Apr 13, 2016

FADE to BLACK - The Breakaway Civilizations/Secret Space Program with Richard Dolan ( Upcoming show with Danish Ole Dammegård Truth Seeker Conspiracies Open Mind Awareness False Flag ops) April 13, 2016

On night three of our Secret Space Program/Breakaway Civilizations Week on F2B we are joined by Richard Dolan...he coined the term Breakaway Civilization and tonight we discuss how that happened...what it is and how it's connected to the Secret Space Program.

Ep. 430 FADE to BLACK Jimmy Church w/ Richard Dolan: Secret Space Program 3 LIVE

On night three of our Secret Space Program/Breakaway Civilizations Week on F2B we are joined by Richard Dolan...he coined the term Breakaway Civilization and tonight we discuss how that happened...... 

Ole Dammegard On Fade To Black Apr 13th

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Ole Dammegard On Fade To Black

April 13th 2016

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Ole Dammegard is the author of Coup d’etat, a masterful book on the death of the Prime Minister of Sweden, Olof Palme… tracing all the various angles and connections between that assassination and other hits around the globe. This includes the Kennedy assassination, the false flags Aurora, Sandy Hook and Boston Bombings and more…
Dammegard also discloses how CIA’s Operation 40, originally implemented in 1960 by Vice President Richard M. Nixon, became a super-secret and very deadly assassination squad that was used by the Elite to carry out a swath of destabilizing assassinations worldwide,including the political assassinations of JFK, Robert F. Kennedy, with roles in Watergate and 9/11. CIA Operation 40 was also deployed against visionary musicians like John Lennon and Bob Marley.
Website: http://lightonconspiracies.com/

RT: CIA behind Panama Papers leaks, says 'most significant financial whistleblower of all time' April 13, 2016

Financial whistleblower Bradley Birkenfeld, who helped expose American tax evaders hiding assets in Swiss banks, has little doubt the Panama leaks scandal was crafted and orchestrated by the CIA.
In an exclusive interview from Munich, Birkenfeld told CNBC on Tuesday that the leak of over 11 million documents from Panama-based law firm Mossack Fonseca is most likely not a whistleblower job, but rather an “intelligence agency operation.”
“The CIA I'm sure is behind this, in my opinion,” Birkenfeld said, citing as evidence selective management of the information exposed to the public domain that “doesn't hurt the US in any shape or form.”
“The very fact that we see all these names surface that are the direct quote-unquote enemies of the United States:  Russia, China, Pakistan, Argentina… and we don't see one US name. Why is that? Quite frankly, my feeling is that this is certainly an intelligence agency operation,” CNBC cited Birkenfeld as saying.
“That's wrong. And there's something seriously sinister behind this,” Birkenfeld said.
The former banker acknowledged that years ago, when he worked in a Swiss bank, he was aware that Mossack Fonseca was an integral part of a worldwide offshore financial network used to avoid domestic taxes.

Continue Reading at.....https://www.rt.com/news/339457-panama-leaks-cia-operation/

Conspiracy theorists believe 1,500-year-old Mongolian mummy 'wearing Adidas boots' is finally proof time travel exists - April 13, 2016

  • Experts believe the body in the Altai Mountains dates back 1,500 years
  • It appears to be the first complete Turkic burial found in Central Asia
  • One picture of the mummy is causing a stir online after it appears she is wearing what appears to be Adidas boots

Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/sciencetech/article-3537442/Conspiracy-theorists-believe-1-500-year-old-Mongolian-mummy-wearing-Adidas-boots-finally-proof-time-travel-exists.html#ixzz45i3vNmYi
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Panama-papirerne er skamløs propaganda (Ku' ikke ha' skrevet det bedre selv...fantastisk artikel. Fri for konspirationer? Det er dig som dømmer) 13. April 2016

Medierne bruger en samfundsmæssig vigtig sag om skatteunddragelse til opretholdelse af Vestens fjendebilleder, skræmmekampagner og skamløs propaganda.

Er Panama-papirerne faldet i de forkerte hænder? Den anonyme kilde bag de over 11 millioner lækkede dokumenter henvendte sig hverken til Wikileaks eller til de medier og journalister som tog sig af Edward Snowden-afsløringerne. Den anonyme kilde vælgfer derimod at henvende sig til en sydtysk avis, som straks vælger ICIJ, en organisation som er finansieret af den amerikanske regering, milliardærer, konservative tænketanke og superrige fonde, til at gennemgå dokumenterne.

