Oct 31, 2019

😈 ~ Trump Calls Halloween Impeachment Vote 'Greatest Witch Hunt' In American History! (RT) ~ |


👻 ~ Turkey: Baghdadi also retired? (VT Today) ~ |

…by Dr. Andullah Manaz, VT Turkey
When you don’t want to give the kids something, you hide it back and you can say: “I threw it away, it’s gone! There is no anything!” This was also the case with al-Baghdadi, leader of the Daesh Terrorist Organization. When everyone wanted to see the dead body of Baghdadi, they said, “We threw it into the sea! There is no anything!”
They did the same thing to Laden. They said, “We killed him in the operation”, but we didn’t see a photo from an injured body. Then they said, “We threw it into the sea!” Doubtful news, unconvincing evidence increased the question marks in the heads.

Now all over the world, everyone asks the following questions:
  • The last thing we remember, Baghdadi was in the Syrian Deyrozor Baghos Farms region. Russian and Iraqi intelligence sources were claiming that it was in Iraq and probably lived at AynulEsed base of the US. How could Baghdadi come up to the border of Turkey. He crossed the Euphrates, crossed the long territory of Essed, crossed the controls and monitoring points on both sides of the border of Idlib, Neither the Russians and the Iranians nor the opponents in Idlib noticed him. In a region near the border with Turkey (brisha) How did people get a home construction begun 22 months ago. Also Turkey, Russia and the US intelligence and satellites was constantly monitoring here, because the United States was doing continuous operations against the Huras ed-Din terrorist organization here.
  • Russia states that “S-400 radars do not report a US aircraft participating in the area. It can be answered this question as follows: “You can hit a target that is 16 km away from the NATO border without border breach”. indeed, it was announced that the helicopters participating in the operation were flying over the Erbil-AynulEsed-Sarin route and Turkish operation regions.
  • How did the two survive (from 9 people, 2 people coming from the left of the house, 7 people coming from the front) from the bombs, despite heavy bombs were thrown at them? The area where the house was located was completely destroyed. According to Turkish sources, there were totaly 7 bodies as 3 men, 3 women 1 child. Also 5 wounded were. US sources referred only to two people. Where are the other three people? How did two of the three children whom Trump said died with a suicide bomb survived the tunnel?
  • After the operation, it was stated that “There was a CIA member with Baghdadi with him from the beginning”. This officer also took part in the construction of the house. According to satellite images, the construction of the house started in January 2018. So the CIA was with Baghdadi for at least 20 mounths. Why was Baghdadi not killed before?
  • The leader of the PKK terrorist organization in Syria announced that: “Operation is planned a month before, but it postponed for a month due to operations of Turkey in northeast Syria. If Baghdadi was monitoring since the least one month, why did he came to the border of Turkey, also there was a Turkish military base in here? While Baghdadi was moving freely in the region controlled by the US & PKK, did he escape because he was afraid of the Turkish operation? And again towards the Turkish border?

🌫️ ~ Chemtrails The Secret War : No film covers the covert war against "We The People" as well as Marciano film does (Verdensalt Archive) ~ |

⭐ ~ 💗 Omnec Onec - “The Woman From Venus” (Verdensalt Arkiv) 💕 ~ | Blogger: [🕴️Omnec Onec hævder, at hun er en kvindelig udenjordisk "Venusian" der oprindeligt kom til Jorden i 1955, der blev født for 246 jordiske år siden🕴️] ... |

Omnec onec er født og opvokset på Venus. Venus er ofte omtalt som vores søster planet i dette solsystem. Denne planet er meget interessant for os, fordi længe siden gennemgik Deres samfund den samme proces som Jorden er i vores NUET, kaldet Ascension. De lever nu i den femte dimension. Selvom Venus virker alt for varm og komplet ubeboelig planet, i den femte dimension, er den i virkeligheden, en smuk verden med krystal byer. Et af Mike Quinsey kontakter, Ker-On, (samt SaLuSA) er fra Venus, har undertiden talt om hans egen verden. Vores galaktiske venner fortæller ofte om, menneskelignende ET'er der i forvejen lever blandt os. De lever blandt os, af alle mulige grunde. Nogle, har allieret sig med Den Galaktiske Føderation og arbejder aktivt på forandring på vores jordplanet, mens andre med forskning og endnu andre er her, bare for oplevelsens skyld. Omnec Onec har levet på Jorden siden hun var 7 år gammel og har levet på hendes egen plant i 130 år (menneskeår). Jeg er igang med at læse bogen "Simply Wisdom And Love" Venusian Spirituality, som jeg købte af hende... Føler mig virkelig privilegeret, at møde Omnec, få en personlig krammer og velsignelse, på hendes fødselsdag i 2015.. Omnec er en fantastisk, givende og levende eksempel på ubetinget kærlige intentioner mod alt levende. I USA og Tyskland er hun et stort spirituel navn, men valgt for et par år siden, at dele jordens 3D dilemma med os andre, uden evigt liv og beskyttelse fra Venus - at blive gammel og nu desværre syg, svag og gangbesværet.

Omnec Onec: Message from Venus

Omnec Onec is the only recorded person who was born on a higher level of density and came to Earth with her own physical body. In the Ninetees, she became publicly known with her autobiography FROM VENUS I CAME (today part 1 of THE VENUSIAN TRILOGY). It is my mission to share my knowledge and perspective with you and to inform you about the currently ongoing Transformation Process of the Earth. Long time ago, your ancestors came from different planets with wonderful abilities intact. Your heritage is much greater than you were told.

"Hello, my name is Omnec Onec. I come from the planet that you know as Venus. I came to share with human beings that man is universal and that your ancestors came from other galaxies and systems. Your heritage is great and beautiful. You are not limited to one planet. There is no limit. Whatever you can imagine, can be reality. Anything is possible. As long as you can imagine, it can be. I would like to give you a Venusian greeting which means "May the Universal Love and Blessings Be": AMUAL ABAKTU BARAKA BASHAD"
Sample of "Simply Wisdom and Love - Venusian Spirituality" by Omnec Onec. You can download 60 free pages. If you would like to order the book directly, you may type in a coupon code for free shipping. Anja Schäfer

ET’s Incarnating to Prepare for Event | Omnec Onec on Jerry Springer 1993

Julian found this interview from the early 90’s with Omnec Onec, who claims to be from an advanced race living on Venus. When we originally saw this several years ago, it was unclear what if any plausibility her story had, but as we continued to investigate ET’s, the Secret Space Program, and the Nature of Consciousness evolution, discussed in countless works, her story began to take on an interesting tone.

Insider Corey GoodETxSG has been realizing a staggering amount of data regarding breakaway civilizations, ET races, and Secret Space Program contacts. While he does not mention Venus (that we are aware of) it seems the details of her story are highly plausible. Dolores Cannon has a breathtaking amount of data suggesting that beings from many words and densities of reality have been coming to Earth in huge waves starting about 80 years ago. This information came from her hypnotic regression information from many different people over decades of work....(..)...

