Nov 30, 2020

✨ ~ 💗 COBRA: Victory Report (April 2020 Archive) 🖖 ~ | Blogger: [👉Can I get a Haaaaaallelujah... Not all of Cobra's reports get me excited - this one does... 'When mass arrests happens, news about them will be released through the mainstream media...Bill Gates is the mastermind'... But we're not out of the woods yet... The war is not over yet, and we need to keep holding the Light.. Thank you Pleiadian star-brothers🤗🤩🙏] ... It's not the 1st time Mr. C has mention that Cabal (Dark Alliance / Black Nobility) was the ones ordering EU to keep the borders with Italy open and the outbreak was able to spread throughout Europe and USA, since the Cabal agents injected 3 different strains of the virus in South Korea, Iran and Italy. Only the Italien mutated dangerous strained virus, was 'not' contained...🤔 Just think about the implications if it came out on the Lame stream Media 24/7 that EU leaders was the ones who let the virus out intentionally, for maximum spread? (Those who intentionally spread coronavirus could be charged as terrorists in US Deputy Attorney General Jeffrey Rosen has said - Anywho, Mr. C goes on saying, that the 1.1 million that actually was participating the mass meditation, was able to literally saturated the planetary quantum field, the vision was strong enough, the awakened part of the surface population in able to act in unity and stabilize the positive Ascension timeline, which will stop New World Order plans for mass depopulation in its tracks... 🤔Who are the guilty ones? Mr. C says, NWO plan is divided into 3 phases: 1️⃣ release the virus, 2️⃣ crash the economy, 3️⃣ depopulate... This plan was finalized by Bill Gates, David Rockefeller, George Soros, Michael Bloomberg and others on a meeting in Manhattan in 2009 (Billionaire club in bid to curb overpopulation). Actual creation of the virus was an international cooperation of labs in USA, Canada and China, with final phases of the virus creation being done in Wuhan. Something China wants to suppress, Trump administration wants to investigate and some lawsuits are already being filed... According to sources, the actual creation of the virus involved teams under supervision of Bill Gates. Frank Plummer, a former director of Canadian biolab. Anthony Fauci was involved in the creation of the virus as well... 👆Important to note, that MR. C is saying, that the Cabal has also engineered the coronavirus tests to be unavailable in the US for long enough so that the infection could spread, and opposed travel restrictions. This has allowed Bill Gates, Anthony Fauci, Tedros Adhanom, George Soros, Jared Kushner, Jiang Zemin and others to further their plans for global vaccination and 18 month lockdowns. Bill Gates is the mastermind behind this, trying to microchip the population, had a strong connection with Jeffrey Epstein and Tedros Adhanom, the head of WHO, has very shady past also. All of the abovementioned people have a strong financial interest in propagating the virus and then developing a vaccine... 👉PS: Looots of links to mainstream, alternative and non-conventional sources to backup all the claims... Btw, the "Command RCV Stardust" protocol is very powerful... As always, use your own spiritual discernment... Victory of the Light!... |

Who's Cobra: Founder of the blog; This blog is the official communicator of resistance from the Resistance.

Cobra is a Pleiadian contactee and has been in contact with the underground for over 35 years. He has been told to remain anonymous by The Resistance and has ongoing communications with beings from Planet X that assist The Resistance Movement. As an earthly representative of the Agarthan network and the light forces, he strives to prepare humanity for the up and coming event horizon.

Our mass meditation was a huge, enormous success. About 8 million people were informed, with over 1.1 million actually participating.

Collective display of unity was amazing:

Jack Dorsey, the co-founder and CEO of Twitter, has given a nod to our meditation at the exact moment when the meditation started:

We have literally saturated the planetary quantum field with our focused, unified intent, influencing the geomagnetic field:

Our meditation has proven that if enough focused intent is present and if a vision is strong enough, the awakened part of the surface population in able to act in unity. This means that when the Event happens, many of the surface Lightworks and Lightwarriors may be included in certain operations of the Light Forces which were before considered off limits. The Light Forces will give direct instructions for this when the time is right.
Our meditation has been able to curb the spread of the virus. The number of new infections worldwide has peaked on April 4th just before the meditation, and is in decline ever since:

We were also able to additionally stabilize the positive Ascension timeline which will stop New World Order plans for mass depopulation in its tracks.
Their plan has three phases: a) release the virus, b) crash the economy, c) depopulate.
Third phase will never happen so we do not need to go into details, second phase will have limited effects and we will now look more into the details of the first phase of their plan.
This plan was finalized by Bill Gates, David Rockefeller, George Soros, Michael Bloomberg and others on a meeting in Manhattan in 2009:

👻🧟😱 ~ (DANGEROUS GHOSTVIRUS) Allan Randrup Thomsen: Luk skolerne nu - åben efter Nytår! Mundbind er det eneste alternativ til nedlukning! Isoler det nordlige Jylland! »Slående« andel af coronadødsfald i Hovedstaden og Sjælland kan skyldes etnisk slagside! Flokimmunitet er den eneste reelle mulighed! (SoTW) ~ | Blogger: JEG KAN godt forstå, folk er pivrasende på denne mandsperson og det eddermame uhyggeligt, hvor meget myndighederne, tager de ting han lukker ud, for seriøst og retter sig efter det... Professor i virologi Allan Randrup Thomsen, var også blandt de GHOST-gengangere, genfærd og spøgelser, som satte SKRÆK OG ADVARSEL ind i danskerne, FØR, det såkaldte Virus pandemi "kickstartede" tilbage i December 2019, først, Kina og dernæst Italien, som de 2 virus-mutationer Cobra og modstandsbevægelsen, fortalte os alle om, at EU-lederne, inklusiv Danmark, havde slået en beskidt handel af med "The Dark Nobility", og lod grænserne stå pivåben, så virussen rigtigt kunne sprede sig, til op nordpå i Europa og siden til USA... I 2009, var den frygtbaseret videnskab under ledelse af Allan Randrup Thomsen, også kendt, da han påstod, at "Grisen" kan både inficeres af menneske- og fugleinfluenza. Noget tyder derfor på, at dyret kan overføre fuglevirus til mennesker... Vi må da (håbe) for denne professor han bliver rigeligt belønnet af Staten... |