The Panama Papers hjemmeside er blanding af en trailer for en James Bond-film og en superhelte-tegneserie. Det første man møder er et kæmpemæssigt billede af Vladimir Putin, som fylder hele skærmen. Den russiske præsidents navn står dog ikke i arkiverne. Alligevel er det billedet af Putin som fylder.

Medierne har med Panama-papirerne afledt opmærksomheden fra de hovedansvarlige. Medierne giver os et indtryk af at skatteunddragelser kun foregår i lyssky bananstater. Men når de superrige multinationale selskaber, banker og rigmænd suger livet ud af de vestlige befolkningers fælleskasser, gennemhuller i loven og dyrker mere eller mindre lovlige skatteaftaler, foregår det hovedsageligt i vestlige lande som Luxembourg, Schweiz, Irland, Bermuda og Caymanøerne.

Panama-papirerne afslører noget vi godt vidste i forvejen. 400 journalister har brugt et år på at afsløre normal praksis i finansverdenen. Avisen The Guardian afslørede allerede for fire år siden David Camerons afdøde fars skuffeselskaber, og herhjemme skrev Dagbladet Information i 2002 om det danske skatteparadis: “McDonald’s, Q8 og 1.200 andre multinationale firmaer ikke betaler en krone i skat i Danmark.” Vi ved desuden alle, at da Bjarne Corydon og Socialdemokratiet solgte dele af danskernes fællesejede energiproduktion til kriminelle børshajer på Wall Street, gik handlen gennem Luxembourg.

BREAKING: Vildledende notat til Nykredits repræsentantskab (Det hemmelige notat, tegner et meget sort billede af Nykredits kapitalforhold hvor ledelsen skal hente 1519 mia. kr. Finanstilsynet bekræfter dog, at kapitalformer, som f.eks. hybrid kernekapital, kan opfylde 3,5 procent af risikoeksponeringen. Konklusionen er dermed ganske skarp og faktuel. Nykredit opfylder allerede nu kravene i 2019, selv med den store forventede stigning i risikoeksponering...Hvorfor overdriver repræsentantskabet som er Nykredits øverste ledelse? Hvem styrer hvem? Nationalbanken eller Nykredit selv?) 13. April 2016

Nykredits ledelse har for nylig sendt et skræmmende og vildledende notat til repræsentantskabet, som er Foreningen Nykredits øverste ledelsesorgan, om de fremtidige kapitalbehov.

Notatet, som Økonomisk Ugebrev er i besiddelse af, er ledelsens reaktion på det foreløbige konsultationspapir fra Basel-komiteen, som blev udsendt skærtorsdag. Økonomisk Ugebrev har med bistand fra eksperter gennemgået det hemmelige notat, som tegner et meget sort billede af Nykredits kapitalforhold.

Selvom stort set alle andre markedsdeltagere – herunder Nationalbanken – peger på, at det er for tidligt at vurdere konsekvenser af forslagene, leverer Nykredits ledelse alligevel beregninger, der antyder, at konsekvenserne bliver endnu værre end frygtet.

”Helt overordnet er vores foreløbige vurdering desværre, at dokumentet bekræfter, at Basel-Komiteen arbejder på nye krav, som udfordrer den danske realkreditmodel. For Nykredit alene – med vores meget stor realkreditportefølje – ser forslagene i dokumentet ud til at betyde et kraftigt forøget kapitalbehov,” skriver Nykredit til repræsentantskabets medlemmer. Herefter henviser Nykredit til, at man hidtil har regnet med, at nye Basel-krav vil betyde behov for ekstra 15 mia. kr.

”På baggrund af vores foreløbige behandling af konsultationspapiret må vi konstatere, at dette estimat ser ud til at være for optimistisk. Vores første gennemregning viser et behov for egentlig kernekapital på 85-89 mia. kr.,” skriver Nykredit til medlemmerne af repræsentantskabet. Dermed er det ifølge ledelsen 1519 mia. kr., der skal hentes.

Det står i skærende kontrast til meldinger fra flere eksperter, Økonomisk Ugebrev har indhentet vurderinger fra. Her er der ingen, der med den nuværende viden mener at kunne konkludere noget som helst i den retning. Konkret omkring LGD (Loss Given Default) skriver Nykredit, at det kan betyde, at kapitalkravet for ca. halvdelen af Nykredits boliglån bliver fordoblet, og at det vil øge kapitalbehovet med 4-5 mia. kr. Andre i branchen undrer sig og synes, at dette tal lyder meget højt. Det er et af elementerne, mens de øvrige er ganske usikre.