👸 ~ 💗 A First Lady who described traveling to Venus to witness an alien world (Ancient-Code) 💕 ~ | Blogger: [💬“While my body was asleep, I think my soul rode on a triangular-shaped UFO and went to Venus,” she explains in the tome she published last year. “It was a very beautiful place, and it was very green,” she wrote💨] ... {What would happen if the Queen of the United Kingdom, Elizabeth II, the world's primary feudal landowner and richest Queen (reptilian) woman on Earth disclosed that she believed she traveled with extraterrestrials to Venus? Or for that matter, Margrethe II of Denmark?} ... 🤗PS: Did verdensalt meet a woman from Venus? Yes he did!✨... That was back in 2015 at The Interplanetary Cultural Exchange Summer Conference in Mt. Shasta 2015... Several people caught orbs on camera and when OMNEC had her presentation, some of the guys told me, three very pink UFO flyby close to our camp and even UFO's dancing near the sun caught on camera... Well, let me tell you - Energies like Mount Shasta's vortex, all energy from conference attendees and speakers, especially the protection "shield" from the three pleiadians hovering above our head due to OMNEC ONEC visit... My thoughts was "we" are the lucky bonds at the right time and right place on this conference, so very grateful and got so many friends.... Wouldn't have missed it for the world, not even Dr. Steven Greer workshops... For me to shake hands with Rob Potter, talks to Alex Collier, got a (warm) birthday hug from OMNEC, psychic reading from Ted Mahr and so many other experiences.... |

What would happen if the First Lady of the United States disclosed that she believed she traveled with extraterrestrials to Venus? It would no doubt create quite the international media sensation, right? Well, that’s exactly what happened in the case of Japanese First Lady Miyuki Hatoyama. However, did you hear about it at all?

In 2009, then 62-year-old Miyuki Hatoyama, wife of Japan’s Prime Minister-elect, Yukio Hatoyama, came under scrutiny for what she wrote in a book entitled, entitled “Very Strange Things I’ve Encountered.”

Hatoyama wrote about an experience that happened to her two decades before.

⚰️ ~ Jeffrey Epstein's autopsy more consistent with homicidal strangulation than suicide (ETH+Fox) ~ | Blogger: [👯If, he's dead of course, and not escaped together with SpongeBob and Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi to a CIA safe house at Mar-a-Lago drinking Piña coladas and playing spin the bottle with Playboy Bunnies🍹] ... |

(Fox News) – The body of disgraced money man and sex offender Jeffrey Epstein, who was found dead in his Manhattan federal prison cell in August, bore telltale signs of homicide despite an official ruling that he killed himself, a pioneering forensic pathologist revealed to “Fox & Friends” in an exclusive interview Wednesday.

The bombshell claim by Dr. Michael Baden, a former New York City medical examiner who has worked on high-profile cases during a five-decade medical career, is certain to reignite suspicions that surfaced immediately after Epstein, who was awaiting trial on federal sex-trafficking charges involving underage girls, was discovered dead in his cell on Aug. 10. Baden, who was hired by Epstein’s brother and observed the autopsy, told Fox News its findings are more consistent with homicidal strangulation than suicidal hanging.

He noted that the 66-year-old Epstein had two fractures on the left and right sides of his larynx, specifically the thyroid cartilage or Adam’s apple, as well as one fracture on the left hyoid bone above the Adam’s apple, Baden told Fox News. “Those three fractures are extremely unusual in suicidal hangings and could occur much more commonly in homicidal strangulation,” Baden, who is also a Fox News contributor, said. READ MORE

⚓ ~ Every Single US East Coast Aircraft Carrier is Docked for Repairs (Sputnik News) ~ | Blogger: Wouldn't it be kickass wafflelicious, if Dr. Michael Salla from Exopolitics.org was right about the U.S. aircraft carriers were recalled to their home ports to be secretly equipped with powerful electromagnetic “Tesla” shields that could neutralize all hypersonic and ballistic missile threats?... Of course it would be.... |

Are US Aircraft Carriers secretly protected by Electromagnetic “Tesla” Shields?

🌪️ ~ ANOTHER "Never happened in recorded history" moment! - TALL tornado (MrMBB333) ~ | Blogger: Many strange and extreme weather pattern shares from all over the world... |

October 29, 2019: ~ Weather Phenomena ~ Rogue Storm https://www.mrmbb333.com 👇 right here...thx👇 https://www.createphotocalendars.com/... https://www.washingtonpost.com/weathe...

☹️ ~ RUNNING for Erection: A former sentenced pimping danish local politician embroiled in gangbangs & Jutland orgy scandal, continues to earn thousands of kroner by holding gangbangs in his own bedroom ~ | Blogger: Sygt, sygt og sygt! ... Ikke nok med det, nu afskaffer Astrid Krag også plan om at give prostitueret samme rettigheder som alle andre. Den særlige arbejdsgruppe, der skulle blandt andet undersøge muligheden for at sikre prostituerede ret til dagpenge, og samtidigt, ripper dem i skat... |


🗼 ~ Grenfell Tower fire errors: Fewer people would have died if fire service's ‘stay-put’ strategy had been called off (RT) ~ | Blogger: [♨️THIS REBLOG IS IN HONOR TO RSBN-LIVE COVERAGE OF GRENFELL TOWER & STEVE LOOKNER'S FINAL RSBN STREAM MAY 6, 2018♨️] ... Great Fire of London - Very, very sad tragedy. All our hearts, donations and prayers go out to victims and injured people.. 🕯️😔💞... HOWEVER, you might wanna listen to this... A very FRUSTRATED reporter from Right Side Broadcasting Network LIVE has covered the London fire all night long and I'd (verdensalt.dk) heard him yelled out loud this morning, at 7.00 AM CET; 6.00 London time; -- ".. WHY hasn't any mainstream news outlets told us about casualties, any confirmations on death toll, or interviewing witnesses, any words on cause and when do they go into the building and actually rescue people??? No smoke alarms has gone of from the building when it happens (reporter gets lots of feeds and news from people). Why didn't any ceiling sprinklers going off? Many people says fire caused by new outside paint coatings and started on lower floors (some blame the owner - fire hazard), so nobody knew on top floors? Why is its only one corner that caught fire and other corner has no damage? No knocks on the residents doors, only Police yelling FIRE, FIRE on some floors. NOBODY says it's terror, but how come a new building in 2017 is caught on fire and NOBODY is accounting for it??. Only latest news, indicates that 44 people taken to hospitals (but was it bystanders, people watching or victims?). Why is it, that so-called 'victims' that came out from the building are so clean on their clothes? Someone has sent the reporter a file on a ISIS magazine that WARNED about a fire in London. Another has sent a video where a man are waving, but cannot confirms its form the london fire (video has been censored). The reporter continues; Only social media videos that indicates people are screaming from the building to get out... NEWS just came in to the reporter: 'This man managed to escape from the 17th floor with his 68-year-old aunt. He told me how he got out #LatimerRoad pic.twitter.com/d4miXigfN3.' (not confimred, is he trustworthy??). Otherwise TOTALLY blackout and informations VERY SLOW NEWS coming out from any outlets, since it's started 5 hours ago.." says the reporter.... He also ask: Why are the fire PICKING up again this morning? A reporter gets information that fire picking up due to plastic and wind going through the building and the tower will collapse. The the fire brigade has already backed off at this time!! Ready for Collapse! Reporter: -- VERY strange fire going on..(blogger: Lets hope they didn't use nanothermite since LOTS of burning debris falling off the tower NOW at 9.50 CET!!!!! ). Fire at Dubai skyscraper had no injuries reported. Tehran fire had 20 dead in Plasco building collapse. Will it be a collapse at London tower?... |


