selv til den "virkelige verden". Vi kan være så heldige, at blive født frie og uden et begreb om begrænsning, men at overleve i denne tidsalder, kræver mandsmod. Når livet pludselig bliver til noget, vi skal fortjene os til. Vi skal hurtigt tilpasse os samfundet, som er et meget fortralvende, konkurrencedygtig overlevelse-orienterede spil. Og der er ingen kære mor, hvor stress lever i børn, hver dag. Forældre til signalstærke børn (sensitive) - stress, depression og angst - spiller også en stor faktor og skal takles korrekt, ligesom højtbegavede børn, der mistes i folkeskolen, grundet at skolen eller kommunen, ikke har særlige tilbud ... |
Message from Jesus | May 14, 2018 | Channeling through John Smallman | ~ Every single human has their own direct connection to Source through the Holy Spirit ~ | .. Mostly when a person is unable to make contact with those in the spiritual realms on whom they call it is because they feel unworthy of calling or of being heard. Well this feeling is the ego trying to maintain its sense of individuality, of separation, because it believes that if contact is made its power over a person will be lost. The ego lives in fear and does its best to keep a person in that state because then they are distracted and anxious due to the endless flow of thoughts about what they should or should not do, and they therefore cannot hear the quiet loving voice that resides within them desiring only to help and support them .. |
Sananda udsender ugentlige budskaber for tiden, for os som har fulgt Jesus Sananda i længere tid, har det altid været en fryd og opløftende oplevelse for vores forståelse, hvad der sker omkring os. Den Opstegne Mester Sananda / Jesus / Kristus / Jeshua tjener som en lærer af hele verden, og var en af de største Spirituelle healere, der gik på vores elskede planet Jorden/Nova/Gaia. Det er vigtigt at forstå, alle vores opstegne mestre og de galaktiske venner, så at sige, ikke har tilladelse til at bruge Deres beføjelser for at ændre forløbet af civilisationer, kun i yderst sjældne tilfælde. Universets lov.
Kanaliseret af John Smallman
© 2018
Jesus Audio Blog for Monday May 14th
Humanity’s progress along the path to awakening is moving rapidly forward, and there is evidence of this all across the world as more and more of you set the intent daily to be only loving whatever arises. This is the most powerful intent that you can set, and when you do you are enormously assisted by the unseen ones who watch over you lovingly and support you in every moment of your earthly existence. You are never alone, you are always fully supported as you follow the paths to awakening that you set up for yourselves before you incarnated. As a direct result your success is divinely assured. Indeed the tipping point for humanity’s awakening has already passed, and many of you are now feeling the certainty of this.
Continue to set your intent daily. The best time for this is when you make your daily visit to your holy inner sanctuary and open your hearts to allow the Love enveloping you to fill you with peace, compassion for all who are suffering, and also to flow out in an abundant stream of healing that will impact and uplift all who are presently incarnate as humans to assist in the awakening. Also, at any time that you think or observe that you have left your intent undone, or have forgotten to set it, then reset it in that moment. You are all doing wonderful work, even if you are unaware of it, because that is your life path.
There are no accidents or coincidences, every thing that arises is part of the awakening process, even the seemingly most catastrophic events that appear to befall people for no reason, and that make no sense to you as humans with your very limited capabilities to understand the big picture. You are all intensely loved and honored for what you are doing to awaken one another in the most loving and effective ways possible. Trust your intuition, your inner knowing, thus allowing the full power of your unbreakable connection to Source to flow through you freely and abundantly, because that is what you set as your life-long intent prior to your incarnation.
Kanaliseret af John Smallman
© 2018
Jesus Audio Blog for Monday May 14th
Humanity’s progress along the path to awakening is moving rapidly forward, and there is evidence of this all across the world as more and more of you set the intent daily to be only loving whatever arises. This is the most powerful intent that you can set, and when you do you are enormously assisted by the unseen ones who watch over you lovingly and support you in every moment of your earthly existence. You are never alone, you are always fully supported as you follow the paths to awakening that you set up for yourselves before you incarnated. As a direct result your success is divinely assured. Indeed the tipping point for humanity’s awakening has already passed, and many of you are now feeling the certainty of this.
