Apr 4, 2022

🙏 ~ 💝 (The cost of 2022 FIFA World Cup £138 billion / US$220 billion. 6,500 migrant workers died in Qatar since World Cup awarded 10 yrs ago!) Todays Inspirational Spiritual Quotes & Videos (SoTW) ~ 💕 | Blogger: We all know, arrests has been made and FIFA is the CENTER of bribery, fraud, money laundering and corruption, in a scale never seen before in any sport, but European Football AKA Soccer, like American Football, have more cash changing hands, than the Mafia family who runs Vegas... |


🧨🥳🍾 ~ (Queen Speech of Yuck! But 1000 people helped me!) The Head of Kingdom of Denmark swirled her whip: Mentions (Operation) Dark Winter, sends a special thanks to vaccine-researchers and demands-danes to stand together after Omnicom-variant even more contagious version. Critics already blaming speech a direct mockery to vaccine skeptics, but best ever of 50 years in making (SoTW Archive January 1, 2022) ~ | Blogger: 🏃💨 I'd just kind of coasting along yesterday went faster than I expected. 4️⃣ things and 1000 like-minded spiritual people that helped me during New Years Eve; 1️⃣ Star Trek: Discovery (season 4) 2️⃣ during my amazing 6⭐ dinner 3️⃣ 300 International CC member Meditation to raise consciousness on Zoom w/Simon Parkes (Andy & Katka) 4️⃣ LIVE (4) HOURS Marathon until midnight Alex Collier Andromedan Contactee - Q&A Webinar together with 700 people (Alex mentioned the EU monarchies who will be taken down)... 👁️⃤ No, no, no I'm not after any Danish or English monarchs or anybody else, but, I want the truth to be revealed, with drama or no drama, or atleast, remove those in power who is bad for humanity. Please do not be angry on the messenger. I AM the light not the reflect of the light, but enough is enough. Humanity is ONE family and each one of us, on unique spiritual path, bad og good, going through a tremendous healing, but elites born with a silver spoon up the arse, who REFUSE to clean their act and/or doing mass atrocities to other humans (drinking Adrenochrome, abusing kids, satanic rituals or knowingly experiments with toxic vaksines, captures souls or depopulation programs Agenda 21) have to be processed or removed from the equation. Shipped to another mirrored Earth and do it to each others, instead... 💌If you think i'm a bad person or Janine, pick up the clicker or channel-changer, i'm here to protect the innocent, weak, children, animals and all souls who wish to receive my love. Buuutt, I'm no saint, i've done things that I regret that is now, lived out according to my Karma. However, we need to remove the really hardcore bad seeds, in order to take control and change the perverted (matrix) system. Perpetrators worshipping Satan appeared to be organized from the US Inc’s CIA, Queen Elizabeth’s, Illuminati Banking families’ and Vatican’s Ninth Circle Child Sacrifice Cult on down to the Clintons, Hollywood, Pizzagate and local teenage covens... ⚖️Interesting timing - Pentagon approves new courtroom at Guantánamo Bay for "War Crimes Trials" (The New York Times reports)... 😳There's so much fakery and evil, in the world, you have nooo idea. But we are sooo close to victory. This is 2022, get ready for (start) of full disclosure and major changes. We have to put our trust in that or my head will explode. We finally made it though all these troubles... |

 💭 DID YOU KNOW, that for 50 years, The Royal Danish House communications department, special employees of Danish Ministry of the State, political spin doctors, speechwriter and most famous Danish authors who earns more than 1 million kroner each year, creates Queen's New Year's speech, The Danish Prime Minister's speech and all other political speeches?... | 

⚠️Why was Marie-Hélène de Rothschild seen with Henri de Monpezat and his wife queen Margriet of Denmark at Alexis de Redé's Bal Oriental?(Khazarian-bloodline aristocratic illuminati families of Europe - satanic cult in 1969 and 1972?) Your guess is as good as mine... | 



