Sep 21, 2021
🙏 ~ 💝 ('Big Pharma: If you guys understand ENERGY we DON'T have a job') Todays Inspirational Spiritual Quotes & Videos (SoTW) ~ 💕 | Blogger: [🌟[QI] Can this Strange Practice Help Build an Ironclad Immune System from Home?🌟] ... PS: M*E*D*B*E*D*S and Healing-centers together will Angelics and Beings of the Light Realms has come in now to assist the Collective Consciousness Fields and raise HU-manity to a new level of accelerating Planetary Liberation never seen on Mother GAIA before. SoTW was told by friends, that Mother GAIA is 48% Anchored. Which means, we only need 2% before GAIA has balanced the Divine Feminine and Masculine aspect... We are going through a very very turbulent period in terms of Planetary Vibration. Since 21st of December 2012, it has been Accentuating our Dimension more and more intensely. There are people who feel the Energy both Positively and Negatively. The sensations that these people can feel, for example, can be Nausea, Physical Discomfort, and that all the Food feels bad, Feel Heavy and with a Bad Body in general. In fact, we are preparing for an IMMINENT change of Energy on a Planetary Level, which is coming little by little, but unfortunately, not all people feel it. The Earth of the New Era, in it we will live a period of a Great Amount of Light, for the Vibration is Changing, and this for those who are up to date is Nothing New, it is said that in the New Earth Life in this Planet will no longer be a world full of Trials and Atonement like the one we are in now, and it will become a world of Regeneration.(5th Dimension). In other words, The EVENT is here an now and Nobody can Escape the Effect and You and Me, have to make a Choice - are You in or out?. I'm all in... |
💨🦆👙🤣 ~ (Reblog: Tropikfugle og Total-Teater-Tavshed over episoden på Sønderborg Slot?) Palle fangede overraskende motiv med sit kamera: Hvad er det? (BT Videnskab Juli 2021Arkiv) ~ | Blogger: Pas påååå - Ufoerne fra det ydre rum kommer eller er det støv på linsen? Er det en papirlaterne? En Gummiand? Randrups badebold? Henrik Voldborg's gakket julesweater? En vejballon med vinger? Maria Brus med tamponer? Lars Aslans hat? Thyra Franks BH? Nej, nej, nej... siger en vred, Toke Haunstrup, det er en klassik fejl og simpelthen en filmatisering af Mågerne Kaj og Bøje fra Scandlines på togt ved Sønderborg Slot - i slow mo... Endnu mere latterlig er det, at en dansk sladderblad tabolidavis, har en Videnskabsafdeling... SoTW har fulgt SUFOI i mange år og HVER eneste gang, kan de forklare ALT, med simpel 'UFO'-logik (gudfaderbevares - med al respekt)... Vi må sgu heller ikke noget mere... Sandheden er ... inde i Toke, cand.polyt., ph.d., ekspert i fotoanalyse, Ole og Lars, cand.scient. i zoologi... Vi skulle klage til Poul Thomsen, skulle vi... Det er utroligt, hvad vi skal høre fra såkaldte "eksperter" med fine titler, i disse dage.. Kommerciel censur, der har til formål at beskytte kommercielle interesser... Hvem synes du trænger til en liiille flad bajer eller et vink med en vognstang?... Det pusse-løjerlige er, at forsvarets afvisningsberedskabet sendte to 16-jagerfly op torsdag, hvilket forårsagede høje brag over dele af Sønderjylland, Øerne og Sjælland, skriver Forsvaret. Vaaar det 1: for at skræmme Russerne væk igen (igen) eller 2: vores lille søde UFO-birdy-nam-nam som overraskede Forsvaret? eller 3: en superhelt dansk pilot som lavede en 'Birdie'-Tom Cruise, en af de mest berømte luftmanøvrer i filmhistorien fra 'Top Gun'?... "Forsvaret vil ikke oplyse, hvorfor de to fly var på vingerne" og "Toke og Co. tror det er fugle fanget i flugten" - I don't freaking believe it!!!... "These questions — and many others — will be answered in the next episode of Soap."🧼👅🤦♂️... |
💫🚪🚶 ~ (‘We welcome with open arms the soothing balm of the Libra Equinox!') Equinox 22 Gateway Activations (Meg Benedicte) 💕 ~ |
"This is a rare zero point gateway of ONEness, an infusion of the totality of universal creational force. In this rare moment of perfect stillness, we inspire a new paradigm, we spread Love, we create harmony, we birth the New Earth!" ~ Meg |
It only happens twice a year, when the solar system reaches the point of perfect balance, the biannual Equinox Gateway. At 0°Aries and Libra, the first day of Spring and Autumn, the world experiences a profound moment of stillness. It is the pause between inhale/exhale, the zero point power of the Now moment. It touches all of us in mystical ways!