Continue to set your intent daily. The best time for this is when you make your daily visit to your holy inner sanctuary and open your hearts to allow the Love enveloping you to fill you with peace, compassion for all who are suffering, and also to flow out in an abundant stream of healing that will impact and uplift all who are presently incarnate as humans to assist in the awakening. Also, at any time that you think or observe that you have left your intent undone, or have forgotten to set it, then reset it in that moment. You are all doing wonderful work, even if you are unaware of it, because that is your life path.
There are no accidents or coincidences, every thing that arises is part of the awakening process, even the seemingly most catastrophic events that appear to befall people for no reason, and that make no sense to you as humans with your very limited capabilities to understand the big picture. You are all intensely loved and honored for what you are doing to awaken one another in the most loving and effective ways possible. Trust your intuition, your inner knowing, thus allowing the full power of your unbreakable connection to Source to flow through you freely and abundantly, because that is what you set as your life-long intent prior to your incarnation.
Blacklisted News \\ LA TIMES | May 13, 2018 | ~ HUNGRY, SICK AND INCREASINGLY DESPERATE, THOUSANDS OF VENEZUELANS ARE POURING INTO COLOMBIA ~ | Blogger: [🛢️Venezuela, Home to World's Largest Oil Reserves.Venezuelan Regime’s Repression Is “Brutal:” OAS Chief Almagro💰] ... My heart & prayers go out to all Venezuelans, that has been suffering so much 🕯️💜😔... About 40,000 Venezuelans were legally entering Colombia each month at the end of 2017 with thousands more thought to enter illegally ... “Venezuela is the richest country, by far, in Latin America because it has the world’s largest oil reserves, even larger than Saudi Arabia,” Colombian President Juan Manuel Santos said ... Venezuela oil production falls to level country achieved in 1949 and the questions is, if it was Hugo Chavez, that trashed Latin America's richest economy or U.S. imposed sanctions on Venezuela or something else... |
For evidence that the Venezuelan migrant crisis is overwhelming this Colombian border city, look no further than its largest hospital.
The emergency room designed to serve 75 patients is likely to be crammed with 125 or more. Typically, two-thirds are impoverished Venezuelans with broken bones, infections, trauma injuries — and no insurance and little cash.
The emergency room designed to serve 75 patients is likely to be crammed with 125 or more. Typically, two-thirds are impoverished Venezuelans with broken bones, infections, trauma injuries — and no insurance and little cash.
The huge increase in Venezuelan migrants fleeing their country's economic crisis, failing healthcare system and repressive government is affecting the Cucuta metropolitan area more than any other in Colombia. It's where 80% of all exiting Venezuelans headed for Colombia enter as foreigners.
Despite turning away Venezuelans with cancer or chronic diseases, the hospital treated 1,200 migrant emergency patients last month, up from the handful of patients, mostly traffic collision victims, in March 2015, before the Venezuelan exodus started gathering steam.
The hospital's red ink is rising along with its caseload. The facility has run up debts of $5 million over the last three years to accommodate Venezuelans because the Colombian government is unable to reimburse it, said Juan Agustin Ramirez, director of the 500-bed hospital.
"The government has ordered us to attend to Venezuelan patients but is not giving us the resources to pay for them," Ramirez said. "The truth is, we feel abandoned. The moment could arrive when we will collapse."
Despite turning away Venezuelans with cancer or chronic diseases, the hospital treated 1,200 migrant emergency patients last month, up from the handful of patients, mostly traffic collision victims, in March 2015, before the Venezuelan exodus started gathering steam.
The hospital's red ink is rising along with its caseload. The facility has run up debts of $5 million over the last three years to accommodate Venezuelans because the Colombian government is unable to reimburse it, said Juan Agustin Ramirez, director of the 500-bed hospital.
