May 9, 2017

DAHBOO777 - Underground World News | May 8, 2017 | ... State of Emergency In Montreal from Flooding, Hundreds of Troops Deployed ... | In other news: The Globe And Mail -- In Canada, flooding happens because governments let it happen -- It’s predictable because, in Canada, we do almost nothing to prevent flood damage in urban areas. As a consequence, flooding is the “most costly hazard in terms of urban property damage, and water-related losses have surpassed fire and theft as the principal source of property insurance claims,” according to a new study from the Institute on Municipal Finance and Governance at the Munk School of Global Affairs. Some of the flooding is caused by severe storms that overload antiquated municipal sewage systems, as was the case in Toronto in 2013. But most is of the overland variety, like the massive flooding in Calgary the same year, when the Bow and Elbow rivers overran their banks.... |

This is a look at the flooding that has created an emergency situation In Montreal, Canada.

ALTERNET | May 5, 2017 | Millions Are Facing Death by Famine in Yemen | Blogger: The Saudi-led war on Yemen has been devastating. Why do we still allow Saudis to attack an Arab country, their neighbor? Despite U.S. promises, US government is continuing to assist in bombing campaigns that has killed and injured thousands, and exacerbated famine and cholera outbreaks. Where is our compassion? Why don't we care anymore? Only thing we do care about is when so called muslims attacking the western hemisphere.. Yemen stands as the worst-threatened of four countries where impending famine conditions have been said to comprise the single-worst humanitarian crisis since the founding of the U.N. On May 2nd, 2017, the UN Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs published a grim infographic detailing conditions in Yemen where 17 million Yemenis -- or around 60 percent of the population -- are unable to access food. The U.S. and its allies continue to bomb Yemen... |

Photo Credit: panitanphoto / Shutterstock
The ruins carpeted the city market, rippling outwards in waves of destruction. Broken beams, collapsed roofs, exploded metal shutters and fossilized merchandise crumbled underfoot. 
In one of the burnt-out shells of the shops where raisins, nuts, fabrics, incense and stone pots were traded for hundreds of years, all that was to be found was a box of coke bottles, a sofa and a child nailing wooden sticks together.

This is Sa’ada, ground zero of the 20-month Saudi campaign in Yemen, a largely forgotten conflict that has killed more than 10,000, uprooted 3 million and left more than half the country short of food, many on the brink of starvation.
Gaith Abdul-Ahad in The Guardian, 12/9/16
Yemen stands as the worst-threatened of four countries where impending famine conditions have been said to comprise the single-worst humanitarian crisis since the founding of the U.N. On May 2nd, 2017, the UN Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs published a grim infographic detailing conditions in Yemen where 17 million Yemenis -- or around 60 percent of the population -- are unable to access food. The U.S. and its allies continue to bomb Yemen.

Jan Egeland, who heads the Norwegian Refugee Council (NRC), says that seven million Yemeni people are on the brink of famine. “I am shocked to my bones,” said Egeland, following a five day visit to Yemen. “The world is letting some 7 million men, women and children slowly but surely be engulfed…” Egeland blames this catastrophe on “men with guns and power in regional and international capitals who undermine every effort to avert an entirely preventable famine, as well as the collapse of health and educational services for millions of children.” Egeland and the NRC call on all parties to the conflict, including Saudi Arabia, the United Arab Emirates, Iran, the U.S. and the U.K. to negotiate a cease fire.This weekend, the situation stands poised to become dramatically worse with the apparently imminent bombing, by Saudi Arabia, one of the U.S.’ closest allies, of the aid lifeline which is the port of Hodeida.

New York Post | May 8, 2017 | Anonymous warns world to ‘prepare’ for World War 3 | ... “Prepare for what comes next,” they say. “We are Anonymous. We are Legion. We do not forgive. We do not forget.”... | Blogger: In other news -- Tensions Rise As US Announces Military Drills Near Embattled Venezuela | NATO asks UK to ‘send more troops to Afghanistan’ |

The infamous hacktivist group Anonymous has released a chilling new video — urging people across the globe to “prepare” for World War 3 — as the US and North Korea continue to move “strategic pieces into place” for battle.

