Jul 3, 2024

💕( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)📖 (B-E-A-utiful) 'Breathing; current status; divine plan; karma; law of attraction; message from Gaia; ET assistance' ~ July 3, 2024 ~ |

Channeled by Suzy Ward
© 2024 matthewbooks

Editor's Note: This is about channeled information on reincarnation, karma, extraterrestrials, spirituality & metaphysics from Matthew Ward through his mother Suzanne. It's so exciting how Matthew's messages resonates with me and many others. Catch the moment of truth and level of explanation easing to expand our understanding in our low density or world of 3D matrix of illusion. Similar to our Galactic channeled Sheldan Nidle messages and deceased Montague Keen (both Sheldan and Montague has stopped given us updates)


Breathing; current status; divine plan; karma; law of attraction; message from Gaia; ET assistance

July 3, 2024

With loving greetings from all souls at this station, this is Matthew. Dear ones, please take a break from feeling the weight of the world on your shoulders and inhale deeply, exhale slowly. Repeat this three times. If visualization comes easily to you, on the outbreath conjure the image of a pristine Earth being gently enfolded in glistening golden-white light. If that feels disruptive, just breathe and let your heart feel light.

Thank you. It would be good for you to do that so often it comes naturally. Rhythmic breathing draws in and anchors light to nourish your body, mind and spirit and to maintain balance. During this final stage of ridding Earth of darkness, that kind of breathing also is armor in the midst of low vibrations.

The dark ones will not go gently. They intend to cause chaos and destruction until their final moment, and we know only what they cannot pull off. The saber rattling that may provoke armed skirmishes will not result in WWIII, and, if by brashness or error missiles with nuclear warheads are shot into space, detonation will be prevented.

👁️⃤𓂀🐑😴 (Normies, Sheeple eller De Sovende Får) Den gryende erkendelse, at vi ikke er glade for vores autoriteter, som bestemmer over vores hverdag ~ 3. Juli 2024 ~ |

SoTW - Når Helvede fryser til is har hun designet denne - Dannevang er det MINDST korrupte land i verden

Alle taler om hamsterhjulet. Ingen gør noget ved det...

Editor's Note: (fortsat) Men fastholder fascinationen for det uopnåelige materielle liv, penge og magt med drømmen om evigt liv uden bekymringer, siden verden var ung. 

Vi er alle fanget i det her hamsterhjul, som ingen kan komme ud af, og som hverken gavner planeten eller levende, med en spirende sjæl - en bevægelse, der i visse kredse kaldes voluntary simplicity - frivillig enkelhed. Sådan lever SoTW. I det omfang jeg kan, og indtil jeg skal genindtræde, i hamsterhjulet, for at overleve. 

Når alt kommer til alt, hvem vil ikke have mindre: arbejde og sur chef, stress og travlhed, forbrugerisme og gæld, mindre regler, økologisk fodaftryk samt en sund snusfornuftigt sind, krop og sjæl?

Meeen det er 'normal' hverdag, sommerferie og dermed, agurketid, i det danske land, der glædede sig over VM, som bare gik af helv.. til for Dannevang. Så kommer 2024 Tour de France, så vi igen kan klistre os foran flow-tv'et (tell-a-lie) som hjernevasker os med glæde og sorg, så vi glemmer familien og hverdagsproblemerne, mens det lille flertal, stadigvæk passer sit, i hamsterhjulet... |

SoTW - Ni er tiltalt for at hylde Hamas-angreb - The Protocols of the Elders of Zionisrael created hamas
Flere politikere revser nu Roskilde Festival - udviser støtte for den Palæstinensiske sag

SoTW - Domstol i Panama har frikendt 28 personer for hvidvask

SoTW - Enkelte pakker er beskadiget - Brand ved Sydhavn Station -  eksplosion ved Korsør

SoTW - Barnepige beskylder Kennedy Jr. for befamelse
Ombudsmanden - mørklægning af sms fra Mæættes fyring af toplobbyist

SoTW - Det er jo bare min påstand

SoTW - Anni Brinch har mistet synet på det ene øje

SoTW - Tømmermændsramt Torben Chris

SoTW - Martin Brygmann mister endnu et job
SoTW - (“God’s Light” Shining Down on Trump)

Vanessa Trump: 5 Facts On Donald Jr.’s Gorgeous Blonde Wife Who He’s Reportedly Divorcing


🔭〰️🌀 (The Blob Anomaly) Hurricane Beryl Cat 5 stems from norwegian Bouvet Island? Has already killed 6 people in southeastern Caribbean ~ July 3, 2024 ~ |


Editor's Note: this is news to SoTW. TiktokkersReddit and Telegram users are now claiming that world's most remote Island owned by the norwegian govt in South Atlantic Ocean possess geoengineering technologies that for many years has been able to create many hurricanes and superstorms and much more. Most of you must have heard about the EISCAT (HAARP) Tromsø (Norway)?. This 'guy' from "Weird Shit" claims BI has weather manipulation/modifications technology from monitoring  NASA's could images that shows consistent Yagi–Uda antenna cloud formations or HAARP cloud pattern coming from BI since 2017 (and perhaps before). P.S.: BI reminds about Devon Island - the remote Canadian Island known as MARS on earth!... |  

😱🎭😂 ('Political Theatre' - what happens next in the 'Biden Show'?) Janine's Beyond Ravens Quick Draw Tuesday ~ July 3, 2024 ~ |