I think we all are ready for some calm, balanced stillness. The field has been intensely volatile since Lionsgate. The two world timelines are pulling apart, severing ties, disconnecting from each other. The sense of dissolution has everyone on edge. The uncertainty of the future sends ripples of anxiety through the field. Birthing a new world can get messy.
🎁 ~ 💗 (Gave) Fuldmånemagi (Sofie Rose) 💕 ~ | Blogger: Puhaaaa!... Men al verdens 'drama' har vi brug for englemagi samt healende fuldmånemeditation med SR... "Det er ikke fordi jeg har lyst, men jeg trænger" - som fru murermester jessen, ville ha' sagt det...Verdensalt eeelsker gratis ting og taknemmelighed for, at gøre noget for andre, som netop, Sofie Rose, har gjort med denne Fuldmånemedi og åbning af den nye September energi... |
Fuldmånen topper i nat og jeg har endnu engang indspillet en healende fuldmånemeditation til dig.
En gave fra mig og englene til dig
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🤗🥳💖 ~ ('Six miles out fear of Tsunami stops it's track towards East Coast & Canada. The very beginning of the end. EBS or not, the Dark Hats has surrendered') INSIDE LOOK INTO THE DEEP STATE CONFLICT! CLIMATE & LOCKDOWNS! ARE THE BLACK HATS MAKING DEALS? (Tarot by Janine) ~ | Blogger: [🤜PS: According to my Danish friend and his tarot cards, this upcoming Friday 24th 2021, will be the turnaround. With no fear, be a good person and prepper for some times ahead for others and your family if that resonate with you! There's much more to be said about my new soul-family in Jutland! It's unbelievable!🤛] ... OKAY! A-m-a-z-i-n-g news and thanks to Jannie... This is it!... There will be NO “mushroom cloud” event or other major Dark False Flag event predicted by 4 top remote viewers in September!... Will John Durham presents evidence to grand jury, arrests coming soon? Like "clone" Obama?... EVERYTHING is ABOUT to go down, this weekend, says Janine after listen in and understanding what "Phil" says... Remember the online Patriot broadcaster “Phil” (Janine mentions) who was invited to a phone call with Trump and 4 people (who appeared to be military possibly Generals) in which he (Phil and others) could listen but not participate on the DARK WEB. Phil, the guy who did the BRILLIANT unraveling of the PCAP story after the Mike Lindell symposium, and revealed the logical way for POTUS to return to his position, just got a phone call, and Donald Trump was on it is out. Well, "Phil" drops another huge piece of intel, reviews some solid DJT Gematria, and gives a clear "warning" to fellow Patriots... 📍NOTE: Nomatter what you believe in, we have to look at things in a positive LIGHT and not be in FEAR!...As SoTW has predicted, and I could be dead wrong, we've gonna see ATM is out, internet outages, technology interferences, food will run out fast in the stores, have some cash in stock (only in some of the western countries where Cabal / DS / Freemasonry is strongest?) ... |
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