The entire block has been completely covered up by the massive flames on all sides with thick plumes of smoke filling the air

💸 ~ Flere banker strammer gebyrskruen : Mere end en million kunder i farezonen (BT Forbrug) ~ | Blogger: [👉FAKTA : En god dansk bank er ikke blot en (privat) virksomhed som har ejerrettigheder over deres egen forretning og betjener kunder. De er sammensluttet af et globalt pyramide opdelt system👈] ... Nederst er du og jeg (lønslaverne), derefter vor regering som er sammenspist med multinationalister, og Erhvervsminister Simon Kollerup (kan) og vil ikke regulere danske banker, fordi, han bestemmer ikke. Det gør (delvis) de 'Privatejede' centralbanker, Den Europæiske Centralbank (forkortet ECB), IMF samt Verdensbanken (BIS), der har kørt i mere end 1300 år, som styrer de 'digitale' pengestrømme, der på toppen af pyramiden, igen, er centralstyret af ca. 8.000 Bank-elitenetværkere, og familierne over alle, Rothschild, Warburg, Rockefeller... I dag er stort set alle 'penge' digitale KontoPenge. Banker i dag låner stort set kun ud imod fuld SIKKERHED. Penge avler i banken. De avler navnlig for banken. Bankerne hæver dine gebyrer og sender rekord-udbytter til aktionærerne, General Executive Management (GEM) og SkrivebordsTomaterne. De (få) danske pengesedler der trykkes, sker i Frankrig. Finland valgt til at producere danske mønter og de 66,5 tons guld findes IKKE i Nationalbanken, størstedelen af Nationalbankens guld ligger i Bank of England, hvor det har været, siden det af sikkerhedsmæssige årsager blev flyttet under den kolde krig... PS: B.T. 's talknuser-model er faktisk endnu værre, ifølge Information.dk, siden 2008 er bankernes gebyrer steget med 53,4 procent. Til sammenligning er priserne på daglige forbrugsvarer som mad, transport og tøj steget med 14,5 procent. Det viser tal fra Danmarks Statistik... |

Mellem september 2009 og september 2019 er priserne for gebyrer på helt almindelige bankforretninger som at have en konto eller et betalingskort steget med 46,2 procent


⌨️ ~ Every Keystroke on Every Device Is LOGGED Somewhere (The Organic Prepper) ~ |

If you have the minimum of a standard smartphone and/or leave your house at any time, what you say, what you type, what you do, is being listened to, recorded, monitored, and analyzed by software, technology, people, or all of the above. Cameras in the phone, virtual assistants, GPS (Global Positioning System) tracking, traffic cameras, store cameras, other people’s phones, cameras and recording devices, dash cams, body cams, and even satellite and drone cameras, all watch, listen, and monitor what we do. And that’s just the tip of the iceberg.


🎃 ~ HALLOWEEN NEWS 🦇 (ECETI and James Gilliland) ~ |

James Gilliland is a minister, counselor, an internationally known lecturer, best selling author with the books, Reunion with Source, Becoming Gods, and The Ultimate Soul Journey. James appeared in Contact Has Begun, His Story, The History Channel, UFOs then and Now, UFO Hotspots, ABC, Fox News, BBC Danny Dyer Special, Paranormal State, ECETI Ranch a Documentary, and the new movie Thrive have all featured James and ECETI which he is the founder. He has appeared on Coast to Coast, Jeff Rense, and to numerous other radio shows to mention also being the host of, As You Wish Talk Radio, www.bbsradio.com and Contact Has Begun, www.worldpuja.net. He is a facilitator of many Eastern disciplines, a visionary dedicated to the awakening and healing of Humanity and the Earth and teaches higher dimensional realities from experience

The Latest from ECETI and James Gilliland 


Just a heads up, Halloween has always had some strange energy attached to it. We are in the middle of a major shift with the solar flares and Schumann resonance off the scale. We talked about last Thursday as being the kick off of major events. As predicted big changes have unfolded. The flares are followed by emotional outbursts as the energy affects the bio electric fields around the body the Earth’s body as well. This is followed by erratic weather and an increase in earthquake and volcanic activity. There will be a major escalation of clashes with the dark hearts, deep state elite driven factions and the white hats. The next three weeks will be intense. The Baghdaddy event was one of these. There is so much more to this story involving top politicians. There are also unseen forces at work. Entities we have never seen before wearing black robes and claws for hands. Leaders of the dark realms the dark hearts owe their allegiance too are now coming into play. The lion beings and ascended masters can make quick work of them. They use one’s own unhealed trauma against them creating division and separation energizing these issues with anger. We have to become the observer of OURSELVES. Maintain self-authority and stay on mission aligned with Universal Law. Beware of the need to be right, flattery, blame and projection this opens the door to influence. The most powerful healers and protectors allow God/Creator/Great Spirit to flow through them like a hollow bone. Hollow ween is a good time to master the hollow bone. Personal responsibility is also a must to get through these times, practice loving detachment, focus on healing and do clearings on a regular basis. Many of us came from advanced civilizations. Within us we have the knowledge and the tools to deal with these challenges. It is why we incarnated. Time to awaken and draw on that wisdom. There is a planetary liberation and it is well underway. There are unimaginable multidimensional forces behind this process, Creator has given its best. It’s time to stand in your divinity, your power, the ultimate power is love yet tough love is what is in order. Remember Quan Yin is known for her wrathful compassion. Sometimes we need to say and do what is necessary beyond any need for love, acceptance and approval outside of self. Sometimes we have to go through hell to get to heaven but we can do it laughing. 

