Berømt radioværts dystre hemmelighed afsløret efter hans død: Er han 'the missing link' i Maddie-sagen?
Han blev slået til ridder af Dronning Elizabeth i 1987 og har tidligere siddet i parlamentet for De Liberale. Han er barnebarn af den verdensberømte psykoanalytiker Siegmund Freud og var elsket i England som mangeårig vært på det populære radio-program 'Just a Minute' på Radio 4.
Men Sir Clement Freud gemte på en dyster og uhyggelig hemmelighed, som i tirsdags kom frem i lyset. En hemmelighed som for altid vil plette hans eftermæle - og kan indrulle ham i sagen om Madeleine McCanns forsvinden.
I tirsdags blev England ramt af et chok, da det kom frem, at Sir Clement Freud i årtier misbrugte små piger seksuelt. Det skriver The Daily Telegraph.
Det var tv-kanalen ITV, som i et dokumentarprogram afslørede den berømte radiovært som pædofil efter at to af hans ofre har valgt at stå frem. Samme tv-kanal løftede for fire år siden sløret for at en anden berømt mediepersonlighed, BBC-legenden Jimmy Savile, misbrugte over 1000 små børn.
Et af Freuds ofre var Sylvia Woosley, som han og konen Jill opdragede som deres egen datter. På overfladen. Bag den pæne facade med det idylliske familieliv misbrugte Freud hende igennem ni år, startende da Woosley var ti år gammel. Misbruget var allerede startet før Sylvia Moosleys mor i 1952 bad Sir Clement Freud og hans kone om at tage sig af sin datter som følge af en familiekrise.
Statsminister Lars Løkke Rasmussen har tidligere afvist at stille op i
samråd i Folketinget om landbrugspakken. Nye oplysninger om
Statsministeriets rolle i kvælstofsagen får politikere fra rød blok til
at afkræve svar fra statsministeren. Foto: Mathias Bojesen
peger i stigende grad på statsminister Lars Løkke Rasmussen (V), efter
at nye oplysninger om tilbageholdelse af informationer til Folketinget
er dukket op i kvælstofsagen.
David Vaughan Icke
er en engelsk forfatter, foredragsholder og tidligere professionel
fodboldspiller. Han fremmer konspirationsteorier om den globale politik
og har skrevet udførligt om dem. Han har lige optrådt på Wembley Arena, skulle efter signede have været et fantastisk 10 timers show.
Hvem er Cobra: Stifter af bloggen ; Denne blog er den officielle formidler af kommunikation fra modstandsbevægelsen.
jeg for længst har givet efter på disse højst usædvanlige fænomener og
trosberetninger for vores forfædre samt galaktiske venners færden, er
det en god ide som nybegynder, at læse eller slå tingene op via (google søgeord og vælge dette site) eller ( for at forstå hele sammenhængen.
Who is Cobra:
Cobra is a Pleiadian contactee and has been in contact with the
underground for over 35 years. He has been told to remain anonymous by
The Resistance and has ongoing communications with beings from Planet X
that assist The Resistance Movement. As an earthly representative of the
Agarthan network and the light forces, he strives to prepare humanity
for the up and coming event horizon. Published on Jun 13, 2016
GAOG: Often, when I read Zap’s reports (nothing to report yet), I give Poof’s accompanying channeled message a cursory look.
But I realized today that Poof’s reports from the other side of the veil are a gold mine. They’re far more insightful than those of any commentator on the ground.
Who’s Poof? He was an anonymous Internet servant of the Mother, a lightworker, who regularly commented on the Reval. He was allegedly taken out by the cabal and now is a sterling example of someone who works for the Ascension phase of prosperity from the other side.
What he says below is a stand-alone piece of the most credible analysis (even though general in scope) and wise advice on the Reval that I’ve heard from anyone (save AA Michael) in a very long time.
It’s rather remarkable to see the unfoldment of Poof as a person as reflected in his present-day writings, compared to his old style of writing, while incarnate, which was still good. He’s unfolded a very great deal: There’s no polarity in his writing, no separation, as there are in some channeled messages. There’s real wisdom and a panoramic vision.