“All the signs of a looming war on the Korean peninsula are surfacing,” the group says in the ominous six-minute clip, posted on YouTube over the weekend.

Using their signature Guy Fawkes character, the hackers make several claims about recent military movements in the region — and alleged warnings made by Japan and South Korea about imminent nuclear attacks from the North — as they deliver their frightening prophecy.

“Watching as each country moves strategic pieces into place,” the organization says, in its notorious robotic voice. “But unlike past world wars, although there will be ground troops, the battle is likely to be fierce, brutal and quick. It will also be globally devastating, both on environmental and economical levels.”

According to Anonymous, President Trump’s test of the Minuteman 3 intercontinental ballistic missile last week — coupled with a recent warning from Japanese officials to citizens, telling them to make preparations for a possible nuclear attack — are ultimately proof that all signs are pointing to a major conflict between the US and North Korea.

9. May 2017 | FOLKETS afslører: Det koster skatteborgerne mindst 350.000 kroner at ansætte en ny kommunaldirektør – løn ikke inkluderet! | ... Der bliver ikke holdt igen, når en kommune skal have ny direktør. Man bruger ganske ublu beløb af skatteborgernes penge på at finde "den rette". Måske burde man skele lidt mere til prisen ... |

Foto: Pixabay
Af LARS BJØRKNÆS - tir, 09/05/2017 - 08:57

Når den øverst placerede embedsmænd skal udskiftes, er det langt fra en billig omgang. Det skyldes blandt andet den rekrutteringsproces, som anvendes af en lang række kommuner.

– Det er ærgerligt, for vi er meget tilfredse med Tommy Poulsens indsats her i kommunen. Men jeg har fuld respekt for, at han efter fem år i kommunen ønsker at prøve nye udfordringer. Og nu har vi halvandet år til at finde en god efterfølger.

På blandt andet denne måde tog Allerød Kommunes borgmester, Jørgen Johansen, overfor Lokalavisen afsked med Tommy Poulsen, da kommunaldirektøren offentliggjorde sin fratræden sommeren 2015. Det i forlængelse af udløbet af en åremålskontrakt, som kommunaldirektøren ikke havde søgt om forlængelse af, hvilket ellers er praksis inden for det kommunale Danmark.

Hvad hverken Jørgen Johansen eller Tommy Poulsen oplyste var dog, at det langt fra ville blive en billig affærer for Allerøds skatteborgere, når jagten gik ind på en afløser.

Det fremgår til gengæld af aktindsigter, som Folkets Avis har opnået hos den københavnske forstadskommune.

Herunder i de fakturaer, som først og fremmest Kommunernes Landsforening sendte i forbindelse med, at den blev hyret til opgaven.

Stor indtægtskilde for Kommunernes Landsforening

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Disclosure News Italy | May 8, 2017 | Yaldabaoth Removing Tentacles and Dissolving Universal Update |

Yaldabaoth Removing Tentacles

Yaldabaoth Removing Tentacles

Universal Dissolution at Half !! @ 50%

We have reached the 50% at last! After so much waiting even this small step is a big step. The battle is definitely tough. We're getting closer to the release of Planet Earth, one of the most incredible events in Human history, and we might be witnesses!People are waking up at an incredible pace, the Light shines on the Earth as never before, we are all making an incredible effort, and we are asked to continue in this way for WIN THE LIGHT !!

Once completed the removal of all the tentacles and head will be ready for the ' Event . Generally, as you can see from the history, small steps are made almost daily, so you should periodically check to get an accurate indication of the current situation.


The Octopus plasma negative. connected to the Earth. It is a being of plasma energy. One of the fallen angels on Earth mentioned in the Scriptures.

It's kind of the head to the Archons. There managing controls a large proportion of the plasma in this solar system.

This entity is coming from a particular sector of the Andromeda galaxy, and, passing from Orion, eventually ended up in this solar system.

This plasma entity is slowly disintegrating or rather transformed into pure light, as the Forces of Light are proceeding to dismantle it on / off.