May 16, 2020

🙏 ~ 💝 Todays Inspirational Spiritual Quotes & Videos (SoTW) ~ 💕 | Blogger: Thanks to Michaël Van de Ven from one of the Cobra-groups for sharing his Beuuuutiful music🎶😊... |

🗣️🦸‍♀️🤯 ~ (Truth R.I.P. - Except Italy) Århundredets Tale - RIGTIG Politiker afslører den store Corona Løgn ~ | Blogger: [👉WHAO!! WHAT THE... MIND-BLOWING! SPEECH OF THE 21ST CENTURY?!👈] ... {with Danish subtitles, but have found another version with english subs from canada} ... Thanks to 'Chaos Navigator' - The YouTube Channel, is managed by the blog called: ''. Unfortunately, he's closing down, but highly recommended. Thanks to Lili for sharing... WHAT IS THIS ABOUT? Italian Member of Parliament, Sara Cuniel, a true, courageous female politician, reveals the Great Lie of COVID-19 like noooo other politician in the world... God bless, Sara Cuniel💜... ⚠️PS: DOWNLOAD the VIDEO BEFORE it disappears!... Translate and watch the links from 'Chaos Navigator', if you dare... |

Kilde (Chaos Navigator)

DOWNLOAD filen FØR den forsvinder:
Folketinget har vedtaget en Corona App, der skal advare om smitte. Appen forventes lanceret i midten af juni og er baseret på Google og Apples teknologi....og DEM kan vi 'stole på' ?? - NEJ Glidebane: Som forudsagt i 2018 og i denne kortfilm: Kinas samfundsmodel på sigt, som prototype for Danmark med Apps og Social Credit Score: Juraprofessor Eva Smith, Advokat og formand for Retspolitisk Forening, Bjørn Elmquist, samt jurist og samfundskritiker Preben Wilhjelm. "Vi er måske lige i begyndelsen af implementeringen af ID2020 - som inkluderer tvangsvaccinationer, befolkningsreduktion og total digital kontrol af alle, på vej til en One World Order og globalt finansiel hegemoni - Full Spectrum Dominance, som PNAC ( Plan for a New American Century) kan lide at kalde det. " - Peter Koenig, økonom og analytiker, tidligere ansat hos WHO (World Health Organization) og Verdensbanken i 30 år Se Koenigs originale artikel: The Coronavirus COVID-19 Pandemic: The Real Danger is “Agenda ID2020”

Denne coronavirus er kun påskud til at nulstille hele det globale økonomiske system og introducere udfasningen af kontanter, et nyt rædselsvælde af et biometrisk globalt kontrolsystem. Det vil ikke lykkes for dem, men prisen er allerede forfærdelig med hele livs pensioner og menneskeskæbner ødelagte (James Corbett på Dansk: ) fordi du tror på SSI (Saudibarbarisk Serum Institut) eller en eller anden smilende politiker??... Hvad gjorde DU, Far eller Mor!!??? vil DINE børn spørge en fremtidig dag - og du vil svare: Jeg var tavs...og heppede endda på den store løgn....????? (LÆS VIDERE)

🗣️⚔️🏳️ ~ (E.B) Konspirationsteoretikere højrefløj mødtes for kæmpe for frihed i coronakrise: - Intet grundlag for corona-nedlukning ~ | Blogger: [👉Give me a break!. Danish media calls us dreadful names, just because we stand up for Greater Freedom and legally rail at COVID-19 for NOT being a dangerous virus. We must hold politicians responsible, telling it like it is - NO BASIS FOR CORONA-LOCKDOWN! Fighting for your rights, one mouth and two fists go further than two fists👈] ... PS: (danish) operere ikke under dække af Fake news-begrebet, går med Sølvpapirshat eller er guf for Konspirationsteoretikere... Jeg er for længst vokset i spiritualitet siden hen og min blog skal anses som en "oplysningsportal", der ikke fremmer nogen former for "aggressivitet eller personificering", men deler budskaber - det drejer sig om troen på, at der er forskel på sandt og falsk, godt og ondt... Kalde os alle sammen, konspirationsteoretikere og højrefløj, fordi vi fredfyldt går med på en godkendt demonstration og lytter til kampen mod tilsidesættelsen af grundlovsfæstede frihedsrettigheder og et krav om mere åbenhed... Fik lige hørt hvordan Statsministeren (En Gud, alles Mor, Amen) havde skamferet Henrik Qvortrup, fordi han er den eneste journalist som TØR spørge, hvor andre TUDER af frygt, for repressalier... Fik ikke hørt så meget andet, dels fordi det var pivkoldt og blæsende. Verdensalt's egen tilstedeværelse var at "støtte" Vibeke Manniche m.fl., og kom fræsende forbi på min MTB-cykel og fik snakket kort med min ven Anne sammen med sin mand og ledsager, som var med på filmholdet for Lucas Alexander... Kom ikke forbi, Fælledparken - Demo imod diktatur, 5G, tvangsvacciner.... |øj billedtekst