"The government has ordered us to attend to Venezuelan patients but is not giving us the resources to pay for them," Ramirez said. "The truth is, we feel abandoned. The moment could arrive when we will collapse." | Arkivskabet | 15. Maj 2018 | ~ Omnec Onec - “The woman from Venus” ~ | Blogger: Omnec Onec hævder, at hun er en kvindelig udenjordisk "Venusian" der oprindeligt kom til Jorden i 1955, der blev født for 246 jordiske år siden .... PS: (22. Juli, 2016:) - Jeg føler mig så heldig, under en Mt Shasta konference, at have mødt både med Alex Collier & Omnec Onec IRL. Som jeg forstår det, vil ingen af dem nogensinde vise sig offentligt igen. Omnec Onec fra Venus er meget syg og har besluttet at leve blandt os mennesker og dø med os. Alex er bare meget genert person og kæmper også med nogle sundhedsmæssige problemer .... UPDATE: 15. Maj, 2018 - Det viser sig, at Alex, faktisk ikke har vist sig offentligt, men udsender hver anden uge, webinars. Og til min store overraskelse, skal Omnec Onec være ledestjernen, på Rob Potters, kommende Mt Shasta Summer Conference 2018. Hun lever i bedste velgående (sådan da) ... |
Omnec onec er født og opvokset på Venus. Venus er ofte omtalt som vores søster planet i dette solsystem. Denne planet er meget interessant for os, fordi længe siden gennemgik Deres samfund den samme proces som Jorden er i vores NUET, kaldet Ascension. De lever nu i den femte dimension. Selvom Venus virker alt for varm og komplet ubeboelig planet, i den femte dimension, er den i virkeligheden, en smuk verden med krystal byer. Et af Mike Quinsey kontakter, Ker-On, (samt SaLuSA) er fra Venus, har undertiden talt om hans egen verden. Vores galaktiske venner fortæller ofte om, menneskelignende ET'er der i forvejen lever blandt os. De lever blandt os, af alle mulige grunde. Nogle, har allieret sig med Den Galaktiske Føderation og arbejder aktivt på forandring på vores jordplanet, mens andre med forskning og endnu andre er her, bare for oplevelsens skyld. Omnec Onec har levet på Jorden siden hun var 7 år gammel og har levet på hendes egen plant i 130 år (menneskeår). Jeg er igang med at læse bogen "Simply Wisdom And Love" Venusian Spirituality, som jeg købte af hende... Føler mig virkelig privilegeret, at møde Omnec, få en personlig krammer og velsignelse, på hendes fødselsdag i 2015.. Omnec er en fantastisk, givende og levende eksempel på ubetinget kærlige intentioner mod alt levende. I USA og Tyskland er hun et stort spirituel navn, men valgt for et par år siden, at dele jordens 3D dilemma med os andre, uden evigt liv og beskyttelse fra Venus - at blive gammel og nu desværre syg, svag og gangbesværet.
Omnec Onec is the only recorded person who was born on a higher level of density and came to Earth with her own physical body. In the Ninetees, she became publicly known with her autobiography FROM VENUS I CAME (today part 1 of THE VENUSIAN TRILOGY). It is my mission to share my knowledge and perspective with you and to inform you about the currently ongoing Transformation Process of the Earth. Long time ago, your ancestors came from different planets with wonderful abilities intact. Your heritage is much greater than you were told.