”Hvis det, vi har set, er alt, hvad der kommer, så er det absolut i den håndterbare ende af skalaen. Det er svært at forstå ud fra det, vi har set, at Nykredit mener de foreløbige meldinger gør det værre,”
siger en finansiel aktører til Økonomisk Ugebrev.

Kandy Griffin Vandawalker former american nurse who got sick of seasonal flu vaccine, diagnosis of CFS (myalgic encephalomyelitis/fibromyalgia/chronic fatigue syndrome) and began to research how our Big Pharma/Government/military-industrial complex manipulated Main Human "mycoplasma" Pathogens/Implicated Diseases, Chemtrails, control and attempt to transform our natural/organic nature and use of Nano technology...

The Morgellons and Artificial Intelligence Connection : Kandy Griffin @ Phoenix Rising

Sheldan Nidle opdatering for Galaktiske Føderation af lys og åndelige hierarki - 13. April 2016 CET

Hvem er Sheldan Nidle: Sheldan Nidle er grundlægger af Planetary Activation Organization, en UFO religion. Han siger at han er i stand til former for telepatiske kommunikation, samt er i kontakt med rumvæsener. Han er tit kanal for budskaber og formidler af Det Galaktiske Føderation Af Lys.

Hjælp til NESARA etc: - Finansielle akronymer

Those events long promised by the Light are finally to start to appear around you. See these only as the initial confirmation of a new amazing, free and prosperous new realm

Ummac Dan ~ Galactic Federation 
Symbol For The Sirian Star System

13 Muluc, 1 Kank’in, 12 Manik

Selamat Jalwa! Much continues to happen around your world! The globe is caught in a strange conundrum. On one hand it is able to openly say that the monies needed to begin both the numerous humanitarian programs and the final stages of the prosperity packages have been approved for fund transfers. Yet the recent coming and going of the business world’s first quarter have created a situation that led to another week’s delay in the transfer operations. These conditions are totally unacceptable. This worldwide process cannot be hindered by old-time business practices of either the banks or the many allied financial corporations. Despite these same old forms of delay, the required monies are ultimately to be transferred. There is now a series of alternatives that can be applied to resolve any future difficulties of this sort. We look to our earthly allies to use this new system to quickly permit these large sums to be successfully moved from Asia to any other continents as required. Therefore, the things so far encountered are to be put aside and the much-needed wealth sent on its way. The start of this process is now underway!

Jesus through John Smallman: The energetic overlay of planet Earth is very heavy which makes it difficult for those on Earth to communicate with those in the spiritual realms - April 13, 2016 CET

Sananda udsender ugentlige budskaber for tiden, for os som har fulgt Jesus Sananda i længere tid, har det altid været en fryd og opløftende oplevelse for vores forståelse, hvad der sker omkring os. Den Opstegne Mester Sananda / Jesus / Kristus / Jeshua tjener som en lærer af hele verden, og var en af ​​de største Spirituelle healere, der gik på vores elskede planet Jorden/Nova/Gaia. Det er vigtigt at forstå, alle vores opstegne mestre og de galaktiske venner, så at sige, ikke har tilladelse til at bruge Deres beføjelser for at ændre forløbet af civilisationer, kun i yderst sjældne tilfælde. Universets lov. 

Kanaliseret af John Smallman
© 2016 johnsmallman.wordpress.com

Jesus Audio Blog for Wednesday April 13th

You are always infinitely loved, there is not a moment when you are not enfolded in the divine embrace, the field of Love that is God, our Source. There is nothing anyone can do to break the bonds of Love that connect them to God, Who neither judges, nor blames, nor condemns. Those are all unreal human concepts, whereas Love is the only Reality. So, forgive yourselves, accept yourselves, and embrace yourselves, as God does; and in the knowing that you are eternally and infinitely loved, then love, honor, and respect yourselves. When you do that you will find that you also honor and respect all others. That does not mean that you will magically like them or their behaviors or opinions, it means that you will accept them lovingly, just as they are, and then, magically, your dislikes will fade away.

Why is that, you may ask? Well, it's quite simple, you are all mirrors to one another. What you like or love in another is a perfect reflection of what you approve of in yourselves, and what you dislike or disapprove of in another is what you dislike or disapprove of in yourselves. But, because you mostly hide from yourselves what you like or approve of because you sense that it is invalid – what you like and approve of may have been discouraged or disapproved of by your parents, carers and teachers – and what you dislike or disapprove of in yourselves you are frequently ashamed of and cannot bear to acknowledge. Everyone has to deal with these issues, and initially, in early childhood, you learn that you need an acceptable mask behind which to hide your real and “unacceptable” self, the self that makes errors and is judged and blamed.