Oct 30, 2019

🌍 ~ Who is behind Salt Of The World? What is its purpose? In the Light of Truth (Verdensalt) ~ 🌍 | Blogger: [🤜You have a choice: Either stick to the globalist agenda and their '3-D Matrix of illusion' which leads to 'their perception is Your reality' - OR - start confront Your own 'two wolves who are always fighting' to seek out the TRUTH🤛] ... 🤴 I am exactly the same age as our beloved Crown Prince Frederik, the heir apparent to the throne of Denmark. Born on the Three Kings' Day. Consider myself an energy-coach, 2019 will be the starting point. However, I am a moneyless proprietor, unknown "John Doe" and daydreamer. Didn't score the highest in both intelligence and creativity during my 16 years of 'indoctrinated' school time, but awaken and seen a flash of light, a 'glitch' in the existing 3D Matrix of the illusion 👁️‍🗨️ ... The name of my blog, verdensalt, was inspired of the knowledge, by the dairy-maker, Martinus Thomsen, and his vast universe ... Later on, much, much more ... |

This is me on verdensalt portraying as U.S. Vietnam soldier and the kids of my
 1st host family back in the late 80's under Halloween, High School & Defense end (DE)
(american football) days ...

🌍'Verdensalt' means - 'Salt Of The World'🌍

Denmark is a very small country... the world is very large...but, the TRUTH gets out in SECONDS around the GLOBE...

 YOU are the salt of the world. WE are the salt of the world. WE live on Mother Gaia/Earth, but our base of operations should also include, the Cosmos. The universe seen as a well-ordered whole - a endless cosmos... Eternal, infinite and living, a conscious cosmos....

Giving Unconditional Love: 
Love yourself unconditionally. 
Unconditional love starts at home, with oneself. ... 
Make the loving choice. ... 
Forgive those you love. ... 
Don't expect to shield someone you love from all discomfort and pain. ... 
Be the protector of love, shine light in the ones who’s needed 

So, who AM I ? Where do I even begin? 
You maybe see me outside, a few like you, can also see me within. 
Who AM I? It’s not what others might see, 
Who I AM is not what others think of me. 
Who I AM is who I always was and who I will always be, 
A dreamer that just wants to be free, 
A warrior of light for eternity.

TRUTH is ONLY what you perceive in YOUR OWN SPACE. The person sitting NEXT to YOU, might have a different OPINION and should NOT be FORCED upon. EVERYONE have FREE WILL and having their own SPIRITUAL AWAKENING EXPERIENCE. In other WORDS, STICK to the INNER TRUTH from your HIGHER SELF, that will always LEAD YOU STRAIGHT home.

verdensalt.dk is a nonprofit blog, no ads, no advertising and marketing, non governmental organization and no funding of any kind. and no work either, no income (it's by design). Been working for the GoLDMaN SLaCKS and Rothschild banking cartel for 30 years, but no more...

It's meant as a Portal. Using symbolism, video or photos to create a good atmosphere. I do my own research, speak my mind, good friends giving me intel some times. I'm dyslexic, blogger spellcheck functions are working, even so, errors will appear. Important of all, ABSOLUTELY FEARLESS. Lost friends POSTING stuff which DIDN'T RESONATE with their 3D MATRIX OF ILLUSORY perception, gets me SAD sometimes, however TRUTH will always lead the way to another PATH and NEW FRIENDS.

Please Donate
If You Feel So Guided Or It Resonate With You. 
Much love & Light. 

🌩️ ~ MAJOR Spikes in Schumann Resonance, Solar Geostorm & Plasma From Space (Verdensalt) ~ | Blogger: [〰️ The Earth is vibration higher and higher, just like verdensalt!〰️] ... Wooow! ... 🌊 (Con l'aiuto degli amici italiani) - With help from the italian friends : "Considering the beginning of this powerful movement, indicated on the graph on October 27th at 5 am, the almost continuous period of activity was of about 65 hours. Three day consecutive of strong activity, after a few hours of pause at the local time midnight passage of 29th, from 22 UTC a new powerful movement began with amplitude variations that reached 40 at first to arrive with a gradual increase to Power 87 at 8 UTC. Later, almost been a total white, for several hours, from 7 to 9 and from 10 to 11 UTC the amplitude was constantly above Power 70 with various exceedances even of the threshold of 80. The highest peak still remains that previously reported"... |


🎃 ~ HALLOWEEN HORROR 🧟 : Long Beach Halloween party mass shooting leaves three dead and nine injured after hooded gunmen open fire at LA house (TheSun) ~ | Blogger: [AND, so it begins... Long Beach mass shooting could be very real and verdensalt thoughts and prayers go out to the victims and their families🙏] ... {But, i'm sorry, I didn't mean to startle you and being rude and insensitive, but we're smack in the middle of the occult / pagan october holidays & sabbats - the false (spiritual) esoteric societies and holy orders festivitas in full motion} .. Samhain, (aka All Hallows Eve, aka Halloween), is a three day fire festival in which sacrifices were given to fires for the sun god. Samhain is a festival for the dead, as Beltaine is a festival for the living. There are a slew of traditions that occur during this festival of Samhain from Oct 29-31st, with the culmination on Halloween night. Samhain is the Celtic lord of the dead and is considered a stag god. A stag god in the occult is always a reference to the ancient male god Nimrod. He was depicted with one horn, or multiple horns appearing as antlers like Moloch... |


👾 ~ Happy Halloween from space: Collision of 2 galaxies looks like a ghost face staring at us (SS) ~ |

Hubble has captured the collision of two galaxies of equal size that appears to resemble a ghostly face. Credit: @NASA/@ESA, J. Dalcanton, B.F. Williams, and M. Durbin (University of Washington) via NASA
The ‘head’ is a result of the gravitational shock wave that pushes material outwards from the two merging galaxies while the bright ‘eyes’ are the centers of the galaxies themselves.


🌠 ~ Large Green Fireball Light Spotted Flying Over Ireland (DAHBOO77) ~ |

Residents across Ireland and beyond were mystified Monday night as a curious green fireball lit up the night sky. Astounded amateur astronomers across the Irish counties of Clare, Cork, Fermanagh, and Mayo caught a glimpse of the enigmatic event over the Emerald Isle at roughly 7pm local time. 

🎁 ~ ⭐️ EngleGAVE: Jeg fortæller i videoen, hvad det er (Sofie Rose) ⭐️ ~ | .. Nymåneudfordring : Er du klar på at gøre en lille ting, som kan hjælpe dig med at træde ind i år 2020 med mere lykke, glæde, flow og overflod? Jeg fortæller i videoen hvad det er ♥ .. | Blogger: Selvfølgelig koster det en masse penge at være fuld medlem hos Sofie Rose, men engang-i-mellem, sender hun en hjertelig dejlig varm hilsen ud, som er gratis - sponsoreret af vores englebasser... 💙 |


Englene har en udfordring til dig, som kan hjælpe dig med at træde ind i år 2020 i en langt mere højtvibrerende udgave af dig.

Måske kunne du tænke dig at være med?