"Hello, my name is Omnec Onec. I come from the planet that you know as Venus. I came to share with human beings that man is universal and that your ancestors came from other galaxies and systems. Your heritage is great and beautiful. You are not limited to one planet. There is no limit. Whatever you can imagine, can be reality. Anything is possible. As long as you can imagine, it can be. I would like to give you a Venusian greeting which means "May the Universal Love and Blessings Be": AMUAL ABAKTU BARAKA BASHAD"
Sample of "Simply Wisdom and Love - Venusian Spirituality" by Omnec Onec. You can download 60 free pages. If you would like to order the book directly, you may type in a coupon code for free shipping. Anja Schäfer
Julian found this interview from the early 90’s with Omnec Onec, who claims to be from an advanced race living on Venus. When we originally saw this several years ago, it was unclear what if any plausibility her story had, but as we continued to investigate ET’s, the Secret Space Program, and the Nature of Consciousness evolution, discussed in countless works, her story began to take on an interesting tone.
Insider Corey GoodETxSG has been realizing a staggering amount of data regarding breakaway civilizations, ET races, and Secret Space Program contacts. While he does not mention Venus (that we are aware of) it seems the details of her story are highly plausible. Dolores Cannon has a breathtaking amount of data suggesting that beings from many words and densities of reality have been coming to Earth in huge waves starting about 80 years ago. This information came from her hypnotic regression information from many different people over decades of work....(..)...
Omnec Onec: Message from Venus
Omnec Onec is the only recorded person who was born on a higher level of density and came to Earth with her own physical body. In the Ninetees, she became publicly known with her autobiography FROM VENUS I CAME (today part 1 of THE VENUSIAN TRILOGY). It is my mission to share my knowledge and perspective with you and to inform you about the currently ongoing Transformation Process of the Earth. Long time ago, your ancestors came from different planets with wonderful abilities intact. Your heritage is much greater than you were told.
"Hello, my name is Omnec Onec. I come from the planet that you know as Venus. I came to share with human beings that man is universal and that your ancestors came from other galaxies and systems. Your heritage is great and beautiful. You are not limited to one planet. There is no limit. Whatever you can imagine, can be reality. Anything is possible. As long as you can imagine, it can be. I would like to give you a Venusian greeting which means "May the Universal Love and Blessings Be": AMUAL ABAKTU BARAKA BASHAD"
Sample of "Simply Wisdom and Love - Venusian Spirituality" by Omnec Onec. You can download 60 free pages. If you would like to order the book directly, you may type in a coupon code for free shipping. Anja Schäfer
ET’s Incarnating to Prepare for Event | Omnec Onec on Jerry Springer 1993
Julian found this interview from the early 90’s with Omnec Onec, who claims to be from an advanced race living on Venus. When we originally saw this several years ago, it was unclear what if any plausibility her story had, but as we continued to investigate ET’s, the Secret Space Program, and the Nature of Consciousness evolution, discussed in countless works, her story began to take on an interesting tone.
Insider Corey GoodETxSG has been realizing a staggering amount of data regarding breakaway civilizations, ET races, and Secret Space Program contacts. While he does not mention Venus (that we are aware of) it seems the details of her story are highly plausible. Dolores Cannon has a breathtaking amount of data suggesting that beings from many words and densities of reality have been coming to Earth in huge waves starting about 80 years ago. This information came from her hypnotic regression information from many different people over decades of work....(..)...
Sheldan Nidle | 15. Maj 2018 CET | PAO - Planetary Activation Organization | Opdatering for Galaktiske Føderation af lys og åndelige hierarki ... |
Hvem er Sheldan Nidle: Sheldan Nidle er grundlægger af Planetary Activation Organization, en UFO religion. Han siger at han er i stand til former for telepatiske kommunikation, samt er i kontakt med rumvæsener. Han er tit kanal for budskaber og formidler af Det Galaktiske Føderation Af Lys.
Each nation has an enduring obligation to provide its people with food, shelter, clothing, health care and a sustainable, pollution-free environment. Most importantly, they are charged with protecting the freedom and personal sovereignty of each citizen. These are every person’s unassailable rights.
As you know, your mainstream media ignores most of the good works achieved by the BRICS countries and our Earth Allies. This moment in history is a transcendent turning point for you. The dark has controlled this reality for nearly 13 millennia. The reality in which you live is transforming gradually. Our Earth allies are working with extreme diligence to ensure that the wealth of your world is distributed to those who are deeply dedicated to the proper allocation of these funds for humanitarian projects.
