Jul 23, 2015

Gregg Prescott: Corey Goode’s GaiamTV Interview And Voice Analysis - July 23, 2015

By Gregg Prescott, M.S., In5D.com, July 22, 2015

The first 4 episodes were released on GaiamTV of contactee Corey Goode’s experiences with the Blue Avians and the Sphere Alliance. The first episode was released on YouTube:

Apparently, the genetic manipulation of mankind has been going on for at least the past 250,000 years.


I listened to all four episodes released on GaiamTV. The first two episodes can be seen for free on GaiamTV but you’ll need a subscription to hear parts 3 and 4, which you can get here.

In Episode 3, Goode spoke about the moon as being a “neutral zone” and how the back side of it is inhabited by many different extraterrestrial groups who have been there for thousands of years, using it as an observation area to go to and from Earth for various experiments they were conducting.

Apparently, NASA was warned not to come back after they detonated an atomic bomb on the moon several years ago.

In Episode 4, Corey talks about replicators and the types of food they make. “They had replicators that produces a certain range of meals but they also had hydroponic areas that they grew some fresh foods.”

For example, you can have a pot roast made for you through the replicator. The replicator looks similar to a microwave. Goode stated that he would often get pot roast and mashed potatoes. In order to get food, you put a plate in the replicator and then press a button for the food you want. The replicator would make a noise and the food would be done. There is a button for different meals. While Goode stated, “There were dispensers for different beverages,” he didn’t mention what kind of beverages were available.

Apparently, the replicators malfunction from time to time, in which they served “powdered eggs and rationed-kind of foods. In the galley area, they had people that would serve up food…. slop.”

Goode stated it would take between 30-45 minutes to walk from one end of the ship to the other.

Corey’s Sphere Being Alliance Facebook page

For more info on the Blue Avians and the Sphere Alliance, check out the FAQ on Corey’s Sphere Being Alliance website.

I analyzed Corey’s voice with the nanoVoice software. The most common notes in his voice are G and F# and both showed up as the color BLUE.

The key of G means:
Game player, likes to mix and manage the physical aspects of life, motivated by future events.

Wake up Call: St. Germain, July 23, 2015

Opstegne Mester Saint Germain, Le Comte de Saint Germain, den Europæiske vidundermand, og mange andre navne som tilhører den fascinerende mystiske mands kronik så som, "Manden der ved alt og aldrig dør". Han er kendt for sit engagement med at forme det 18. århundredes Europa. Han var et yndet gæst i Versailles, fortrolige med Kong Ludvig og Marie Antoinette, Napoleon, Katarina den Store af Rusland, og mange andre statsoverhoveder i dette tidsrum. Han var kendt for at have levet i 300 år aldrig aldrende, delvist på grund af den mystiske Elixir og andre alkymistiske stoffer, han skabte.

Saint Germain har været fabrikanten af hele vores generation af kommende velgørenhedspakker, RV, GCR, PPP m.m. Hvis man forfølger de meddelelser fra vores opstegne mestre som sprøjter ud i øjeblikket, kan man sammenfatte sande beretninger og den fundamental forståelse for vores race. Kan naturligvis blot tale om min egen oplevelse og bevidsthedsniveau.

Kanaliseret af Nancy Tate 23-07-2015 CET
© 2015 treeofthegoldenlight

I am here today to let you know that there is much going on behind the scenes that will lead to a very familiar way of being on this planet. The way of living that I am referring to is from the historical pieces of information and data from the records and books that have been not only in storage and discovered, but in the memories of those who are able to tune in to the past. As we go forward in the revealing of these pieces of the earth history, we will feel very familiar to them, as if they just happened yesterday, or tomorrow. Yes, I say tomorrow, for as many of you have been feeling, the idea of time is irrelevant. It is a concept of time that is no longer what it was even a week ago. It is the placement of the events and experiences in our lives that is the deciding factor for how it is, or will affect us in the moment that we are feeling or living it.

I realize that some people may not be able to tune in to these words, however they will at some point in their lives say, "Oh, that was what he was saying. St Germain was telling me what my future will feel like, and I thought he was crazy. But now I understand." This, my dear ones is what is taking place in many ways around this globe.

Leaked Docs Prove MI5 Covered Up for Pedophiles Among Thatcher Government - July 23, 2015

Britain’s MI5 security service covered up for pedophile members of the UK government under then Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher to avoid political embarrassment, local media reported Thursday, citing a recently unsealed trove of Cabinet files.

MOSCOW (Sputnik) — The documents, reportedly found among unsorted papers stored by the Cabinet Office, indicate that in 1986 head of MI5 at that time Antony Duff informed Cabinet Secretary Robert Armstrong that an unnamed senior Tory lawmaker had a "penchant for small boys," the Times newspaper reported.