"In the past, The Danish Monarch, was a deep state cult, a stronghold, fighting NOT to be taking down. In particular Queen Margrethe II is fighting to have her "lifestyle" and it's gonna take some time, before it could be cleaned out by white hats but will be brought to justice - within 6 months it looks like from the cards. There's is a lot of children taking out of there, a lot of it is happening underground, as Janine can see. There might be human hunting parties and the land should be taken away from them if their land is used for that purpose. This Queen is born a male and that is a big sign of cult families and it goes back many satanic cult generations. The White Hats are here in Denmark to infiltrate, but it's a big big mess and it took them awhile to get there! The Royal family is really hanging on to their "lifestyle" - their "reality"  and considers us danes as cattle! There's a battle between the Good guys and Bad guys control, and the Good guys still have a  ALOT of work to do there! Look up Blood Diamonds - Children - Oprah Winfrey - Devil in disguise ~ Janine

PS: the 6 months has passed now..

PSS: Danish: [mɑˈkʁeˀtə]; Margrethe Alexandrine Þórhildur Ingrid, born 16 April 1940) is Queen of Denmark and commander-in-chief of the Danish Defence and member of Committee of 300 and so is Anders 'Fog of War' Rasmussen... 

NOTE: Anyways, Janine goes into more details about the Ever Given Suez Canal incident and the Child Trafficking rescue theories, that really, really hurt the BlackHats on a profound level.  Janine has told us, that Danish Maersk Shipping has also been involved in Human Trafficking in others videos - so the rumors are... NOTE: Ex-Navy SEAL Michael Jaco has also been out warning that disinformation is running rampant in the truther community... |

👶⛓️🚢 ~ (Fra vugge til grav: Du er de facto helt død, retsløs, et firma, en tosse, idiot, baby, kreaturer og en fjende af staten gennem din FØDSELS- OG DÅBSATTEST, så de kan handle med dig!) Dannevang er så korrupt og fordærvet af Den Mørke Stat AKA Frimureriet, ejet af ROYAL DANISH CONSULATE GENERAL, NEW YORK 10022 (SoTW) ~ | Blogger: ALTSÅ, hvis man nu tror på Anders Bak Acephali - Notar - Folkedomstolen - så er Firmaet KINGDOM OF DENMARK ejet fra en Adresse i New York. Hvilken også giver mening for verdensalt.dk, når man sætter sig ind i de Maritime love og Kongeriget Danmark og Christiansborg Slot (Saxo kaldet 'Insula Maritima' øen i havet eller 'Den maritime ø'). - Dvs. Kongeriget Danmark, som kan betegnes som et hunkønnet "skib", har KUN jurisdiktion, 200 sømil fra Danmarks territorialfarvand (eller Christiansborg - Borgen). Mere specifik, Slotsholmen i hjertet af kraftcenteret i København, som er et kvindelig skib, føder et "produkt" AKA "personer", har ingen JURIDISK "territorial jurisdiktion eller regeringsførelse" over landmassen eller luftrummet omkring Danmark, som de" lovligt "kan dømme og herske over. Slotsholmen var både kongelig bopæl og hjemsted for landets øverste administration siden år 1034. DET ER MEGET vigtigt at forstå. Altså, alle skibe er kvinder eller hunkøn og hun leverer et "produkt." Kvinder producerer produkter - i form af arbejdskraft, via en fødestue, fødsel / "Ship berth". "Hun" leverer produkter. Når produkter leveres, har de brug for et "manifest bevis". Dvs. hvad der findes ombord på skibet, fra "fabrikanterne", skal være præciseret via dens manifest. "Personer" er maritime / admiralty produkter. De har også manifestcertifikater, som er "fødselsattester." På fødselsattesten vises vores forældre, som, "Informanter". 'Personer', er så en ejendom af handelsministeriet eller "The Department of Commerce." - Begynder det at dæmre?. Alle mennesker er "inventar". Så snart en person bliver født / "berthhed", på en havnekaj af et kvindeligkønnet "skib", fastgøres via et tov til molen (navlestrengen), og lægger til, har den pågældende lands regering, ejendomsretten over 'personen', som kommer ud af "skibets" fødsel, uanset hvor du bor og hvilken land...Fuldstændigt sindssyg, men sådanne er det nu engang... Måske giver det mening, at Janine så i hendes tarotkort, at Mærsk containerskibe, har været indblandet med at fragte børn og kvinder som sex og menneskehandel. Ligesom EVERYGREEN! En advokat har også stævnet Guzzi-Helle, for selv samme forseelse, via Red Barnets skibe, der fragtede børn og kvinder, fra Libyens kyst til Italien med titusinder af illegale migranter. Den italienske admiral, Enrico Credendino, øverstbefalende for EU’s anti-menneskesmuglingsindsats Operation Sophia, samt Advokat Klaus Ewald har derfor anmeldt Red Barnet til politiet for menneskesmugling... [LÆS VIDERE] ... |