👻🧟😱 ~ (RADIO4 Talkradio Horror Show) Opsummering: Coronavaccinernes A-Z rejseplan! Katte, Hunde, Mink og Kalkuner med Corona! Katte er allerede slået ihjel af FVS på minkfarm! BLM-demonstration i Rønne, "lie down". Mystisk forsvundet Alien monolit i USA! (SoTW) ~ | Blogger: [👉RADIO4 MORGEN - 30. NOVEMBER - KL. 6-9: Er der grund til bekymring for coronasmitte fra katte til mennesker? Værter: Stine og Kristian👈] ... ... 🤣Stine fra R4DIO er nu bange for at klappe sin kanin og blive en superspreder, mens værterne, stadigvæk er usikker på, om COVID-19 smitter fra vores husdyr over til mennesker(godt hjulpet af professorer og læger fra telefonopkald)... 📺Da jeg var barn og tvang mig selv til uhygge og gys, var Spøgelsestoget Dyrehavsbakken (nu med 5G 4++ sendere - Safe Electrowaves), samt 'Månebase Alpha' (der blev vist på DR i 1976-77) noget af det FEDESTE, selvom, jeg holdt mig for øjnene, det meste af tiden... 📻I dag, skal jeg bare lytte til R4DIO, DR, YouTube, gå i Bilka, eller andre steder, hvor overbetalte korrupte journalister, advarselsskilte og højtalere overdøver os med Statens Coronapropaganda... ✊🏾Vi ved alle sammen, at Black Lives Matter-organisationen, er topstyret af pengemænd, politik og ideologi, en centraliseret græsrods- bevægelse, der spænder over regioner, demografi og medier... 🗿Den mystiske alien monolit dukkede op ud af det blå – nu er den forsvundet igen - og folk STORMER mod Utahs ørken, som var det verdens største pilgrimsfærd, hajj, som er den femte søjle i islam - en pligt som muslimer... 🦠Mange undre sig over hvornår Corona "er ovre", og alt vender tilbage til det "normale."? Men vi lever i en (falsk) holografisk maskineskabt simulering, en computersimulation, fanget i en simuleret "Matrix"-agtig verden, topstyret fra non-spirituelle entiteter af udenomjordisk oprindelse. Non-biologiske kunstig intelligens, simuleret ned til jordens Tech-giganter, Banksters og 13 illuminati familier (kald dem hvad du vil)... 🤑Så der er ikke en 'normal og jeg snakker ikke om Butikskæden NORMAL, kædens hovedaktionær, Bestseller-milliardæren Anders Holch-Povlsen,, Danmarks næstrigeste mand som har tjent KASSEN FRU MADSEN på coronakrisen... 🌉HVIS ikke vi står sammen og bygger en bro til danskerens "kollektiv-bevidstheder" - bliver forenet som ÉN enhed eller "ONE-NESS", som er fundamentet i filosofien bag Just Be One, kommer vi INGEN vegne... 🖖Der er ingen af os som har teknologien til at bruge en Star Trek Tidsmaskine, eller "Remote Viewing" for at sende os tilbage i fortiden for at rydde op i fremtidens KAOS!... 🍳Selvom, at mange slog på "potter og pander", og dermed gav epidemiloven pause (for nu), 'overlever' Alleslandsmoder Mette-mus og skyggeregeringen og hendes Socialakrobat troldehæren, netop på, at I-N-G-E-N gør modstand... 🗣️Desværre, er det ikke kutyme at gå til kamp og demonstrere i hundredtusindvis, hvis vi alle gjorde det, ville Folketinget og Eliten gå i panik - tro mig!.. 🗫Så må vi gøre det på andre måder, som at råbe vagt i gevær på sociale medier eller via hjemmesider og spirituelle bevægelser... |


Hvad bliver det næste mutations(offer) for at bevare FRYGTEN i os alle? Svin, katte og hunde?. 

Kære læsere, cluster 5 er væk og uanset om der kommer en 'cluster 6,7,8' har vi også Corona 19, 20, men også 16,17,18-versioner og en dyrevirus, KAN og jeg gentager ikke overleve inde i et mennesker (mht. DNA, RNA, kromosomer, cellemembran, grønkorn, celle-vægge m.v.)... 

UANSET hvad man måtte mene om det hele, så er det en USTOPPELIG PROCESS som nogle kalder for: "The Great Reset", "Event 201", "Agenda 21 - 2030", "Industry 4.0 - (4IR) (AI) (IoT)", "5G Techritory 2020"... 