En gave fra englene til dig

Jeg har optaget en lille video, som jeg har lagt på min facebook side, hvor jeg fortæller, hvad det er.
Du finder videoen lige her - klik her

👼 ~ 💗 Intense Energy Times, Spikes in Schumann Resonance (Higher Self) 💕 ~ |

🔴 ~ BREAKING: World Famous Angry 'Our House Is On Fire Climate Messiah' Greta Thunberg & writer Jonas Eika, declines $52,000 together with 2019 Nordic Council Environment Prize, as Prize Winners Shocking Sneak Attack Danish PM, Mette Frederiksen, of Racism In The Stockholm Acceptance Speech which leaves Danish PM & Swedish PM, Stefan Löfven with other Politicians Absolutely Speechless and Petrified - No clapping ~ | Blogger: [😲FOR the first TIME under 'crisis acting' Greta Thunberg rule, verdensalt do agree with her and Jonas Eika🗣️] - when, Jonas Eika, gave a very emotional speech, REPEATEDLY mentioning Mette Frederiksen by name and accusing her and her government of having taken over the recent government's racist politics, acc. to a danish journalist, Troels Mylenberg. 💬 - "I speak to the Danish Prime Minister (who also sits in this room). Mette Frederiksen, who heads a Social Democracy that has come to power by taking over the previous government's racist language and politics", said Jonas Eika in the speech, which TV 2 has a copy of. 💬 - "Mette Frederiksen, who calls herself the CHILDREN'S prime minister, but runs a foreign policy that divides families", he said in the speech. The Danish author also accused other governments in the Nordic countries of pursuing racist politics. 💬 - "The mound and applause were scattered. Mette Frederiksen and Swedish Prime Minister Stefan Löfven, who also sat in the first row, sat as petrified and did not clap", says Troels Mylenberg. A party member describes Eika as a "clown". And Pia Kjærsgaard is angry - VERY angry after Jonas Eika talks about "State-racism" and many other subjects ... |

(Above - true or false?) Photographs shared widely in September 2019 showed Greta Thunberg posing with George Soros and a member of Isis and "aligning herself" with Antifa...

Prismodtager anklager Mette Frederiksen for racisme i takketale: - Hun sad som forstenetGreta Thunberg får Nordisk Råds Miljøpris - afviser at modtage den
Greta Thunberg declined a climate award because the world needs more action, fewer awards
'The climate doesn't need awards': Greta Thunberg declines environmental prize
Pia Kjærsgaard: »Skam dig, Jonas Eika«

💉☠️🗳️ ~ (Vaccine)Socialdemokratiet: Vi foretrækker, at befolkningen selv kan se det fornuftige i vaccinationer (KK) ~ | Blogger: [👉Ingen vaccine, ingen børnehave eller skole, ingen arme, ingen kager👈] ... Kære afarter af socialdemokratiske vælgere, partikammarater og kommunister... Nu er det bare således, at bare fordi ræverøde (med blå rødder) partier, siger til jer, at verdenssundhedsorganisationen samt Sundhedsstyrelsens anbefaling om en vaccinedækning på 95 procent skal overholdes og fordi i har stemt på en RØD regering, så er lobbyisme fra medicinalindustrien, interesseorganisationer og patientforeninger, som gerne vil fortælle om deres produkter på Borgen, forsvundet... Tværtimod... sådan spiller klaveret ikke... |

»No vaccine, no kindergarten or school.«

This is what Italy's new approach to fight against parents who do not let their children vaccinate.

The Social Democracy is not in denial that Denmark can use equal resources - but the party would rather see that it is achieved by means of information


💉 ~ Vaxxed2 documentary producers release devastating information about America’s hidden vaccine injury epidemic: “A war zone” of dead children (NN+InfoW+HNN+Vaxxed) ~ | Blogger: [✊Coming To A Western Cabal Controlled City Near You👊] ... PS: CBS -- New Bill Would Require NY Kids to Get HPV Vaccine to Go to School or Daycare... |


👼~ 💗 Null Zone Reset (Meg Benedicte) 💕 ~ | Part V (fith) Update Since 10:10 | .. We are currently in the midst of a global timeline reset. Many visiting souls have come from the future to issue a new ascension timeline for planet earth .. |


I’ve recently been noticing significant shifts occurring in the planetary holographic field. At times the outer room flickers, rippling back and forth, until it regains solidity. It all happens in a moment. Other times I’m walking and the floor shifts under my feet, another ripple effect, like walking on an ocean wave, then it stabilizes. We are currently in the midst of a global timeline reset.

Many visiting souls have come from the future to issue a new ascension timeline for planet earth. It’s a numbers game. There are not enough awakened humans, while the collective ‘hive mind’ is still lost in a matrix of illusion. The ascension shift was missing deadlines. So here we are!

Many are reporting examples of the Mandela Effect, or alternate time streams shifting in and out of human reality. As time grows more fluid, parallel timelines are bleeding through. All is shifting in a continuous kaleidoscope of flashing mirrors…as the ground literally shifts beneath us.

Within the spinning Quantum Vortex, a null-magnetic field is created in Singularity. A Null Zone is created when energy expands, extends and blossoms outwards, then is shattered from without, causing the previous world or reality system to collapse inwards upon itself. The old entrenched patterns and systems are decomposing. The old shattered worlds cannot be restored to their original position.

🧘‍♂️ ~ Hvordan udlever vi åndelig spiritualitet? (Verdensalt Arkiv) ~ |

Udgivet Juli 2014 af Verdensalt.dk

Den lille Gumbas, Nu skal vi heeeeeelt ind I sindet, … nu er vi bange .. Numensas (rytteriet)

Har en mistanke om, der er mange som opfatter det, at leve en spirituel vej betyder; meditation dagen lang - Buddha stående på hver hylde, orange klædedragt, månedlige lynvisit til Indien og en Guru på speed-dial via mobilen. Hvem siger, det kun er de specielt udvalgte som flyver på skyerne, uanfægtet af hverdagens drama og kaos, fed karma og liv med ubetinget kærlighed fra ens aura og konstante gode energi-frekvenser og vibrationer, elskelige af alle omkring os....Præcist som i vores evindelige præcissationtræs med karriere, børn, gæld og farlig volvo efterlever vi samfundsordenens strenge krav på værdisæt, vision og normen som er til vores rådighed. Derfor behøves det ikke være galimatias at tro på vi er omgivet af skytsengler, det gudommelige selskab, feer eller dæmoner.   

”Vi er alle spirituelle skabninger”, hvis du tror på der er mere end livet tilbyder sig, så er du i min bog, spirituel som er blevet opmærksom på ens egen åndelige tilstand. 