Duff wrote that they had accepted the parliamentarian’s denial on the grounds that "the risks of political embarrassment to the government is rather greater than the security danger," the letter continued.

The government admitted the existence of the papers after months of requests from Sky News, a
British TV station. The station had named several key Westminster figures who were allegedly embroiled in the child sexual abuse scandal. These included Thatcher's Parliamentary Private Secretary Peter Morrison, Home Secretary Leon Brittan, diplomat Sir Peter Hayman and Northern Ireland minister William van Straubenzee. All four have since passed away.

Sky News cited a spokesman from a children rights lobby group, the National Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Children (NSCC), who said the disclosure showed how people at the highest levels of government "simply weren't thinking about crimes against children."

Read more: http://sputniknews.com/europe/20150723/1024946021.html#ixzz3gjE25gjC

Holistic cancer treatment pioneer Dr. Nicholas Gonzalez dies suddenly; patients mourn the loss of a compassionate, innovative doctor who helped thousands heal from cancer

(NaturalNews) Holistic cancer treatment pioneer Dr. Nicholas Gonzalez died earlier this morning, apparently from a heart attack, according to reports Natural News has received from close friends. Dr. Gonzalez is best known as a pioneering holistic cancer treatment doctor who helped many thousands of people overcome cancer through the use of complementary and holistic treatment protocols.

"It is with great sadness that the office of Nicholas J. Gonzalez, M.D. relays news of his untimely death on Tuesday, July 21, 2015. The cause of death was cardiac related, it appears, as he suddenly collapsed and was unable to be revived. Dr. Gonzalez was in excellent health otherwise so his passing is quite unexpected," reports the Dr. Gonzalez website.

Dr. Gonzalez's influence across the alternative medicine world can't be overstated. He was loved and cherished by millions, and he was prominently featured in countless books, documentary summits, interviews and articles. He collaborated extensively with Suzanne Somers, author of the widely acclaimed, lifesaving book, "Knockout: Interviews with Doctors Who Are Curing Cancer -- And How to Prevent Getting It in the First Place." (The book is a lifesaver for those considering conventional cancer treatments.)

See the complete collection of Dr. Gonzalez's interviews with Robert Scott Bell at this link. These radio interviews span four years and cover an exhaustive array of topics on cancer prevention and advanced cancer treatments.

Dr. Gonzalez is also the author of What Went Wrong: The Truth Behind the Clinical Trial of the Enzyme Treatment of Cancer, where he blew the whistle on a concerted effort by the cancer industry to destroy evidence of a readily available, low-cost cancer treatment protocol that could have saved thousands of lives a year.

"Dr. Gonzalez leaves a legacy of faith, healing, and genuine love for people and the pursuit of medicine. We are heartbroken at this loss, but determined to keep his work and his memory alive," says his website.

What else we know about his untimely passing

With respect to Dr. Gonzalez and those close to him, there are certain details of his passing which shall remain private. The things we believe are appropriate to share publicly include these facts:

Funny Post: Don't eat baked beans if your an astronaut!

This made me laugh out loud..... P.S. no astronauts were actually harmed during the making of this film.

Thanks to ascensionwithearth

The New Earth Times ~ Edition #4(Ashtar: two-phase attack from dark hats 1. Broadcasting high-pitched frequencies across the entire globe from a few remaining underground hiding places 2. Submitting Nano-particles, which were designed to enter all human bodies through the food, water, clothing and contact with the soil and plants) ~ July 22, 2015

Wednesday, July 22, 2015
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Today's Headlines
Ashtar Gives Update as Cabal Grasps at Straws
Community Corner: Sheldan Nidle Update for the Galactic Federation of Light and Spiritual Hierarchy

Ashtar Gives Update as Cabal Grasps at Straws

By Ashtar, Supreme Commander of the Galactic Federation Fleet

Greetings, Beloved Ones, it is my pleasure to bring you this message to be included in THE NEW EARTH TIMES. We are excited to see your interest and participation in the new projects and networks that are forming now on Earth. We want to encourage you to do this in your own lives - reach out to others in a way that brings people together, encourages sharing knowledge and information, and lifts everyone's spirits. In other words, send this on to your friends.

I will tell you a bit about the changing conditions you are experiencing now on the Earth plane, and how you can use your growing strength and Light to manage them and raise yourself even as you work through challenging times.

For the past 24 hours, the dark hats have been generating and broadcasting high-pitched frequencies across the entire globe from a few remaining underground hiding places. We are working systematically to eliminate these strongholds of the cabal, and you may notice there are considerably fewer attacks of this kind in recent weeks, but this recent one will present a challenge for some, so we want to arm you with the information you need to rise above it with grace and confidence.