Noget, som har foregået i det skjulte, måske i årtier, men nu først er tilvejebragt i 2020, fordi, teknologien er til stede og fordi, 2020 og fremadrettet, er menneskehedens og opvågningens gyldne tidsalder, som "udenlandske fremmede entiteter" ønsker at dæmme og undertrykke... |

👀 ~ 💗 (Sources are saying that Trump won from 300 to 400 college votes) Your Must-Listen Alternative News Broadcast: 29th November Election Update 2020 💕 ~ | Blogger: To highlight some of SP talking points; 📑 Simon says there was 5 soldiers killed when they attacked CIA Server Farm in Germany... A number of people, who was associated with Dominion Voting Systems to overturn United States, a communist conspiracy, has been or about to, being arrested and sent to Cuba... Hunter Biden laptop, and he / they took money from China, nothing really rolled out in the MSM media platform and FBI did'nt want to get involved etc. etc... Biden was tricked by Trump by taken 7 million dollars of taxpayers money and then became actionable to Trump and Co.'s Executive Order (Bribe from China etc.)... There's a very real prospect of indictments around this "family", says Simon (Biden?) and news will come out in a few days times, to change from doubters to believers... Simon says, Trump could do a historic 3rd term as president... A "reset" and MASSIVE revelations is coming forward to stop the communist takeover - justice is on the way - Simon will be doing a little dance... etc. etc. 📑 ~ Words from Simon, more or less... |


Simon Parkes is a life long experiencer of aliens, shadow people, elementals and ufo's, these include Mantid (Mantis) beings, Draconis Reptilian, Feline, small and tall Grey creatures, Crystalline beings and other creatures that can't be identified. Simon is an elected local politician in Britain and was elected to office AFTER he went public. Simon's biological mother worked for the British Security Service, often called MI5 between 1965 -1979. However while she was managed by British Intelligence she was in fact working "jointly" for the National Security Agency (NSA) of America. Her job was to type out documents that related to crashed ufo craft that had come down all over the Earth's surface and had then been retrieved by American special forces/recovery teams... 

❤️‍🩹⛏️ ~ (“New Paradigm” of open-sourced technology to advance humanity) The Greatest Technology Shift on Planet Earth of all Time is Now on the Way! (GAOG + Operation Disclosure) ~ | Blogger: 🙏Thanks to Louis, my danish naturopathic doctor for sharing is caring - let's talk shop... I haven't manage to read this loooong article, just yet... has been on top of these 6,000 thousand classified patents in years and put a lot of effect to understand the connections to Oligarchy, the Jewish Rothschild Pyramid and The medical, intelligence and military–industrial complexes. etc. etc... One thing I have learned so far, that in a "near" future, we will have our freedom back, and with one swift move, our Planet Earth, will be liberated and superadvanced technologies is gonna help us all, most of that, invented by humans other things stolen and copied by Extraterrestrial Reverse engineering... You see, there's unstoppable force out there, together with our Galactic friends in the skies and Source Creator God Cosmic Omniverse, that want HU-manity to break free from this Matrix Prison-Planet or even, orchestrate to spring of the A.I. Reptilian Overlord from prison, so 'IT' could be overturned with Pure Light Source Energy and if not, destroyed in Galactic Central sun, like George Bush Sr., was... Nothing matters on Earth, before we have defeated the Nazi-ruled Global Secret Space Programs, who has overwhelming weaponry and power of the Universe, and not only in the Milky way... It's so hard to understand, that We, The People, on Earth, have no saying in anything, before non-biological entities are defeated... NOT IN A MILLION years, will Lockheed Martin, Terma A/S or other Earthly controlled Aerospace and defense companies, be revealing that we have been controlling The Universe, for more than 80 years... I still believe, in my humble opinion, that we can only stop the many implants in humans, toxicity level, traumatic experiences, reincarnations into a Prison Planet, forced and ruled by a millennium old "Hidden Hand" - whatever - by insiders, breaking the ranks from within the Machine City - we are not out of the woods yet... What we are all experiencing RIGHT NOW is THE FIGHT of a Lifetime... |



The Greatest Technology Shift on Planet Earth of all Time is Now on the Way!

Mark Baughman, Operation Disclosure, Nov. 26, 2020


The U.S. Government has over 6,000 thousand classified patents in the name of “national security.” These are all going to be released, worldwide. Some of those patents I have been involved in are for clean energy devices called “zero-point energy” and can supply clean and portable energy to one’s home with a device no bigger than a big dehumidifier. I am an engineer and have built a prototype.

Most of the technologies should have NEVER been classified and kept away from the general public. This was about control and greed; very simple. We are going to massively change the way we do things. My job is getting this technology to the open market in the up and coming “New Paradigm” of open-sourced technology to advance humanity. This is not just for a few people’s pocketbooks. My humanitarian group is going to share this with everyone, at a low cost. We are not allowed to make a profit.

These project groups will touch everyone on the planet in a positive way and will be shared with all people, all countries. We are going to advance “Mankind to the Star Trek Civilization”. Does that sound too ambitious or a little crazy? Let me go put my little crazy tin hat on and explain what we are doing in the next twenty years.

Let me take you to the path of the 145-year-old automobile industry with the internal-combustion engine started in 1885. The first engine of the type was commercially successful in 1860. Most engines are just 20% thermal efficient, but can be as high 50%, but that is rare. This means this engine is NOT a very good efficient or clean technology. This produces many pollutants from unburned fuel such as carbon monoxide, hydrocarbons, and nitrogen oxides. How in the hell are we still on this technology for this long?