Spiritualitet er ikke religion. Det kommer ikke fra dine forældre eller Jehovas vidner som banker på din hoveddør ( blot et eksempel). Spiritualitet opstår fra et eller andet sted dybt inde i dig (SELVET eller SJÆLEN). Det er en tro på, at du ønsker at rodfæste dig uden du har en synlig grund. Du mener, at der er mere i livet, noget som du ikke kan måle eller helt forklare, hvad din overbevisning helt er, følt det bekræftede hundrede gange. Måske gennem intuitioner, som har vist sig at være korrekte, overbevisende sammentræf, ”deja vu” en følelse af samhørighed. Fordybelse inde i dig selv, gennem indre tro og holde det tæt til dig. Det er sikkert ikke synligt, men jeg mener, ​​det er meget reel.

Chok og traumer, stærke begivenheder kan påvirke os i en alternativ retning. Én af mine familiemedlemmer fik foretaget en ballonudvidelse efter en forsnævring i kranspulsåren. Når det var overstået, stod det på transcendental meditation 2 gange om dagen, ændret spisevaner, ændret adfærd, sportslige aktiviteter og nærmest sygeligt afholdelse af, hvad der var farligt for kroppen. Men forstår vi helt selv, at opretholde vores levevis hele livet i sådanne en udstrækning, som er sund levevis, med vores sind/tanker/følelser? Vaners magt, ubehag for forandringer, fastforankret tankemønstre, stædighed, trækker os tilbage til livets tryghed : "3-D Matrix af Illusion".

Måske, måske ikke, ihvertfald er min egen far, tilbage i folden af ego-individualisterne, tilbage under lægevidenskabens klare lys og modtager toktisk medicin og lytter til 24x7 TV2 News, som var det, guddommelige udbredelse af Jesu syv ord på korset...

🔮 ~ 💗 November 2019 Predictions: Major Shift in Consciousness (Joni Patry Vedic Astrological) 💕 ~ | Blogger: Waaaw! Major changes ahead😲... Be Prepared! The GREAT Awakening!... EXPECT THE UNEXPECTED!... PS: Patry is a second level (highest level) certified Vedic astrologer among many other things... I have personally found on verdensalt, that Western (or tropical) astrology is less accurate than Indian--or "Hindu" astrology, could be because i was inaugurated in Kriya Yoga when Swami Shankarananda Giri came to Denmark in 1994, coincidentally I was thrown into an adventure that I will never forget. Could have been the VERY FIRST “spiritual awakening” process for me, even, at that time, were young and unaware of the process that began inside me. My "clear conscious awakening" hit me on a deeper level, after the Reiki inauguration program, kickstarted, 1-2 decades ago.. |

Joni Patry lives in Dallas, Texas and is one of the most recognized teachers and Vedic astrologers in the world. She was a faculty member for ACVA, CVA and Instructor for online certification programs, published many books, journals and appeared on national and international television shows. As the keynote speaker for international conferences, she has a Japanese website, and teaches in Turkey and India. She has been awarded the 2015 Jyotish Star of the year and Dr B. V. Raman's Janma Shatamanothsava Award Jyotisha Choodamani. She publishes an online astrological magazine, Astrologic Magazine and has an online University for certification, the University of Vedic Astrology.

👤 ~ Udenrigsminister melder sit kandidatur til Folketinget (policywatch) ~ | Blogger: [🤚Mani og bipolar lidelser : Alle har vel en mani🤚] .. {Fra Demokrati - Teknokrati - Pædofili - Ludomani - Sparemani - Købemani - Krænkermani} ... Det som foruroliger mig allermest på verdensalt redaktionen, er, at vi skal accepterer, at Christiansborg kan skjule alt under gulvtæppet, via #mørklægningsloven (Offentlighedsloven), tilsidesætter eller bryder, #ministeransvarloven, som #Støjberggaten har gjort hundredvis af gange og at #Parlamentarisk-immunitet, kan retfærdiggøre, en TOTAL beskyttelse af et parlaments medlemmer imod mulig politisk forfølgelse fra den udøvende magt gennem bl.a. politi og anklagemyndig... Vi skal accepterer, at politikere er ekstrem sexual aktive og flakker mellem at være hetero, homo- bi- og transseksuelle, okay, men at en fremtrædende politiker, samt alle andre syndere og moralister, slipper for videre tiltale, over at en klokkeklar pædofilisag, forstår jeg intet af. Men det skal jeg måske heller ikke, fordi, danske politikere, er åbenbart over de gængse 1.300 love, vi har i Danmark, men også over Grundloven sammen med Kongehuset... |


🐠 ~ POTUS Report: Think Right & Wrong, NOT Right & Left (The GoldFish Report No. 399, Week) ~ | Blogger: [🙉Living in the Fake News Era - Your brain tricks you into Believing Fake News🙈] ... Verdensalt understand that people has a hard time following The GoldFish Report or Jim Fetzer, PhD, because their associating them with or as 'conspiracy terrorists', true radical Trump supports, QAnon or whatever... Well, it may be so, but there's a reason Louisa were censored on her FB or any youtube channels, and loss of 12.000 subscribers etc. etc. Verdensalt don't follow them so much anymore, i think that their FB feeds are to aggressive for me, neverthelesss, our MSM media prepares spun stories every single minute of our lives, that isn't truth and make us all want to believe it... Spiritual truth is the truth about you, me and collectively us. Have you ever thought what are we, who are we, where have we come from, where has life come from, and most importantly is science and news media giving you the exact answers about you being as a live conscious being or where do we go when we die?... |

On The GoldFish Report No 399, Week 145 POTUS report, Louisa reports on the recent U.S. - China trade deal progress, U.S. Military Raid to take out ISIS Leader Baghdadi, the mystery of Pelosi, Schiff and Brenner's lack of public appearances, Katie Hill resignation, and the UN Usurping U.S. Sovereignty in Utah and more. Jim reports on political demographic flip, democratic party on Suicide watch, Cowdstrike and Ukraine, facebook fake fact checkers, Syrian oil conundrum, Israeli dual citizenship and mossad, HRC claiming Tulsi Gabbard is a Russian agent among others, Bolton apparently is the whislteblower seeking revenge for firing, RIP First Amendment and more.

⚖️ ~ Dansk domstol i brøler: 'Jeg er meget rystet' (B.T.) ~ | Blogger: [📺HOLD da op! Det er som at se, fiktionsdramaserien, "Fred til lands", hvor Mike, en ekstrem sadistisk psykopat, holder en hel by, som gidsel🤺] ... |


»Jeg kender dit navn, og jeg ved, hvor du bor.«

B.T. Uddrag: "Mogens var mødt op i Retten i Hjørring for at vidne mod gerningsmanden. Hvad, Mogens ikke vidste, var, at retten to måneder forinden ved en fejl havde tilsendt alle Mogens' private oplysninger direkte til gerningsmandens e-boks.