🧑‍✈️🦠 ~ No return to pre-crisis air traffic before 2023 - IATA ~ | Blogger: [👉ARE YOU SERIOUS!? NOWAY HOSAY!👈] ... {We DO NOT wish for 5G, 6G or WiFi 6 to be a version 2.0 3-D Matrix of A.I. Earth Grid. We already have to deal with Scalar UFO detection Grid, Direct Energy Weapon, Chemtrails & Nanobots} ... That is something we should NEVER allow them to do and all Humanity needs to address this lockdown mentality, demonstrate against is and manifest, to be eliminated... By 2023, if the wind blows their way, our controllers, have us all infected with CV19 virus and vaccinated by multiple toxicities and with RFID tracking and GPS geo-location, synced with a government cloud vaccine compliance database... All CIA/USAF unmarked chemtrail operations are certainly up and running again spraying us with stuff that blocks sunlight and D-vitamin intake and put our health at risk with toxic cocktail of aluminum, strontium and barium nanoparticulates too boost their wifi signal, DEW's or Electromagnetic Weapons... SpaceX has finalized this REALTIME surveillance lockdown and 42,000 satellites & 1 million small antennas for 5G Starlink internet networking around Earth, and chinese / global Social Credit System, is fully in place and operating... |

💌 ~ 💗 Breaking Spiritual Myths and Becoming Powerful (Kerry K) 💕 ~ | Blogger: Thanks to theearthplan for sharing... |

Kerry K states something that needs to be heard by the Spiritual Community ~ it's been hijacked as well. This is something that I've been mentioning here and there in my blog when I relax my self-censorship, so for a public Wayshower to talk about it is certainly appreciated.
Please listen here, if you feel guided to do so.
Also appreciating Kerry's differentiation between acknowledging fear and projecting fear. I will sidetrack a bit to relate an incident that underscores how desperately we can avoid facing our fears. There's a dear unaware friend of mine who spiralled downwards into fear when the health situation erupted. After a few days of daily communication, I finally asked her to make time for herself and identify what her core fears were so she could name them and face them. That was almost two months ago, and she still hasn't done it.
Another thing I would also like to highlight is the misguidance of "if you don't look at it, it won't exist" ~ and I often wonder why we don't ask ourselves this question more often ~ for eons of time people did not know about the the control and deception i.e. no attention was paid to the dark systems. How then did it manage to get stronger over the years? That was precisely what happened to the Prime Anomaly....the Creators did not pay attention to it until it was too late.
(Easy analogy ~ ignoring a messy cupboard won't make it tidy.)
Finally, I would strongly suggest to anyone diving deep into rabbit holes to ensure that they are able to climb back up again. We can be of no help if we get stuck in the pit ourselves. Transforming any situation requires that it be done from a "higher" state than that which is being transformed.
And finally finally ~ I personally feel that this is important to consider ~ we are not all here to do the same "work". All of us have different purposes and missions, so while Kerry does suggest certain methods and expresses her opinions, always go with your own Higher Guidance.
OK back to the video :)


⚡ ~ 💗 Lysrobot kan destruere coronavirussen på to minutter (B) 💕~ | Blogger: [👉UV light robot destroys coronavirus in 2 minutes. The only problem is that cost is high. $140,000 per unit👈] ... Remember when the political mass-war-mongering media twisted and ridiculed POTUS words when questioned whether injecting people with disinfectants and exposing patients' bodies to UV light could help treat COVID-19? Well, the same copycat media platform in Denmark with british Financial Times, who embraces and place Bill Gates on a pedestal is out ADMITTING, by a fluke accident, a LightStrike cleaning robot, that uses ultraviolet light to kill bacteria in hospitals, are also able to combat the coronavirus in minutes time... PS: Yes I know, Trump is out of the box to inject every person in America with vaccines and partially restore funding to W.H.O... And of course, I have no idea what that is about, and what China has on him, or fellowship of the ring, let's wait an see, the outcome... |