Alt dette begyndte i 1910, da en gruppe på 6 bankfolk og økonomiske beslutningstagere holdt et hemmeligt møde på Jekyll Island...

World Events, hvoraf de fleste er 'konstrueret' efterlader et spor, der fører til "arkitekterne". Vi har senere opdaget, at der er 3 byer på jorden, der er udenfor nogen-som-helst national myndighed, de har separate love, de betaler ingen skatter, de har deres egen politistyrke og endda besidder deres eget flag 'uafhængighed'. Disse 3 byer styrer økonomien, militære stormløb og de åndelige væsener af dem, som sidder  på magten. De 3 byer er faktisk virksomheder, og de går under byen London, District of Columbia og Vatikanet. Sammen kontrollerer de politikere, domstole, uddannelsesinstitutioner, fødevareforsyning, naturressourcer, udenrigspolitikker, økonomier, medier og pengestrømmen af ​​de fleste nationer samt 80% af hele verdens rigdom. Deres ultimative mål er at opbygge en totalitær regelsæt på globalt plan, hvor folk vil blive opdelt i herskerne og undersåtter, efter 90% affolkning, de ønsker at herske over. Det, vi har brug for at forstå, er, at verden ser ikke ud som, det, de har fået dig, til at tro. Vi drukner i misinformation...

... "VI MARGRETHE DEN ANDEN" (af Guds Nåde Danmarks Dronning, gør vitterligt) er en kode, - fup og svindel ifølge Anders Bak Acephali... 

Der er ikke noget at sige til, PET og FE overvåger, Danmarks første internetfødte suverænitetsbevægelse og har lagt faldgruber ud, ifølge Zetland, som skrev en artikel omkring ham og hans bevægelse, der via danske Facebook-sider og -grupper, hvor konspirationer om 5G, vaccine og coronavirus deles og spredes – potentielt til nye medlemmer... 

Det minder mig om, at skeptica.dk spurgte engang om; "Er Martin Hejlesen en farlig mand?" Martin Hejlesen, som er af profession leder i COOP og fængselsbetjent, men har i det sidste årti arbejdet sig op som en af Danmarks største og mest populære alternative behandlere (har været til én af hans foredrag)... 

Anders Bak Acephali, står bestemt ikke alene, har set en del videoer af Kimberly Ann Goguen, aka “Kim Possible”, uanset om de siger, hun arbejder for Black-Hats!... Anbefaler også man ser, Jordan Maxwell Show - Maritime Admiralty Law... Der er også en virkelig god militærmand som whistleblower omkring emnet, som har nogen fantastiske videoer, kan ikke lige huske hans navn, lige nu... 

PS: De fleste ting jeg beskriver her, kommer IKKE fra, Anders Bak Acephali... 


"AF DE DANSKERE, SOM ANDERS BAK HAR hjulpet med at blive medlem af Acephali, er flere at finde på danske Facebook-sider og -grupper, hvor konspirationer om 5G, vaccine og coronavirus deles og spredes – potentielt til nye medlemmer. Det er intet under, tænkte jeg, da jeg læste konspirationerne, at forsvinder man ned i dem og ser YouTube-videoerne, der bekræfter mistroen, så er staten og myndigheder ikke til at stole på. For så er strålingsfare fra 5G-masterne farlig, vaccination er farlig og coronavirussets egentlige formål er at kontrollere befolkningen gennem frygt. Så hvad gør man? Man melder sig ud af staten Danmark, helt ud. Men før vi selv falder dybere ned i Acephalis teorier, så lad mig – efter bedste evne – forsøge at opsummere, hvad Acephali går ud på, og hvordan Anders Bak mener, man kan løsrive sig staten gennem papirarbejde." ~ uddrag af artikel fra Zetland... 