🛸 ~ 💗 UFO Over Nightly Summer In Sedona of 2019 💕 ~ | Blogger: [✊Jimmy Looks Twice: We choose the right to be who we are. We know the difference between the reality of freedom and the illusion of freedom. There is a way to live with the earth and a way not to live with the earth. We choose the way of earth. It's about power, Ray🏹] ... Verdensalt has meet-up with his own Native American, Rahelio Roderiguez, in Sedona, Arizona in 2017 went on a (true) spiritual journey in the sweet lodge & special ceremony up in the red mountains ... As highly recommended by my friend and REIKI master Monica from US, Rahelio is a amazing spiritual guide, astrologer and healer. Wisdom teachings from both eastern Yogic traditions, Taoist wisdom, the Medicine Wheel, practice of western astrology, Christian mysticism and Native American shamanism and many other things.. Been lucky to visit both Sedona, Arizona and Sacred Mount Shasta and its spiritual mysteries. Many different types of vortexes are claimed to exist. From paranormal portals that act as doorways to the afterlife (or other dimensions), to spiritual spots near the convergence of ley lines... 👽📸 PS: Months ago i went to Sedona in 2019 again, and was to suppose to meet my friend Rahelio Roderiguez, but something came up and went to stay with Sedona Sacred Rocks Metaphysical B&B, superhost Meaghan, Master of (Choa Kok Sui) Pranic Healing retreat... Under my stay at Sedona, for baffling and unforgettable UFO sightings, try "Sedona Ufo And Vortex Tours". Best and cheapest. Equipped with $5000 special forces military night vision goggles, turns night into day, besides we could hear or had warnings of rattlesnakes, javelinas, bobcats, wolves, foxes, coyotes and skunks, but in the skies, we saw at least 30-40 objects, in 1 hour time, that was NOT planes, satellites and weatherballoons. Guide had satellitetracker and the equipment to make us, believers (seen UFO's many times before)... |


🖼️ ~ Epoch Times: "Reporters Share Conspiracy Theory From Obama Photographer Claiming Trump Photo During ISIS Raid Was Staged" (The Rumor Mills) ~ | Blogger: [💣NATO-CIA-Pentagon : Junction of the Real Druglords, Warlords & The Modus Operandi of the EU/UN?🏴‍☠️] ... This (perhaps staged) picture of Trump has gone viral on all (CIA Operation Mockingbird) Mass media outlets, including, the danish press. Whether it is true of false, i don't know, but it comes in a most convenient time window, when Democrats unveil resolution for next steps of Trump's impeachment... |

Posted By: hobie [Send E-Mail]
Date: Tuesday, 29-Oct-2019 01:17:33

President Donald Trump is joined by Vice President Mike Pence, national security adviser Robert O’Brien (L), Secretary of Defense Mark Esper, and Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Army Gen. Mark A. Milley (R) in the Situation Room of the White House on Oct. 26, 2019. (Shealah Craighead/White House via AP)

Picture comes from corbettreport
Reporters Share Conspiracy Theory From Obama Photographer Claiming Trump Photo During ISIS Raid Was Staged
by Zachary Stieber

A number of reporters shared a conspiracy theory on Oct. 27 started by President Barack Obama’s former official photographer Pete Souza.

After the United States reportedly killed ISIS leader Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi—the killing was later confirmed—Souza posited that a photograph shared by the White House showing President Donald Trump and military leaders in the situation room was staged before the raid.




Oct 29, 2019

🙏 ~ 💓 Todays Inspirational Spiritual Quotes & Videos (Verdensalt) ~ 💕 |

👻 ~ Something Big Has Happened! (The Corbett Report) ~ |

👼 ~ 💗 A Special Message to Lightworkers (Caroline Oceana Ryan Newsletter) 💕 ~ | Blogger: [🍬The Sugar Matrix🍫] - Yes, verdensalt knows it (unfortunately) all well, i'm fighting it, every day... |

Greetings, Amazing One! 

Huge Thanks to all who watched the Collective’s video on releasing subconscious Abundance blocks!

You can view their Manifesting Abundance video either on the Abundance Group Facebook page, or on YouTube at https://youtu.be/YyzZDI6A2Qg.

Many commented on Facebook or emailed me to say they loved the first video and found it empowering and healing.

Thank you for that! Your feedback is a tremendous help in shaping which areas the Collective offer guidance on.

Last week we talked about Inner Transformation -- releasing the subconscious blocks that stop us from manifesting Abundance.

So now let's move on to the next subject . . .

In the survey sent out earlier this year, we also asked, "What's hardest for you about Food and Eating?"

People named the biggest blocks to healthy eating and slimness as food addictions, emotional stress, and the cost of organic foods . . .  
  • “I turn to sugar and salt to squash my sensitivity or feelings.”
  • “My nighttime binges on sweets. I can’t control the craving for dessert after dinner.”
  • “Too much sugar, not enough vegetables. I want to eat better. But 3D work has me challenged.”
  • “Addictions. I worry about many things, then I start to eat harmful substances.”
  • “Grazing at odd times of the day and night.”
  • “I still crave sugar, and don’t always have organic foods accessible.”
  • “I need to eat potatoes and complex carbs to feel calm and sleep well.”
  • “Doing the work to prepare natural organic meals and snacks.”
  • “I need to eat something with low vibration to cope with people at work.”
  • “Lack of finances, lack of proximity to quality foods. Depression can make me reach for the odd processed item.”
  • “The foods I am able to afford have a lot of unsavory ingredients.”
  • “Food intolerances, reactions to GMO, pesticides. My body is sensitive. I feel the energy of everything, have trouble separating my energy from that of others.”
  • “I manage to stop emotional eating for a long period of time, and lose weight, look better, think better, feel better. Then something happens, and I start all the bad habits again.”
These are issues that millions are facing. And our sensitivities are only increasing as we develop our Light Body.

🗿 ~ Human origins in a southern African palaeo-wetland and first migrations (Nature) ~ | .. All modern humans originated in northern Botswana, study says .. | Blogger: [🙌Glory Hallelujah! Brothers and sisters, have you heard the news?👏] ... NOT a word about Human DNA ‘was designed by aliens’ of course not. A hidden truth is to believe, that our species was designed by a higher power, alien civilisation that either wanted to preserve a message in our DNA or simply plant life on other planets... Nooope! "Anatomically modern humans originated in Africa around 200 thousand years ago (ka)" ~ Professor Vanessa M. Hayes of the Garvan Institute of Medical Research, Sidney, Australia ... Take it or leave it... |


⚔️ ~ We Now Have Mass Public Unrest In France, Spain, Algeria, Iraq, Lebanon, Egypt, Hong Kong, Venezuela, Chile, Ecuador And Bolivia (Zero Hedge) ~ | Blogger: [🙈There's no Area 51. There's no recovered spaceship. Nimzicki: Uh, excuse me, Mr. President? That's not entirely accurate🙉] ... Unrest together with danish populace don't mix... Denmark's capital has become the urban overlord of doing things the right way. They call it the happiest city in the world. But, the people never go all in public and demonstrate, by the thousands, unless it's about the climate hoax, their trade unions are calling for the fight for welfare, or the authorities are trying to alter the living conditions of our kids (like for minimum standards in the country's crèches and kindergartens)... |

.. In short, there isn’t a continent that isn’t seeing unrest in some form, and as Branko Milanovic notes today, one wonders if this isn’t all a little 1968-ish ..