🕊️ ~ 💗 (Universal Mother Mary & The Council: Being the Vision and Fully Present in the Now!) Daybreak – Be the Vision (counciloflove) 💕 ~ |

Spirit Broadcast 

DayBreak Nov 30, 2020

👨‍💻⛓️🧿 ~ (The Matrix, The Hunger Games, The Handmaids' Tale, The Rain, The Barrier) Vågn nu op, folkens! Vi er under angreb på den mest udspekulerede måde. Der er ingen sølvpapirshat i hele verden, der ikke ønsker, at dette skal stoppes. Og vi vil have dig med (Rikke Hauge) ~ | Blogger: Nogle avisoverskrifter: "Flypassagertrafik vender ikke tilbage til niveauet før pandemien tidligst i 2024, advarer IATA ... "Ingen rejser 2021 sommer ~" ... "Trump om valgsvindel: Vi har alle beviserne – Ekstra Bladet" ... "Forsvaret : Vi handlede efter ordre fra Fødevarestyrelsen – som brugte hjemmel uden mulighed for aflivning af mink som retsgrundlag -" ... "Regeringen præsenterer plan for vaccination mod corona i Danmark -" ... "Dræn du bare sumpen, Inger - men du bor jo selv i den ~" ... "Forsker: COVID-19 vil formentlig aldrig blive udryddet -" ... |

Til alle dem, der mener, at jeg er en latterlig sølvpapirshat, der spilder jeres tid med at prøve at råbe jer op... 

Sæt jer godt til rette i sofaen og se den nye Netflix serie "Muren" (The Barrier). Sådan vil verden se ud om få årtier, hvis ikke DU gør noget NU.

Jeg så de 2 første afsnit i går, og jeg var rystet. Jeg ved jo godt, at eliten elsker at vise os, hvad de har planlagt, men dette her var alligevel lidt for realistisk.

👨‍💻🕹️💥 ~ (Matrix is Collapsing its all about Vaccines) Full transcript of bombshell interview: Gen. Michael Flynn, Gen. Thomas McInerney with Brannon Howse – Identity of KRAKEN revealed (NN) ~ | Blogger: [🤜As Mike Adams is mentioning, besides, the bombshell interview with Gen. Michael Flynn, Gen. Thomas McInerney and Mary Fanning -- the DS Babylon Evil Tower, is trying to take EVERYONE down, who are targeting any vaccine freedom or constitutional rights🤛] ... Mainstream News articles, to support these claims: "South Wales Police branded ‘Covid-19 STASI’ after preventing couple from delivering Christmas gifts to family." ( ... "British Army's Information Warfare Unit will be deployed to tackle anti-vaccine propaganda ahead of jab rollout." (D.Mail) ... "Macron 'shame' at beating of black man by Paris police officers (" ... "Anti-lockdown demonstrators clash with police in Italy and French Catholics demand the right to worship as Covid protests break out across Europe." (D.mail) ... |

Gen. Flynn speaks: Identity of Kraken revealed, server farm raid casualties confirmed, more...
Mike Adams

Huge updates for you today. As you'll see below, the US and UK governments are now unleashing their cyber warfare weapons to target "anti-vaxxers," meaning that anyone who questions the official vaccine propaganda will be subjected to cyber warfare surveillance and attacks funded by the government itself.

But first, before we get to that, we have now published a full transcript of a truly bombshell interview that brings together Gen. Michael Flynn, Gen. Thomas McInerney and Mary Fanning, who lay out stunning information about what's happening.

In this interview, they reveal the true identity of "Kraken" as well as confirming the deaths of US soldiers during the Special Forces raid on the CIA server farm in Frankfurt.

I have all the highlights, plus a full transcript, all found here.


Nov 29, 2020

🙏 ~ 💝 ~ (I Declare and Decree) Todays Inspirational Spiritual Quotes & Videos (SoTW) ~ 💕 |

I Declare and Decree

Lightworkers & Lightwarriors and everyone who feel so guided; Say out loud:

  • "I surrender to the guidance of pure light, of the Source and the pure light beings.
  • "I now invoke of the Presence I AM that I AM":
  • I AM devoted to get rid of any attachments of anything, anyone and of any kind, and I'll will not have any worries... 
  • I AM a star being of pure light, a STARSEED/ HUMAN ANGEL with divine mastery skills to fix and love myself, unconditionally...
  • I AM first and foremost for my higher purpose, mission, openly listening to my higher self... 
  • I AM in possession to spread courage that means, I don't let fear stop me...
  • I AM confident every second, but allow myself to be vulnerable and receive help...
  • I AM full of love, compassionate loving intent...
  • I AM Unity consciousness 
  • I AM Christ consciousness 
  • I AM the Soul 
  • ~

⚠️😮🙅‍♂️ ~ (Dire Warning) Robert F. Kennedy Jr: ‘New COVID Vaccine Should Be Avoided At All Cost’ (Algora Blog) ~ | Blogger: Pleases also read the 'CLARIFICATION' section...


Robert F. Kennedy Jr

Principa Scientific

I would like to draw your attention urgently to important issues related to the next Covid-19 vaccination. For the first time in the history of vaccination, the so-called last generation mRNA vaccines intervene directly in the genetic material of the patient and therefore alter the individual genetic material, which represents the genetic manipulation, something that was already forbidden and until then considered criminal.

This intervention can be compared to genetically manipulated food, which is also highly controversial. Even if the media and politicians currently trivialize the problem and even stupidly call for a new type of vaccine to return to normality, this vaccination is problematic in terms of health, morality and ethics, and also in terms of genetic damage that, unlike the damage caused by previous vaccines, will be irreversible and irreparable.