Here’s Poof for June 12. - Steve Beckow POOFness for June 12: THE FREEDOM SONG
Tilsynsdiamant for realkreditinstitutter. Faktabilag
Læs også: Chokskifte: Nykredit snupper ny topchef fra Nordea. David Hellemann, tidligere topchef i Nordea, skifter ifølge Finans' oplysninger til Nykredit, hvor han får en nøglerolle lige under koncernchef Michael Rasmussen.
Af Ritzau - 15/06-16 13:44
Nordea Kredit stiller sig op i køen af realkreditinstitutioner, der hæver priserne for deres kunder.
København. Nordea Kredit hæver sine bidragssatser. Det sker med henvisning til nye regler for kapitalkrav, oplyser realkreditinstitutionen via fondsbørsen.
Tidligere har Nykredit og RD hævet deres bidragssatser. Specielt førstnævnte udløste et ramaskrig, da man forud for sin børsnotering indførte prisstigninger.
Nordea Kredit fortæller, at nye kapitalkrav betyder, at man skal øge sin kapital med 7,7 milliarder kroner.
- Nordea Kredit skal på grund af den nye lovgivning sætte mere kapital til side for at kunne yde lån til kunderne. Det gør det dyrere at tilbyde realkreditlån, og derfor justerer vi priserne, skriver Torben Laustsen, bankdirektør i Nordea.
Prisen på et lån for kunder i Nordea Kredit vil stige med mellem 30 og 228 kroner om måneden ved et lån på en million kroner.
En højtstående ansat i Københavns Politi forsøgte sidste år at lave om på en vidneforklaring fra en underordnet betjent og dermed skjule, at Københavns Politis ledelse i tre år havde løjet i den såkaldte Tibet-sag og afgivet urigtige forklaringer til Rigspolitiet, Justitsministeriet, Folketinget, offentligheden og talt usandt i retten.
- Det oplyser Radio24syv.
Siden 2012 havde en gruppe af fredelige aktivister påstået, at de under den kinesiske præsidents besøg i København i juni 2012 – i strid med grundloven – var blevet berøvet deres frihed, nægtet at vise Kina-kritiske flag og bannere, og dertil holdt på lang afstand af præsidenten, der ikke brød sig om demonstranter. Adskillige gange var disse anklager blevet afvist af politiledelsen og skiftende justitsministre.
I forbindelse med en civil sag, som aktivisterne anlagde mod politiet, blev Københavns Politi imidlertid tvunget til at prøve at identificere to betjente, der kunne ses på et sløret fotografi sammen med en aktivist, der påstod, at han blev tilbageholdt ulovligt og forhindret i at vise sit flag under den kinesiske præsidents besøg på Rosenborg Slot den 15. juni 2012.
Fotografiet blev sendt til flere politikredse, der havde leveret politifolk til opgaven, og den 10. februar 2015 meldte to betjente fra Københavns Vestegns Politi sig til deres kolleger i København og fortalte, at de var betjentene på billedet.
On September 10, 2014, President Obama announced the formation of a global coalition to “degrade and ultimately defeat” the Islamic State (IS, aka the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant, ISIL/ISIS or the Arabic acronym Da’esh Subsequently, over 60nations and partner organizations agreed to participate, contributing either military forces or resources (or both) to the campaign. In Brussels in December 2014, 60of these partners agreed to organize themselves along five “lines of effort,” (by contrast,the United States strategy involves nine lines of effort), with at least two countries in the lead for each:
supporting military operations, capacity building, and training (ledby the United States and Iraq)
stopping the flow of foreign terrorist fight ers (led by The Netherlands andTurkey);
cutting off IS access to financing and funding (led by Italy, the Kingdom of SaudiArabia and the United States);
addressing associated humanitarian relief and crises (led by Germany and theUnited Arab Emirates); and
exposing IS’true nature (led by the United Arab Emirates, the United Kingdom,and the United States)
7 Danish F-16 fighter aircraft were redeployed to Denmark for refitting and refurbishment in late August 2015. In early March 2016, the Danish Ministry of Defense submitted a proposal to the Danish Parliament that would authorize the re-deployment of F-16s for airstrike operations in Iraq and Syria, deploy a C-130J transport aircraft, and add a new personnel contingent that would include approximately 60 special forces personnel to train and advise Iraqi Security Forces personnel. Approximately 170 personnel would be deployed in air - combat and air - transport roles
The Denmark and the Norden you may think you know is changing and we
need a debate about this moral and intellectual defeat under MIMAK in
our countries. But certainly people in the rest of the world who used to look up to Scandinavia should know and tell us what they think. Rogue states, big and small, is a problem to the whole world. And the sooner they change, the better for all.