💣💥🥴 ~ (KABOOOOOOOOOOOOOOM!) EP. 2741B - DROPS WILL GO FAST, EVERYTHING IS PLANNED, OLD GUARD IN THE PROCESS OF BEING REMOVED (X22report + Janine + Journalist Lara Logan + Nyla) ~ | Blogger: Dave from X22report is absolutely right! Brad Johnson, Simon Parkes, Mel K, Dr Charlie Ward, Michael Jaco, etc. etc. has said it, before! Even if, it's really annoying and irritating, for the TRUTH-movement, this "show" or "movie" playing out is NOT for us, but for the "rest"! It's a "information war" (spiritual warfare) to wake up the rest of 98% of the population, the "fastest sleepers", "muggles" or "normies" to experience it!. Look at Volodymyr Zelenskyy face, in this short Trump speech, he looks like, he has nooooo clue, what the heck Trump is talking about!... Tarot by Janine try to decode all the drops from Trumps rally - who's Trump ramping up, like Suckerberg AKA Zuckerberg etc. etc... Journalist Lara Logan on Voice of America, is AMAZING! She exposed the whole Russo-Ukraine conflict with over 200K views trending as the most watched on Bitchute!.. 🤔PS: Please ask youselves... WHY are Dr. Charlie Ward traveling from Spain with Michelle Fielding and Simon Parkes meet-up in England for a tour-of-truth? Something is COMING!... ✨NOTE: Tesla and SpaceX Elon Musk has reported a passive stake of 9.2 per cent in Twitter Inc as of March 14, 2022. Add that to Trump Media & Technology Group (TMTG). Trump jr. has created something called MxM News. Parts of WarnerMedia and CNN overtaken by billionaire Trump donor and next is SpaceX's StarLink providing satellite Internet access coverage to 29 countries on Earth... Do the math... |


🙅‍♀️⚠️🔞 ~ (ONE of the MOST important TAKEDOWN event in our century?) Hunter Biden’s Laptop Exposed: Horrifying Child Porn, Drugs, Corruption- Must See (Videos) (Before It's News) ~ | Blogger: [👉DISCLAIMER: WARNING CONTENT IS GRAPHIC AND DISTURBING-DISCRETION IS ADVISED!!!👈] ... 👀ALL EYES ON AMERICA!.. 💯ONE of the BIGGEST events in America's history and World, will be, WHEN Hunter-Biden-Being-Hunted is 100% exposed in public and in the courts, that takes down Creepy-China-Corona Joe Biden out of office handcuffed from the Fake White House Studio... 🤫The alternative news website BIN (Beforeitsnews) has it all! And as a citizen journalist SoTW had to see it with my own eyes to believe it! The really NASTY stuff from the laptop is NOT there - thank God! Lots of it has blurring backgrounds, faces, etc. Buuutt, there's ENOUGH pictures, links to hardcore sex video's evidence etc. to nail Hunter Biden and his father and the Obama family !... ⛔DID YOU KNOW, about a third of the explicit of minors on Hunter Biden’s laptop were of the same 14-year-old girl? Hunter Biden’s list of 25,000 personal sex photos and videos including pedophile content, Lady Gaga smoking crack cocaine , Malia Obama ( minor at the time ) having sex with Hunter Biden as well Hunter engaging in sexual activites with Caroline Biden (his cousin) and Natalie Biden (his niece) and even Ashley Biden (his sister)... 🤦Reminds me on another Danish politician of the Social Democratic Party who has been serving as Minister of Foreign Affairs of Denmark that (raped) had sex with an virgin 14/15 yr old girl at Danish DNC political party meeting... 🆓AS you know, Joe Biden is soon to leave office! It's a well know fact, that Queen-Lizzie, has left earth plane, and we're all waiting to hear that "London Bridge is down" in MSM! After that, it's the Pope Francis, turn! AND in between all of this HUBBUB, President Trump, will return, is some form, until he pass the baton to another Last President of U.S. inc. or New President of the New Republic... |