Dear patients, after an unprecedented mRNA vaccine, you will no longer be able to treat the vaccine symptoms in a complementary way. They will have to live with the consequences, because they can no longer be cured simply by removing toxins from the human body, just as a person with a genetic defect like Down syndrome, Klinefelter syndrome, Turner syndrome, genetic cardiac arrest, hemophilia, cystic fibrosis, Rett syndrome, etc.), because the genetic defect is forever!

This means clearly: if a vaccination symptom develops after an mRNA vaccination, neither I nor any other therapist can help you, because the damage caused by the vaccination will be genetically irreversible. In my opinion, these new vaccines represent a crime against humanity that has never been committed in such a big way in history. As Dr. Wolfgang Wodarg, an experienced doctor, said: In fact, this “promising vaccine” for the vast majority of people should be FORBIDDEN, because it is genetic manipulation! ”

The vaccine, developed and endorsed by Anthony Fauci and funded by Bill Gates, uses experimental mRNA technology. Three of the 15 human guinea pigs (20%) experienced a “serious adverse event”.

Note: messenger RNA or mRNA is the ribonucleic acid that transfers the genetic code of the DNA of the cell nucleus to a ribosome in the cytoplasm, that is, the one that determines the order in which the amino acids of a protein bind and act as a mold or pattern for the synthesis of that protein. 


🚀🌌👾 ~ (MJ-12 Group, Top Level Bilderberger, Operation Paperclip, Go-between Draco Reptilians) Trump Fires Kissinger: Prison Planet has change in Management (Dr. Michael Salla) 💕 ~ | Blogger: [🤜HE WHO CONTROLS SPACE CONTROLS EARTH ~ SoTW🤛] ... You don't have to gone on COBRA SCHOOL.. Think, you're a tinfoil hat conspiracy theorists, UFO nutcase... Consider yourself being a member of a worldwide organisation of Spiritual Lightworkers, Starseeds, Wayshowers... Or, you could be interested or investigate in The Global Secret Space Program, to become part of the people, who are being awakening on a Grand Scale, to understand this 7 minute news videocast... Be open-minded for higher Spiritual Exoteric and Esoteric teachings... |

On November 25, President Donald Trump sacked 11 members of the influential Defense Policy Board. One was Dr. Henry Kissinger who has a long history of advising U.S. Presidents on national security issues. Less known is his involvement in the MJ-12 Group set up to manage the UFO issue in the 1950s, and his subsequent historic role as a liaison between global leaders with extraterrestrial entities. This exopolitics podcast analyses Kissinger's sacking and its implications for the US, and the rest of the planet. 

🌑 ~ 💗 (Standing on the Brink of Hope) 30th November 2020: Lunar Eclipse in 9th Degree of Gemini (EOL) 💕 ~ |

Standing on the Brink of Hope

All dates are UT

This lunar eclipse and its partner solar eclipse on 14th December close the door on the intense Capricorn focus of this year. Just after the second of these eclipses, Saturn leaves Capricorn on 17th December, with Jupiter following suit on 19th December. They then form a conjunction in the first degree of Aquarius on the solstice (21st December). This sequence of astrological events promises a powerful end to what has been a monumental year in human history.

Saturn, Jupiter and Pluto conjunct in Capricorn at the time of this eclipse speak to the on-going ‘might makes right’ approach to our current global predicament, in which an overriding narrative of vulnerability and fear has possessed the thoughts and imaginations of countless people the world over. Efforts to maintain and intensify this situation will undoubtedly continue to the end of this year and beyond. But the approaching ingress of first Saturn and then Jupiter into Aquarius (the sign of collective humanity) from Capricorn (the sign of top-down authority) speaks to a significant shift of influential power. By the end of this year the wheels of change will have been set in motion, grounding the real potential for a different outcome to this seemingly unending march into global subjugation and tyranny.

🕉️ ~ 💗 (AION) COBRA NEWS: Age of Aquarius Activation 29 Language Videos 💕 ~ | Blogger: [👉Make them viral, spread them through your networks to assist in reaching the critical mass! A new Cobra interview will also be created soon, and you can send your questions. Many of those questions will be answered in the interview.~ Cobra👈] ... |

Who's Cobra: Founder of the blog; This blog is the official communicator of resistance from the Resistance.

Cobra is a Pleiadian contactee and has been in contact with the underground for over 35 years. He has been told to remain anonymous by The Resistance and has ongoing communications with beings from Planet X that assist The Resistance Movement. As an earthly representative of the Agarthan network and the light forces, he strives to prepare humanity for the up and coming event horizon. 