Jan Oberg is the founder of Transnational Foundation for Peace & Future Research.
Christina Sarich, Staff Waking Times
There are many rumors about what NESARA or the National Economic
Security and Recovery Act of the 1990’s actually entail, but in
short, they are a set of economic and social reforms which were
intended to set you free from private debt slavery and the greedy hands
of the Federal Reserve Banking Cartel families. Harvey Francis Barnard proposed in Draining the Swamp: Monetary and Fiscal Policy Reform
that the national income tax should be replaced with a national sales
tax, also called the Fair Tax, that compound interest rates, otherwise
known as usury,
were to be abolished on secured loans, and that our currency should be
replaced, changing from one backed by amorphous 1’s and 0’s in a Federal
Reserve Bank computer system by a bimetallic currency (one backed by
gold and silver) which would stabilize the economy and make it nearly
impossible for continued Big Bank bail outs, the ceaseless creation of war for profit, and crimes against the public.
Barnard actually sent the proposal to Congress, expecting that it
would be adopted because it made so much sense, but of course, this
never happened because the elite engineered our fraudulent banking
system, along with the stock markets, forex, etc. to be complete and
utter scams that do not respond to law. Interestingly, because the ideas
within NESARA were so succinctly put forth, they have become
influential to the New Age movement, and the ideas within have been spread by Shaini Candace Goodwin, a former student of The Ramtha School of Enlightenment, and Sheldon Nidle, the founder of the Planetary Activation Organization who claims to be in touch with extraterrestrials.
NESARA Itself is no joke, even though it has been widely circulated in various odd forms though the New Age networks. Ron Paul even suggested that Congress give it a serious look. Others criticize that it is not a sweeping enough set of reforms to keep all the world’s wealth from being concentrated in just a few people’s hands.
There are many different explanations of NESARA both true and untrue,
that flourish on the internet. Many believe that NESARA will be part of
peace and prosperity agreements reached once the cabal has been rendered helpless on this planet, as well as any of their (probable other-worldly) handlers.
Here is a brief overview of what the NESARA agreements described in the ’90’s, including debt forgiveness, otherwise referred to as a ‘jubilee’:
Approximately $1 trillion of public debt (imposed upon us by the Federal reserve banking cartel families) would be eliminated.
Some private debt, including debt in the form of mortgages by home owners or car loans would be forgiven.
Common Law would become the law of the land, forcing the government
to resign from its business-as-usual tactics utilizing military force.
The Federal Reserve System would be abolished and replaced by a new Treasury Reserve System.
Inflation would be abolished.
Several alternatives for currency would be provided, instead of the
fiat currency which is now the US petro-dollar. Gold or silver backed
currencies are expected.
Much stricter banking controls would be put in place.
Preston James from Veteran’s Today explains the “secret global reset” involved with NESARA.
UNITED States of America - It can now be reported that the dots have
been connected: the 9/11 FALSE FLAG aka George W. BushFRAUD's
Hitler-style "Reichstag Fire" and the early morning June 12th Orlando,
Florida Obama-Clinton-DHS homosexual-lesbian FALSE FLAG PsyOp.
1. Abel Danger (AD)
claims that Hillary Clinton has deployed long-range 8(a) companies
since 1994 to destroy evidence of murder for hire at crime scenes
controlled by radical feminists in DOJ Pride with their sexual partners
2. AD claims that in 1993, David
Cameron outsourced Zulu time signals to a death-bet bookmaker service at
White's Club (Fd. 1692) so Clinton could synchronize the ATF murders,
body counts, media plays and tainted investigations at the Waco siege in
3. AD claims that Cameron's UK Cabinet Office used Serco to stage a Command Post Exercise for Clinton feministas
crime scene where 50 gay men were spot fixed by Omar Mateen – an ISIS
Crisis shooter in Orlando employed by UK security company G4S.