🌬️🔥 ~ “Diablo Winds” Are Ferociously Whipping “Out Of Control” Wildfires Across Vast Stretches Of Northern California (TEC) ~ | Blogger: Well, you tell me, don't worry, 74,300 Acres or 30,068 Hectares or 116.093 Square Miles is nothing in comparison to California's approximately 104.765 million acres of land. Yes it is, because its NOT in rural areas or countryside, it's where people live, and lose of their homes, with many residents that can’t afford wildfire insurance, means, it's catastrophic events we're looking at. Not to mention the Blackouts, thieves breaks into houses and the wildfires are making California’s deadly air pollution even worse, not to forget, the more sinister agenda behind the scene, as of China, takeover, some claim... Since Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger met with Chinese leaders back in 2010, with the explicit intention to sell California, the state government of California back then, was projected to have a budget deficit of at least 19 billion dollars. Now, California Gov. Jerry Brown signs his last budget, a $201 billion plan with a surplus of almost $9 billion compared with a large deficit he inherited back in 2011... What the hell is going on i don't know, but it's not gonna be pretty and all my prayers go out to California and all its citizens... And it's not a joke, China plans to become a global superpower, and it is important not to be naive in relation to the Chinese backwardness in investing in Greenland, California (USA) and many other countries - China's $900 billion New Silk Road... (Rothschild controlled PG&E Corp + UN Agenda 21 / 2030)... |



👑 ~ Kongen, kammertjenere, lakajer og undersåter på vild-jagt, mens centraladministrationens bonusfest for topledere, superrige, samt adelseliten og andet godtfolk, fortsætter ~ | Blogger: [🏴‍☠️Kan ikke længere genkende Danmark. Det er ikke længere lattervækkende, det er et ufatteligt sørgelig syn og system😔] ... Alt imens, vor elskede Kronprins Frederik og hans nærmeste jyske erhvervs- spidser (lokale magthavere, rigmænd og adelsfolk babber på fars salonriffel og vandpibe), byder velkommen til sæsonens kongejagter, ligesom hans afdøde far (Papa) prisgemalen, der købte royale jade-penisser og gennempryglede prinserne, tager byrådspolitiker i Vejle på ferie-orlov til Caribien, med fuld løn. Hvis én alm. dansker på sociale overførsel gjorde det, ville vedkommende blive stoppet i lufthavnen og sat i fængsel. Så har vi kulturudvalget i Rødovre Kommune som har besøgt Den Blå Lagune i Island for skatteborgernes penge med øl og hornmusik, mens Anna Mee Allerslev får gratis Bryllup og Borgmester Ninna Hedeager har orkestreret anmeldelsen af voldtægt, orlov med fuld løn. Bo Nilsson, CEO for Nets, skraldgriner hele vejen ned til banken med 700 mio, kr, i lommen... Justitsminister Nick Hækkerup, ønsker at stoppe politibossers bonusfest, efter massive og intense skjulte bilag afslørede, at de 13 øverste ledere af politiet samlet fik udbetalt 1.010.000 kr. ekstra i resultatløn for 2018, men skider højt og flot på folkets, politianmeldelser. Dog har de tre magtfulde og skadefulde trioer, Sass Larsen, Bjarne Corydon og Nick Hækkerup, ikke nogen problemer med Telesagen og de 10.000 straffesager, hvor man helt ustraffet, kan lyve for justitsministeren. Ej heller, Danmarks handelsforbindelser med det kinesiske statsdiktatur, samt mørklægger dokument, der advarede om formodede netværk bag omfattende formodet momssvindel, i 11 år... Opsigtsvækkende er det, at Finanstilsynet politianmeldte Nykredit Bank A/S, for overtrædelse af markedsmisbrugs- forordningen, men hold nu fast, at sikre Nykredit Bank en gevinst på SAMLET 4.425 kr. 🤣... Værre ser det ud, at den tidligere ejendomsmatador Michael Busch-Nielsen har politianmeldt Nykredit Bank for bedrageri, underslæb og mandatsvig i forbindelse med sit opsigtsvækkende krak for ti år siden, hvor en ansat tilbød 250.000 kr i bestikkelse. Hvad er der sket i den sag?... Det stopper ikke her, Journalister fejrede sig selv og hinanden for 160.000 kroner - mens rektor med statsministerløn blev sendt på pension med kæmpe fratrædelsesgodtgørelse... Du kan sige hvad du vil, men det kan godt betale sig at være stinkende rig, have forbindelser til Kongehuset og være logebrødre i Den Danske Frimurerorden, sammen med embedsværkets spidser og øverste i hierarkiet via danske centraladministration.. Her, er der ikke noget som hedder armslængdeprincippet, brodne kar eller korruption. Her passer alle på hinandens interesser.... Gud bevare Danmark🛐... |

Kronprins Frederik i prins Henriks fodspor: Tog Lego-arvings mand med på jagt
Rejste til Caribien med fuld løn
Minister vil stoppe politibossers bonusfest
Man kan helt ustraffet lyve for justitsministeren
Myndigheder mørklægger dokument: Var advaret om formodede svindlere i 11 år
Politianmeldelse af Nykredit Bank A/S for overtrædelse af markedsmisbrugsforordningen
Nykredit er blevet politianmeldt
Anklager mod Nykredit Bank: Ansat tilbød 250.000 kr i bestikkelse
Journalister fejrede sig selv og hinanden for 160.000 kroner – mens rektor med statsministerløn blev sendt på pension med kæmpe fratrædelsesgodtgørelse

🕴️ ~ Pelosi announces ‘unnecessary’ formal vote on impeachment as proceedings go public (RT) ~ | Blogger: [🤜LATEST NUMBERS : 127,407 SEALED -- 14,957 UNSEALED -- 295,264 NON-SEALED INDICTMENTS🤛] ... PS: But where is she??? Acc. to BF; ".. Neither House Speaker Nancy Pelosi nor House Intelligence Committee head Adam Schiff have appeared in public since their sudden trip to Jordan last week. A colleague in Washington, DC with a press pass says Pelosi, Schiff, and many others have not been seen in public during the past week and no new videos of them have emerged, either. Former CIA chief John Brennan, who was constantly in the media, has also not been seen in public for two weeks, the journalist also noted.." ... |

House Republicans speak to reporters outside the secure basement room used for witness interviews © Reuters / Carlos Jasso