🔭😵💫 ~ (Frequency Targeting *hitstorm Bohemian *uckfest) What is Happening Why Am I Feeling This Way (James Gilliland ECETI Ranch) 💗 ~ | Blogger: [👉"This message is for those who have maintained a level of humbleness, knowing everyone and everything is their teacher and they are not separate from anyone or anything. The compassionate people in service to Creator and the Creator within all Creation." ~ James Gilliland👈] ... |

James Gilliland is a minister, counselor, an internationally known lecturer, best selling author with the books, Reunion with Source, Becoming Gods, and The Ultimate Soul Journey. James appeared in Contact Has Begun, His Story, The History Channel, UFOs then and Now, UFO Hotspots, ABC, Fox News, BBC Danny Dyer Special, Paranormal State, ECETI Ranch a Documentary, and the new movie Thrive have all featured James and ECETI which he is the founder. He has appeared on Coast to Coast, Jeff Rense, and to numerous other radio shows to mention also being the host of, As You Wish Talk Radio, and Contact Has Begun, He is a facilitator of many Eastern disciplines, a visionary dedicated to the awakening and healing of Humanity and the Earth and teaches higher dimensional realities from experience

The Latest from ECETI and James Gilliland 

What is Happening Why Am I Feeling This Way 

This is the one question so many are asking now and the answer has many levels. Most are feeling the uncertainty and fear of the elections, how the outcome will affect them. Others are feeling the processing of others as well as their own process triggered and amplified by AI, satellite, and unseen negative influences creating a lot of psychic turbulence, a suppression of consciousness. Then we have a massive coronal hole directed at the Earth along with the upcoming full moon which many are saying will bring up all unfinished business. The December 21st planetary alignment coming into position is another factor. It is not just one thing more like an all the above answer. Those who are sensitive, more spiritually advanced are really getting hammered. Some call it frequency targeting and that targeting is coming from psychotronics, friends family lovers coworkers in process, as well as unseen negative influences residing in the lower astral level. It is a veritable _hit storm some might call a bohemian _uckfest. It is the storm and it is multidimensional.

It is part of the awakening and healing process. When energy is added to a system the system reacts. Higher frequencies create chaos until everything finds equilibrium. We are in the chaos phase. This will increase until the full moon on the 30ththen begin to taper off a few days after yet from there on out it will be a roller coaster ride. The hardest lesson through all of this is to depersonalize it, practice loving detachment, go within and feel deeply what is coming up from within, why you are reacting, being triggered. It is time to ask with brutal honesty have these feelings, these situations happened before and find a way to release it. Do not blame or project, this will not work with these new energies which are forcing personal responsibility. 

🎖️⚔️🥺 ~ (Danish illegal Martial Law Operation Mink Slaughter) 500 mand udkommanderet fra Forsvarskommandoens operationsrum på Flyvestation Karup i Midtjylland, NOST og 'Soldatens Kort': Alle mink i landet skal slås ihjel, har statsminister Mette Frederisksen beordret (SoTW) ~ | Blogger: [👉Jeg bliver sgu lidt rystet over denne historie, hvis den er korrekt anskuet fra Tabloid journalism, B.T., der alene satser på clickbait-journalistik i sin reneste form👈] ... {En vaskeægte glødepærekonspiration? Vi ved, at Danmark har været med i 'Falske Flag operationer' på Dansk grund - både VT Today(Veterans Today - tidligere soldater m.m.) og Ole Dammegård m.fl. har fortalt detaljeret om 2015-skyderierne i København, om en øvelse 1 måned før, PET vidste besked og Helle Thorning blev briefet på forhånd og at NOST, højst sandsynligt, har været involveret eller vidste besked om, det falske flag og terrorangrebene i Norge 22. juli 2011} ... 🕵️‍♂️Selvom jeg normalt, udfører Borgerjournalistik her på, har jeg dog ikke de mange kilder og midler, Berlingske Media har og en tipstelefon, whistleblowere og til tider, dygtige men også "graverjournalistik på blestadiet" (fordi de 1.200 nyhedsjournalister vi har i DK er underlagt en form for censur - CIA Operation Mockingbird) ... 🐕‍🦺Med det sagt, I en meget kort fase i mit liv, var jeg en del af militæret. Nærmere bestemt, Militærpolitiet eller som pluto-pilot, (K9) på Flyvestation Værløse (udlært i Karup). Har været heldig, at bevogte Forsvarskommandoen (FKO). Som MP'er ved Flyvestation Værløse (NATO Redeployment Base-mobiliserings- flyveplads), har jeg personligt beskyttet og besøgt NATO's forsvarskomando (underjordiske Vedbækbunkeren) som nu er flyttet til CAOC Finderup. En del politiske (mørkelagt) VIP's lettede og landede på Flyvestationen, set en del tophemmelige ledere som susede igennem her, da det var hot (haft et par Lockdowns uden at bruge mit våben, heldigvis)... 🥴Det kommer dog bag på mig, hvis man læser denne historie til ende, hvor PLANLAGT, det hele har været, og så underlagt Værnsfælles kommando - nærmest en del af en NATO-operation (øvelse)... 🙉OG alle vidste besked - A-L-L-E... 🤔Ender det med en rigsretssag for Mette F? eller er hun beskyttet af det enorm magtfulde DDFO Frimueriet, Teknokratiet og Bill Gates Corona Event 201 (The Medical and Banking Umbrella Corporation?)... |

(BT)📑"Ministrene Mette Frederiksen, Magnus Heunicke, Mogens Jensen, Morten Bødskov, Jeppe Kofod og Nicolai Wammen (Nick Hækkerup) deltager sammen med en række departementschefer og rådgivere. Per Okkels, departementschef i Sundhedsministeriet, bekræfter igen og igen alvoren. Mødet ender med, at Mette Frederiksen træffer beslutningen om den ulovlige ordre: at aflive alle mink." -- Dernæst får Jakob Ellemann-Jensen et opkald.: »Det er meget tydeligt, at det her er en orientering. Det er ikke en anmodning om støtte til noget som helst«.. Onsdag 4. november klokken 16 indkalder statsminister Mette Frederiksen til det nu historiske pressemøde. Miljø- og Fødevareministeriet sender en mail til Justitsministeriet: Fødevarestyrelsen mener, at det ikke er lovligt at beordre alle mink i landet aflivet.  Men der er det for sent.  »Alle mink skal aflives – også avlsdyr,« siger Mette Frederiksen få minutter senere." 📑o.s.v., o.s.v...