Hvem er Sheldan Nidle: Sheldan Nidle er
grundlægger af Planetary Activation Organization, en UFO religion. Han
siger at han er i stand til former for telepatiske kommunikation, samt
er i kontakt med rumvæsener. Han er tit kanal for budskaber og
formidler af Det Galaktiske Føderation Af Lys.
We are now close to the finish line on a number of very important projects. Be patient. Be focused. Many great gifts are close to being realized. In this excellent time do not give up just before victory is announced
Ummac Dan ~ Galactic Federation Symbol For The Sirian Star System
10 Oc, 3 Kayab, 12 Manik
Dratzo! A number of events are changing how the world operates. At present, a series of new events is making possible the implementation of the Light’s new financial and currency system. This series of changes is forcing the dark’s minions to move out of their darkness and show themselves to the Light. The last remnants of the delays have thus been stymied. The dark has now lost its abilities to hide and create delays. The new system forces the dark to account for their actions and, in effect, has knocked them off their pedestals. Various fundings are now on schedule to make possible their formal beginnings. Meanwhile, those who are in charge of the many mass arrests and the rise of America’s NESARA republic can see a window opening for the start of their own timings. It has taken a number of “hit and miss” operations to at last feel that their success is finally in reach. The dark’s seeming omnipotence is coming to a crashing end. We are proud of our Earth allies and the current progress of their marvelous programs. The long-needed results are quite close to manifesting!
Kayleys lille søn har fået skoldkopper, og nu vil hun advare andre forældre.
'Vaccinér jeres børn, folkens'.
Sådan starter amerikanske Kayley Burke et Facebook-opslag, som i skrivende stund er blevet delt over 86.000 gange. Hendes søn har fået skoldkopper, og som billederne viser, er han meget hårdt ramt og i smerter. Hun er også selv blevet smittet, og da hun hverken har haft det som barn
eller er blevet vaccineret, gennemgår hun også selv et smertehelvede,
skriver hun på Facebook. 'Skoldkopper som voksen er så forfærdeligt og
smertefuldt, at jeg hellere ville føde uden smertelindring', skriver
Kayla Burke.
Sure, we live in a capitalistic country, and more power to the people who run businesses and make a good living selling goods and services.
Excerpt from article:
'Since the beginning of time, indigenous peoples have found natural
foods, herbs, tinctures, berries, mushrooms and minerals that prevent
and cure all types of infectious diseases, but in America, only a small
portion of the population know about them, and some of those folks don't
even believe in them anymore.
What's the reason for that? Fear.
fear has been instilled in citizens by their government, that takes a
few of the worst-case-scenarios for each infectious disease, and
promotes propaganda to literally scare people to death (a slow death via
toxic medicines).
There are pictures of children who got polio
and lost the use of their limbs! There are pictures of babies covered
from head to toe with smallpox and measles and chicken pox... OMG!
The 9 vaccines you NEVER need, that won't protect you from anything, especially the diseases they're labeled to prevent:
Update on the RC/GCR,
the World of the Money Changers,
No Radio Program This Week!
Dear Friends,
The last three
weeks have been somewhat of a wild ride for myself. This whole
world of the RV/GCR is filled with all kinds of characters from both
sides of the aisle. I call it the world of the money changers, as
that is exactly what they doing.
These money
changers come in all shapes, sizes and dimensions. There are
those with good hearts with good intentions to help fix this crazy
world that seems to be falling apart. There are some that are
very greedy and out for themselves. When you look at the world
from their perspective you can maybe understand why
they may be greedy. Many of them see this world falling apart and
want millions of dollars to make themselves feel safe in this crazy
world. It's the survival of the fittest theory, and they are
doing everything they can to make themselves feel more 'fitter' than
their neighbor.
There are so
many different stories out there of what is going on, that is hard for anyone
who does not have a good inside perspective to gain a realistic
picture. I have been fortunate enough to see the bigger picture
and at times it is even confusing to me.