Global peace is about the creation of a better reality. It is based on an organic network of consciousness, created by an ever-enlarging sense of self and initiated by the inner workings of the Light. The result of this burgeoning awareness is a multi-tiered system designed to energize cooperation, peace and cultural reciprocity. Each nation has an enduring obligation to provide its people with food, shelter, clothing, health care and a sustainable, pollution-free environment. Most importantly, they are charged with protecting the freedom and personal sovereignty of each citizen. These are every person's unassailable rights.
RT- Russia Today | 15. May 2018 | ~ George Soros’ Open Society foundation ends operations in Hungary – statement ~ | Blogger: Like the comment in the track - I'll be the first to say.......Hooray!!!! ... Problem is still, that Hitler's daughter, Merkel, lets him come inside the devil's nest of Germany ... You be the judge ... |
Praying Medic | May 15, 2018 CET | ~ Q Anon May 14 - All for a LARP? ~ | Blogger: [😈POL - Q: Is he a LARP or a REAL deal? The Disparate Dark Alliance in Play? (MSM media, Cabal, CIA, Washington DC, Handlers, Controllers, Web Sheriffs) Working Overtime to Discredit EVERYONE?🙀] ... Are panic attacks spiritual warfare, please help? We need to ask ourselves in what way, we can tackle wrestling with an evil spirit inside - (simple) - stop playing the blame game. has lost a lot of readers, by trying to figure out, why we've so afraid to discuss the mystical UFO/SSP phenomenon, green-skinned extraterrestrial humanoid from the planet Mars, psychopathic behavior and leaders, paedophilia satanic art of sorcery and the dark side of witchcraft, in order to confront our own neglects of ego, that takes control, humility is lost, followed by the spiritual ego, eventually leading to narcissism .. I'm sorry,, cannot always hold your hand around the campfire🏕️, singing Kumbaya and getting the joy joy joy down in your spiritual beating heart!! 💞... Exposure of the Dark Alliance, Very Deep State, SSP community - breaking away from our 3D Matrix of Illusion, demands protection beyond the veil, so to say. Following the Buddha's footsteps, being around highly enlightened beings/souls - acupressure for emotional healing, demands commitment, daily grounding medi, galactic protections or calling in our spirit guides and blessings from the ascended masters, to understand the DEPTH, in which humanity, has been sentenced in (prison) for thousands of years of separation, depression and conflict to serve a few, truly evil dark elements, that thrives on our FEAR... How can we escape from prison planet earth?... We can't ... In emotional pain? Who's gonna save ME? ... 'Acknowledging emotional pain may seem like an obvious step in the healing process that everyone is already doing. If you’re in pain, you already know it, right? Not always. Most of us have varying degrees of emotional trauma in our energy field that lies below our conscious awareness. Although we might be aware of some of the symptoms of emotional pain within us, we usually don't fully turn our attention to it and SEE the actual energy itself. Instead, we tend to focus on our thoughts ABOUT it. Consequently, we end up in conflict with ourselves, wanting the emotional trauma to go away, and fighting with it mentally. THIS is the actual suffering: our resistance to what is appearing within us. This produces a painful inner contraction, which ranges from annoying discomfort at one end of the spectrum to severely debilitating physical and/or mental "dis-ease" at the more serious end of the spectrum. It is common for us to become practiced at denial of emotional pain in order to function in our lives. Unconsciously we have learned how to keep the pain at bay so we can “do” our daily lives with some kind of balance. Often, the energetic imbalance within us actually causes us to create more imbalance as an attempt to gain equilibrium. And our only awareness of this might be a sense of feeling “off” or living our lives with limited inner resources, constantly looking for something outside ourselves to “fix” us.. (..).. (wellbeingalignment)' ... You be the judge ... |
Qanon asks why, if he is a LARP, is there so much opposition to his message?
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