Nov 28, 2020

🙏 ~ 💝 ~ (Showing you a possible image of future Earth) Todays Inspirational Spiritual Quotes & Videos (SoTW) ~ 💕 | Blogger: [🌟Metamorphosis - Darpan - Love Light ~ Transcend Today🌟] ... {I am a Soul of Love a Heart of Peace a Mind of stillness a being of Light} ... This 10 min video should have been viewed by millions - a must-see - if you are a true Lightworker or Lightwarrior or you are open minded and understand deeply that there is more to this world... "So, who AM I ? Where do I even begin? You maybe see me outside, a few, can also see me within. Who AM I? It’s not what others might see, Who I AM is not what others think of me. Who I AM is who I always was and who I will always be, A dreamer that just wants to be free, A warrior of light for eternity." ~ SoTW... |

💲💉☠️ ~ (It has always been about the vaccines) THE ENTIRE WORLD IS FOLLOWING A SCRIPTED NARRATIVE (TheCrowHouse) ~ | Blogger: [🤜As always - all-in-one-self-explaining-video - from Max Igan🤛] ... PS: This is what I on Verdensalt have learned in 2020 -- 👉Event 201👉CoronaVirus PlanDemic👉PCR Test Hoax👉DARPA Mandatory Vaccination👉Immunization Agenda 2030👉CommonPass Digital Health Pass👉ID2020👉One Global FEMA Camp👉One Global Social Credit System👉One Global Currency👉One Global Army👉One Global Freemasonry Dark Alliance A.I. Extraterrestrial Entities (Government) = The Great Reset... |

⚖️⛓️🕊️ ~ (SoTW concur) Trump must pardon Snowden & Assange for helping expose ‘deep state,’ says Tulsi Gabbard amid chorus against war on whistleblowers ( ~ | Blogger: If the sitting US President-re-elect Donald Trump, has control over CIA and FBI, and then pardoned his former national security adviser Michael Flynn, he should also pardon, especially, Julian Assange, since his health, is so bad he 'could die in prison', say 60 doctors... I have said this for years... If not for Trump, meet Tulsi Gabbard, Future President of the United States (I wish). Finally, someone who has the guts to tell the truth - just loooove her! - "I grew up with the Aloha Spirit,” says Congresswoman Tulsi Gabbard. “We try to treat everyone with respect. Like family.” ... Yes, verdensalt is an outsider, I'm NOT a american and yes, Congresswoman Tulsi Gabbard, is a democrat, but not being a "puppet" for Crooked Clintons, Bushes (Scherff) - 4th Reich & Gay Muslim Obummer, Nobama!... |

⏰🕳️🐇 ~ (Yeah! Tell me about it!) Top Pathologist Claims Coronavirus is “The Greatest Hoax Ever Perpetrated on an Unsuspecting Public” ( ~ |


Source >>

Hodkinson’s comments were made during a discussion involving the Community and Public Services Committee and the clip was subsequently uploaded to YouTube.

Noting that he was also an expert in virology, Hodkinson pointed out that his role as CEO of a biotech company that manufactures COVID tests means, “I might know a little bit about all this.”

“There is utterly unfounded public hysteria driven by the media and politicians, it’s outrageous, this is the greatest hoax ever perpetrated on an unsuspecting public,”
said Hodkinson.

The doctor said that nothing could be done to stop the spread of the virus besides protecting older more vulnerable people and that the whole situation represented “politics playing medicine, and that’s a very dangerous game.”
[READ MORE] ... |

🕬📰🌞 ~ Opdatering fra oplysningsforbundet MAY DAY DANMARK~ | Blogger: [👉Nyhedsbrev: Fogedsag i Helsingør mod 5G, Læge i USA: Corona er et stort fupnummer, dommer i Portugal: PCR-tests viser ikke infektion👈] ... |

Kære venner

Hvis du er glad for alternativ behandling af en vis kvalitet, så er der behov for din støtte nu. RAB-ordningen, som er et kvalitetsmærke for de alternative behandlere i forhold til de lidt for hurtige med bare et weekendkursus, er i fare. I ly af en masse andet har læger og politikere i diverse artikler i Berlingske kritiseret alternativ behandling så meget, at Sundhedsministeren synes, han må gøre noget. Men at afskaffe kvalitetsordningen, som netop sikrer et højt niveau med fx krav om over 600 timers uddannelse og eksaminer for at kunne blive RAB-kvalificeret, er jo netop en garanti for det faglige niveau. Se omtale længere nede, og skriv gerne din mening til ministeren.

Vores heldagsseminar med sundhedsforsker Patrick Holford blev en stor succes. Alt blev filmet, og du kan se med hos May Day.
Forbered dig på et højt niveau af sundhedsfaglig information - hav ordbogen klar, slå ørerne ud - and enjoy!
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Rigtig god læsning og lytning!