But here is what
I am fairly certain about. If you are not involved in a private
exchange with a written contract it is fairly certain you will never
see the higher rates posted on the blog sites. Those are reserved
by the money changers for sovereign entities and whales. A very
small number of moms and pops have been able to participate. They
just happened to know the right people at the right time. But,
believe me, those numbers are very few in contrast the supposed
millions who have dinar to exchange.
The topic of Unidentified Flying Objects is one that’s currently gripping the attention of many, so much so that it looks like the United States will be releasing some of its UFO files in the near future, according to longtime White House insider John Podesta, Hillary Clinton, and several other sources from where the ‘official’ announcement will most likely come. Although it’s hard to expect any sort of full truth about this topic to be fully disclosed in the mainstream, ‘official’ files from several different governments and intelligence agencies from around the world already confirm the existence of UFOs (links below), so don’t get your hopes up for any type of new information that another country hasn’t already disclosed, but who knows?
You can read more about ‘official government disclosure’ and what we have to be cautious of i it does ever happen in an article published earlier this month, here.
It’s interesting that this topic is getting so much attention right now in the mainstream, especially with Hillary Clinton making her comments about it as of late (article on that linked above). That being said, as mentioned above, it’s important to recognize that we’ve been ‘bamboozled’ by the government and corporate media for so long, with so many different examples ranging from the war on terror to the war on drugs, that it’s hard to expect any type of honest revelation about what’s really going on. For anybody who has researched the topic of UFOs in depth, it’s quite clear that this issue goes well beyond government parameters. It appears, to me at least, that politicians are simply told what to say on most topics; they too have ‘bosses’ and those they take instruction from. So, keep that in mind when the government decides to disclose the ‘truth.’
This thing has gotten so highly-classified… it is just impossible to get anything on it. I have no idea who controls the flow of need-to-know because, frankly, I was told in such an emphatic way that it was none of my business that I’ve never tried to make it to be my business since. I have been interested in this subject for a long time and I do know that whatever the Air Force has on the subject is going to remain highly classified. – Senator Barry Goldwater, Chairman of the Senate Intelligence Committee (source)(source)
Although the files (of
which there are thousands) that have been made available for public
viewing d0 contain some eye-opening details, most notably objects of
unknown origin performing maneuvers and travelling at speeds no known
aircraft can, they contain no hard evidence that states the objects are
extraterrestrial in origin, but, there is, as former NASA astronaut and
Princeton Physics Professor Brian O’leary puts it, “abundant evidence
that we are being contacted, that civilizations have been visiting us
for a very long time.” (source)
If you’d like to see some of these files, you can read THIS
article—it’s heavily sourced and includes a number of examples of what
happens when the military tracks a UFO on radar. Yes, the military
tracks UFOs on radar, and the objects are also confirmed by the pilots
who are sent to take a closer look. Official pictures have also been
released; here’s
one of many examples in Canada. Not only are they tracked on radar, but
they disrupt critical instrumentation and communications within our
military jets.
On March 16, 2016 WikiLeaks launched a searchable
archive for 30,322 emails & email attachments sent to and from
Hillary Clinton's private email server while she was Secretary of State.
The 50,547 pages of documents span from 30 June 2010 to 12 August 2014.
7,570 of the documents were sent by Hillary Clinton. The emails were
made available in the form of thousands of PDFs by the US State
Department as a result of a Freedom of Information Act request. The
final PDFs were made available on February 29, 2016.
Wikileaks will publish ‘enough evidence’ to indict Hillary Clinton, warns Assange
Wikileaks co-founder Julian Assange warns more information will be published about Hillary Clinton, enough to indict her if the US government is courageous enough to do so, in what he predicts will be “a very big year” for the whistleblowing website.
Expressing concerns in an ITV interview about the Democratic presidential candidate, who he claims is monitoring him, Assange described Republican presumptive nominee Donald Trump as an “unpredictable phenomenon”, but predictably, given their divergent political views, didn’t say if he preferred the billionaire to be president.
He was not asked if he supported Green Party candidate Jill Stein, even though she said she would immediately pardon Wikileaks whistleblower Chelsea Manning if elected.