Gratis D-vitaminer i kampen mod corona
Boris Johnson, Storbritanniens premierminister og regeringschef for en af de førende nationer inden for eksport af lægemidler, har sagt, at han i lyset af coronapandemien, vil følge Skotlands eksempel, og overveje at sikre gratis D-vitamin til millioner af ældre og sårbare i Storbritannien for at afhjælpe den udbredte mangeltilstand
Død af eller med coronavirus?
Ifølge Kåre Mølbak, faglig direktør i Statens Serum Institut, er sagen klar: 95 procent af alle er døde »af« corona. Nu sår flere eksperter imidlertid alvorlig tvivl om påstanden.
(Ingen er død af noget andet i det sidste halve år. Det er da virkeligt glædeligt (!)
"Coronavirus er det største fupnummer nogensinde"
Top patolog Dr. Roger Hodkinson har sagt til nogle embedsmænd i Alberta under et zoommøde, at den nuværende korona-krise er "det største fupnummer, der nogensinde er lavet med intetanende borgere." Lægen sagde også, at der ikke kan gøres noget for at stoppe spredningen af virus ud over at beskytte ældre og mere sårbare mennesker, og at hele situationen repræsenterer "politik, der spiller medicin, og det er et meget farligt spil."
Dommere i Portugal betvivler coronatest
I en retssag anlagt af 4 tyske turister, der uretmæssigt blev lukket inde på deres hotelværelse på Azorerne i sommer, lyder den klare dom fra dommerne: ”På baggrund af aktuel videnskabelig forskning viser denne test sig at være ude af stand til at fastslå ud over rimelig tvivl, at sådan positivitet faktisk svarer til infektionen af en person med SARS-CoV-2-viruset”. Med andre ord: Fordi du testes positiv med corona, er det ikke lig med, at du har infektion. (engelsk)
Fake news om coronas oprindelse
En udtalelse om, at corona er ”naturligt opstået” og ikke kommer fra et laboratorium, skulle se ud, som om den kom fra 27 forskere. I virkeligheden stammer den fra præsidenten for en forening, der har modtaget millioner af dollar til genetisk manipulation af coronavirus sammen med forskere i Wuhan. Udtalelsen kom i den ansete lægejournal The Lancet.
Nå, det er nok bare en ”konspirationsteori”. Nej, det er ikke teori – det er en ægte konspiration!

🌬️🍂⚰️ ~ (Mette Corona-commander & Co. Gone with the Wind) Dansk professor og 'Nature': Sandsynligheden for at dø "med" corona er tæt på ZERO, hvis du er under 50 år! Næsten ingen under 80 år dør "af" Corona! Overlæge: SST konklusion om mundbind er "fejlagtig og tendentiøs" (SoTW) ~ | Blogger: [👉Magnus LØGNICKE Corona-generals mest-magtfulde departementschef går på pension. Samme gør SS(I) Medical Corps Kåre Møllarve Supersoldier. Frank KLAM Københavns Obersturmführer er UDE! Samme er Mink-killer, Gay-Barolo-Mogens! Martin Rossen-Bossen havde også aftjent sin værnepligt og dog -- fortsætter Agendaen på FULD TRYK👈] ... 🤥Operationer vil blive aflyst for at give plads til patienter med covid ~ Løgnagtige regionernes formand og Patientdirektør: 'Det er meget alvorligt' ~ Ritzau🙄 (vi ved alle, at CV-afsnit på hospitalerne står tomme hen) ... 🤥Drop det: Centraladmin. overbetalte Professor og bforskere advarer mod at jule-coronateste sig og så derefter, juleferie for at besøge bedstemor og bedstefar og trygt give en krammer og spise juleand og risalamande sammen med dem🙄 (for at skabe FRYGT i mennesker)... 🤥Kommuner AMOK: Krydser du den tyske grænse skal du blive hjemme i selvisolation i 14 dage. Uden løn - lyder advarsel til 4500 ansatte🙄 (Tyskland har allerede advaret deres borgere om en lang 3-4 måneder vinter med delvis nedlukning, hvor blandt andet barer og restauranter er lukket) ... 🤥Postnord kommer med opfordring og advarsel omkring 'black friday', og hele ugen har mange steder haft 'black week'-tilbud - man skal stadig holde afstand til hinanden🙄(først Børnelokker man med lidt for smarte "tilbud" og derefter må man ikke længere tage ned i butikkerne, hvor man i forvejen, skal have MUNDBLE på) ... 🤥SKATTEDANMARK OG SÅ SVERIGE: Du bliver BEORDRET til at arbejde hjemme, praktisk umuligt at få fradrag for udgifter til hjemmekontoret, hvis man er dansker. Men, nu advarer SKAT, ikke nok med, at du får en ekstraregning for kørselsfradraget, hvis du bor i Sverige, skal du nu, dobbeltbeskattes🙄(har selv boet i Sverige også brugt hjemmekontoret) ... ⚠️HUSK PÅ; der er altid, altid, altid en anden partisoldat til at overtage pladsen, når en anden, fejler, bliver "sorteper" eller kastet i mink-massegraven, for at redde vores Statsminister - Kinaformanden! Toppen af poppen i Centraladmin. store 1 million ansatte offentlige system, SKAL, erklære sig som medkompantanter til CORONA CORPORATION FRIMUERIET, ellers bliver de også, kastet i voldgraven... 17 millioner lemminger (mink) har nu "kastet" sig selv ud over skrænten i døden - hvor mange danskere skal dø af skam, frygt, ensomhed, depression og vaccinesyge "med" Corona før resten af befolkningen, siger STOP?... 🤬PS: Alles Landsmoder Mette-mus: "En kommende vaccine bliver vores vigtigste våben mod corona. Og det er vores største håb om at vende tilbage til en mere almindelig hverdag." -- hvad fanden bilder hun sig ind???... |
